The modern Poll Tax....raising fees on the permit to own and carry a gun...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Democrats love to discriminate against people they don't like....they love to use the power of government to do the past they also employed direct violence through their terrorist wing, the kkk. The democrats were forced to give up slave owning, so they instituted Jim Crow to keep the newly freed Black Americans from living free lives. One tactic was the Poll Tax.....a tax on the Right to vote, to keep Blacks and poor Whites from exercising political power.

Today, they have a new Poll Tax.... a tax on the Right to own and carry a gun for self defense.....

Gov Murphy to propose fee increase for firearm permits. Modern day poll tax?

A source close to the Murphy administration has confirmed with NJ2AS that he will be advocating to raise the cost of a firearm identification card to $300 and also raise the cost of a retired law enforcement conceal carry permit to $150. We expect this announcement to occur during his budget address Tuesday afternoon.
Historically fees and taxes have been used against minority communities of color to suppress their constitutional rights, such as voting and firearm ownership. Poll taxes were used to prevent minorities and people of color from voting, and laws banning certain types of firearms were enacted to prevent the poor and freed slaves from owning guns.

After the Civil War an influx of inexpensive firearms began to flood the market due to years of overmanufacturing and modernization of manufacturing processes. These factors significantly lowered the cost of firearms and it opened a new marketshare for minorities and low-income customers. In response to this, white supremacists in Tennessee helped enact the “Army and Navy Law” which banned the sale of all handguns except for the most expensive model available at the time, the Army Navy model. In essence it completely ended the ability for poor blacks in the south to be able to purchase firearms.

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