The meaning of fascism has been changed to mean anything that opposes "liberalism" lol...

the "Oedipus Complex" states "basically that a boy subconsciously wants to kill his father and rape
his mother" ???? You got the beginning of of the THEBAN plays screwed up------but you did
an even MORE screwed up job on Freud's "Oedipus complex". Sexual urges in children do not
exist? -------you not only never met a chlild------but have a really BAD MEMORY-----were you hit HARD
in the head as a kid? ---------what you need is in my field------start with an electroencephalogram and
move on to an MRI of the head------after that a functional MRI. BTW---the Kinsey couple divorced----
if I remember correctly. It was a clinical and field study---------as legit as is any clinical and field study. What do you have AGAINST IT? I did not find it all that interesting and their theories a little strained. Do you also despise Margaret Mead?

Whether sexual urges in children exist EVEN when they are exposed to it any time that they watch TV as prepubescent children would be a sick fucking thing to study or even WANT to know about but what it does is provide an avenue for sick fucks like Kinsey and his (snicker) "report" to start the process of normalizing pedophilia. As far as Kinsey goes? You might want to do a little research about the origins of the Kinsey Report. Don't tell me what I need....I know exactly of what I speak.

what are you calling "sexual urges"? It is "sick" to "want to know"? Where does Kinsey "normalize" "pedophilia" ---------The "origins" of the Kinsey report?-----the KINSEYS did it.
Margaret Mead wrote "Coming of age in Samoa" I do not know who or what funded either
the Kinseys or Margaret Mead. Did you ever actually read the writings of Freud or the Kinseys or
Margaret Mead or Malinowski ------or Piaget? or...... Eric Erikson? Did you read
"MOSES AND MONOTHEISM"? who funded it. Can you name Freud's cocaine pusher?

The Quest For Truth: Come now and let us reason together
By Michael Dedivonai. I suggest that you read it. It will be an eye opener for you.

no thanks-------I have already read, extensively, the writings of mental masturbators.
---I am a scientist-------- and no longer a teenager. I will certainly not BUY the volume and
FUND yet another mental masturbator

But yet you come across as an uninformed moron that has been indoctrinated. There is PLENTY of evidence out there proving Kinsey's Study was flawed, used and paid pedophiles to participate. Used sexual predators in prison as a part of the study as though they were part of the population of non-sex offenders. You really don't have a clue.....ZERO.

you got a link? Lots of clinical studies include PAYING participants----in fact ---MOST DO. What is wrong with studying pedophiles? -------you got a link to a MISREPRESENTATION of a jailed sex offender as being------an accountant around the corner?-------in what ways were the FINDINGS
discredited?-------and what FINDINGS so impress you?. I was not impressed by the interpretations
presented by the KINSEY couple-----so sorry that you were so INVOLVED in their stuff. Did you use
LSD in the 60s too?

to make things easy-----give me a link that demonstrates YOUR allegation that the Kinseys
described a PERSON AS A NORMAL GUY ABOUT TOWN who just happened to be in jail
for a sex crime
Whether sexual urges in children exist EVEN when they are exposed to it any time that they watch TV as prepubescent children would be a sick fucking thing to study or even WANT to know about but what it does is provide an avenue for sick fucks like Kinsey and his (snicker) "report" to start the process of normalizing pedophilia. As far as Kinsey goes? You might want to do a little research about the origins of the Kinsey Report. Don't tell me what I need....I know exactly of what I speak.

what are you calling "sexual urges"? It is "sick" to "want to know"? Where does Kinsey "normalize" "pedophilia" ---------The "origins" of the Kinsey report?-----the KINSEYS did it.
Margaret Mead wrote "Coming of age in Samoa" I do not know who or what funded either
the Kinseys or Margaret Mead. Did you ever actually read the writings of Freud or the Kinseys or
Margaret Mead or Malinowski ------or Piaget? or...... Eric Erikson? Did you read
"MOSES AND MONOTHEISM"? who funded it. Can you name Freud's cocaine pusher?

The Quest For Truth: Come now and let us reason together
By Michael Dedivonai. I suggest that you read it. It will be an eye opener for you.

no thanks-------I have already read, extensively, the writings of mental masturbators.
---I am a scientist-------- and no longer a teenager. I will certainly not BUY the volume and
FUND yet another mental masturbator

But yet you come across as an uninformed moron that has been indoctrinated. There is PLENTY of evidence out there proving Kinsey's Study was flawed, used and paid pedophiles to participate. Used sexual predators in prison as a part of the study as though they were part of the population of non-sex offenders. You really don't have a clue.....ZERO.

you got a link? Lots of clinical studies include PAYING participants----in fact ---MOST DO. What is wrong with studying pedophiles? -------you got a link to a MISREPRESENTATION of a jailed sex offender as being------an accountant around the corner?-------in what ways were the FINDINGS
discredited?-------and what FINDINGS so impress you?. I was not impressed by the interpretations
presented by the KINSEY couple-----so sorry that you were so INVOLVED in their stuff. Did you use
LSD in the 60s too?

to make things easy-----give me a link that demonstrates YOUR allegation that the Kinseys
described a PERSON AS A NORMAL GUY ABOUT TOWN who just happened to be in jail
for a sex crime

You wouldn't read anything that puts a dent in what you have been indoctrinated to believe so why would it matter? Not even victims that came forward would you believe.
The only official definition of Fascism comes from Benito Mussolini, the founder of fascism, in which he outlines three principles of a fascist philosophy.
1."Everything in the state". The Government is supreme and the country is all-encompasing, and all within it must conform to the ruling body, often a dictator.
2."Nothing outside the state". The country must grow and the implied goal of any fascist nation is to rule the world, and have every human submit to the government.
3."Nothing against the state". Any type of questioning the government is not to be tolerated. If you do not see things our way, you are wrong. If you do not agree with the government, you cannot be allowed to live and taint the minds of the rest of the good citizens.
The use of militarism was implied only as a means to accomplish one of the three above principles, mainly to keep the people and rest of the world in line. Fascist countries are known for their harmony and lack of internal strife. There are no conflicting parties or elections in fascist countries.

Sounds like Obama.

Well this at least makes more sense than just imagining Merriam Webster has the divine power to define words.

edit - and that sounds like every president

I'm am sure you are not cognizant of the many levels of fail your post encapsulates.

But while it's funny from every angle, your assertion that the dictionary doesn't define words is perhaps the most laughable.

While at the same time, it's very sad. It's obvious you consider yourself a superior specimen of high intellect, and that is fucking frightening.
Whether sexual urges in children exist EVEN when they are exposed to it any time that they watch TV as prepubescent children would be a sick fucking thing to study or even WANT to know about but what it does is provide an avenue for sick fucks like Kinsey and his (snicker) "report" to start the process of normalizing pedophilia. As far as Kinsey goes? You might want to do a little research about the origins of the Kinsey Report. Don't tell me what I need....I know exactly of what I speak.

what are you calling "sexual urges"? It is "sick" to "want to know"? Where does Kinsey "normalize" "pedophilia" ---------The "origins" of the Kinsey report?-----the KINSEYS did it.
Margaret Mead wrote "Coming of age in Samoa" I do not know who or what funded either
the Kinseys or Margaret Mead. Did you ever actually read the writings of Freud or the Kinseys or
Margaret Mead or Malinowski ------or Piaget? or...... Eric Erikson? Did you read
"MOSES AND MONOTHEISM"? who funded it. Can you name Freud's cocaine pusher?

The Quest For Truth: Come now and let us reason together
By Michael Dedivonai. I suggest that you read it. It will be an eye opener for you.

no thanks-------I have already read, extensively, the writings of mental masturbators.
---I am a scientist-------- and no longer a teenager. I will certainly not BUY the volume and
FUND yet another mental masturbator

But yet you come across as an uninformed moron that has been indoctrinated. There is PLENTY of evidence out there proving Kinsey's Study was flawed, used and paid pedophiles to participate. Used sexual predators in prison as a part of the study as though they were part of the population of non-sex offenders. You really don't have a clue.....ZERO.

you got a link? Lots of clinical studies include PAYING participants----in fact ---MOST DO. What is wrong with studying pedophiles? -------you got a link to a MISREPRESENTATION of a jailed sex offender as being------an accountant around the corner?-------in what ways were the FINDINGS
discredited?-------and what FINDINGS so impress you?. I was not impressed by the interpretations
presented by the KINSEY couple-----so sorry that you were so INVOLVED in their stuff. Did you use
LSD in the 60s too?

to make things easy-----give me a link that demonstrates YOUR allegation that the Kinseys
described a PERSON AS A NORMAL GUY ABOUT TOWN who just happened to be in jail
for a sex crime

He was exposed, and shamed, for doing exactly that.

He died insane, shamed, and shunned. But that didn't stop progressives from embracing his crazy-ass shit and using it to create the CDC, the Kinsey Institute, and PP..which together drive "sex education" in the child sex markets known as "public school" in the US.
Fifty years after Alfred Kinsey, what more do we know?
Whether sexual urges in children exist EVEN when they are exposed to it any time that they watch TV as prepubescent children would be a sick fucking thing to study or even WANT to know about but what it does is provide an avenue for sick fucks like Kinsey and his (snicker) "report" to start the process of normalizing pedophilia. As far as Kinsey goes? You might want to do a little research about the origins of the Kinsey Report. Don't tell me what I need....I know exactly of what I speak.

what are you calling "sexual urges"? It is "sick" to "want to know"? Where does Kinsey "normalize" "pedophilia" ---------The "origins" of the Kinsey report?-----the KINSEYS did it.
Margaret Mead wrote "Coming of age in Samoa" I do not know who or what funded either
the Kinseys or Margaret Mead. Did you ever actually read the writings of Freud or the Kinseys or
Margaret Mead or Malinowski ------or Piaget? or...... Eric Erikson? Did you read
"MOSES AND MONOTHEISM"? who funded it. Can you name Freud's cocaine pusher?

The Quest For Truth: Come now and let us reason together
By Michael Dedivonai. I suggest that you read it. It will be an eye opener for you.

no thanks-------I have already read, extensively, the writings of mental masturbators.
---I am a scientist-------- and no longer a teenager. I will certainly not BUY the volume and
FUND yet another mental masturbator

But yet you come across as an uninformed moron that has been indoctrinated. There is PLENTY of evidence out there proving Kinsey's Study was flawed, used and paid pedophiles to participate. Used sexual predators in prison as a part of the study as though they were part of the population of non-sex offenders. You really don't have a clue.....ZERO.

you got a link? Lots of clinical studies include PAYING participants----in fact ---MOST DO. What is wrong with studying pedophiles? -------you got a link to a MISREPRESENTATION of a jailed sex offender as being------an accountant around the corner?-------in what ways were the FINDINGS
discredited?-------and what FINDINGS so impress you?. I was not impressed by the interpretations
presented by the KINSEY couple-----so sorry that you were so INVOLVED in their stuff. Did you use
LSD in the 60s too?

to make things easy-----give me a link that demonstrates YOUR allegation that the Kinseys
described a PERSON AS A NORMAL GUY ABOUT TOWN who just happened to be in jail
for a sex crime

Fifty years after Alfred Kinsey, what more do we know?

Alfred Kinsey: A Brief Summary and Critique - Canon and Culture

"Kinsey concluded that the boys, despite violent reactions and crying, enjoyed being manually and orally stimulated by pedophiles. To Kinsey, what most people thought was rape was merely “sex play” with children, which was essentially harmless, particularly if the child gave “consent.”

He also included this chilling observation: “Orgasm is in our records for a female babe of 4 months.”11 The Kinsey Institute, situated on Indiana University’s campus, continues to refuse to open the records of the Kinsey child sex data to public scrutiny.

Kinsey’s fraudulent research painted a sanitized picture of sexual abuse. Of 4,441 females interviewed, 1,075 reported being “sexually approached” as a girl by an adult male. But Kinsey dismissed emotional and even physical harm. A comment: “[We] have only one clear-cut case of serious injury done to the child, and a very few instances of vaginal bleeding which, however, did not appear to do any appreciable damage.”

Letting off child molesters
With his benign view of child sexual abuse, Kinsey became an activist on behalf of child molesters. In 1949, for example, he testified before the California General Assembly’s Subcommittee on Sex Crimes, urging them to liberalize sex offense statutes. He argued specifically for granting immediate paroles to suspected child molesters, and warned that societal “hysteria” does more harm to children than the actual molestations."

They guy was a fucking monster, he paid a Nazi war criminal for his "observations" of child sex abuse based on his "experiments" and he interviewed sex offenders and prisoners IN PRISON and presented those as a *control* group of *normal*. That's how we were saddled with the "Ten percent of males are homosexual!" balderdash, as well as the "Children are sexual from birth!" garbage.
Can you please show your yellow defeated belly somewhere else?
WTF does that even mean?
Are you saying i am wrong? Look at the HISTORY of the word.
I had the same stance on this you have, up until a few weeks ago.
Quit being a whiny little bitch so we can discuss this like adults.
I'm saying you're the whiny bitch. You go around to these threads advising me to give up, that fighting is useless, it gets old. I get if you don't want to fight the fight, but kindly if that's so, just step aside and spare me your constant "don't waste time arguing this point it doesn't matter" nonsense. It does matter, and it serves to get this information out there. Even retards can learn.
What the holy fuck are you talking about? I am trying to help correct your ignorance. I appreciate when people correct me. I say thank you. Why do you hate self improvement?
Nice de-rail btw. Cant even discuss the substance from your own OP :lol:

Showing your belly, and advising me to do the same, isn't "correcting" my "ignorance". It's just pandering.

And I am discussing the substance from my own OP, and have brought in more material to support it. What have you done? Oh yeah, tried to derail it.

If I was Trump and you were a Republican, you'd be a "RINO".

If WERE Trump

No, you crazy moron.

"These words are used differently in sentences, so it's important to know when to usewere vs. was. Was is used in the first and third person singular past. It is used for statements of fact. Were is used in the second person singular and plural and first and third person plural."

If I WAS Trump.
WTF does that even mean?
Are you saying i am wrong? Look at the HISTORY of the word.
I had the same stance on this you have, up until a few weeks ago.
Quit being a whiny little bitch so we can discuss this like adults.
I'm saying you're the whiny bitch. You go around to these threads advising me to give up, that fighting is useless, it gets old. I get if you don't want to fight the fight, but kindly if that's so, just step aside and spare me your constant "don't waste time arguing this point it doesn't matter" nonsense. It does matter, and it serves to get this information out there. Even retards can learn.
What the holy fuck are you talking about? I am trying to help correct your ignorance. I appreciate when people correct me. I say thank you. Why do you hate self improvement?
Nice de-rail btw. Cant even discuss the substance from your own OP :lol:

Showing your belly, and advising me to do the same, isn't "correcting" my "ignorance". It's just pandering.

And I am discussing the substance from my own OP, and have brought in more material to support it. What have you done? Oh yeah, tried to derail it.

If I was Trump and you were a Republican, you'd be a "RINO".

If WERE Trump

No, you crazy moron.

"These words are used differently in sentences, so it's important to know when to usewere vs. was. Was is used in the first and third person singular past. It is used for statements of fact. Were is used in the second person singular and plural and first and third person plural."

If I WAS Trump.

sorry K-girl------check out THE SUBJUNCTIVE tense-------you sweet charming little thing

"Kinsey concluded that the boys, despite violent reactions and crying, enjoyed being manually and orally stimulated by pedophiles. To Kinsey, what most people thought was rape was merely “sex play” with children, which was essentially harmless, particularly if the child gave “consent.”

He also included this chilling observation: “Orgasm is in our records for a female babe of 4 months.”11 The Kinsey Institute, situated on Indiana University’s campus, continues to refuse to open the records of the Kinsey child sex data to public scrutiny.

Kinsey’s fraudulent research painted a sanitized picture of sexual abuse. Of 4,441 females interviewed, 1,075 reported being “sexually approached” as a girl by an adult male. But Kinsey dismissed emotional and even physical harm. A comment: “[We] have only one clear-cut case of serious injury done to the child, and a very few instances of vaginal bleeding which, however, did not appear to do any appreciable damage.”

Letting off child molesters
With his benign view of child sexual abuse, Kinsey became an activist on behalf of child molesters. In 1949, for example, he testified before the California General Assembly’s Subcommittee on Sex Crimes, urging them to liberalize sex offense statutes. He argued specifically for granting immediate paroles to suspected child molesters, and warned that societal “hysteria” does more harm to children than the actual molestations."

They guy was a fucking monster, he paid a Nazi war criminal for his "observations" of child sex abuse based on his "experiments" and he interviewed sex offenders and prisoners IN PRISON and presented those as a *control* group of *normal*. That's how we were saddled with the "Ten percent of males are homosexual!" balderdash, as well as the "Children are sexual from birth!" garbage.
Game, set.....AND match....
I'm saying you're the whiny bitch. You go around to these threads advising me to give up, that fighting is useless, it gets old. I get if you don't want to fight the fight, but kindly if that's so, just step aside and spare me your constant "don't waste time arguing this point it doesn't matter" nonsense. It does matter, and it serves to get this information out there. Even retards can learn.
What the holy fuck are you talking about? I am trying to help correct your ignorance. I appreciate when people correct me. I say thank you. Why do you hate self improvement?
Nice de-rail btw. Cant even discuss the substance from your own OP :lol:

Showing your belly, and advising me to do the same, isn't "correcting" my "ignorance". It's just pandering.

And I am discussing the substance from my own OP, and have brought in more material to support it. What have you done? Oh yeah, tried to derail it.

If I was Trump and you were a Republican, you'd be a "RINO".

If WERE Trump

No, you crazy moron.

"These words are used differently in sentences, so it's important to know when to usewere vs. was. Was is used in the first and third person singular past. It is used for statements of fact. Were is used in the second person singular and plural and first and third person plural."

If I WAS Trump.

sorry K-girl------check out THE SUBJUNCTIVE tense-------you sweet charming little thing

I was testing you. And look, you got so pissed off you actually looked something up, and wrote what almost passes for a complete sentence! Woo hoo!!!
Last edited:

"Kinsey concluded that the boys, despite violent reactions and crying, enjoyed being manually and orally stimulated by pedophiles. To Kinsey, what most people thought was rape was merely “sex play” with children, which was essentially harmless, particularly if the child gave “consent.”

He also included this chilling observation: “Orgasm is in our records for a female babe of 4 months.”11 The Kinsey Institute, situated on Indiana University’s campus, continues to refuse to open the records of the Kinsey child sex data to public scrutiny.

Kinsey’s fraudulent research painted a sanitized picture of sexual abuse. Of 4,441 females interviewed, 1,075 reported being “sexually approached” as a girl by an adult male. But Kinsey dismissed emotional and even physical harm. A comment: “[We] have only one clear-cut case of serious injury done to the child, and a very few instances of vaginal bleeding which, however, did not appear to do any appreciable damage.”

Letting off child molesters
With his benign view of child sexual abuse, Kinsey became an activist on behalf of child molesters. In 1949, for example, he testified before the California General Assembly’s Subcommittee on Sex Crimes, urging them to liberalize sex offense statutes. He argued specifically for granting immediate paroles to suspected child molesters, and warned that societal “hysteria” does more harm to children than the actual molestations."

They guy was a fucking monster, he paid a Nazi war criminal for his "observations" of child sex abuse based on his "experiments" and he interviewed sex offenders and prisoners IN PRISON and presented those as a *control* group of *normal*. That's how we were saddled with the "Ten percent of males are homosexual!" balderdash, as well as the "Children are sexual from birth!" garbage.
Game, set.....AND match....
Facts mean nothing to kinsites.
Fascism does describe Trump and his supporters. They are clearly authoritarians. You never hear Trump use the word freedom. He likes thugs like Putin. Trump supporters always talk about throwing anyone who opposes or has opposed Trump in jail. Trump thinks the AG's fealty is to him rather than the rule of law. Trump himself wants to investigate everyone for any perceived slight.
Fascism does describe Trump and his supporters. They are clearly authoritarians. You never hear Trump use the word freedom. He likes thugs like Putin. Trump supporters always talk about throwing anyone who opposes or has opposed Trump in jail. Trump thinks the AG's fealty is to him rather than the rule of law. Trump himself wants to investigate everyone for any perceived slight.

No, they aren't authoritarians. You just think that because your side lost. You don't have a *right* to win the election, loser.
Just as you don't have a *right* to free health care, or a *right* to free housing or a *right* to free food.

It isn't "authoritarianism" to expect people to support themselves. Nor is it "authoritarianism" to remove restrictions that prevent people from being successful. It isn't "authoritarianism" to protect our borders, and it isn't "authoritarianism" to taunt the press.

I think you must just not understand what the word means.

"Kinsey concluded that the boys, despite violent reactions and crying, enjoyed being manually and orally stimulated by pedophiles. To Kinsey, what most people thought was rape was merely “sex play” with children, which was essentially harmless, particularly if the child gave “consent.”

He also included this chilling observation: “Orgasm is in our records for a female babe of 4 months.”11 The Kinsey Institute, situated on Indiana University’s campus, continues to refuse to open the records of the Kinsey child sex data to public scrutiny.

Kinsey’s fraudulent research painted a sanitized picture of sexual abuse. Of 4,441 females interviewed, 1,075 reported being “sexually approached” as a girl by an adult male. But Kinsey dismissed emotional and even physical harm. A comment: “[We] have only one clear-cut case of serious injury done to the child, and a very few instances of vaginal bleeding which, however, did not appear to do any appreciable damage.”

Letting off child molesters
With his benign view of child sexual abuse, Kinsey became an activist on behalf of child molesters. In 1949, for example, he testified before the California General Assembly’s Subcommittee on Sex Crimes, urging them to liberalize sex offense statutes. He argued specifically for granting immediate paroles to suspected child molesters, and warned that societal “hysteria” does more harm to children than the actual molestations."

They guy was a fucking monster, he paid a Nazi war criminal for his "observations" of child sex abuse based on his "experiments" and he interviewed sex offenders and prisoners IN PRISON and presented those as a *control* group of *normal*. That's how we were saddled with the "Ten percent of males are homosexual!" balderdash, as well as the "Children are sexual from birth!" garbage.
Game, set.....AND match....
Facts mean nothing to kinsites.

I LOVE coming across people that actually have a clue about things like this and you demonstrated just that.....good on ya.

"Kinsey concluded that the boys, despite violent reactions and crying, enjoyed being manually and orally stimulated by pedophiles. To Kinsey, what most people thought was rape was merely “sex play” with children, which was essentially harmless, particularly if the child gave “consent.”

He also included this chilling observation: “Orgasm is in our records for a female babe of 4 months.”11 The Kinsey Institute, situated on Indiana University’s campus, continues to refuse to open the records of the Kinsey child sex data to public scrutiny.

Kinsey’s fraudulent research painted a sanitized picture of sexual abuse. Of 4,441 females interviewed, 1,075 reported being “sexually approached” as a girl by an adult male. But Kinsey dismissed emotional and even physical harm. A comment: “[We] have only one clear-cut case of serious injury done to the child, and a very few instances of vaginal bleeding which, however, did not appear to do any appreciable damage.”

Letting off child molesters
With his benign view of child sexual abuse, Kinsey became an activist on behalf of child molesters. In 1949, for example, he testified before the California General Assembly’s Subcommittee on Sex Crimes, urging them to liberalize sex offense statutes. He argued specifically for granting immediate paroles to suspected child molesters, and warned that societal “hysteria” does more harm to children than the actual molestations."

They guy was a fucking monster, he paid a Nazi war criminal for his "observations" of child sex abuse based on his "experiments" and he interviewed sex offenders and prisoners IN PRISON and presented those as a *control* group of *normal*. That's how we were saddled with the "Ten percent of males are homosexual!" balderdash, as well as the "Children are sexual from birth!" garbage.
Game, set.....AND match....
Facts mean nothing to kinsites.

I LOVE coming across people that actually have a clue about things like this and you demonstrated just that.....good on ya.
I've spent a lot of time explaining the connections between kinsey, our schools and our pro-pedophile laws to pro-pedophile death cultist progressives.
Fascism does describe Trump and his supporters. They are clearly authoritarians. You never hear Trump use the word freedom. He likes thugs like Putin. Trump supporters always talk about throwing anyone who opposes or has opposed Trump in jail. Trump thinks the AG's fealty is to him rather than the rule of law. Trump himself wants to investigate everyone for any perceived slight.

You don't have the slightest clue and I am the furthest thing from an authoritarian or totalitarian that there is. I believe in every single principle of the Organic Constitution and the Bill of God given rights....not privileges bestowed upon the serfs by a benevolent "gubermint" that can withdraw those "privileges" at their whims. Those like you can't get enough "gubermint".
Fascism does describe Trump and his supporters. They are clearly authoritarians. You never hear Trump use the word freedom. He likes thugs like Putin. Trump supporters always talk about throwing anyone who opposes or has opposed Trump in jail. Trump thinks the AG's fealty is to him rather than the rule of law. Trump himself wants to investigate everyone for any perceived slight.

You don't have the slightest clue and I am the furthest thing from an authoritarian or totalitarian that there is. I believe in every single principle of the Organic Constitution and the Bill of God given rights....not privileges bestowed upon the serfs by a benevolent "gubermint" that can withdraw those "privileges" at their whims. Those like you can't get enough "gubermint".
They maintain that those who believe in INDIVIDUAL rights are "authoritarian"...whereas people who maintain we must all bow to the state and any official that wields power, are "anti-fascist".

Of course they are exactly ass backwards. They are the useful idiots. They've been programmed to lie, and to believe the lie.
Fascism does describe Trump and his supporters. They are clearly authoritarians. You never hear Trump use the word freedom. He likes thugs like Putin. Trump supporters always talk about throwing anyone who opposes or has opposed Trump in jail. Trump thinks the AG's fealty is to him rather than the rule of law. Trump himself wants to investigate everyone for any perceived slight.

You don't have the slightest clue and I am the furthest thing from an authoritarian or totalitarian that there is. I believe in every single principle of the Organic Constitution and the Bill of God given rights....not privileges bestowed upon the serfs by a benevolent "gubermint" that can withdraw those "privileges" at their whims. Those like you can't get enough "gubermint".
They maintain that those who believe in INDIVIDUAL rights are "authoritarian"...whereas people who maintain we must all bow to the state and any official that wields power, are "anti-fascist".

Of course they are exactly ass backwards. They are the useful idiots. They've been programmed to lie, and to believe the lie.

100 percent truth.....stopping runaway illegal immigration that costs us BILLIONS of dollars a year is "Fascist"....trying to prevent America from looking like Europe with unvetted muslims is "FASCIST"........I can't take these leftist morons seriously at all....they are a joke.
What the holy fuck are you talking about? I am trying to help correct your ignorance. I appreciate when people correct me. I say thank you. Why do you hate self improvement?
Nice de-rail btw. Cant even discuss the substance from your own OP :lol:

Showing your belly, and advising me to do the same, isn't "correcting" my "ignorance". It's just pandering.

And I am discussing the substance from my own OP, and have brought in more material to support it. What have you done? Oh yeah, tried to derail it.

If I was Trump and you were a Republican, you'd be a "RINO".

If WERE Trump

No, you crazy moron.

"These words are used differently in sentences, so it's important to know when to usewere vs. was. Was is used in the first and third person singular past. It is used for statements of fact. Were is used in the second person singular and plural and first and third person plural."

If I WAS Trump.

sorry K-girl------check out THE SUBJUNCTIVE tense-------you sweet charming little thing

I was testing you. And look, you got so pissed off you actually looked something up, and wrote what almost passes for a complete sentence! Woo hoo!!!

you were "testing" me? "Looked something up..." is ok in casual conversation, but it gets
a red pencil mark thru it if it shows up in a writing, darling.

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