The Monuments Men

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
We just watched The Monuments Men ... Whether you're interested in history, art, war or just a good story, its really well done, very interesting.

Highly recommend it.
Yes a Rotten Tomatoes ranking by people on the internets is a reason not to see a movie.
Someone thought I would enjoy watching this movie because of my military experience, love for creating paintings, and my admiration of Hitler.

I watched like thirty minutes of it and became extremely bored and turned off by "The Monuments Men". I just got up, walked the Hell out of the room, and went for a hike in the Arizona desert... which was way more awesome
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I enjoyed the movie, a little embellishment on history but was pretty good.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Those who did not like the movie have trouble with art, history, and understanding our culture.

That's OK, each to their own.
Those who did not like the movie have trouble with art, history, and understanding our culture.

That's OK, each to their own.

All that because somebody does not like the quality of a movie. I found it boring, uninteresting, lame, lifeless, dull, and possessing a failed attempt at "humor" directed towards old people.

It has nothing to do with my grasp on art, history, and understanding of American culture.
Those who did not like the movie have trouble with art, history, and understanding our culture.

That's OK, each to their own.

That in of it's self a stupid statement. There are many reasons one could not like the movie for, the plot, the acting, the storyline didn't flow and on and on.
The reason it was so good was the quality of the actors and not the actual story.

If you want a great film then I'd suggest a story about the "ghost army". That would be a good film if done correctly.
Those who did not like the movie have trouble with art, history, and understanding our culture.

That's OK, each to their own.

All that because somebody does not like the quality of a movie. I found it boring, uninteresting, lame, lifeless, dull, and possessing a failed attempt at "humor" directed towards old people.

It has nothing to do with my grasp on art, history, and understanding of American culture.

In fact, that is exactly what it does reveal about your and Papa's grasp of the subjects.
Haven't watched the movie yet. But I plan to.

I read the book "The Rape of Europa" that the movie is based on, a few years ago. The sheer magnitude of theft by the Nazi's was mind blowing. It was a fascinating look at a completely different side of the WW2...but the book was hard to read. Lots and lots of well researched facts...not nearly as entertaining as a movie.

Netflix has a documentary film about "the rape of Europa" for anyone who's interested....Watch The Rape of Europa Online | Netflix

I loved the movie. Obviously, it's just a movie so some things were exaggerated, but overall, a good film. I'd buy it once, and watch it again.

Generally, I prefer stone cold reality. The series the "Pacific" is a good example of a wonderful WWII series but doesn't have quite the flair of "Band Of Brothers".

Both were just amazing, however. Both extensions of "Saving Private Ryan" but more true to actual events.
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Those who did not like the movie have trouble with art, history, and understanding our culture.

That's OK, each to their own.

All that because somebody does not like the quality of a movie. I found it boring, uninteresting, lame, lifeless, dull, and possessing a failed attempt at "humor" directed towards old people.

It has nothing to do with my grasp on art, history, and understanding of American culture.

In fact, that is exactly what it does reveal about your and Papa's grasp of the subjects.

I said I liked the movie, you are the one putting in criteria on why only certain people would like it. Give me a break, what the hell makes you an expert on why people like or dislike movies as there can be hundreds of reasons it isn't like?

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Yes a Rotten Tomatoes ranking by people on the internets is a reason not to see a movie.

Absolutely. The majority of Hollywood movies are total crap.

If it was an indy film, or documentary, or niche genre, that might be different.

But hell, Coriolanus is at 93% on even there it's ratings run parallel to my preferences.

When it comes to popular cinema, I've been burned too often by clever trailers and advertising hype.

My tastes in popular cinema run pretty main stream, so if 2/3rds of critics thought this was crap, the likelihood is I will also think it is crap.

Also, while Damon and Clooney are fine actors, I certainly do not go out of my way to see their movies, as I personally do not agree with their politics.

If they do something spectacular, like Robert Redford in All is Lost, I'll pay to watch it...otherwise I'll wait for it to stream on Netflix, the ABC Sunday Night Movie version or pick it up at the public library.

P.S. - All is Lost, 93% RT score.
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