The Molly Tibbetts murder will be ‘the one’....the one that motivates good Americans to cast a vote.

It's hilarious reading what you idiots post.

By the way nitwits, her name is spelled Mollie.

Jesus H, your morons can't even spell the girls name correctly.

Her name was Mollie. You morons can't even accept the fact that her blood is on your hands.

To you, a spelling error is more important than protecting her, and many others lives.

Deal with it, we ain't got that kind of time, and neither does the next victim of political correctness.
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.

Really? Nobody seems to be talking about it except you. Even the girls own family doesn’t accept your view of it.

And time is fast running out on Trump and his wall.

Can we count on you at the next tiki torch parade?

Far less likely then the death of one of our children by an illegal alien. Kind of shows what's more important to a Dem, now doesn't it?
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.

The shit you shameless pukes come up with to justify your support of everything filthy, immoral and indecent is absolutely fascinating.
I ask a simple question and you somehow concoct that as me giving a justification while you dodge giving an answer. Nice!

Your ignorant “question” is framed and loaded as hell...Like a good Lefty would, you seek to sell people that him being illegal has no relevance. That’s the kind of shit fools do.
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.

The shit you shameless pukes come up with to justify your support of everything filthy, immoral and indecent is absolutely fascinating.
I ask a simple question and you somehow concoct that as me giving a justification while you dodge giving an answer. Nice!

Your ignorant “question” is framed and loaded as hell...Like a good Lefty would, you seek to sell people that him being illegal has no relevance. That’s the kind of shit fools do.
Strike two. You weren’t even close to answering on that try.

Nothing loaded, I’m just curious about your perspective and I want to see how it applies to legal immigrants that commit murders
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.

The shit you shameless pukes come up with to justify your support of everything filthy, immoral and indecent is absolutely fascinating.
I ask a simple question and you somehow concoct that as me giving a justification while you dodge giving an answer. Nice!

Your ignorant “question” is framed and loaded as hell...Like a good Lefty would, you seek to sell people that him being illegal has no relevance. That’s the kind of shit fools do.
Strike two. You weren’t even close to answering on that try.

Nothing loaded, I’m just curious about your perspective and I want to see how it applies to legal immigrants that commit murders

I’ll answer. No I would not, but what I would do is question the vetting process. And if you wouldn’t, then you are a danger to this country.

Your deflection is another slight of hand, hocus pocus, attempt to try to make the reader look the other way from your support of policy that allowed Mollie Tibbetts access to his victim.

You fool nobody.
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.

Like the last time illegal trash from south of the border killed a pretty white girl? This case isn’t a one off. Matter of fact, the only reason it made news was because the media figured they had their next “ boyfriend kills girlfriend story. And now all the republicans are out there saying something has to be done. The exact same republicans who have told us repeatedly that they woul close that border if we re-elect them, but when they get there they try and grant amnesty. You going to buy that shit still? The republicans are as bad or worse then the most liberal democrats on this issue. Go back to this last election and see the rhetoric your self, then look at them now. Look at their votes. The republicans need to be removed from office as badly as Chuck, Nancy and the rest.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.

The shit you shameless pukes come up with to justify your support of everything filthy, immoral and indecent is absolutely fascinating.
I ask a simple question and you somehow concoct that as me giving a justification while you dodge giving an answer. Nice!

Your ignorant “question” is framed and loaded as hell...Like a good Lefty would, you seek to sell people that him being illegal has no relevance. That’s the kind of shit fools do.
Strike two. You weren’t even close to answering on that try.

Nothing loaded, I’m just curious about your perspective and I want to see how it applies to legal immigrants that commit murders

I’ll answer. No I would not, but what I would do is question the vetting process. And if you wouldn’t, then you are a danger to this country.

Your deflection is another slight of hand, hocus pocus, attempt to try to make the reader look the other way from your support of policy that allowed Mollie Tibbetts access to his victim.

You fool nobody.
Good answer. I believe this guy who committed the murder came over legally under a work visa and then overstayed. Do you think vetting would have prevented him from coming over?

I don’t know why you think I’m deflecting anything, I simply asked a question. I’m happy to answer any questions you have and I’d do so directly.

I also haven’t said a word about any policies so perhaps you should ask questions and learn about my positions before you make unfounded presumptions.
The shit you shameless pukes come up with to justify your support of everything filthy, immoral and indecent is absolutely fascinating.
I ask a simple question and you somehow concoct that as me giving a justification while you dodge giving an answer. Nice!

Your ignorant “question” is framed and loaded as hell...Like a good Lefty would, you seek to sell people that him being illegal has no relevance. That’s the kind of shit fools do.
Strike two. You weren’t even close to answering on that try.

Nothing loaded, I’m just curious about your perspective and I want to see how it applies to legal immigrants that commit murders

I’ll answer. No I would not, but what I would do is question the vetting process. And if you wouldn’t, then you are a danger to this country.

Your deflection is another slight of hand, hocus pocus, attempt to try to make the reader look the other way from your support of policy that allowed Mollie Tibbetts access to his victim.

You fool nobody.
Good answer. I believe this guy who committed the murder came over legally under a work visa and then overstayed. Do you think vetting would have prevented him from coming over?

I don’t know why you think I’m deflecting anything, I simply asked a question. I’m happy to answer any questions you have and I’d do so directly.

I also haven’t said a word about any policies so perhaps you should ask questions and learn about my positions before you make unfounded presumptions.

Work Visa? Doubt it. He was using a Alias. Those that overstay work Visas rarely use an Alias.

This is how it works.

A coyote is hired. The coyote not only gets them across the border, they supply ID that contain information purchased by either an Identification thief , or buy the rights to a legal aliens identification. It’s a package deal.

The second most common method is that the coyote is hired to recruit foreign workers in Mexico. The corporation that hires the coyote is established in this country by legal immigrants from Mexico. These corporation function as an employment agencies. They supply fake ID to get past e-verify to the illegals and put them into jobs.

Maybe the worst part of this is, the “employment agency”, collects the wages, and tells the illegal they are taking some of the funds from the payments to pay their taxes, but they don’t. Instead, they pocket that money and invest it in real estate or other areas.

So the next time you hear that illegals pay taxes, remember, in these cases they may think they do, but those funds NEVER reach the State or Federal Government.

It is simply not probable that this individual was vetted by anyone but a coyote who does not give a rats ass about the character of the people he brings across.
Last edited:
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.[/QUOTE

Why don’t you ask for the opinion of the prominent Republican that owns the dairy farm who hired him.

As far as Donny goes, he has now poisoned yet another jury pool weighing in on a criminal case where he should keep his mouth shut.

Donny better hope he dies before his state case. He won’t last very long in an upstate New York maximum security prison.
These filthy traitors who side with illegals can't defend their position. Their only hope is to avoid discussing the issue, especially the thousands of Americans who have been killed and raped by illegals. Trump should shove it in their face weekly like he did during the GOP primary. Americans overwhelmingly agree with Trump on this issue.
I ask a simple question and you somehow concoct that as me giving a justification while you dodge giving an answer. Nice!

Your ignorant “question” is framed and loaded as hell...Like a good Lefty would, you seek to sell people that him being illegal has no relevance. That’s the kind of shit fools do.
Strike two. You weren’t even close to answering on that try.

Nothing loaded, I’m just curious about your perspective and I want to see how it applies to legal immigrants that commit murders

I’ll answer. No I would not, but what I would do is question the vetting process. And if you wouldn’t, then you are a danger to this country.

Your deflection is another slight of hand, hocus pocus, attempt to try to make the reader look the other way from your support of policy that allowed Mollie Tibbetts access to his victim.

You fool nobody.
Good answer. I believe this guy who committed the murder came over legally under a work visa and then overstayed. Do you think vetting would have prevented him from coming over?

I don’t know why you think I’m deflecting anything, I simply asked a question. I’m happy to answer any questions you have and I’d do so directly.

I also haven’t said a word about any policies so perhaps you should ask questions and learn about my positions before you make unfounded presumptions.

Work Visa? Doubt it. He was using a Alias. Those that overstay work Visas rarely use an Alias.

This is how it works.

A coyote is hired. The coyote not only gets them across the border, they supply ID that contain information purchased by either an Identification thief , or buy the rights to a legal aliens identification. It’s a package deal.

The second most common method is that the coyote is hired to recruit foreign workers in Mexico. The corporation that hires the coyote is established in this country by legal immigrants from Mexico. These corporation function as an employment agencies. They supply fake ID to get past e-verify to the illegals and put them into jobs.

Maybe the worst part of this is, the “employment agency”, collects the wages, and tells the illegal they are taking some of the funds from the payments to pay their taxes, but they don’t. Instead, they pocket that money and invest it in real estate or other areas.

So the next time you hear that illegals pay taxes, remember, in these cases they may think they do, but those funds NEVER reach the State or Federal Government.

It is simply not probable that this individual was vetted by anyone but a coyote who does not give a rats ass about the character of the people he brings across.
Good info. I totally support improving e-verify and our immigration system. I think the anger in this situation is misdirected from both sides. The Right seems to want to focus on, demonize and blame illegal immigrants and the Left are trying to divert to family seperations. This is why I hate political party’s and partisan politics. Boths sides should be working together on the real problems which inclide e-verify, visa tracking, vetting and our horrible immigration system. Get people accounted for. The anger in this situation should be towards the sick person who committed this crime and our politicians who like to bitch instead of act
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
Except for one thing ..he was here legally....on a work permit.
The black community does not support Republicans and never will. I don't have to worry about finding a idiot. All I need is a Trump supporter like you
Ummmmm Trump has a 36% approval rating in the African American community...highest ever for a republican president....
They really enjoy playing con-servatives pollsters for the suckers they are.
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
Except for one thing ..he was here legally....on a work permit.

Link?, because I think you’re spreading bullshit
Last edited:
Your ignorant “question” is framed and loaded as hell...Like a good Lefty would, you seek to sell people that him being illegal has no relevance. That’s the kind of shit fools do.
Strike two. You weren’t even close to answering on that try.

Nothing loaded, I’m just curious about your perspective and I want to see how it applies to legal immigrants that commit murders

I’ll answer. No I would not, but what I would do is question the vetting process. And if you wouldn’t, then you are a danger to this country.

Your deflection is another slight of hand, hocus pocus, attempt to try to make the reader look the other way from your support of policy that allowed Mollie Tibbetts access to his victim.

You fool nobody.
Good answer. I believe this guy who committed the murder came over legally under a work visa and then overstayed. Do you think vetting would have prevented him from coming over?

I don’t know why you think I’m deflecting anything, I simply asked a question. I’m happy to answer any questions you have and I’d do so directly.

I also haven’t said a word about any policies so perhaps you should ask questions and learn about my positions before you make unfounded presumptions.

Work Visa? Doubt it. He was using a Alias. Those that overstay work Visas rarely use an Alias.

This is how it works.

A coyote is hired. The coyote not only gets them across the border, they supply ID that contain information purchased by either an Identification thief , or buy the rights to a legal aliens identification. It’s a package deal.

The second most common method is that the coyote is hired to recruit foreign workers in Mexico. The corporation that hires the coyote is established in this country by legal immigrants from Mexico. These corporation function as an employment agencies. They supply fake ID to get past e-verify to the illegals and put them into jobs.

Maybe the worst part of this is, the “employment agency”, collects the wages, and tells the illegal they are taking some of the funds from the payments to pay their taxes, but they don’t. Instead, they pocket that money and invest it in real estate or other areas.

So the next time you hear that illegals pay taxes, remember, in these cases they may think they do, but those funds NEVER reach the State or Federal Government.

It is simply not probable that this individual was vetted by anyone but a coyote who does not give a rats ass about the character of the people he brings across.
Good info. I totally support improving e-verify and our immigration system. I think the anger in this situation is misdirected from both sides. The Right seems to want to focus on, demonize and blame illegal immigrants and the Left are trying to divert to family seperations. This is why I hate political party’s and partisan politics. Boths sides should be working together on the real problems which inclide e-verify, visa tracking, vetting and our horrible immigration system. Get people accounted for. The anger in this situation should be towards the sick person who committed this crime and our politicians who like to bitch instead of act

Haha...let’s hear it bud...we’re ready for a good laugh.
What’s your idea of “improving e-verify and our immigration system”?
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
Except for one thing ..he was here legally....on a work permit.
No he wasn't. He was using a identity that was stolen from someone on a work permit
Strike two. You weren’t even close to answering on that try.

Nothing loaded, I’m just curious about your perspective and I want to see how it applies to legal immigrants that commit murders

I’ll answer. No I would not, but what I would do is question the vetting process. And if you wouldn’t, then you are a danger to this country.

Your deflection is another slight of hand, hocus pocus, attempt to try to make the reader look the other way from your support of policy that allowed Mollie Tibbetts access to his victim.

You fool nobody.
Good answer. I believe this guy who committed the murder came over legally under a work visa and then overstayed. Do you think vetting would have prevented him from coming over?

I don’t know why you think I’m deflecting anything, I simply asked a question. I’m happy to answer any questions you have and I’d do so directly.

I also haven’t said a word about any policies so perhaps you should ask questions and learn about my positions before you make unfounded presumptions.

Work Visa? Doubt it. He was using a Alias. Those that overstay work Visas rarely use an Alias.

This is how it works.

A coyote is hired. The coyote not only gets them across the border, they supply ID that contain information purchased by either an Identification thief , or buy the rights to a legal aliens identification. It’s a package deal.

The second most common method is that the coyote is hired to recruit foreign workers in Mexico. The corporation that hires the coyote is established in this country by legal immigrants from Mexico. These corporation function as an employment agencies. They supply fake ID to get past e-verify to the illegals and put them into jobs.

Maybe the worst part of this is, the “employment agency”, collects the wages, and tells the illegal they are taking some of the funds from the payments to pay their taxes, but they don’t. Instead, they pocket that money and invest it in real estate or other areas.

So the next time you hear that illegals pay taxes, remember, in these cases they may think they do, but those funds NEVER reach the State or Federal Government.

It is simply not probable that this individual was vetted by anyone but a coyote who does not give a rats ass about the character of the people he brings across.
Good info. I totally support improving e-verify and our immigration system. I think the anger in this situation is misdirected from both sides. The Right seems to want to focus on, demonize and blame illegal immigrants and the Left are trying to divert to family seperations. This is why I hate political party’s and partisan politics. Boths sides should be working together on the real problems which inclide e-verify, visa tracking, vetting and our horrible immigration system. Get people accounted for. The anger in this situation should be towards the sick person who committed this crime and our politicians who like to bitch instead of act

Haha...let’s hear it bud...we’re ready for a good laugh.
What’s your idea of “improving e-verify and our immigration system”?
Beef up border security with electronic surveillance, fencing, and agents where needed. Speed up the application and filing system so incoming immigrants can register and get going with their american dream. Address all exisisting undocumented much like DACA did for dreamers. Get the undocumented out of the shadows and in the system with a probationary “yellow card” which gives them legal status, not citizenship and has more stringent requirements than legal immigrants have to go through. Focus deportations on violent felons. Legalize drugs and cut off the source of funding for gangs and during runners who get rich off smuggling drugs across the border.

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