'The Morgenthau Plan' As Death Sentence....

8. The Morgenthau Plan calling for total annihilation of Germany, and 'unconditional surrender'.......
Former communist agent Elizabeth Bentley went to the FBI...
"Bentley identified around 150 network members or collaborators."
M. Stanton Evans, "Blacklisted by History," p. 124.

Bentley explained that Stalin's spy, Harry Dexter White actually wrote the plan. Elizabeth Bentley, a former operative of the Soviet underground testified before the Senate subcommittee on August 14, 1951, naming some 80 Soviet spies. Her testimony was summarized in an FBI report, dated November 25, 1945.

Glimpse the methods and purpose of the Soviet operation:

Miss Bentley testified as follows about the Morgenthau plan for Germany:
Senator Eastland: "Did you know who drew that plan?"

Miss Bentlcy: "Due to Mr. White's influence, to push the devastation of Germany, because that was what the Russians wanted."

Senator Ferguson: "That was what the Communists wanted?"

Miss Bentley: "Definitely Moscow wanted them completely razed because then they would be of no help to the allies."

Senator Eastland: "What you say is that it was a Communist plot to destroy Germany and weaken her to where she could not help us?"

Miss Bentley: "That is correct. She could no longer be a barrier to protect the western world." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.102-103
5. The plan for 'unconditional surrender' began in the Kremlin, was foisted on to the Roosevelt administration via Stalin's spies working for Roosevelt.

Harry Hopkins, Stalin's spy who actually lived in the White House gave a speech on June 22, 1942, at the Russia Aid Rally, Madison Square Garden, where he said "And his cities, one by one, will be destroyed by Allied air forces." Ottawa Citizen - Google News Archive Search

Harry Hopkins was not a spy. The accusation was based on an assumption that Hopkins was "Source 19". When the secret Vasilievs Notebooks were smuggled out of Russia they confirmed that "Source 19" was not Hopkins, but rather Laurence Duggan.

Front Page is a conservative publication and John Earl Haynes is a respected historical scholar considered by Historians to be a foremost expert on this area of history.


Spoken like a true communist dupe!

1. The leading evidence that Hopkins was a spy for Joseph Stalin is presented by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel in their 2000 book, The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitor. I have summarized their argument elsewhere as follows:

a. Their evidence is, first, that Soviet KGB defector, Oleg Gordievsky, said that Hopkins was in regular communication with top Soviet covert operative, Iskhak Akhmerov, in New York City. This was more than just a "back channel" for communication between Roosevelt and Stalin because Hopkins had existing back channels at the Soviet embassy that he used, and Akhmerov's identity as an operative was not supposed to be known to the U.S. government.

b.Second, the Venona project decrypts of Soviet communications with its spies, which came to light only in the 1990s, reveal a report on a Washington discussion between Roosevelt and Winston Churchill by an "agent 19." Only Harry Hopkins among suspected Soviet agents would have been privy to that conversation.

c. Third, former Communist Whittaker Chambers testified to Congress in 1948 about the formation of Communist "study groups" within the U.S. government from which espionage agents were recruited. One of those groups, led by Lee Pressman, was established within the Department of Agriculture in late 1933, and Hopkins was a member of that group.

d. Fourth, his policies were strongly pro-Soviet, particularly in his work as head of the Lend-Lease program. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

2. The degree to which he [Harry Hopkins] far exceeded any strategic necessity in aiding the Soviet Union in that latter capacity [the Lend-Lease program] is well described in the 1952 book by Major George Racey Jordan entitled From Major Jordan’s Diaries. A summary, with key excerpts, are in the previously referenced article, “How We Gave the Russians the Bomb.

3. Now, corroborating and entirely independent evidence of Hopkins’ likely treason has come to light in the pages of an obscure book by Emanuel M. Josephson. The title is The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and while it does have a very intriguing chapter on FDR’s demise, the main subject of the book is better captured by the subtitle, A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty, America’s Royal Family. The following passage is on pp. 145-146:

a. In later years, Murray Garsson, the munitions manufacturer who was convicted for bribery and irregularities in connection with war contracts, reported that Harry Hopkins had been very helpful to him in securing and handling those contracts. In return for his help, Hopkins had demanded and received liberal payment for his influence. Garsson regularly paid Hopkins’s numerous losses on bets on the horse races. But one form of payment demanded by Hopkins stood out as most odd, Garsson said.

b. Garsson maintained quarters at the Wardman Park Hotel in Washington in connection with his war contracts. But he spent his weekends in New York with his family. Harry Hopkins demanded of Garsson that he permit him and his friends to use the quarters during the weekends, and that he defray the cost of refreshments and entertainment. Garsson permitted Hopkins and his guests to charge their expenses to his account.

c. In looking over his bills, Garsson noted the names of the persons who had signed the tabs charged to him. Among Harry Hopkins’s associates who had signed tabs were Carl Aldo Marzani and the whole array of the members of what was later proved to be the Hal Ware (Communist) cell that operated in the Government. Garsson stated that he did not become aware of the fact that he was acting as involuntary host to Hopkins’s Communist cell until after Marzani had been convicted and sent to jail for perjury in swearing in his State Department application that he was not, and never had been, a member of the Communist Party.

4. Josephson, who was hardly an admirer of Roosevelt and his New Deal, lacks references for his allegations, but many factors militate in favor of their basic accuracy. The strongest of these is that they dovetail perfectly with the other Soviet-agent charges against Hopkins and, coming much earlier, they could not have been influenced by them. In combination, the charges are much stronger than any one of them is alone. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

Hopkins, Stalin's most powerful agent....

...and you, a sad, decrepit fool.
The linked Front Page article by Haynes addresses everything in your link. You are simply ignoring the most recent revelations that came out with the secret Vassilieves Notebooks. All of your links are based on the obsolete pre-Vasilievs Notebooks that were based on the wrong assumption that Hopkins was Source 19.

Go ahead.....show each of the proofs I have provided are inaccurate.

I especially like this:

1.Hopkins apparently served his Soviet masters almost to the end of his days. The following passage is from pp. 118-119 of Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein (2012):

a. Hopkins’s pro-Soviet leanings would be on further display in the Yalta records, where his handwritten comments are available for viewing. Though seriously ill at the time of the meeting, he continued to ply his influence with FDR, who himself was mortally sick and susceptible to suggestion in ways that we can only guess at.

After FDR had made innumerable concessions to Stalin, there occurred a deadlock on the issue of “reparations.” At this point, Hopkins passed a note to Roosevelt that summed up the American attitude at Yalta. “Mr. President,” this said, “the Russians have given in so much at this conference I don’t think we should let them down. Let the British disagree if they want—and continue their disagreement at Moscow [in subsequent diplomatic meetings]” (Emphasis added by Evans and Romerstein).

b. One may search the Yalta records at length and have trouble finding an issue of substance on which the Soviets had “given in” to FDR—the entire thrust of the conference, as Roosevelt loyalist [Robert] Sherwood acknowledged, being in the reverse direction.

Harry Hopkins.....Stalin's most highly placed spy: in the White House itself.

You....a decrepit fool and dupe.

Harry Dexter White

White was also charged with heavily influencing the notorious “Morgenthau Plan” of September 1944, which proposed a de-industrialized, pastoralized Germany. Many historians have long assumed that the Morgenthau Plan advanced the interests of the Soviets. Craig argues that this plan was really Morgenthau's own and cannot be laid at White's feet. Moreover, the plan explicitly rejected reparations, which ran counter to stated Soviet demands on the German economy.
Treasonable Doubt: The Harry Dexter White Spy Case — Central Intelligence Agency
Harry Dexter White

White was also charged with heavily influencing the notorious “Morgenthau Plan” of September 1944, which proposed a de-industrialized, pastoralized Germany. Many historians have long assumed that the Morgenthau Plan advanced the interests of the Soviets. Craig argues that this plan was really Morgenthau's own and cannot be laid at White's feet. Moreover, the plan explicitly rejected reparations, which ran counter to stated Soviet demands on the German economy.
Treasonable Doubt: The Harry Dexter White Spy Case — Central Intelligence Agency

Did you miss this?

8. The Morgenthau Plan calling for total annihilation of Germany, and 'unconditional surrender'.......
Former communist agent Elizabeth Bentley went to the FBI...
"Bentley identified around 150 network members or collaborators."
M. Stanton Evans, "Blacklisted by History," p. 124.

Bentley explained that Stalin's spy, Harry Dexter White actually wrote the plan. Elizabeth Bentley, a former operative of the Soviet underground testified before the Senate subcommittee on August 14, 1951, naming some 80 Soviet spies. Her testimony was summarized in an FBI report, dated November 25, 1945.

Glimpse the methods and purpose of the Soviet operation:

Miss Bentley testified as follows about the Morgenthau plan for Germany:
Senator Eastland: "Did you know who drew that plan?"

Miss Bentlcy: "Due to Mr. White's influence, to push the devastation of Germany, because that was what the Russians wanted."

Senator Ferguson: "That was what the Communists wanted?"

Miss Bentley: "Definitely Moscow wanted them completely razed because then they would be of no help to the allies."

Senator Eastland: "What you say is that it was a Communist plot to destroy Germany and weaken her to where she could not help us?"

Miss Bentley: "That is correct. She could no longer be a barrier to protect the western world."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.102-103
And this?

"Harry Dexter White (October 9, 1892 – August 16, 1948) was an American economist and senior U.S. Treasury department official. Working closely with the Secretary of the TreasuryHenry Morgenthau, Jr., he helped set American financial policy toward the Allies of World War IIwhile at the same time he passed numerous secrets to the Soviet Union.[1] He was the senior American official at the 1944 Bretton Woods conference, that established the postwar economic order. He dominated the conference and imposed his vision of post-war financial institutions over the objections of John Maynard Keynes, the British representative. At Bretton Woods, White was a major architect of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.

White was accused in 1948 of spying for the Soviet Union, which he adamantly denied, but which was later confirmed by the release of declassified FBI documents related to the interception and decoding of Soviet communications, known as the Venona Project.[2]

According to Henry Morgenthau's son, White was the principal architect behind the Morgenthau Plan, designed to permanently weaken Germany's military capabilities.[13] The Morgenthau postwar plan, as authored by White,..."
Harry Dexter White - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Harry Dexter White

White was also charged with heavily influencing the notorious “Morgenthau Plan” of September 1944, which proposed a de-industrialized, pastoralized Germany. Many historians have long assumed that the Morgenthau Plan advanced the interests of the Soviets. Craig argues that this plan was really Morgenthau's own and cannot be laid at White's feet. Moreover, the plan explicitly rejected reparations, which ran counter to stated Soviet demands on the German economy.
Treasonable Doubt: The Harry Dexter White Spy Case — Central Intelligence Agency

Did you miss this?

8. The Morgenthau Plan calling for total annihilation of Germany, and 'unconditional surrender'.......
Former communist agent Elizabeth Bentley went to the FBI...
"Bentley identified around 150 network members or collaborators."
M. Stanton Evans, "Blacklisted by History," p. 124.

Bentley explained that Stalin's spy, Harry Dexter White actually wrote the plan. Elizabeth Bentley, a former operative of the Soviet underground testified before the Senate subcommittee on August 14, 1951, naming some 80 Soviet spies. Her testimony was summarized in an FBI report, dated November 25, 1945.

Glimpse the methods and purpose of the Soviet operation:

Miss Bentley testified as follows about the Morgenthau plan for Germany:
Senator Eastland: "Did you know who drew that plan?"

Miss Bentlcy: "Due to Mr. White's influence, to push the devastation of Germany, because that was what the Russians wanted."

Senator Ferguson: "That was what the Communists wanted?"

Miss Bentley: "Definitely Moscow wanted them completely razed because then they would be of no help to the allies."

Senator Eastland: "What you say is that it was a Communist plot to destroy Germany and weaken her to where she could not help us?"

Miss Bentley: "That is correct. She could no longer be a barrier to protect the western world."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.102-103
Are you always an alpha bitch wanna be?
Harry Dexter White

White was also charged with heavily influencing the notorious “Morgenthau Plan” of September 1944, which proposed a de-industrialized, pastoralized Germany. Many historians have long assumed that the Morgenthau Plan advanced the interests of the Soviets. Craig argues that this plan was really Morgenthau's own and cannot be laid at White's feet. Moreover, the plan explicitly rejected reparations, which ran counter to stated Soviet demands on the German economy.
Treasonable Doubt: The Harry Dexter White Spy Case — Central Intelligence Agency

Did you miss this?

8. The Morgenthau Plan calling for total annihilation of Germany, and 'unconditional surrender'.......
Former communist agent Elizabeth Bentley went to the FBI...
"Bentley identified around 150 network members or collaborators."
M. Stanton Evans, "Blacklisted by History," p. 124.

Bentley explained that Stalin's spy, Harry Dexter White actually wrote the plan. Elizabeth Bentley, a former operative of the Soviet underground testified before the Senate subcommittee on August 14, 1951, naming some 80 Soviet spies. Her testimony was summarized in an FBI report, dated November 25, 1945.

Glimpse the methods and purpose of the Soviet operation:

Miss Bentley testified as follows about the Morgenthau plan for Germany:
Senator Eastland: "Did you know who drew that plan?"

Miss Bentlcy: "Due to Mr. White's influence, to push the devastation of Germany, because that was what the Russians wanted."

Senator Ferguson: "That was what the Communists wanted?"

Miss Bentley: "Definitely Moscow wanted them completely razed because then they would be of no help to the allies."

Senator Eastland: "What you say is that it was a Communist plot to destroy Germany and weaken her to where she could not help us?"

Miss Bentley: "That is correct. She could no longer be a barrier to protect the western world."
Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.102-103
Are you always an alpha bitch wanna be?

Is this the language you resort to when being spanked publicly?

Pretty classy guy, huh?
Averell Harriman was special envoy of FDR. "At the Tehran Conference in late 1943 Harriman was tasked with placating a suspicious Churchill while Roosevelt attempted to gain the confidence of Stalin."
W. Averell Harriman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Harriman made this interesting observation: "When Stalin saw him [Hopkins] enter the conference room [Tehran]he got up, walked across the room and shook hands with him. I never saw him do that to anybody, even Roosevelt. He was the only man I ever saw Stalin show personal emotion for."
Encounter Magazine interview, 1981.

Did I mention that Harry Hopkins was Stalin's most highly place spies???

Actually lived with Roosevelt.
5. The plan for 'unconditional surrender' began in the Kremlin, was foisted on to the Roosevelt administration via Stalin's spies working for Roosevelt.

Harry Hopkins, Stalin's spy who actually lived in the White House gave a speech on June 22, 1942, at the Russia Aid Rally, Madison Square Garden, where he said "And his cities, one by one, will be destroyed by Allied air forces." Ottawa Citizen - Google News Archive Search

Harry Hopkins was not a spy. The accusation was based on an assumption that Hopkins was "Source 19". When the secret Vasilievs Notebooks were smuggled out of Russia they confirmed that "Source 19" was not Hopkins, but rather Laurence Duggan.

Front Page is a conservative publication and John Earl Haynes is a respected historical scholar considered by Historians to be a foremost expert on this area of history.


Spoken like a true communist dupe!

1. The leading evidence that Hopkins was a spy for Joseph Stalin is presented by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel in their 2000 book, The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitor. I have summarized their argument elsewhere as follows:

a. Their evidence is, first, that Soviet KGB defector, Oleg Gordievsky, said that Hopkins was in regular communication with top Soviet covert operative, Iskhak Akhmerov, in New York City. This was more than just a "back channel" for communication between Roosevelt and Stalin because Hopkins had existing back channels at the Soviet embassy that he used, and Akhmerov's identity as an operative was not supposed to be known to the U.S. government.

b.Second, the Venona project decrypts of Soviet communications with its spies, which came to light only in the 1990s, reveal a report on a Washington discussion between Roosevelt and Winston Churchill by an "agent 19." Only Harry Hopkins among suspected Soviet agents would have been privy to that conversation.

c. Third, former Communist Whittaker Chambers testified to Congress in 1948 about the formation of Communist "study groups" within the U.S. government from which espionage agents were recruited. One of those groups, led by Lee Pressman, was established within the Department of Agriculture in late 1933, and Hopkins was a member of that group.

d. Fourth, his policies were strongly pro-Soviet, particularly in his work as head of the Lend-Lease program. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

2. The degree to which he [Harry Hopkins] far exceeded any strategic necessity in aiding the Soviet Union in that latter capacity [the Lend-Lease program] is well described in the 1952 book by Major George Racey Jordan entitled From Major Jordan’s Diaries. A summary, with key excerpts, are in the previously referenced article, “How We Gave the Russians the Bomb.

3. Now, corroborating and entirely independent evidence of Hopkins’ likely treason has come to light in the pages of an obscure book by Emanuel M. Josephson. The title is The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and while it does have a very intriguing chapter on FDR’s demise, the main subject of the book is better captured by the subtitle, A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty, America’s Royal Family. The following passage is on pp. 145-146:

a. In later years, Murray Garsson, the munitions manufacturer who was convicted for bribery and irregularities in connection with war contracts, reported that Harry Hopkins had been very helpful to him in securing and handling those contracts. In return for his help, Hopkins had demanded and received liberal payment for his influence. Garsson regularly paid Hopkins’s numerous losses on bets on the horse races. But one form of payment demanded by Hopkins stood out as most odd, Garsson said.

b. Garsson maintained quarters at the Wardman Park Hotel in Washington in connection with his war contracts. But he spent his weekends in New York with his family. Harry Hopkins demanded of Garsson that he permit him and his friends to use the quarters during the weekends, and that he defray the cost of refreshments and entertainment. Garsson permitted Hopkins and his guests to charge their expenses to his account.

c. In looking over his bills, Garsson noted the names of the persons who had signed the tabs charged to him. Among Harry Hopkins’s associates who had signed tabs were Carl Aldo Marzani and the whole array of the members of what was later proved to be the Hal Ware (Communist) cell that operated in the Government. Garsson stated that he did not become aware of the fact that he was acting as involuntary host to Hopkins’s Communist cell until after Marzani had been convicted and sent to jail for perjury in swearing in his State Department application that he was not, and never had been, a member of the Communist Party.

4. Josephson, who was hardly an admirer of Roosevelt and his New Deal, lacks references for his allegations, but many factors militate in favor of their basic accuracy. The strongest of these is that they dovetail perfectly with the other Soviet-agent charges against Hopkins and, coming much earlier, they could not have been influenced by them. In combination, the charges are much stronger than any one of them is alone. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

Hopkins, Stalin's most powerful agent....

...and you, a sad, decrepit fool.
The linked Front Page article by Haynes addresses everything in your link. You are simply ignoring the most recent revelations that came out with the secret Vassilieves Notebooks. All of your links are based on the obsolete pre-Vasilievs Notebooks that were based on the wrong assumption that Hopkins was Source 19.

Go ahead.....show each of the proofs I have provided are inaccurate.

I especially like this:

1.Hopkins apparently served his Soviet masters almost to the end of his days. The following passage is from pp. 118-119 of Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein (2012):

a. Hopkins’s pro-Soviet leanings would be on further display in the Yalta records, where his handwritten comments are available for viewing. Though seriously ill at the time of the meeting, he continued to ply his influence with FDR, who himself was mortally sick and susceptible to suggestion in ways that we can only guess at.

After FDR had made innumerable concessions to Stalin, there occurred a deadlock on the issue of “reparations.” At this point, Hopkins passed a note to Roosevelt that summed up the American attitude at Yalta. “Mr. President,” this said, “the Russians have given in so much at this conference I don’t think we should let them down. Let the British disagree if they want—and continue their disagreement at Moscow [in subsequent diplomatic meetings]” (Emphasis added by Evans and Romerstein).

b. One may search the Yalta records at length and have trouble finding an issue of substance on which the Soviets had “given in” to FDR—the entire thrust of the conference, as Roosevelt loyalist [Robert] Sherwood acknowledged, being in the reverse direction.

Harry Hopkins.....Stalin's most highly placed spy: in the White House itself.

You....a decrepit fool and dupe.

Your link from "dc dave" does exactly what I said. It relies on the pre-Vasiliev's Notebooks and the faulty assumption that Hopkins was Source 19. Like you, dc dave chooses to ignore the debunked notion of Hopkins being Source 19 because without that misinformation you have a thesis based on a proven lie.
As long as you're happy pissing away your precious time enlightening us with ancient drivel (be it factual or otherwise) that has absolutely no impact on our present day lives, that's all the matters.
5. The plan for 'unconditional surrender' began in the Kremlin, was foisted on to the Roosevelt administration via Stalin's spies working for Roosevelt.

Harry Hopkins, Stalin's spy who actually lived in the White House gave a speech on June 22, 1942, at the Russia Aid Rally, Madison Square Garden, where he said "And his cities, one by one, will be destroyed by Allied air forces." Ottawa Citizen - Google News Archive Search

Harry Hopkins was not a spy. The accusation was based on an assumption that Hopkins was "Source 19". When the secret Vasilievs Notebooks were smuggled out of Russia they confirmed that "Source 19" was not Hopkins, but rather Laurence Duggan.

Front Page is a conservative publication and John Earl Haynes is a respected historical scholar considered by Historians to be a foremost expert on this area of history.


Spoken like a true communist dupe!

1. The leading evidence that Hopkins was a spy for Joseph Stalin is presented by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel in their 2000 book, The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitor. I have summarized their argument elsewhere as follows:

a. Their evidence is, first, that Soviet KGB defector, Oleg Gordievsky, said that Hopkins was in regular communication with top Soviet covert operative, Iskhak Akhmerov, in New York City. This was more than just a "back channel" for communication between Roosevelt and Stalin because Hopkins had existing back channels at the Soviet embassy that he used, and Akhmerov's identity as an operative was not supposed to be known to the U.S. government.

b.Second, the Venona project decrypts of Soviet communications with its spies, which came to light only in the 1990s, reveal a report on a Washington discussion between Roosevelt and Winston Churchill by an "agent 19." Only Harry Hopkins among suspected Soviet agents would have been privy to that conversation.

c. Third, former Communist Whittaker Chambers testified to Congress in 1948 about the formation of Communist "study groups" within the U.S. government from which espionage agents were recruited. One of those groups, led by Lee Pressman, was established within the Department of Agriculture in late 1933, and Hopkins was a member of that group.

d. Fourth, his policies were strongly pro-Soviet, particularly in his work as head of the Lend-Lease program. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

2. The degree to which he [Harry Hopkins] far exceeded any strategic necessity in aiding the Soviet Union in that latter capacity [the Lend-Lease program] is well described in the 1952 book by Major George Racey Jordan entitled From Major Jordan’s Diaries. A summary, with key excerpts, are in the previously referenced article, “How We Gave the Russians the Bomb.

3. Now, corroborating and entirely independent evidence of Hopkins’ likely treason has come to light in the pages of an obscure book by Emanuel M. Josephson. The title is The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and while it does have a very intriguing chapter on FDR’s demise, the main subject of the book is better captured by the subtitle, A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty, America’s Royal Family. The following passage is on pp. 145-146:

a. In later years, Murray Garsson, the munitions manufacturer who was convicted for bribery and irregularities in connection with war contracts, reported that Harry Hopkins had been very helpful to him in securing and handling those contracts. In return for his help, Hopkins had demanded and received liberal payment for his influence. Garsson regularly paid Hopkins’s numerous losses on bets on the horse races. But one form of payment demanded by Hopkins stood out as most odd, Garsson said.

b. Garsson maintained quarters at the Wardman Park Hotel in Washington in connection with his war contracts. But he spent his weekends in New York with his family. Harry Hopkins demanded of Garsson that he permit him and his friends to use the quarters during the weekends, and that he defray the cost of refreshments and entertainment. Garsson permitted Hopkins and his guests to charge their expenses to his account.

c. In looking over his bills, Garsson noted the names of the persons who had signed the tabs charged to him. Among Harry Hopkins’s associates who had signed tabs were Carl Aldo Marzani and the whole array of the members of what was later proved to be the Hal Ware (Communist) cell that operated in the Government. Garsson stated that he did not become aware of the fact that he was acting as involuntary host to Hopkins’s Communist cell until after Marzani had been convicted and sent to jail for perjury in swearing in his State Department application that he was not, and never had been, a member of the Communist Party.

4. Josephson, who was hardly an admirer of Roosevelt and his New Deal, lacks references for his allegations, but many factors militate in favor of their basic accuracy. The strongest of these is that they dovetail perfectly with the other Soviet-agent charges against Hopkins and, coming much earlier, they could not have been influenced by them. In combination, the charges are much stronger than any one of them is alone. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

Hopkins, Stalin's most powerful agent....

...and you, a sad, decrepit fool.
The linked Front Page article by Haynes addresses everything in your link. You are simply ignoring the most recent revelations that came out with the secret Vassilieves Notebooks. All of your links are based on the obsolete pre-Vasilievs Notebooks that were based on the wrong assumption that Hopkins was Source 19.

Go ahead.....show each of the proofs I have provided are inaccurate.

I especially like this:

1.Hopkins apparently served his Soviet masters almost to the end of his days. The following passage is from pp. 118-119 of Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein (2012):

a. Hopkins’s pro-Soviet leanings would be on further display in the Yalta records, where his handwritten comments are available for viewing. Though seriously ill at the time of the meeting, he continued to ply his influence with FDR, who himself was mortally sick and susceptible to suggestion in ways that we can only guess at.

After FDR had made innumerable concessions to Stalin, there occurred a deadlock on the issue of “reparations.” At this point, Hopkins passed a note to Roosevelt that summed up the American attitude at Yalta. “Mr. President,” this said, “the Russians have given in so much at this conference I don’t think we should let them down. Let the British disagree if they want—and continue their disagreement at Moscow [in subsequent diplomatic meetings]” (Emphasis added by Evans and Romerstein).

b. One may search the Yalta records at length and have trouble finding an issue of substance on which the Soviets had “given in” to FDR—the entire thrust of the conference, as Roosevelt loyalist [Robert] Sherwood acknowledged, being in the reverse direction.

Harry Hopkins.....Stalin's most highly placed spy: in the White House itself.

You....a decrepit fool and dupe.

Your link from "dc dave" does exactly what I said. It relies on the pre-Vasiliev's Notebooks and the faulty assumption that Hopkins was Source 19. Like you, dc dave chooses to ignore the debunked notion of Hopkins being Source 19 because without that misinformation you a thesis based on a proven lie.

Even before the United States formally entered the war, Hopkins made it clear that he saw the struggle as a world revolution. In an article published in the American Magazine in July, 1941, he wrote:
"This is not only a fight for freedom of speech, religion and assembly. It is a fight for economic freedom for the people of the world, a fight to fulfill in this generation all that our fathers fought and strove for in the last 200 years. . . When a democratic victory is won, then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.95.

Now....does that sound like a communist?

You betcha'!!

Harry Hopkins.....Joseph Stalin's most highly placed spy.

You....a decrepit fool and a dupe.
As long as you're happy pissing away your precious time enlightening us with ancient drivel (be it factual or otherwise) that has absolutely no impact on our present day lives, that's all the matters.

1. ".... (be it factual or otherwise) ...."

Do you understand what you've just admitted?????

Didn't think so.

2. "....no impact on our present day lives, that's all the matters."

Sooooo......just a coincidence that the Democrat Party stands for the same things that the communist party did?
As long as you're happy pissing away your precious time enlightening us with ancient drivel (be it factual or otherwise) that has absolutely no impact on our present day lives, that's all the matters.

1. ".... (be it factual or otherwise) ...."

Do you understand what you've just admitted?????

Didn't think so.

2. "....no impact on our present day lives, that's all the matters."

Sooooo......just a coincidence that the Democrat Party stands for the same things that the communist party did?

She really is quite mad.
As long as you're happy pissing away your precious time enlightening us with ancient drivel (be it factual or otherwise) that has absolutely no impact on our present day lives, that's all the matters.

1. ".... (be it factual or otherwise) ...."

Do you understand what you've just admitted?????

Didn't think so.

2. "....no impact on our present day lives, that's all the matters."

Sooooo......just a coincidence that the Democrat Party stands for the same things that the communist party did?

She really is quite mad.

Did you actually write this?

".... (be it factual or otherwise) ...."
Harry Hopkins was not a spy. The accusation was based on an assumption that Hopkins was "Source 19". When the secret Vasilievs Notebooks were smuggled out of Russia they confirmed that "Source 19" was not Hopkins, but rather Laurence Duggan.

Front Page is a conservative publication and John Earl Haynes is a respected historical scholar considered by Historians to be a foremost expert on this area of history.


Spoken like a true communist dupe!

1. The leading evidence that Hopkins was a spy for Joseph Stalin is presented by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel in their 2000 book, The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitor. I have summarized their argument elsewhere as follows:

a. Their evidence is, first, that Soviet KGB defector, Oleg Gordievsky, said that Hopkins was in regular communication with top Soviet covert operative, Iskhak Akhmerov, in New York City. This was more than just a "back channel" for communication between Roosevelt and Stalin because Hopkins had existing back channels at the Soviet embassy that he used, and Akhmerov's identity as an operative was not supposed to be known to the U.S. government.

b.Second, the Venona project decrypts of Soviet communications with its spies, which came to light only in the 1990s, reveal a report on a Washington discussion between Roosevelt and Winston Churchill by an "agent 19." Only Harry Hopkins among suspected Soviet agents would have been privy to that conversation.

c. Third, former Communist Whittaker Chambers testified to Congress in 1948 about the formation of Communist "study groups" within the U.S. government from which espionage agents were recruited. One of those groups, led by Lee Pressman, was established within the Department of Agriculture in late 1933, and Hopkins was a member of that group.

d. Fourth, his policies were strongly pro-Soviet, particularly in his work as head of the Lend-Lease program. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

2. The degree to which he [Harry Hopkins] far exceeded any strategic necessity in aiding the Soviet Union in that latter capacity [the Lend-Lease program] is well described in the 1952 book by Major George Racey Jordan entitled From Major Jordan’s Diaries. A summary, with key excerpts, are in the previously referenced article, “How We Gave the Russians the Bomb.

3. Now, corroborating and entirely independent evidence of Hopkins’ likely treason has come to light in the pages of an obscure book by Emanuel M. Josephson. The title is The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and while it does have a very intriguing chapter on FDR’s demise, the main subject of the book is better captured by the subtitle, A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty, America’s Royal Family. The following passage is on pp. 145-146:

a. In later years, Murray Garsson, the munitions manufacturer who was convicted for bribery and irregularities in connection with war contracts, reported that Harry Hopkins had been very helpful to him in securing and handling those contracts. In return for his help, Hopkins had demanded and received liberal payment for his influence. Garsson regularly paid Hopkins’s numerous losses on bets on the horse races. But one form of payment demanded by Hopkins stood out as most odd, Garsson said.

b. Garsson maintained quarters at the Wardman Park Hotel in Washington in connection with his war contracts. But he spent his weekends in New York with his family. Harry Hopkins demanded of Garsson that he permit him and his friends to use the quarters during the weekends, and that he defray the cost of refreshments and entertainment. Garsson permitted Hopkins and his guests to charge their expenses to his account.

c. In looking over his bills, Garsson noted the names of the persons who had signed the tabs charged to him. Among Harry Hopkins’s associates who had signed tabs were Carl Aldo Marzani and the whole array of the members of what was later proved to be the Hal Ware (Communist) cell that operated in the Government. Garsson stated that he did not become aware of the fact that he was acting as involuntary host to Hopkins’s Communist cell until after Marzani had been convicted and sent to jail for perjury in swearing in his State Department application that he was not, and never had been, a member of the Communist Party.

4. Josephson, who was hardly an admirer of Roosevelt and his New Deal, lacks references for his allegations, but many factors militate in favor of their basic accuracy. The strongest of these is that they dovetail perfectly with the other Soviet-agent charges against Hopkins and, coming much earlier, they could not have been influenced by them. In combination, the charges are much stronger than any one of them is alone. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

Hopkins, Stalin's most powerful agent....

...and you, a sad, decrepit fool.
The linked Front Page article by Haynes addresses everything in your link. You are simply ignoring the most recent revelations that came out with the secret Vassilieves Notebooks. All of your links are based on the obsolete pre-Vasilievs Notebooks that were based on the wrong assumption that Hopkins was Source 19.

Go ahead.....show each of the proofs I have provided are inaccurate.

I especially like this:

1.Hopkins apparently served his Soviet masters almost to the end of his days. The following passage is from pp. 118-119 of Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein (2012):

a. Hopkins’s pro-Soviet leanings would be on further display in the Yalta records, where his handwritten comments are available for viewing. Though seriously ill at the time of the meeting, he continued to ply his influence with FDR, who himself was mortally sick and susceptible to suggestion in ways that we can only guess at.

After FDR had made innumerable concessions to Stalin, there occurred a deadlock on the issue of “reparations.” At this point, Hopkins passed a note to Roosevelt that summed up the American attitude at Yalta. “Mr. President,” this said, “the Russians have given in so much at this conference I don’t think we should let them down. Let the British disagree if they want—and continue their disagreement at Moscow [in subsequent diplomatic meetings]” (Emphasis added by Evans and Romerstein).

b. One may search the Yalta records at length and have trouble finding an issue of substance on which the Soviets had “given in” to FDR—the entire thrust of the conference, as Roosevelt loyalist [Robert] Sherwood acknowledged, being in the reverse direction.

Harry Hopkins.....Stalin's most highly placed spy: in the White House itself.

You....a decrepit fool and dupe.

Your link from "dc dave" does exactly what I said. It relies on the pre-Vasiliev's Notebooks and the faulty assumption that Hopkins was Source 19. Like you, dc dave chooses to ignore the debunked notion of Hopkins being Source 19 because without that misinformation you a thesis based on a proven lie.

Even before the United States formally entered the war, Hopkins made it clear that he saw the struggle as a world revolution. In an article published in the American Magazine in July, 1941, he wrote:
"This is not only a fight for freedom of speech, religion and assembly. It is a fight for economic freedom for the people of the world, a fight to fulfill in this generation all that our fathers fought and strove for in the last 200 years. . . When a democratic victory is won, then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.95.

Now....does that sound like a communist?

You betcha'!!

Harry Hopkins.....Joseph Stalin's most highly placed spy.

You....a decrepit fool and a dupe.
Manly and the Twenty-Year Revolution again. Nothing in your link shows Hopkins to be a spy. You provide subjective data that indicates Hopkins may have been misled, a dupe, made mistakes, etc., but nothing to confirm your insistant claim that he was a spy, which would make him a traitor.

This is how PC evades answering refutations of what she claims are "facts". It should be noteworthy that after being supplied with a scholarly, detailed synopsis of the topic of Hopkins, published by a conservative news source, PC does not refute the article, but rather bypasses it and reverts to unreliable sources or worse, she does a cut a paste of litany of quotes that does not even address the article that refuted her claim. She is now using subjective criticisms that Hopkins was incompetent to paint him as a spy.
Stalin's policy was simple: the result of the war had to leave Germany a smoldering wreckage

Damn...works for me

Why does PC want to leave the Nazi Death Camps in place?

I'm not sure she would have actually favored leaving the Death Camps in place, her sympathy for the Hitlerians may not extend quite that far. Still, her dismay at the allies demanding unconditional surrender and not allowing Hitler and/or his cohorts negotiating the best deal possible might raise a few eyebrows around an American Legion luncheon table. Her humanity certainly shines through in her concern for the treatment of the Nazis post war. After the war in which about 42 million Europeans were killed (of which only about 14 million were soldiers) and every major city sustained horrific damage and much of the life-sustaining infrastructure, rural as well as urban, was destroyed, most of the rest of the World was baying for blood. P.C. seems to think the World should have been more loving, more forgiving toward the wild beast that was Hitler's Germany. What a noble soul she must be. The Morgenthau Plan was designed to curtail Germany's war making capability, dismantling or destroying or confiscating the steel making capacities and the factories and heavy industry and mines. Other measures were definitely designed to be punitive and did inflict harm on the German people who hadn't exactly rose in unison to protest the murderous Nazi policies. This was one of the main reasons Roosevelt approved the plan. As he said, "Too many people here and in England hold the view that the German people as a whole are not responsible for what has taken place – that only a few Nazis are responsible. That unfortunately is not based on fact. The German people must have it driven home to them that the whole nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of modern civilization". Actually considering the horrors inflicted on the World by the Nazi nation it might be surprising to some that the harshest of the measures were being rolled back by 1947 and eventually Germany would benefit from the policies of the Marshall plan along with the European nations that had actually been allies in the most destructive war in human history. As an aside, taking the historical record into account P.C. is giving Stalin significantly more credit for implementation of the Plan than any responsible historian would or could. He wasn't at the Quebec Conference where FDR and a reluctant Churchill initialled the plan.He had more homicidal plans for the Germans himself. And resistance to the plan in the U.S. Government was led by people like Secretary of State Hull and Henry L. Stimson, who if my memory serves me P.C. has in the past accused of being leading lights in the Communist infiltration of the FDR's administration. Sometimes her Machiavellian and imaginative versions of history are mind-numbingly paranoid and confused. Still, It's refreshing to see that she has a big heart, even if she reserves her sympathies for Humanity's rejects like Hitler, I guess.
Spoken like a true communist dupe!

1. The leading evidence that Hopkins was a spy for Joseph Stalin is presented by Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel in their 2000 book, The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitor. I have summarized their argument elsewhere as follows:

a. Their evidence is, first, that Soviet KGB defector, Oleg Gordievsky, said that Hopkins was in regular communication with top Soviet covert operative, Iskhak Akhmerov, in New York City. This was more than just a "back channel" for communication between Roosevelt and Stalin because Hopkins had existing back channels at the Soviet embassy that he used, and Akhmerov's identity as an operative was not supposed to be known to the U.S. government.

b.Second, the Venona project decrypts of Soviet communications with its spies, which came to light only in the 1990s, reveal a report on a Washington discussion between Roosevelt and Winston Churchill by an "agent 19." Only Harry Hopkins among suspected Soviet agents would have been privy to that conversation.

c. Third, former Communist Whittaker Chambers testified to Congress in 1948 about the formation of Communist "study groups" within the U.S. government from which espionage agents were recruited. One of those groups, led by Lee Pressman, was established within the Department of Agriculture in late 1933, and Hopkins was a member of that group.

d. Fourth, his policies were strongly pro-Soviet, particularly in his work as head of the Lend-Lease program. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

2. The degree to which he [Harry Hopkins] far exceeded any strategic necessity in aiding the Soviet Union in that latter capacity [the Lend-Lease program] is well described in the 1952 book by Major George Racey Jordan entitled From Major Jordan’s Diaries. A summary, with key excerpts, are in the previously referenced article, “How We Gave the Russians the Bomb.

3. Now, corroborating and entirely independent evidence of Hopkins’ likely treason has come to light in the pages of an obscure book by Emanuel M. Josephson. The title is The Strange Death of Franklin D. Roosevelt, and while it does have a very intriguing chapter on FDR’s demise, the main subject of the book is better captured by the subtitle, A History of the Roosevelt-Delano Dynasty, America’s Royal Family. The following passage is on pp. 145-146:

a. In later years, Murray Garsson, the munitions manufacturer who was convicted for bribery and irregularities in connection with war contracts, reported that Harry Hopkins had been very helpful to him in securing and handling those contracts. In return for his help, Hopkins had demanded and received liberal payment for his influence. Garsson regularly paid Hopkins’s numerous losses on bets on the horse races. But one form of payment demanded by Hopkins stood out as most odd, Garsson said.

b. Garsson maintained quarters at the Wardman Park Hotel in Washington in connection with his war contracts. But he spent his weekends in New York with his family. Harry Hopkins demanded of Garsson that he permit him and his friends to use the quarters during the weekends, and that he defray the cost of refreshments and entertainment. Garsson permitted Hopkins and his guests to charge their expenses to his account.

c. In looking over his bills, Garsson noted the names of the persons who had signed the tabs charged to him. Among Harry Hopkins’s associates who had signed tabs were Carl Aldo Marzani and the whole array of the members of what was later proved to be the Hal Ware (Communist) cell that operated in the Government. Garsson stated that he did not become aware of the fact that he was acting as involuntary host to Hopkins’s Communist cell until after Marzani had been convicted and sent to jail for perjury in swearing in his State Department application that he was not, and never had been, a member of the Communist Party.

4. Josephson, who was hardly an admirer of Roosevelt and his New Deal, lacks references for his allegations, but many factors militate in favor of their basic accuracy. The strongest of these is that they dovetail perfectly with the other Soviet-agent charges against Hopkins and, coming much earlier, they could not have been influenced by them. In combination, the charges are much stronger than any one of them is alone. http://www.dcdave.com/article5/110211.htm

Hopkins, Stalin's most powerful agent....

...and you, a sad, decrepit fool.
The linked Front Page article by Haynes addresses everything in your link. You are simply ignoring the most recent revelations that came out with the secret Vassilieves Notebooks. All of your links are based on the obsolete pre-Vasilievs Notebooks that were based on the wrong assumption that Hopkins was Source 19.

Go ahead.....show each of the proofs I have provided are inaccurate.

I especially like this:

1.Hopkins apparently served his Soviet masters almost to the end of his days. The following passage is from pp. 118-119 of Stalin’s Secret Agents: The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government by M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein (2012):

a. Hopkins’s pro-Soviet leanings would be on further display in the Yalta records, where his handwritten comments are available for viewing. Though seriously ill at the time of the meeting, he continued to ply his influence with FDR, who himself was mortally sick and susceptible to suggestion in ways that we can only guess at.

After FDR had made innumerable concessions to Stalin, there occurred a deadlock on the issue of “reparations.” At this point, Hopkins passed a note to Roosevelt that summed up the American attitude at Yalta. “Mr. President,” this said, “the Russians have given in so much at this conference I don’t think we should let them down. Let the British disagree if they want—and continue their disagreement at Moscow [in subsequent diplomatic meetings]” (Emphasis added by Evans and Romerstein).

b. One may search the Yalta records at length and have trouble finding an issue of substance on which the Soviets had “given in” to FDR—the entire thrust of the conference, as Roosevelt loyalist [Robert] Sherwood acknowledged, being in the reverse direction.

Harry Hopkins.....Stalin's most highly placed spy: in the White House itself.

You....a decrepit fool and dupe.

Your link from "dc dave" does exactly what I said. It relies on the pre-Vasiliev's Notebooks and the faulty assumption that Hopkins was Source 19. Like you, dc dave chooses to ignore the debunked notion of Hopkins being Source 19 because without that misinformation you a thesis based on a proven lie.

Even before the United States formally entered the war, Hopkins made it clear that he saw the struggle as a world revolution. In an article published in the American Magazine in July, 1941, he wrote:
"This is not only a fight for freedom of speech, religion and assembly. It is a fight for economic freedom for the people of the world, a fight to fulfill in this generation all that our fathers fought and strove for in the last 200 years. . . When a democratic victory is won, then the great wealth of the world must be shared with all people." Manly, "The Twenty Year Revolution," p.95.

Now....does that sound like a communist?

You betcha'!!

Harry Hopkins.....Joseph Stalin's most highly placed spy.

You....a decrepit fool and a dupe.
Manly and the Twenty-Year Revolution again. Nothing in your link shows Hopkins to be a spy. You provide subjective data that indicates Hopkins may have been misled, a dupe, made mistakes, etc., but nothing to confirm your insistant claim that he was a spy, which would make him a traitor.

This is how PC evades answering refutations of what she claims are "facts". It should be noteworthy that after being supplied with a scholarly, detailed synopsis of the topic of Hopkins, published by a conservative news source, PC does not refute the article, but rather bypasses it and reverts to unreliable sources or worse, she does a cut a paste of litany of quotes that does not even address the article that refuted her claim. She is now using subjective criticisms that Hopkins was incompetent to paint him as a spy.

Back for another lesson???


Let's see, if Harry Hopkins were a spy for Stalin.....how would he behave if he found out that the FBI found out about another Stalinist?

This is how:

In May of 1943, J. Edgar Hoover sent a letter to Hopkins, ....we know that Hopkins knew that he was tipping off the Soviets to FBI surveillance of a known Soviet Agent seeking US military secrets. " When we read what Hoover told Hopkins in his confidential letter — that a Comintern agent posing as a senior Soviet diplomat in Washington was passing money to the American Communist underground to establish Comintern networks within the U.S war industry to steal military secrets — and see Hopkins immediately turn around and tell the Soviet Embassy, where that same “diplomat” was posted, that the FBI was onto them, we have to realize that we are looking at a traitor, acting with Soviet, not American interests at heart. I don’t see any other plausible conclusion — and this traitor was the closest advisor of the president of the Unites States. …

We wouldn’t know about this act of treason if a retired KGB archivist named Mitrokhin hadn’t bothered to copy, hide, and successfully smuggle his archives out of the former Soviet Union in 1992."


There is a fascinating book about the KGB, "The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB," by Christopher Andrew and, Vasili Mitrokhin ......I've read it....have you?

Mitrokhin's documents showed that Hopkins had warned the Soviet ambassador that the FBI had learned through a bug it had placed in the home of Steve Nelson, a Soviet illegal agent, that Nelson was getting money from the embassy. He met (KGB head in USA) Ahkmerov from time to time, giving him information to send to Moscow and receiving secret messages from Stalin....Ray Wannall, former FBI assistant director for counter-intelligence, says he always suspected that Hopkins was a Soviet agent and that this is proof of his treachery.

Now, then......

....which are you more of, a decrepit fool......or a dupe?

Stalin's policy was simple: the result of the war had to leave Germany a smoldering wreckage

Damn...works for me

Why does PC want to leave the Nazi Death Camps in place?

I'm not sure she would have actually favored leaving the Death Camps in place, her sympathy for the Hitlerians may not extend quite that far. Still, her dismay at the allies demanding unconditional surrender and not allowing Hitler and/or his cohorts negotiating the best deal possible might raise a few eyebrows around an American Legion luncheon table. Her humanity certainly shines through in her concern for the treatment of the Nazis post war. After the war in which about 42 million Europeans were killed (of which only about 14 million were soldiers) and every major city sustained horrific damage and much of the life-sustaining infrastructure, rural as well as urban, was destroyed, most of the rest of the World was baying for blood. P.C. seems to think the World should have been more loving, more forgiving toward the wild beast that was Hitler's Germany. What a noble soul she must be. The Morgenthau Plan was designed to curtail Germany's war making capability, dismantling or destroying or confiscating the steel making capacities and the factories and heavy industry and mines. Other measures were definitely designed to be punitive and did inflict harm on the German people who hadn't exactly rose in unison to protest the murderous Nazi policies. This was one of the main reasons Roosevelt approved the plan. As he said, "Too many people here and in England hold the view that the German people as a whole are not responsible for what has taken place – that only a few Nazis are responsible. That unfortunately is not based on fact. The German people must have it driven home to them that the whole nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of modern civilization". Actually considering the horrors inflicted on the World by the Nazi nation it might be surprising to some that the harshest of the measures were being rolled back by 1947 and eventually Germany would benefit from the policies of the Marshall plan along with the European nations that had actually been allies in the most destructive war in human history. As an aside, taking the historical record into account P.C. is giving Stalin significantly more credit for implementation of the Plan than any responsible historian would or could. He wasn't at the Quebec Conference where FDR and a reluctant Churchill initialled the plan.He had more homicidal plans for the Germans himself. And resistance to the plan in the U.S. Government was led by people like Secretary of State Hull and Henry L. Stimson, who if my memory serves me P.C. has in the past accused of being leading lights in the Communist infiltration of the FDR's administration. Sometimes her Machiavellian and imaginative versions of history are mind-numbingly paranoid and confused. Still, It's refreshing to see that she has a big heart, even if she reserves her sympathies for Humanity's rejects like Hitler, I guess.

1. "Still, her dismay at the allies demanding unconditional surrender and not allowing Hitler and/or his cohorts negotiating the best deal possible ..."
Stalin demanded unconditional surrender.....not the Allies......Joseph 'Koba' Stalin.

2. "...not allowing Hitler and/or his cohorts negotiating the best deal possible .."
Gads, you're a dope.

Here are a few examples....

a. Wernher von Braun and every other Nazi scientist was given 'the best deal possible.'

b. Every Nazi who could offer intelligence aid to build the CIA was given 'the best deal possible.'
"Gehlen Organization or Gehlen Org was an intelligence agency established in June 1946 by U.S. occupation authorities in the United States Zone of Germany, and consisted of former members of the 12th Department of the German Army General Staff (Foreign Armies East, or FHO). It carries the name of Wehrmacht Major general Reinhard Gehlen, head of the German military intelligence in the Eastern Frontduring World War II.... The Org was for many years the only eyes and ears of the CIA on the ground in the Soviet Bloc nations during the Cold War. The CIA kept close tabs on the Gehlen group: the Org supplied the manpower while the CIA supplied the material needs for clandestine operations, including funding, cars and airplanes.

Every German POW returning from Soviet captivity to West Germany between 1947 and 1955 was interviewed by Org agents. Those returnees who were forced to work in Soviet industries and construction and were willing to participate, represented an incomparable source of information, a post-war, up-to-date picture of the Soviet empire as it evolved.[2]"
Gehlen Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now....if those 'best deals' that were given anyway, were offered to the wide-spread anti-Nazi, anti-communist resistance.....thousands of whom were killed by the Nazis.....

....how many US lives would have been spared????

How many, you dunce????

I know......
....do you?

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