The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.

thermate cutters have to be set in a sequence just like rdx fucking DUH damn you people need to go to jref in here, at least they have a few people with 2 digit iq's.

What 'thermetic cutters'? Remember, I'm still waiting for you to factually establish that they actually exist. You've never been able to show us a picture of one, are completely clueless about its properties, don't know its size, what's in it, can't even name an instance 'thermetic cutters' have ever been used for demolition. Despite your claim that the technology has been in use since the 1930s.

And exactly as I predicted, when respond with insults. Not evidence.

And you've never been able to factually establish that they work in 'milliseconds'. You simply say it must be so. And you citing yourself is essentially worthless.

You've never been able to factually establish that the disintegrate when used. You've simply said it must be so. And again, you citing yourself is worthless.

And finally, you're still basing this on the 'forensic analysis' of an animated gif. A forensic analysis you can't provide, conducted by someone you can't name, qualfied in what manner you can't say, modifying the above video in a manner you can't describe. You can't even tell us where it comes from.

In every instance, your only source is you. You were saying about 'tards pretending to be experts'?
MY EXPLOSIVES? YOU ARE LOONY, I just told you that thermetic cutters DO NOT EXPLODE get a fucking clue, go back to knidergarten or something.

So we've eliminated explosive demolition as the cause of the collapse of the WTC 7. I'm gonna hold you to that.

that is not a photo of the foundation its a photo of the top of the building DUH

You finally figured that out. Yet you said that the sound of an explosion sounded like it came from underground. Where as the pictures you've shown us are at the top of the building. Your story has radically changed.
yeh except for the explosion that started the sequence going

How did an explosion 'underground' start a 'thermetic cutter' 1300 feet away? Your story is making less and less sense as you add layer after layer of elaboration.
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So we've eliminated explosive demolition as the cause of the collapse of WTC 7. Excellent. I don't expect to ever hear you make any claims regarding it ever again. If you do, I'll redirect you to this thread and your claim that it wasn't explosives.

But you still have a problem: you just totally changed your story. You cited 'kool demolition sequence' at the top of the building. And now your arguing for mythic 'thermetic cutters' underground.

Which is it? And of course, you still need to factually establish the existence of these 'thermetic cutters', and define their properites verifiably. Otherwise, they are just another Deux Ex Machina.

As for who was doing security for WTC 7, if you have an argument to make, make it. Though I'll save you some time: it wasn't Securacom/Stratesec.

Show us your evidence. But if all you have is you citing yourself, you've got nothing.

I'm waiting for an answer

So you have nothing to show us, no argument to make now that I've cut your legs out from under you on Securacom/Stratesec. Color me shocked.

As always, if you have an argument to make, make it. Its increasingly obvious you have neither an argument nor evidence to support it. But are instead running. As demonstrated here:

, now show us your evidence of planes flying into the towers. A quickie video would do. Oh those controlled demolitions just reinforced that is what happened to #7.

Quite the abrupt subject change, wouldn't you say? Almost alike you were tucking your tail between your legs and running. WTC 7 debate not working out so well for you?

What relevance does a plane hitting the towers have with WTC 7?
No child, there are zero reports of explosives seconds before WTC7 fell.

no twit, just shit loads of testimony of explosives that were omitted from the reports.

nice slime ball attempt at misinformation ollie.

Prove it ass wipe.

And while you are proving that they were left out of the reports explain how they were left out of the personal videos....

And since you think it was thermite, what does it matter to you that there were no explosions?

You know you really have to decide just exactly what you believe....
Lots of testimonies of explosions. Possibly explosives and nano thermite.

No child, there are zero reports of explosives seconds before WTC7 fell.

So all the testimonies on you tube are false, I see. The planes that the towers enveloped downed the buildings , right. No planes hit #7, now these dumb Muslims what were they thinking. They sure could fly hey.

Being a female of small built, I could of taken one of those box cutting Muslims myself I bet. A good kick in the nut and that would of been it. Or unless a box cutter is going for the carotid , I doubt it'd slow some down that much. What was wrong with the men on those flights? What whimps.

Well on that much we can almost agree....But one never knows how they will react until they are in that situation.
What are you showing us? Girders? From where? When were the pics taken? The picture itself proves nothing....

when the camera went click ollie.

Oh so you have no clue what you are looking at? thanks for admitting you are clueless.
sure it does ollie, from a foia request, you know 911 iron DUH

The girders aren't cut. They are twisted. Which is exactly what you'd expect in a structural failure. Your theory demands they must be cut by 'thermetic cutters' by the thousands. Yet you can't factually even one such cut exists. Or that the 'thermetic cutters' exist.

You can't even establish that the girders you're showing us are from WTC 7. You simply say they are. Citing yourself. And you citing yourself is worthless.

These are all questions you should be asking. And you never have....which speaks volumes.
Actually we have facts, that line up, and we are not the conspirators.

The obvious problem with your that your facts don't line up. For example, your bomb theory of WTC 7:

1) First, there were no sound of explosions immediately preceding the collapse of the building. Not before the penthouse collapsed into the WTC 7. Not preceding the collapse of the facade later. There's no such thing as explosives that make no sound when they detonate. This point made doubly true when you're claiming that these explosions were suffecient to bring down a skyscraper.

Imaginary 'silent explosives' are exactly the kind of needlessly complicated and laughably implausible holes in the truther narrative that render it an awful explanation in comparison to the official story.

2) Next, the floors you say the explosions occured were ON FIRE. And had been for quite a while. There's no system of explosives that handle being on fire. At best, explosives would have either detonated when the fire reached them or been reduced to bubbling pools of goo. Det cord would have gone up, any wires attached to the charges would have melted, any timers or receives would have been reduced to plastic slag.

Yet your explosives went off in a neat, precise sequence? Nope. Your story is not only implausible, its virtually impossible. Explosive demolition doesn't happen in a burning building because the fire would destroy any explosive apparatus.

3) Next, there were no beams cut in a manner consistent with explosive demolition. How then could explosive sequences brought the building down without cutting the girders? There should have been thousands and thousands of such cuts per your reasoning. Yet there were zero.

Another theory killing hole you simply can't explain. Another pointless, absurd layer of needless complexity that renders your theory a laughably implausible alternative to the official story of structural failure due to fire.

4) Next, the Port authority bomb squad had gone through the entire WTC plaza only the week before and found no bombs. That's bomb detection experts and their bomb sniffing dogs. Meaning that your bombs would have had to have been invisible to both experts looking explicitly for them......and undetectable by bomb sniffing dogs.

'Ridiculously unlikely' doesn't begin to cover it. And once again, another layer of needless elaboration and complication is added to an already absurdly poor conspiracy. And yet it still gets worse.

5) These buildings weren't museums. They were regularly inspected, occupied, cleaned and maintained. The odds that such a building wide, elaborate system of explosives would have been set within the building and nobody noticed is essentially zero. Especially considering that the Port Authority Bombsquad was *looking* for just such explosives.

Yet your theory requires this. And astonishingly, it still gets worse.

6) Detailed analysis of the dust samples at the WTC site show no residue of explosives. This in an analysis so precise that they were able to detect medication from the WTC pharmacy.....but not the thousands and thousand of explosives your theory relies upon?

Again, that's ridiculously implausible. Your theory is simply an awful, awful explanation.

7) And finally, you've still ignored the FDNY...who watched the building bulge, buckle and burn for hours before the collapse, and correctly predicted its collapse hours before it occured. And you ignore them for no particular reason. That's expert eye-witness testimony collected over hours from direct and unobstructed observation of WTC 7. And they cite massive fire and structural damage. Explicitly contradicting you. And you ignore them entirely.

8) And of course, you also ignore the NIST.....again for no particular reason. They cite reasons quite similar to the FDNY: the massive fires. So you have to expert sources with unequalled access to the scene both giving you a plausible, verifiable cause: massive fires.

And you ignore them both in favor of bombs which you can't establish even exist. And of course, are magically silent, invisible, apparently installed by ninja janitors, undetectable to bomb sniffing dogs, leave no trace behind, and are conveniently fire proof.

That's not the 'facts lining up'. But your conspiracy breaking over and over and over again when faced with the harsh light of reality. Yet you predictably ignore the theory killing holes in your claims and then pretend that if you ignore them, no one else can see them.

Um, Pen......we can still see them.

This is not a theory, a theory or fable I mean is that 19 hijackers with box cutters hijacked 4 planes and I can't go on its just so unbelievable, flew them in buildings and the building swallowed them, the buildings fell, and then another building caught fire and just dropped right down when Lucky Larry said to"pull it" and as PM Bibi watching his excitement got the best of him and said,

'Lucky Larry', huh? Who was Silverstein talking to? The FDNY. Silverstein clearly didn't bring down the building. So who are you accusing of 'pullling' the WTC 7?

You're accusing the FDNY of demolishing the building, of lying about it, of being an accessory to the murder of 343 of their own. Which is pretty loathsome. Though I double dog dare you to make that accusation to the face of a New York City fire fighter who was there on 911.

I don't think you'd like their reply.

Ouch! That one's gonna leave a scar. :whip:
No child, there are zero reports of explosives seconds before WTC7 fell.

no twit, just shit loads of testimony of explosives that were omitted from the reports.

nice slime ball attempt at misinformation ollie.

Prove it ass wipe.

And while you are proving that they were left out of the reports explain how they were left out of the personal videos....

And since you think it was thermite, what does it matter to you that there were no explosions?
I'm still waiting for him to back up his claim of 'forensic analysis' of the animated gif he offered us yesterday. When you ask him to verify his claims.....he just runs to another one.
You know you really have to decide just exactly what you believe....[/QUOTE]
What are you showing us? Girders? From where? When were the pics taken? The picture itself proves nothing....

when the camera went click ollie.

Oh so you have no clue what you are looking at? thanks for admitting you are clueless.
sure it does ollie, from a foia request, you know 911 iron DUH

hey numbnuts, if the pics were taken during the cleanup, which is probably true, then some cleanup welder cut the columns so they would be a manageable size....

Unless you can show me a picture that can be proven to be untouched by the cleanup crew you got nothing..

Translated, you got nothing...
So we've eliminated explosive demolition as the cause of the collapse of WTC 7. Excellent. I don't expect to ever hear you make any claims regarding it ever again. If you do, I'll redirect you to this thread and your claim that it wasn't explosives.

But you still have a problem: you just totally changed your story. You cited 'kool demolition sequence' at the top of the building. And now your arguing for mythic 'thermetic cutters' underground.

Which is it? And of course, you still need to factually establish the existence of these 'thermetic cutters', and define their properites verifiably. Otherwise, they are just another Deux Ex Machina.

As for who was doing security for WTC 7, if you have an argument to make, make it. Though I'll save you some time: it wasn't Securacom/Stratesec.

Show us your evidence. But if all you have is you citing yourself, you've got nothing.

I'm waiting for an answer

So you have nothing to show us, no argument to make now that I've cut your legs out from under you on Securacom/Stratesec. Color me shocked.

As always, if you have an argument to make, make it. Its increasingly obvious you have neither an argument nor evidence to support it. But are instead running. As demonstrated here:

, now show us your evidence of planes flying into the towers. A quickie video would do. Oh those controlled demolitions just reinforced that is what happened to #7.

Quite the abrupt subject change, wouldn't you say? Almost alike you were tucking your tail between your legs and running. WTC 7 debate not working out so well for you?

What relevance does a plane hitting the towers have with WTC 7?

Tell me who was in charge of security at WTC's on 9-11. or should I take it that you do not know. WTC 7 was demolition no plane, I wanted videos of planes hitting the towers, that is your proof is it not?
No it doesn't. Here's a video of the collapse.

The collapse initiates so quietly that it didn't even interrupt the conversation of the people near the camera. The FDNY reports nothing of the kind, no massive 'explosions' before the collapse. But instead, a collapse due to fire and structural damage.

That's the kind of thing they'd notice. But.....nothing.

Worse, your 'animated gif'.....that's of the top of the building where you say a 'kool sequence of explosions' occured. Exactly the opposite of 'underground'. So why no sound? Here's actual controlled demolition:

Which is ludicrously loud. But your 'explosives' made no sound at all. Not explosions, no explosives. You claim that explosions are irrelevant because 'thermetic cutters', whatever they are don't explode. Okay....then what 'kool demolition sequence' were you referring to here?


You just changed your entire conspiracy, first claiming it was a demolition sequence near the top of the claiming its 'thermetic cutters' that don't apparently underground.

Which is it?

Yep that was wtc 7 , answer my question who was in charge of security of those building on 9-11????

So we've eliminated explosive demolition as the cause of the collapse of WTC 7. Excellent. I don't expect to ever hear you make any claims regarding it ever again. If you do, I'll redirect you to this thread and your claim that it wasn't explosives.

But you still have a problem: you just totally changed your story. You cited 'kool demolition sequence' at the top of the building. And now your arguing for mythic 'thermetic cutters' underground.

Which is it? And of course, you still need to factually establish the existence of these 'thermetic cutters', and define their properites verifiably. Otherwise, they are just another Deux Ex Machina.

As for who was doing security for WTC 7, if you have an argument to make, make it. Though I'll save you some time: it wasn't Securacom/Stratesec.

Show us your evidence. But if all you have is you citing yourself, you've got nothing.

not change dingleweed added to my story. get a clue!

I am showing you photos, dont ask me to set up interviews for you with the person taking them it aint gonna happen. I already told you foia release, get your citations from them.
What are you showing us? Girders? From where? When were the pics taken? The picture itself proves nothing....

when the camera went click ollie.

Oh so you have no clue what you are looking at? thanks for admitting you are clueless.
sure it does ollie, from a foia request, you know 911 iron DUH

hey numbnuts, if the pics were taken during the cleanup, which is probably true, then some cleanup welder cut the columns so they would be a manageable size....

Unless you can show me a picture that can be proven to be untouched by the cleanup crew you got nothing..

Translated, you got nothing...

you are talking to yourself again ollie, first sign of over the top insanity, thanks for proving how ignorant you are despite the evidence was shoved all the way up your ass you still dont know what you are looking at.
no twit, just shit loads of testimony of explosives that were omitted from the reports.

nice slime ball attempt at misinformation ollie.

Prove it ass wipe.

And while you are proving that they were left out of the reports explain how they were left out of the personal videos....

And since you think it was thermite, what does it matter to you that there were no explosions?
I'm still waiting for him to back up his claim of 'forensic analysis' of the animated gif he offered us yesterday. When you ask him to verify his claims.....he just runs to another one.
You know you really have to decide just exactly what you believe....

if you cant deal with the fire stop the gish gaslighting tell us what you were looking at.
No child, there are zero reports of explosives seconds before WTC7 fell.

no twit, just shit loads of testimony of explosives that were omitted from the reports.

nice slime ball attempt at misinformation ollie.

Prove it ass wipe.

And while you are proving that they were left out of the reports explain how they were left out of the personal videos....

And since you think it was thermite, what does it matter to you that there were no explosions?

You know you really have to decide just exactly what you believe....

hey tardo, I cant prove anything to a dumb ass, only smart people.

wow looks just like thermetic cutters
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No child, there are zero reports of explosives seconds before WTC7 fell.

So all the testimonies on you tube are false, I see. The planes that the tower enveloped downed the buildings , right. No planes hit #7, now these dumb Muslims what were they thinking. They sure could fly hey.

Being a female of small built, I could of taken one of those box cutting Muslims myself I bet. A good kick in the nut and that would of been it. Or unless a box cutter is going for the carotid , I doubt it'd slow some down that much. What was wrong with the men on those flights? What whimps.

there had to be a 757 first LOL

debunkers cant prove anything just huff and puff beer farts and belches.
Yeah, there's no evidence planes struck the Twin Towers. The government just planted wrecked airplane parts around south Manhattan to fool us simple folks. :cuckoo:

So all the testimonies on you tube are false, I see. The planes that the tower enveloped downed the buildings , right. No planes hit #7, now these dumb Muslims what were they thinking. They sure could fly hey.

Being a female of small built, I could of taken one of those box cutting Muslims myself I bet. A good kick in the nut and that would of been it. Or unless a box cutter is going for the carotid , I doubt it'd slow some down that much. What was wrong with the men on those flights? What whimps.

there had to be a 757 first LOL

debunkers cant prove anything just huff and puff beer farts and belches.
Yeah, there's no evidence planes struck the Twin Towers. The government just planted wrecked airplane parts around south Manhattan to fool us simple folks. :cuckoo:


its not in the tower,

you are that fucking crazy that you think one fucking tire proves a plane impacted something?

tell us how that works man.

Like here is a strand of dog hair, proof a dog was killed here LMAO
Ouch! That one's gonna leave a scar. :whip:

it helps to read, that way you can see i responded to that bullshit and his titanic is long since on the bottom

It's very revealing that you have to lie. In reality, Skylar scored point after point after point ... all you did was reject his opening statement on that post but then ignored all of the points he made in that post.
there had to be a 757 first LOL

debunkers cant prove anything just huff and puff beer farts and belches.
Yeah, there's no evidence planes struck the Twin Towers. The government just planted wrecked airplane parts around south Manhattan to fool us simple folks. :cuckoo:


its not in the tower,

you are that fucking crazy that you think one fucking tire proves a plane impacted something?

tell us how that works man.

Like here is a strand of dog hair, proof a dog was killed here LMAO
What? 100% of the plane didn't remain inside the tower? Well I guess that proves it then. That tire was planted.
Ouch! That one's gonna leave a scar. :whip:

it helps to read, that way you can see i responded to that bullshit and his titanic is long since on the bottom

It's very revealing that you have to lie. In reality, Skylar scored point after point after point ... all you did was reject his opening statement on that post but then ignored all of the points he made in that post.

no he didnt, maybe in your fertile imagination, which point do you think he scored lets talk about it.
Yeah, there's no evidence planes struck the Twin Towers. The government just planted wrecked airplane parts around south Manhattan to fool us simple folks. :cuckoo:


its not in the tower,

you are that fucking crazy that you think one fucking tire proves a plane impacted something?

tell us how that works man.

Like here is a strand of dog hair, proof a dog was killed here LMAO
What? 100% of the plane didn't remain inside the tower? Well I guess that proves it then. That tire was planted.

no tire flew out of the building, got a video?

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