The Misunderstanding of the Ruling against Arizona's Law.


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
It seems many people wrongly are assuming the judge ruled that police can not ask someones Immigration status. Blame the Media for that perception. Her ruling only says the State Can not FORCE it's officers to do it. Officers in Arizona can and will still ask peoples status when stopped for another crime if they suspect the may be illegal. Just as they can and do do in states all around the country.

Not that we can expect Liberals to understand or support that. No they will post the numbers showing Obama is Deporting more people than Bush, and ignore the fact that EVEN though our massive problem with Illegals is 95% Hispanics. The People being Deported are about half not Hispanic immigrants from other parts of the world.

People who Visas have expired, or who have a 2 year home time requirement on theirs, are being sent home, when they used to get waivers. We are Deporting Educated Immigrants from around the world, and for the most part not Deporting less educated, and poor Immigrants from south of the border. How does that make any sense at all? Do we really want only the Poor and undereducated, and none of the Highly educated from around the world?

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She did not rule, she ruled a temporary injunction because it is pre-emptive and unconstitutional to "REQUIRE" officers to ask for immigration status on traffic violations. All that is need is a change of wording but they do not want to change the wording. Arizona will continue inquire of status when there is reasonable suspicion. Like Federal Immigration and Nationality Act allows.
Some cops will and some will not. Sheriff Arpiao will.

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