The more hate liberals pour on Jeff Sessions, the more I know he was the right choice...

Since he comes from the deep uneducated back ass south, I would have to agree he is an excellent pick. Talk about going back in time.....its like the twilight zone. I feel bad for Alabama and Mississippi. Not very bright they aint. Things slow waaaaaaay down there.
The thing is, Jeff Sessions desegregated Alabama's schools, got a death sentence for a KKK murderer, and broke the KKK in Alabama with a civil lawsuit judgment. Apparently, that isn't good enough for crazy-ass liberals who want to brink him to account for making a joke that the only reason he doesn't like the KKK is because they smoke dope.

In Alabama, Jeff Sessions Desegregated Schools and Got the Death Penalty for KKK Head
Alabama is still fighting integration. Still thinlks the north had no business stomping the southern rednecks. Still trying to defend slavery.

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