The Molly Tibbetts murder will be ‘the one’....the one that motivates good Americans to cast a vote.

Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
Don't hold yer breath on that. Obviously, they don't care. They are partisan. Libs. Dems. And they will stay true to their goosestepping.
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.

Trump has had his fat ass sitting in the Oval office, or should I say mostly on the Golf Course for the last 2 years, along with a full Republican majority in both houses of congress, so why didn't he stop this murder?

Sorry bout that,

  1. This will garner much Independent votes, they whom actually drive the elections.
  2. Timid to make a stand by the millions upon millions but the death of this innocent girl will open their glazed eyes, *we hope*.
  3. Vote for justice, don't be an idiot and vote for a democrat, you will be voting for your own demise and your children's, and no I'm not using scare tactics.
What scum these illegal criminals are....I can not even look at them without becoming naseated.
Sorry bout that,

  1. This will garner much Independent votes, they whom actually drive the elections.
  2. Timid to make a stand by the millions upon millions but the death of this innocent girl will open their glazed eyes, *we hope*.
  3. Vote for justice, don't be an idiot and vote for a democrat, you will be voting for your own demise and your children's, and no I'm not using scare tactics.

So what's your solution? Your solution was to elect Trump who promised he was going to kick out all illegals in this country 2 years ago. He didn't, in fact he flipped flopped on it. So what's your solution now?
Sorry bout that,

What scum these illegal criminals are....I can not even look at them without becoming naseated.
Sorry bout that,

  1. This will garner much Independent votes, they whom actually drive the elections.
  2. Timid to make a stand by the millions upon millions but the death of this innocent girl will open their glazed eyes, *we hope*.
  3. Vote for justice, don't be an idiot and vote for a democrat, you will be voting for your own demise and your children's, and no I'm not using scare tactics.

So what's your solution? Your solution was to elect Trump who promised he was going to kick out all illegals in this country 2 years ago. He didn't, in fact he flipped flopped on it. So what's your solution now?

  1. Keep draining the swamp, the swamp is far more of a muck than we first thought, it drains very slow.
  2. Just look how hard it is to get Obamacare undone, we see McClame using his gimpy arm to vote it down and he's supposed to be a Republican, people see.
  3. The best he can do for country now is just die already.
Sorry bout that,

What scum these illegal criminals are....I can not even look at them without becoming naseated.
Sorry bout that,

  1. This will garner much Independent votes, they whom actually drive the elections.
  2. Timid to make a stand by the millions upon millions but the death of this innocent girl will open their glazed eyes, *we hope*.
  3. Vote for justice, don't be an idiot and vote for a democrat, you will be voting for your own demise and your children's, and no I'm not using scare tactics.

So what's your solution? Your solution was to elect Trump who promised he was going to kick out all illegals in this country 2 years ago. He didn't, in fact he flipped flopped on it. So what's your solution now?

  1. Keep draining the swamp, the swamp is far more of a muck than we first thought, it drains very slow.
  2. Just look how hard it is to get Obamacare undone, we see McClame using his gimpy arm to vote it down and he's supposed to be a Republican, people see.
  3. The best he can do for country now is just die already.

It's apparent that the White House is the swamp--:auiqs.jpg: Here you're on this board right now with full knowledge that Republicans are the majority in both houses of congress with a sitting Republican President that campaigned on removing all illegals in this country, but flip flopped on that, and it's like you're trying to blame the minority party, Democrats for this young woman's death, when they have had no power at the Federal Government level for the last 2 years?

So why didn't Trump save this young woman? Because the obvious conclusion is he has as much a chance at saving this woman, as I did from stopping that American citizen husband from killing his pregnant wife and two young daughters last week.

This is the hysteria from FOX NEWS. How many people in this country today were murdered by American citizens, compared to illegals? I would say it's at least 100 to 1.

As far as my SWAMP statement, you've got a lot of catching up to do, and you can start right on this board by clicking these links.

For the collusion click this link. Here you can read one article that was confirmed by James Clapper under sworn testimony over a year ago, watch 2 FOX NEWS video's and another of Trump admiting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election


For the Classified informatiion that Trump gave to Vladimir Putin, click on this link.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

And you can see some of those Russian anti immigration adds that were blasted on Facebook during the 2016 election at this link.
Do You Believe Based on Evidence, Russia Changed Outcome of 2016 Election

(3 different links to 3 different posts on this board)
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.

The shit you shameless pukes come up with to justify your support of everything filthy, immoral and indecent is absolutely fascinating.
You scumbags don't give a shit about this girl. You are all just using her corpse to further you and your messiah's agenda. You should all be ashamed of yourselves
Here is a quote from a liberal guest on CNN..."The Manaforte and Cohen convictions are being ignored on FOX for some dead girl from Iowa"
Meaning some dead white sir.... and your fellow travelers are the scumbags....

You are obnoxious. The fact is that voters will reject your far right wing hate in favor of moderation. Voters want both sides to work together and will do that by giving Democrats at least control of the House.
So the CNN guest is a lover not a hater?......silly silly person you must be....

You are a hater. These moderate Democrats will do very well against Republicans in swing districts.
Why are you always so EMO???
There, there, :itsok:

Sorry bout that,

  1. *OREO* ~Really you think some how Trump was behind a Russian switcheroo in the election?
  2. Trump won because Independents made him win.
  3. That is to only reason he won, period.
  4. Immigration has been so laxed for 50 years its going to take a huge effort to fix it, that problem won't go away in two years, *in a muck swamp* and its *on both sides of the isle* that is how bad it is, but countless murders from these illegals should open glazed Independents eyes, are yours open ?
  5. That seems to be the question I want you to answer, but I can see your eyes are nailed shut, so go pull the lever for a democrat, you silly goon.
  6. Be a good goon and try not to complain when your daughter gets raped and wacked!!
Last edited:
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.
He could not have migrated here legally. Does that answer your serious question?
oreo was funny when posted a homosexual broadcaster claiming Russia did something in all of his cut and paste posts. Now he is obviously just a troll, probably a Russian bot, actually. :p
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.
He could not have migrated here legally. Does that answer your serious question?

We should stop legal Mexican immigration. They have been outrageously over-represented. The goal is to not make this country Mexico but retain it as America for Americans... including those Mexicans who escaped Mexico.
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.

The shit you shameless pukes come up with to justify your support of everything filthy, immoral and indecent is absolutely fascinating.
I ask a simple question and you somehow concoct that as me giving a justification while you dodge giving an answer. Nice!
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.
I’m curious... had a person who legally immigrated here been the one that murdered that poor girl... would you call for a stop to legal immigration? Humor me with a serious answer please.
He could not have migrated here legally. Does that answer your serious question?
No it actually doesn’t. My question didn’t have anything to do with “him”. Try again
Her death will not be in vain...I expect this incident to be the one that sends good Americans over the top. Those who were on the fence and unsure about how they felt about illegals will be pushed Right over this one.
I’m looking forward to hearing Donny’s opinion.

Really? Nobody seems to be talking about it except you. Even the girls own family doesn’t accept your view of it.

And time is fast running out on Trump and his wall.

Can we count on you at the next tiki torch parade?

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