The media is explicitly anti Trump. CNN thinks they should be thanked like our troups.

CNN publishes op-ed saying media should be thanked like troops – obviously, they shouldn't

And an editor at the New York Times wrote an op ed saying the media needs to double down on Trump coverage to expose him.

The once great press in this nation is DEAD

The modern American press corps, specifically the cable/online news anchor plastic head who doubles as some kind of self-aggrandizing 007 on in the field assignments, has beautified itself into a new social class of elites comparable to the nobility of Ages bygone and darker. Today, the message (true news) is obfuscated, convoluted and diluted to glorify the messenger, and the messenger's political ideology at any expense--including the willful mass deception of the American people and fomenting of class hatred for increase in ratings and viewer count, with a clinical indifference not unlike the steady, powdered and gloved hand dissecting the lab rat. In less free territories historically, such intentional, even treasonous and criminal bad state actors would be lined up against a wall at dawn and . . . fortunately for them they exist in such a historical place where they can hide, bulletproof, behind our great Constitution, like wizards behind curtains casting pearls . . .
Come on quoting far left crap media like CNN or the New York Times should not be acceptable. Only decent media should be considered acceptable. Of course might have to start a media source that actually reports news.
Trump brings his China shop along with him. He brings his troubles on himself, then blames the press. Typical behavior,for a huckster buffoon.
All the media does is report what tRumo does/says. If that is "negative coverage" then he needs to change his behavior. You can't expect every media sources to stroke him as regularly as faux news much less fellate him daily like Alex Jones.
CNN publishes op-ed saying media should be thanked like troops – obviously, they shouldn't

And an editor at the New York Times wrote an op ed saying the media needs to double down on Trump coverage to expose him.

The once great press in this nation is DEAD
Not yet. Trump won’t kill it, no matter how hard his fat, evil bitchass tries.


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CNN publishes op-ed saying media should be thanked like troops – obviously, they shouldn't

And an editor at the New York Times wrote an op ed saying the media needs to double down on Trump coverage to expose him.

The once great press in this nation is DEAD
CNN publishes op-ed saying media should be thanked like troops – obviously, they shouldn't

And an editor at the New York Times wrote an op ed saying the media needs to double down on Trump coverage to expose him.

The once great press in this nation is DEAD

The modern American press corps, specifically the cable/online news anchor plastic head who doubles as some kind of self-aggrandizing 007 on in the field assignments, has beautified itself into a new social class of elites comparable to the nobility of Ages bygone and darker. Today, the message (true news) is obfuscated, convoluted and diluted to glorify the messenger, and the messenger's political ideology at any expense--including the willful mass deception of the American people and fomenting of class hatred for increase in ratings and viewer count, with a clinical indifference not unlike the steady, powdered and gloved hand dissecting the lab rat. In less free territories historically, such intentional, even treasonous and criminal bad state actors would be lined up against a wall at dawn and . . . fortunately for them they exist in such a historical place where they can hide, bulletproof, behind our great Constitution, like wizards behind curtains casting pearls . . .
Except there ain’t no increase in ratings/viewer count happening at the Created News Network. Rather, they continue their descent into relevancy oblivion. Last time I checked they ranked below HCB...the How to Catch Butterflies network.
CNN publishes op-ed saying media should be thanked like troops – obviously, they shouldn't

And an editor at the New York Times wrote an op ed saying the media needs to double down on Trump coverage to expose him.

The once great press in this nation is DEAD
there's good press out there if you look. trouble is, people look for things to support their view so they need CNN doing this to prove they're right. come after CNN for lies they portray, they have to protect their source.

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