The more Republicans fuck up - the more they get rewarded. Why?

Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

They didn't get rewarded you idiot. We got handed a defeat because we ran a shit candidate.
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

It's because you're a socialist and are in the wrong country. Leave and we'll both be happier. The Republicans GOT IT RIGHT - what part of President Elect Trump can you not comprehend?

Go whine someplace else. America has been Awakened and is taking our country back.
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

Let me get this straight, Hillary used a private server she knew she was not suppose to use and then got caught, and then promptly deleted her e-mails with bleach bit and destroyed her servers, then lied her arse off about it afterwards? Then she had a foundation she was using as a money laundering scheme? Then she fixed the primary against Bernie?

How do Republicans do so well?

Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.

People can explain it to you but you have yet to understand when you run someone so flawed then expect the opposition voter to make sure your candidate can not win.

You write about the failure of the GOP being rewarded, well then the Hispanic\Latino community reminded you and your politicians that broken promises made in 2008 about immigration reform was not going to be rewarded.

You will not be able to spin it as the GOP fault seeing President Obama and the Democratic Party controlled both the house and Senate from 2009 to 2011 and could have gotten the work done to end the wedge issue.

Also writing about fixing the economy and giving America the ACA was more important will not work either because the ACA is a miserable failure and should be repealed and tossed in the file of never doing something that stupid again!

So you ask why the GOP were rewarded?

Simple, broken promises, the ACA, and the most flawed Democratic Nominee in recent history if not in the history of this country!

Now you will write how was she flawed so I will ask you how do you like the failure in Iraq ( yes her senate vote did matter )?

How do you like Libya and Syria ( yes her days as Secretary of State does matter )?

How do you like the Patriot act ( again another vote )?

How do you enjoy the investigations about her costing the American public millions of dollars ( and yes some were just partisan but still where she flaunts herself scandal will follow )?

So before you ask why the GOP was rewarded maybe you should ask yourself why you believe the American people would have voted for a political party that failed in it promises and ran a candidate that was too flawed!?!

( I already know you will blame Bush, GOP and Sexism so I am ready for that stupidity! )
2-3 SCOTUS appointments will be made by President Trump in his first term.

Suck on balls, 'Laff-Hota'.................
Seriously, I don't understand why that happens. Can someone please explain it to me.
They're more in tune with the majority of Americans voters. Sorry about that.

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