"The more I study science the more I believe in God" - Albert Einstein

do you agree?

What does he mean when he says "God"?

God can be "everything". Everything exists (potentially) and therefore if you say this is "God" then clearly your definition of "God" exists.

If you say God is a creator of everything, then you're clearly wrong, because if it's all been created, then the God has to have been created too.
For an omnipotent God to be all knowing and all powerful he would have had to have had infinite experiences in order to obtain such a status of being all knowing. He would have had to have walked in each and every one of our shoes at one time. The key word being TIME. Einstein said 'Time is an illusion a very convincing one but still an illusion'
Should be the more one studies & is subjected to pseudo science of a churchstate Islamidiotocracy of Christiananality pedophile mentalities fabricated misnomers & immaculate conceptions that they hold on a level of Christ existed before God with homicidal & suicidal sociopsychopathic human farming techniques as "man is God" the more they prove this is not one nation under God.

View attachment 157308

That serve the Pope or die KKK churchstate of a Fourth Reich coming undone in it's time mastery break down from fabricated misnomers following a Kristallnacht tradition of drugs in synagogues, as either God has created an opioid crisis as god in that second coming of Christ for America or the Federal Lynching state of hate along with West Nazi Germany Virginia is still in the business of mass murder masquerading as God.......

Can't follow & interpret all the emojis strung together, but seems about as close as the churchstate pays for baptizing eyes by urinations so they don't have to pay for their "man is God" mass murder ethnic cleansing in America making God unobtainable.
See a doctor, ask him to check the meds you are taking.

There's yet another atypical immaculate drug conception from the perpetual serve the Pope or die crusade of an Islamo-Nazi economic national religion of "man is God" where every form of tyranny over the mind of man is supposedly to keep them as kings of their pyramid schemes..

That serve the Pope or die KKK churchstate of a Fourth Reich coming undone in it's time mastery break down from fabricated misnomers following a Kristallnacht tradition of drugs in synagogues, as either God has created an opioid crisis as god in that second coming of Christ for America or the Federal Lynching state of hate along with West Nazi Germany Virginia is still in the business of mass murder masquerading as God.......

Can't follow & interpret all the emojis strung together, but seems about as close as the churchstate pays for baptizing eyes by urinations so they don't have to pay for their "man is God" mass murder ethnic cleansing in America making God unobtainable.
See a doctor, ask him to check the meds you are taking.

There's yet another atypical immaculate drug conception from the perpetual serve the Pope or die crusade of an Islamo-Nazi economic national religion of "man is God" where every form of tyranny over the mind of man is supposedly to keep them as kings of their pyramid schemes..
man I hope you stay.

It's hilarious to read your gibberish.

Mr. Shaman, is that you?
See a doctor, ask him to check the meds you are taking.

Do you suppose that the problem with saltydancin is too much drugs, or not enough?

Problem is living in a Christian Nation dictating it's under God of cross conditioned way beyond therapy Islam pedophiles autistically fixated on Christ, where KKK churchstate cops lynching enforcement in utilizing mass neuroses of fascism to incite mass psychoses of fascism in order to do business as usual in sociopsychological human farming of Christiananality homicidal sociopsychopaths, where fabricating a misnomer of not standing for the national anthem & then calling federal lynching state enforcement out on it for not even attending MLB for over decades always gets that serve the Pope or die drugs card & the eyes baptised by urination since it was to protect & serve Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount played since it's always to make themselves propagandized as too dang lily brilliant white; whether it's for stealing & burning a US Constitution on a cross at a Navy Hospital to deprive medical care or those US Fascist Masochists that threatened to kill a US Senator since not interested in voting for another drug store truck driving man that's head of the Ku Klux Klan & all it's thieving old testament arsonists.
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Do you suppose that the problem with saltydancin is too much drugs, or not enough?

Problem is living in a Christian Nation dictating it's under God of cross conditioned way beyond therapy Islam pedophiles autistically fixated on Christ, where KKK churchstate cops lynching enforcement in utilizing mass neuroses of fascism to incite mass psychoses of fascism in order to do business as usual in sociopsychological human farming of Christiananality homicidal sociopsychopaths, where fabricating a misnomer of not standing for the national anthem & then calling federal lynching state enforcement out on it for not even attending MLB for over decades always gets that serve the Pope or die drugs card & the eyes baptised by urination since it was to protect & serve Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount played since it's always to make themselves propagandized as too dang lily brilliant white; whether it's for stealing & burning a US Constitution on a cross at a Navy Hospital to deprive medical care or those US Fascist Masochists that threatened to kill a US Senator since not interested in voting for another drug store truck driving man that's head of the Ku Klux Klan & all it's thieving old testament arsonists.

Do you suppose that the problem with saltydancin is too much drugs, or not enough?

Problem is living in a Christian Nation dictating it's under God of cross conditioned way beyond therapy Islam pedophiles autistically fixated on Christ, where KKK churchstate cops lynching enforcement in utilizing mass neuroses of fascism to incite mass psychoses of fascism in order to do business as usual in sociopsychological human farming of Christiananality homicidal sociopsychopaths, where fabricating a misnomer of not standing for the national anthem & then calling federal lynching state enforcement out on it for not even attending MLB for over decades always gets that serve the Pope or die drugs card & the eyes baptised by urination since it was to protect & serve Arab terrorists which threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount played since it's always to make themselves propagandized as too dang lily brilliant white; whether it's for stealing & burning a US Constitution on a cross at a Navy Hospital to deprive medical care or those US Fascist Masochists that threatened to kill a US Senator since not interested in voting for another drug store truck driving man that's head of the Ku Klux Klan & all it's thieving old testament arsonists.

View attachment 157621

Back with the cuckoo clock again just like the Federal Lynching state of hate KKK churchstate cop throwing urinations out of a container to baptise eyes by urinations & assaulting one of Eisenhower's pentagon staff sargeants thinking as "man is God" under color of law dictating one could not talk about Arab terrorists that threatened POTUS & to nuke Temple Mount on 9/11 was illegal in front of so many government employees as if watching some Christiananality pedophile mentality trying to fight it's way out of a paper bag; or in this on the clock Freudian slip for the Islamidiotocracy..
"The more I study science the more I believe in God" - Albert Einstein
Typical lying scum Christian fake quote.
Why are Christians, made in the image of God, such pathological lying scum?

Christians are cross conditioned way beyond therapy to be Islam pedophiles where over 98% on a Bell curve can't get fight their way out of a paper bag since it creates cognitive dissonance to maintain that, it isn't funny so don't laugh "man is God" super ego resulting in the proverbial Islam Christiananality pedophile mentality. Whether Einstein studied this science in lieu of the topic thread is somewhere in the space time continuum, or not; for belief in God as suicidal sociopsychopathalogical in relativity to anything.
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