The Mentally Ill Shouldn't Have Military Guns or Drive Military Vehicles

Then they shouldn't be Commander in Chief either

BlackFlag both Trump and Obama should have been required to distinguish Constitutional policies from "political beliefs" pushed on people who can't be forced by govt to comply unless they are violating laws.

If Obama couldn't tell he was overstepping beliefs to push the ACA mandates and later the LGBT policies, where people both sides have equal right to defend and exercise their private beliefs without conflict, then Obama's narcissistic or projection of bias was also interfering with his ability to uphold his Constitutional oath of office.

I think this is an EGO and male psychology/dominance issue.
If you are going to say Trump has a disorder, then most males and anyone pushing party politics before Constitutional equal protections ALSO has a mental or ego problem!!!
The problem with your argument: ACA mandate and gay marriage were put before the Supreme Court and found to be constitutional.
Found to be? Was it just laying there waiting to be discovered, was it lost and then found? What are you talking about "found to be"? That's ridiculous!
You think God's behind this practical joke? LOL! If so, stop being a dick, God.

DUDE, God is messing with you libs bad Trump whooped your ass :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Then what was he doing to you inbreds for 8 years with Obama?

You mean when we took the House and Senate away from Obama? :laugh:
Oh like we did under Dubya. Yeah, God's a real asshole, huh?

You libs should investigate Trump colluding with God to steal the election from Hillary :funnyface:
Can't, since remarkably, there's even less evidence for there being a God than for Trump ever trying to collude with him.
DUDE, God is messing with you libs bad Trump whooped your ass :laugh::laugh::laugh:
Then what was he doing to you inbreds for 8 years with Obama?

You mean when we took the House and Senate away from Obama? :laugh:
Oh like we did under Dubya. Yeah, God's a real asshole, huh?

You libs should investigate Trump colluding with God to steal the election from Hillary :funnyface:
Can't, since remarkably, there's even less evidence for there being a God than for Trump ever trying to collude with him.
Since when do you need evidence? Not having any evidence or proof has not stopped your idiotic witch hunt for the last 6 months has it? The only time you want proof is when someone talks religion and then you scream like stuck pigs.

Wow! That was a lot of lies crammed into one meme!
I don't think the military should pay for sex-change operations or sex-change hormone therapy.

Do you? (For you libtards, that is a YES or NO question.)
There's a lot of different mental illness . A guy wearing a dress doesn't mean he's mentally ill.

Sure we may think that's crazy . I think religious people are crazy for believing in invisible ghosts who see everything we do . I think getting covered in tattoos is crazy . Buying lots of gun is crazy .

We can go on and on .
I don't think the military should pay for sex-change operations or sex-change hormone therapy.

Do you? (For you libtards, that is a YES or NO question.)

I do not .

But that's not all trans gender people . Some of them just dress differently.
Then they shouldn't be Commander in Chief either
Thank God we didn't elect her then.
You think God's behind this practical joke? LOL! If so, stop being a dick, God.
Then they shouldn't be Commander in Chief either

BlackFlag both Trump and Obama should have been required to distinguish Constitutional policies from "political beliefs" pushed on people who can't be forced by govt to comply unless they are violating laws.

If Obama couldn't tell he was overstepping beliefs to push the ACA mandates and later the LGBT policies, where people both sides have equal right to defend and exercise their private beliefs without conflict, then Obama's narcissistic or projection of bias was also interfering with his ability to uphold his Constitutional oath of office.

I think this is an EGO and male psychology/dominance issue.
If you are going to say Trump has a disorder, then most males and anyone pushing party politics before Constitutional equal protections ALSO has a mental or ego problem!!!
The problem with your argument: ACA mandate and gay marriage were put before the Supreme Court and found to be constitutional.

Yes and No, BlackFlag
The process by which it was passed and found to be constitutional is only constitutional
for those like you who agree that it's okay to enforce that in violation of other people's beliefs.

I do not believe that. I am a different denomination of Constitutionalist
who along with Josh Blackman and Mark Levin DO NOT believe it was constitutional to pass it that way.

My argument about POLITICAL BELIEFS being equally protected from violation and discrimination
(by the First and Fourteenth Amendments and the Civil Rights laws against discrimination by creed)

(Not to mention the fact I believe these rights are INALIENABLE
and should not require arguing before a court to be able to defend them from infringement.)

So you have the right to your beliefs, and to pay for them and the policy you deem lawful.
For those like me whose beliefs have been violated on several levels,
we have equal right to exercise and defend those beliefs from
discrimination and penalty by govt.

Thank you BlackFlag
If you agree to pay the costs to taxpayers from passing and enforcing ACA as was done,
then I have no problem with you exercising the rights and responsibilities for your beliefs.

I intend to lay out the terms of a class action lawsuit and petition,
and see which citizens, leaders and taxpayers agree to pay the costs of their own beliefs.

I know as many progressive Single Payer advocates who don't agree to pay for corporate mandates on for-profit insurance,
but only believe in paying for the actual health care services and management.

These people ought to be able to defend their beliefs in single payer health care as right
and also join in a lobbying campaign to set that up where supporters can choose that program to fund with their taxes.
Guns and weapons of war should not be in the hands of mentally ill people. Mentally ill people
need treatment and therapy; no encouragement.

Men who self mutilates themselves because they erroneously believes they are women or women who destroy themselves in a vain attempt to be men are mentally ill and very sick people. It is right viewed then this way and no amount of PCness can change that.

Keep these nuts out of the Military, away from weapons of war and away from top secret intelligence!

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Or any guns at all.
DEPLORABLES: what could go wrong if a mentally ill person can purchase firearms?
Like bathrooms, the military is built around physical attributes. Unit cohesion and effectiveness, especially under fire, is undermined by sexual issues within the unit. We should not put our troops at risk in order to pursue politically correct social experiments.

Sexual orientation is fine. Most of us have known enough gay people to know, like hetro, some are physically and/or mentally unqualified for military, but, also like hetro, many are physically and mentally qualified for military service.

However transgender people are mentally ill. Many are not physically qualified and NONE are mentally qualified. Stop the PC bullshit

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Guns and weapons of war should not be in the hands of mentally ill people. Mentally ill people
need treatment and therapy; no encouragement.

Men who self mutilates themselves because they erroneously believes they are women or women who destroy themselves in a vain attempt to be men are mentally ill and very sick people. It is right viewed then this way and no amount of PCness can change that.

Keep these nuts out of the Military, away from weapons of war and away from top secret intelligence!

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Nuts? You mean like Adolf Trump with nuclear weapons?
just a comment but its very easy to say that someone is mentally ill and to then take away their RIGHTS and Freedoms . Soviets / Russians , and others did it all the time though . I never knew any certified mentally ill people but i was raised to accept all kinds of behaviour that wasn't harmful to me or any other person . As long as there was no violence to me or anyone else then everything was cool as i minded my own business GHook .

I have never stated a trannie should be taken away to mental institutions, denied right to live free etc, but they are mentally ill and mentally
ill people would poss an unacceptable danger in the military. So but that is the truth.

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Guns and weapons of war should not be in the hands of mentally ill people. Mentally ill people
need treatment and therapy; no encouragement.

Men who self mutilates themselves because they erroneously believes they are women or women who destroy themselves in a vain attempt to be men are mentally ill and very sick people. It is right viewed then this way and no amount of PCness can change that.

Keep these nuts out of the Military, away from weapons of war and away from top secret intelligence!

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That should eliminate the vast majority of NRA members!

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