The meaning of fascism has been changed to mean anything that opposes "liberalism" lol...

The definition of "pig" in the 1960s was "a police officer"
I changed the definition to include fascist pieces of shit who try to hide what they are by adopting terms that don't actually apply to them.
The Problem With Using Fascist as a Political Insult

I don't agree with what the author says here, but you nor Merriam Webster have not defined the word to any useful degree

The same is true for "terrorism", no one can agree on a definition of that word.

You clearly don't grasp the basics of language

Yeah that explains why I have worked as an editor, writer, and oh yeah, an English comp tutor.
I'm the one who doesn't understand "language" lol.

"Extreme counter-narrative on behalf of social justice is no vice, to rephrase Goldwater, because the ultimate veracity of those facts will always lie behind a veil of interpretations."

You take a few minutes to try to figure out what that means, skippy. You'll be a better person for it.

Why What Some Call Cultural Marxists Are Actually Pomofascists


Did you just imply being an editor of some no name publication that only white trash read means you have a better grasp of English than me?

No one who matters agrees on the definition of fascism

No one who matters agrees on the definition of terrorism

They're indefinable terms that implicate one group or another based on teh subtleties of the definition. Which is probably why no one ever agrees

How you think you magically did this I have no idea. But stop, it's terrible writing.

A 12 year old could tell you that.

Edit - and the liberals you're calling fascists hate teh state...they're the opposites of fascists. They're violent. Being violent alone doesn't make you a fascist, you dumb ****

Honey, I obviously have a better grasp of the language than you do.

Your repeated "white trash" references tell me that you're either a poorly educucated black, or an even more poorly educated, mentally ill, self hating antifa retard.

As you've heard many times in this thread already

The word doesn't have a definition, and if it does no one is using yours you dumb ****.

If we spoke in person you'd undoubtedly be a shrill little **** who doesn't know her place and I'd be the tall charismatic (relative to the disgusting mass of flesh you are) man who shut you the fuck up.

Know your place plebe

The word does have a definition, as you've heard many times in this thread already.
And the leftist fascists are trying to hijack it so nobody will call them fascists..which is what they are.
More random nonsense that has nothing to do with what is going on right here, in this thread.

In other words, you are failing if you are attempting to communicate ideas. All you're doing is communicating your own disorganized thought patterns.

"disorganized thinking" is technical terminology. Try not to employ technical terms that you
do not understand.

Sorry, psychology isn't "technology" you fucking loon.

Please tell me you aren't a *mental health professional". Though I know you must be. "Mental Health" is another term that means the exact opposite of what it should mean, when nuts like you get ahold of it.

I am a health professional in the field of Neuroscience --------as was Dr Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Feud, the pedophile? His grandson was as well......fruit never falls far from the tree.
People like Rosie are the reason I say that the mental health field is a snake pit..and I'm not talking about the poor mentally ill slobs they abuse.

Sigmund Freud was a pedophile? Link? -----as to the pedophile gossip surrounding his
putative descendant-------I have not bothered with it.------some of his descendants are fine
artists. ---- Try learning to read. "FIELD OF NEUROSCIENCE"-------a term that is not
related to the "snake pit" in which you were institutionalized. Historically people who were
colleagues with Sigmund Freud----like CHARCOT-----"BROKE THE CHAINS" of your fellow
snake pit residents
Fascism was nothing more than a term the socialists (benito) made so the international form of socialism wouldnt be perverted by the national version.
The roots of fascism only helps the totalitarians cause.
Basically, the "definition" is meaningless. Us fighting over it only makes the totalitarians smile.

Can you please show your yellow defeated belly somewhere else?
WTF does that even mean?
Are you saying i am wrong? Look at the HISTORY of the word.
I had the same stance on this you have, up until a few weeks ago.
Quit being a whiny little bitch so we can discuss this like adults.
I'm saying you're the whiny bitch. You go around to these threads advising me to give up, that fighting is useless, it gets old. I get if you don't want to fight the fight, but kindly if that's so, just step aside and spare me your constant "don't waste time arguing this point it doesn't matter" nonsense. It does matter, and it serves to get this information out there. Even retards can learn.
What the holy fuck are you talking about? I am trying to help correct your ignorance. I appreciate when people correct me. I say thank you. Why do you hate self improvement?
Nice de-rail btw. Cant even discuss the substance from your own OP :lol:

Showing your belly, and advising me to do the same, isn't "correcting" my "ignorance". It's just pandering.

And I am discussing the substance from my own OP, and have brought in more material to support it. What have you done? Oh yeah, tried to derail it.

If I was Trump and you were a Republican, you'd be a "RINO".
Alright then, you retarded redneck. Enjoy your fallacy.
I changed the definition to include fascist pieces of shit who try to hide what they are by adopting terms that don't actually apply to them.
The Problem With Using Fascist as a Political Insult

I don't agree with what the author says here, but you nor Merriam Webster have not defined the word to any useful degree

The same is true for "terrorism", no one can agree on a definition of that word.

You clearly don't grasp the basics of language

Yeah that explains why I have worked as an editor, writer, and oh yeah, an English comp tutor.
I'm the one who doesn't understand "language" lol.

"Extreme counter-narrative on behalf of social justice is no vice, to rephrase Goldwater, because the ultimate veracity of those facts will always lie behind a veil of interpretations."

You take a few minutes to try to figure out what that means, skippy. You'll be a better person for it.

Why What Some Call Cultural Marxists Are Actually Pomofascists


Did you just imply being an editor of some no name publication that only white trash read means you have a better grasp of English than me?

No one who matters agrees on the definition of fascism

No one who matters agrees on the definition of terrorism

They're indefinable terms that implicate one group or another based on teh subtleties of the definition. Which is probably why no one ever agrees

How you think you magically did this I have no idea. But stop, it's terrible writing.

A 12 year old could tell you that.

Edit - and the liberals you're calling fascists hate teh state...they're the opposites of fascists. They're violent. Being violent alone doesn't make you a fascist, you dumb ****

Honey, I obviously have a better grasp of the language than you do.

Your repeated "white trash" references tell me that you're either a poorly educucated black, or an even more poorly educated, mentally ill, self hating antifa retard.

As you've heard many times in this thread already

The word doesn't have a definition, and if it does no one is using yours you dumb ****.

If we spoke in person you'd undoubtedly be a shrill little **** who doesn't know her place and I'd be the tall charismatic (relative to the disgusting mass of flesh you are) man who shut you the fuck up.

Know your place plebe

The word does have a definition, as you've heard many times in this thread already.
And the leftist fascists are trying to hijack it so nobody will call them fascists..which is what they are.
"leftist fascist" :lol:
Awareness is awesome!
I am a liberal from the Haight Ashbury days of the 60's. What I see described as liberal here is not what a true liberal is. In my way of logical reasoning it is the conservative ideal to have one central governing body and a class of servant people. That is what most conservatives want in my view.

Not even possible.....American conservatives support and defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights which seek to limit and decentralize the power of government and to reign it in with checks and balances......and a separation of powers to prevent too much power accumulating in one place....

What you just described is what the left wing wants....and what they try to implement with each law they pass....

The consitution enshrines capitalism and oligarchy, what the fuck are you smoking where you think this is true?

You're clearly descended from white trash, your ancestors were shit on by the Constitution. Not lifted up by it.

The original and historically "correct" interpretation of that text for the most part leaves almost all of us up shit's creek.

The first amendment wasn't very strong during ww1 much less 1776, neither was the second

Wow...the stupid is strong with you.......

Says the white trash who imagines he's old money and capitalism is good for him. And was for his ancestors (lol)

The consitution is archaic and made for a different time. You woudln't be so fond of it if our judges took a more literal view of what it says. In fact none of our families would have ever had computers probably.

All but a few of us would be serfs connected to land. Working in a for "the" company mine, buying food at the company store, and paying rent to the company.

Or on a giant farm or some other shit.

That's what our lives would be if we went by what the founding fathers wanted

really? even John Adams?
Fascism was nothing more than a term the socialists (benito) made so the international form of socialism wouldnt be perverted by the national version.
The roots of fascism only helps the totalitarians cause.
Basically, the "definition" is meaningless. Us fighting over it only makes the totalitarians smile.

Can you please show your yellow defeated belly somewhere else?
WTF does that even mean?
Are you saying i am wrong? Look at the HISTORY of the word.
I had the same stance on this you have, up until a few weeks ago.
Quit being a whiny little bitch so we can discuss this like adults.
I'm saying you're the whiny bitch. You go around to these threads advising me to give up, that fighting is useless, it gets old. I get if you don't want to fight the fight, but kindly if that's so, just step aside and spare me your constant "don't waste time arguing this point it doesn't matter" nonsense. It does matter, and it serves to get this information out there. Even retards can learn.
What the holy fuck are you talking about? I am trying to help correct your ignorance. I appreciate when people correct me. I say thank you. Why do you hate self improvement?
Nice de-rail btw. Cant even discuss the substance from your own OP :lol:

Showing your belly, and advising me to do the same, isn't "correcting" my "ignorance". It's just pandering.

And I am discussing the substance from my own OP, and have brought in more material to support it. What have you done? Oh yeah, tried to derail it.

If I was Trump and you were a Republican, you'd be a "RINO".

If WERE Trump
Think about it.

Obama and the Dems were all about making government as large as possible by taking as much money as they can from Americans and if you oppose their vision in any way you are labeled a racist and will be personally attacked.

That doesn't seem like the Democracy we should have. That seems like authoritarianism.

Obey or be destroyed.
"disorganized thinking" is technical terminology. Try not to employ technical terms that you
do not understand.

Sorry, psychology isn't "technology" you fucking loon.

Please tell me you aren't a *mental health professional". Though I know you must be. "Mental Health" is another term that means the exact opposite of what it should mean, when nuts like you get ahold of it.

I am a health professional in the field of Neuroscience --------as was Dr Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Feud, the pedophile? His grandson was as well......fruit never falls far from the tree.
People like Rosie are the reason I say that the mental health field is a snake pit..and I'm not talking about the poor mentally ill slobs they abuse.

Sigmund Freud was a pedophile? Link? -----as to the pedophile gossip surrounding his
putative descendant-------I have not bothered with it.------some of his descendants are fine
artists. ---- Try learning to read. "FIELD OF NEUROSCIENCE"-------a term that is not
related to the "snake pit" in which you were institutionalized. Historically people who were
colleagues with Sigmund Freud----like CHARCOT-----"BROKE THE CHAINS" of your fellow
snake pit residents

Of course you will never look at anything that might disturb your world view. I bet you think the Kinsey Study is legit and I will double down on the fact that you don't know the biggest financial donor behind the Kinsey Study. Freud didn't teach that children have sexual feelings for their opposite-sexed parents and feel hostility to their same-sex parent???? Recall the “Oedipus Complex” stating basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape his mother? That sexual urges in children is a normal thing??
Facism, communism...what the f--k ever, the end goal for both is that the state controls every aspect of their serfs lives. YEAH, DAMN straight the leftists are acting as fascists and anyone that can't see this is as blind as Stevie Wonder.
The OP is correct. I would also note that at the same time that this has happened, the actions of liberals has also been more and more like you might expect from someone who is defined to be a real fascist. How convenient.

You see leftism is all about projection, they are the fascists.
The OP is correct. I would also note that at the same time that this has happened, the actions of liberals has also been more and more like you might expect from someone who is defined to be a real fascist. How convenient.

You see leftism is all about projection, they are the fascists.

Please tell TN that I win.
Sorry, psychology isn't "technology" you fucking loon.

Please tell me you aren't a *mental health professional". Though I know you must be. "Mental Health" is another term that means the exact opposite of what it should mean, when nuts like you get ahold of it.

I am a health professional in the field of Neuroscience --------as was Dr Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Feud, the pedophile? His grandson was as well......fruit never falls far from the tree.
People like Rosie are the reason I say that the mental health field is a snake pit..and I'm not talking about the poor mentally ill slobs they abuse.

Sigmund Freud was a pedophile? Link? -----as to the pedophile gossip surrounding his
putative descendant-------I have not bothered with it.------some of his descendants are fine
artists. ---- Try learning to read. "FIELD OF NEUROSCIENCE"-------a term that is not
related to the "snake pit" in which you were institutionalized. Historically people who were
colleagues with Sigmund Freud----like CHARCOT-----"BROKE THE CHAINS" of your fellow
snake pit residents

Of course you will never look at anything that might disturb your world view. I bet you think the Kinsey Study is legit and I will double down on the fact that you don't know the biggest financial donor behind the Kinsey Study. Freud didn't teach that children have sexual feelings for their opposite-sexed parents and feel hostility to their same-sex parent???? Recall the “Oedipus Complex” stating basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape his mother? That sexual urges in children is a normal thing??

the "Oedipus Complex" states "basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape
his mother" ???? You got the beginning of of the THEBAN plays screwed up------but you did
an even MORE screwed up job on Freud's "Oedipus complex". Sexual urges in children do not
exist? -------you not only never met a chlild------but have a really BAD MEMORY-----were you hit HARD
in the head as a kid? ---------what you need is in my field------start with an electroencephalogram and
move on to an MRI of the head------after that a functional MRI. BTW---the Kinsey couple divorced----
if I remember correctly. It was a clinical and field study---------as legit as is any clinical and field study. What do you have AGAINST IT? I did not find it all that interesting and their theories a little strained. Do you also despise Margaret Mead?
I am a health professional in the field of Neuroscience --------as was Dr Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Feud, the pedophile? His grandson was as well......fruit never falls far from the tree.
People like Rosie are the reason I say that the mental health field is a snake pit..and I'm not talking about the poor mentally ill slobs they abuse.

Sigmund Freud was a pedophile? Link? -----as to the pedophile gossip surrounding his
putative descendant-------I have not bothered with it.------some of his descendants are fine
artists. ---- Try learning to read. "FIELD OF NEUROSCIENCE"-------a term that is not
related to the "snake pit" in which you were institutionalized. Historically people who were
colleagues with Sigmund Freud----like CHARCOT-----"BROKE THE CHAINS" of your fellow
snake pit residents

Of course you will never look at anything that might disturb your world view. I bet you think the Kinsey Study is legit and I will double down on the fact that you don't know the biggest financial donor behind the Kinsey Study. Freud didn't teach that children have sexual feelings for their opposite-sexed parents and feel hostility to their same-sex parent???? Recall the “Oedipus Complex” stating basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape his mother? That sexual urges in children is a normal thing??

the "Oedipus Complex" states "basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape
his mother" ???? You got the beginning of of the THEBAN plays screwed up------but you did
an even MORE screwed up job on Freud's "Oedipus complex". Sexual urges in children do not
exist? -------you not only never met a chlild------but have a really BAD MEMORY-----were you hit HARD
in the head as a kid? ---------what you need is in my field------start with an electroencephalogram and
move on to an MRI of the head------after that a functional MRI. BTW---the Kinsey couple divorced----
if I remember correctly. It was a clinical and field study---------as legit as is any clinical and field study. What do you have AGAINST IT? I did not find it all that interesting and their theories a little strained. Do you also despise Margaret Mead?

Whether sexual urges in children exist EVEN when they are exposed to it any time that they watch TV as prepubescent children would be a sick fucking thing to study or even WANT to know about but what it does is provide an avenue for sick fucks like Kinsey and his (snicker) "report" to start the process of normalizing pedophilia. As far as Kinsey goes? You might want to do a little research about the origins of the Kinsey Report. Don't tell me what I need....I know exactly of what I speak.
Sigmund Feud, the pedophile? His grandson was as well......fruit never falls far from the tree.
People like Rosie are the reason I say that the mental health field is a snake pit..and I'm not talking about the poor mentally ill slobs they abuse.

Sigmund Freud was a pedophile? Link? -----as to the pedophile gossip surrounding his
putative descendant-------I have not bothered with it.------some of his descendants are fine
artists. ---- Try learning to read. "FIELD OF NEUROSCIENCE"-------a term that is not
related to the "snake pit" in which you were institutionalized. Historically people who were
colleagues with Sigmund Freud----like CHARCOT-----"BROKE THE CHAINS" of your fellow
snake pit residents

Of course you will never look at anything that might disturb your world view. I bet you think the Kinsey Study is legit and I will double down on the fact that you don't know the biggest financial donor behind the Kinsey Study. Freud didn't teach that children have sexual feelings for their opposite-sexed parents and feel hostility to their same-sex parent???? Recall the “Oedipus Complex” stating basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape his mother? That sexual urges in children is a normal thing??

the "Oedipus Complex" states "basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape
his mother" ???? You got the beginning of of the THEBAN plays screwed up------but you did
an even MORE screwed up job on Freud's "Oedipus complex". Sexual urges in children do not
exist? -------you not only never met a chlild------but have a really BAD MEMORY-----were you hit HARD
in the head as a kid? ---------what you need is in my field------start with an electroencephalogram and
move on to an MRI of the head------after that a functional MRI. BTW---the Kinsey couple divorced----
if I remember correctly. It was a clinical and field study---------as legit as is any clinical and field study. What do you have AGAINST IT? I did not find it all that interesting and their theories a little strained. Do you also despise Margaret Mead?

Whether sexual urges in children exist EVEN when they are exposed to it any time that they watch TV as prepubescent children would be a sick fucking thing to study or even WANT to know about but what it does is provide an avenue for sick fucks like Kinsey and his (snicker) "report" to start the process of normalizing pedophilia. As far as Kinsey goes? You might want to do a little research about the origins of the Kinsey Report. Don't tell me what I need....I know exactly of what I speak.

what are you calling "sexual urges"? It is "sick" to "want to know"? Where does Kinsey "normalize" "pedophilia" ---------The "origins" of the Kinsey report?-----the KINSEYS did it.
Margaret Mead wrote "Coming of age in Samoa" I do not know who or what funded either
the Kinseys or Margaret Mead. Did you ever actually read the writings of Freud or the Kinseys or
Margaret Mead or Malinowski ------or Piaget? or...... Eric Erikson? Did you read
"MOSES AND MONOTHEISM"? who funded it. Can you name Freud's cocaine pusher?
Lefties love to change definitions.

The right wing has historically been identified with nationalism. That is true in America even today. Fascism is a fiercely nationalist ideology, therefore it is associated with the right wing. What is the problem?
People like Rosie are the reason I say that the mental health field is a snake pit..and I'm not talking about the poor mentally ill slobs they abuse.

Sigmund Freud was a pedophile? Link? -----as to the pedophile gossip surrounding his
putative descendant-------I have not bothered with it.------some of his descendants are fine
artists. ---- Try learning to read. "FIELD OF NEUROSCIENCE"-------a term that is not
related to the "snake pit" in which you were institutionalized. Historically people who were
colleagues with Sigmund Freud----like CHARCOT-----"BROKE THE CHAINS" of your fellow
snake pit residents

Of course you will never look at anything that might disturb your world view. I bet you think the Kinsey Study is legit and I will double down on the fact that you don't know the biggest financial donor behind the Kinsey Study. Freud didn't teach that children have sexual feelings for their opposite-sexed parents and feel hostility to their same-sex parent???? Recall the “Oedipus Complex” stating basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape his mother? That sexual urges in children is a normal thing??

the "Oedipus Complex" states "basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape
his mother" ???? You got the beginning of of the THEBAN plays screwed up------but you did
an even MORE screwed up job on Freud's "Oedipus complex". Sexual urges in children do not
exist? -------you not only never met a chlild------but have a really BAD MEMORY-----were you hit HARD
in the head as a kid? ---------what you need is in my field------start with an electroencephalogram and
move on to an MRI of the head------after that a functional MRI. BTW---the Kinsey couple divorced----
if I remember correctly. It was a clinical and field study---------as legit as is any clinical and field study. What do you have AGAINST IT? I did not find it all that interesting and their theories a little strained. Do you also despise Margaret Mead?

Whether sexual urges in children exist EVEN when they are exposed to it any time that they watch TV as prepubescent children would be a sick fucking thing to study or even WANT to know about but what it does is provide an avenue for sick fucks like Kinsey and his (snicker) "report" to start the process of normalizing pedophilia. As far as Kinsey goes? You might want to do a little research about the origins of the Kinsey Report. Don't tell me what I need....I know exactly of what I speak.

what are you calling "sexual urges"? It is "sick" to "want to know"? Where does Kinsey "normalize" "pedophilia" ---------The "origins" of the Kinsey report?-----the KINSEYS did it.
Margaret Mead wrote "Coming of age in Samoa" I do not know who or what funded either
the Kinseys or Margaret Mead. Did you ever actually read the writings of Freud or the Kinseys or
Margaret Mead or Malinowski ------or Piaget? or...... Eric Erikson? Did you read
"MOSES AND MONOTHEISM"? who funded it. Can you name Freud's cocaine pusher?

The Quest For Truth: Come now and let us reason together
By Michael Dedivonai. I suggest that you read it. It will be an eye opener for you.
Sigmund Freud was a pedophile? Link? -----as to the pedophile gossip surrounding his
putative descendant-------I have not bothered with it.------some of his descendants are fine
artists. ---- Try learning to read. "FIELD OF NEUROSCIENCE"-------a term that is not
related to the "snake pit" in which you were institutionalized. Historically people who were
colleagues with Sigmund Freud----like CHARCOT-----"BROKE THE CHAINS" of your fellow
snake pit residents

Of course you will never look at anything that might disturb your world view. I bet you think the Kinsey Study is legit and I will double down on the fact that you don't know the biggest financial donor behind the Kinsey Study. Freud didn't teach that children have sexual feelings for their opposite-sexed parents and feel hostility to their same-sex parent???? Recall the “Oedipus Complex” stating basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape his mother? That sexual urges in children is a normal thing??

the "Oedipus Complex" states "basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape
his mother" ???? You got the beginning of of the THEBAN plays screwed up------but you did
an even MORE screwed up job on Freud's "Oedipus complex". Sexual urges in children do not
exist? -------you not only never met a chlild------but have a really BAD MEMORY-----were you hit HARD
in the head as a kid? ---------what you need is in my field------start with an electroencephalogram and
move on to an MRI of the head------after that a functional MRI. BTW---the Kinsey couple divorced----
if I remember correctly. It was a clinical and field study---------as legit as is any clinical and field study. What do you have AGAINST IT? I did not find it all that interesting and their theories a little strained. Do you also despise Margaret Mead?

Whether sexual urges in children exist EVEN when they are exposed to it any time that they watch TV as prepubescent children would be a sick fucking thing to study or even WANT to know about but what it does is provide an avenue for sick fucks like Kinsey and his (snicker) "report" to start the process of normalizing pedophilia. As far as Kinsey goes? You might want to do a little research about the origins of the Kinsey Report. Don't tell me what I need....I know exactly of what I speak.

what are you calling "sexual urges"? It is "sick" to "want to know"? Where does Kinsey "normalize" "pedophilia" ---------The "origins" of the Kinsey report?-----the KINSEYS did it.
Margaret Mead wrote "Coming of age in Samoa" I do not know who or what funded either
the Kinseys or Margaret Mead. Did you ever actually read the writings of Freud or the Kinseys or
Margaret Mead or Malinowski ------or Piaget? or...... Eric Erikson? Did you read
"MOSES AND MONOTHEISM"? who funded it. Can you name Freud's cocaine pusher?

The Quest For Truth: Come now and let us reason together
By Michael Dedivonai. I suggest that you read it. It will be an eye opener for you.

no thanks-------I have already read, extensively, the writings of mental masturbators.
---I am a scientist-------- and no longer a teenager. I will certainly not BUY the volume and
FUND yet another mental masturbator
I thought fascism was whatever Obama did.

Except when it was communism.

Unless, of course, it was both at the same time.

That's what the alt right media kept telling me, anyways.
I thought fascism was whatever Obama did.

Except when it was communism.

Unless, of course, it was both at the same time.

That's what the alt right media kept telling me, anyways.

I suggest avoiding the terms FASCISM, COMMUNISM, RIGHT (in reference to ideology)
and LEFT (in reference to ideology) Let's be DESCRIPTIVE
Of course you will never look at anything that might disturb your world view. I bet you think the Kinsey Study is legit and I will double down on the fact that you don't know the biggest financial donor behind the Kinsey Study. Freud didn't teach that children have sexual feelings for their opposite-sexed parents and feel hostility to their same-sex parent???? Recall the “Oedipus Complex” stating basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape his mother? That sexual urges in children is a normal thing??

the "Oedipus Complex" states "basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape
his mother" ???? You got the beginning of of the THEBAN plays screwed up------but you did
an even MORE screwed up job on Freud's "Oedipus complex". Sexual urges in children do not
exist? -------you not only never met a chlild------but have a really BAD MEMORY-----were you hit HARD
in the head as a kid? ---------what you need is in my field------start with an electroencephalogram and
move on to an MRI of the head------after that a functional MRI. BTW---the Kinsey couple divorced----
if I remember correctly. It was a clinical and field study---------as legit as is any clinical and field study. What do you have AGAINST IT? I did not find it all that interesting and their theories a little strained. Do you also despise Margaret Mead?

Whether sexual urges in children exist EVEN when they are exposed to it any time that they watch TV as prepubescent children would be a sick fucking thing to study or even WANT to know about but what it does is provide an avenue for sick fucks like Kinsey and his (snicker) "report" to start the process of normalizing pedophilia. As far as Kinsey goes? You might want to do a little research about the origins of the Kinsey Report. Don't tell me what I need....I know exactly of what I speak.

what are you calling "sexual urges"? It is "sick" to "want to know"? Where does Kinsey "normalize" "pedophilia" ---------The "origins" of the Kinsey report?-----the KINSEYS did it.
Margaret Mead wrote "Coming of age in Samoa" I do not know who or what funded either
the Kinseys or Margaret Mead. Did you ever actually read the writings of Freud or the Kinseys or
Margaret Mead or Malinowski ------or Piaget? or...... Eric Erikson? Did you read
"MOSES AND MONOTHEISM"? who funded it. Can you name Freud's cocaine pusher?

The Quest For Truth: Come now and let us reason together
By Michael Dedivonai. I suggest that you read it. It will be an eye opener for you.

no thanks-------I have already read, extensively, the writings of mental masturbators.
---I am a scientist-------- and no longer a teenager. I will certainly not BUY the volume and
FUND yet another mental masturbator

But yet you come across as an uninformed moron that has been indoctrinated. There is PLENTY of evidence out there proving Kinsey's Study was flawed, used and paid pedophiles to participate. Used sexual predators in prison as a part of the study as though they were part of the population of non-sex offenders. You really don't have a clue.....ZERO.

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