The more mentally ill and dependent Fetterman becomes the more attractive he becomes to Democrats…right?

Democrats and the media knew that Fetterman was a freaking lost cause but they hated Trump so much that they elected toe freaking fool.
Let’s be honest, the Party has become all about and all in on anything unconventional, unAmerican and weird…right?
I won't kick a man when he is down. He is human and hasn't done anything to me. I will say that with his health history he should not have been running let alone been elected, but that's just my own perspective. I wish him well.
The more he fights for our safetynet, investment in our own country and defends my right to be LGBT the more I support him.

I hope he gets better.
I won't kick a man when he is down. He is human and hasn't done anything to me. I will say that with his health history he should not have been running let alone been elected, but that's just my own perspective. I wish him well.
His warped ideas and methods are DANGEROUS to our country and to the state of Pennsylvania. It's not personal. It's about getting him OUT. I don't want to kick the guy. I don't want to insult him. I just want him O-U-T. His influence in politics is detrimental and even farther reaching now then it was when he was lieutenant governor of my state. I have been through 8 years of him. Ive seen enough. This is just cold hard political motive on my part, not personal.
His warped ideas and methods are DANGEROUS to our country and to the state of Pennsylvania. It's not personal. It's about getting him OUT. I don't want to kick the guy. I don't want to insult him. I just want him O-U-T.
Well that's entirely different from mocking a mans health and struggles.
He has depression....most likely because of the stroke. Millions of Americans have suffered from both. But we know that MAGAts denigrate those with illnesses or handicaps.

He has depression....most likely because of the stroke. Millions of Americans have suffered from both. But we know that MAGAts denigrate those with illnesses or handicaps.

Yes. Uncle Fester never had a job and sponged off his parents well into his forties and depression just set in because of a stroke.

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