The Media completely made up the latest Disney narrative against DeSantis: It doesn't exist.

But they are for kindergarten teachers teaching sexuality. That's why they opposed the Florida law, because they want kindergarten teachers to teach sexuality to their children.

LOL. Yes, anyone who fights against the sexual exploitation of young children is labeled a magaturd by you people.
You're doing nothing of the sort. You're sitting on your fat magaturd ass spewing hate. Sexual exploitation of young children isn't happening in any meaningful way from the LGBTQ community. I think you're opinion about it is completely full of shit.
I've seen not only nearly every mainstream media source say or repeat this misinformation, but even GOP have bought it and are repeating it. It shows how powerful the aligned media with a joint narrative is. But, let's review:

1. Disney, which resides in Florida, bashes Florida and spreads misinformation about bills they are passing.
2. DeSantis leads charge to rescind Florida's special privileges they've enjoyed for decades (thus making the spoiled brats take on the same responsibilities as everyone else)

Present day:

3. Florida cancels a major project due to returning president Bob Iger who is on record saying it's a bad idea, and talks/plans for cancelling it are in the works months previous.
4. The media creates the narrative that Disney suddenly (and bravely) canceled the project to show their opposition to Ron DeSantis, and MSM pundits and Democrats suddenly try to lecture Florida on failing the people due to causing a loss of jobs.

Again, the problem here is, this was an internal act by Disney, already in the works, and had nothing to do with DeSantis or Florida. Disney hasn't been as profitable the past 5+ years due to their massive woke virtue signaling and pro-trans messaging to children. Their movies aren't doing well (which causes them to blame their audience for being bigoted), and Disney+ subscribers are dropping.

The leftist MSM is trying to invent bullsh*t, and because they are so powerful it actually works. Hell, Mike Pence recited leftist MSM talking points... showing that clearly he didn't have time to research any of this but erroneously trusted the MSM.
You are the lying weasel that is spreading misinformation. Disney tells the truth about your hateful agenda and that is their crime.
Ron DeSantis is making it clear in his book and speeches that he is targeting Disney for speaking out against him. He will soon get a lesson in Constitutional law that you cannot target individuals or corporations for using their free speech rights. The MSM is telling the truth. You are the liar.
I think Disney just blew it. They lied and publicly trashed the state that feeds them. Any successful parent would act against a spoiled child, and DeSantis dealt with Disney in kind
DeSantis blew it. That is why his campaign is over even before it begins. It is Disney that feeds Florida. Rick Scott pointed out that half of the people that come to Florida come to visit Disney. Disney is the one who has dealt with and thrashed Nazi DeSantis.
Not really. What bad is happening to him? Iger would’ve shut down the project no matter where it was.
The fact that his presidential bid is dead in the water. Even Trump is smart enough to see that. That is why Trump has been egging him on about Disney.
There's two times when I know I've won a debate:

When someone starts posting cartoons, videos, and gif's

When they start insulting me and calling me names.

You've done both

I am glad you feel you won. Now you can tell all your little buddies at Wendy's how you beat the mean man on the forum.

Happy day for you.
Who is Desantis to deprive a company it's freedom of speech? No one. He's a governor, not a fucking dictator. Public servants don't get to tell private business what to think and do. He's going to pay for this shit with his political career. He better hope he gets reelected.
Yes he has. He is targeting Disney for what they said. He admits to it in his book and his speeches. A federal judge will school him in Constitutional law.
It is good that you can openly admit what DeSantis/Floirda is doing to Disney is punishment for them daring to speak out agaisnt the Govt.

It is even better that you can throw off all pretenses of being conservative or a proponent of small Govt
Or claiming to care about the Constitution.

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