The mossad and CIA did 9/11.overwhelming facts prove it.

Actually we have facts, that line up, and we are not the conspirators.
The obvious problem with your that your facts don't line up. For example, your bomb theory of WTC 7:

1) First, there were no sound of explosions immediately preceding the collapse of the building.

thats bullshit there was a large explosion, sounded like it was underground though and that is not relevant in the first place since thermetic cutters DO NOT EXPLODE.

another debunker FAIL
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Meaning that your bombs would have had to have been invisible to both experts looking explicitly for them......and undetectable by bomb sniffing dogs.

what 'bombs' are dogs trained to snif out?
Do thermetic cutters classify as 'bombs'?

Before we start on whether or not a 'thermetic cutter' would have been detectable by bomb sniffing dogs, lets define what a 'thermetic cutters' actually is.

Show us a picture of a 'thermetic cutter'. Not a drawing. Since you claim its a real thing with real properties it will be remarkably easy for you to do so. If its just made up, it will likely be harder for you to do.

How large is a 'thermetic cutter'? How much does it weight? How is it ignited? What is it made of? How long does it take to work? What would it look like while operating? How many have been used to demolish buildings?

You say that there would be nothing left of a 'thermetic cutters' once do you know?

And of course, how does the 'thermetic cutters' match with your animated gif from photobucket? Per you the anonymous and unverified 'forensic analysis' says that the 'sequences of explosives' happened quite quickly. Within fractions of a second.

Does a 'thermetic cutter' explode? If so, does it explode that quickly? If not, then it doesn't match your last explanation. So which is it?

And of course, why were none of the girders cut? I mean, per your theory thousands upon thousands of girders would have had to have been cut using this method. So...where are the cut girders? There were no reports of such on the WTC plaza until the salvage crews began cutting the girders themselves. Before that, nothing.

Where per your theory there would have been cut and melted girders *everywhere*. Yet....none. How do you explain this?

thermetic cutters completely disintegrate into molten metal.

Says who? Throw that term into Google and you don't get anything back but a few vague descriptions by conspiracy blogs. So who are you quoting?

and you need very little thermetic material contrary to and despite the tards who call themselves experts claim.

Again, says who? And what 'theretic matieral' are you referring to? Are you referring to thermate? Thermite? Nano-thermite? Gunpowder?

As for the 'tards who call themselves experts', who are you quoting? So far its you.....and you. Are you expecting us to accept you as an expert on the use of ' thermetic cutters', ' thermetic materials', their use, composition and effects?

If no, then who are you quoting?
Lots of testimonies of explosions. Possibly explosives and nano thermite.
the official story is simpler,

matches the evidence more closely

And I've looked into most of the classics.

The 'bomb' theory.

The 'thermite' theory.
The 'thermate' theory.
The 'nano-thermite' theory.

The 'orbiting directed energy weapons platform' theory.

The 'holographic plane' theory.

Its contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

Occam's Razor, Pen.

And when I've challenged you to a factual discussion, you refuse.

the official story is simpler,
Yeh its so simple you dont need to know one damn thing about anything, just shake your hear duh yah whatever you say.

matches the evidence more closely
They have no evidence, what evidence do you think it matched?

The 'bomb' theory.

What 'bomb' theory? you mean those big fucking smelted holes in the rock below the column footing?

The 'thermite' theory.
The 'thermate' theory.
The 'nano-thermite' theory.

If you dont know they are all the same.


The 'orbiting directed energy weapons platform' theory.

There is not need to put them in orbit or are you so naive you think they do not exist?

The 'holographic plane' theory.

its a cgi transparency not a hologram


Its contradicted by overwhelming evidence.

yes the official story is contradicted and turned on its head by overwhelming evidence!

Occam's Razor, Pen.

Doesnt apply here, if you think it does explain how.

And when I've challenged you to a factual discussion, you refuse.

well you got a factual discussion.
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No the fire dept, the people who wired the building. or should I say buildings. Oh yes they are also criminals to the fire men that got killed and the ones now suffering from asbestos. So you have no idea what or who was renting WTC 7, who the renters were?

Larry Silverstein told the FDNY to 'pull it'. So who other than the FDNY could you be accusing of following his 'order' if 'pull it' meant to explosively demolish the building?

Now if 'pull it' meant to pull their fire fighting effort, as Silverstein says, then it makes perfect sense that he'd be talking to the FDNY. As they use 'pull' to refer to ending their fire fighting effort again and again:

Finally they pulled us out. They said all right,
get out of that building because that 7, they were really
worried about. They pulled us out of there and then they
regrouped everybody on Vesey Street, between the water and
West Street. They put everybody back in there.


So either Silverstein was referring to the fire fighting effort when telling the FDNY what he wanted them to do. Or you're accusing the FDNY of demolishing WTC 7 themselves, lying about it, and acting as accessories to the murder of 343 of their own.

As there were only two parties to that conversation: Silverstein and the FDNY.

Pick which.

Who said he said pull it to the NY fireman. Larry made big money. Larry every morning went to the towers restaurant and just lucky for Larry his wife made him go to a dr. appoint that morning and lucky for his kids who both worked there were running late.

Coincidence, hardly. 9-11 was picked because every time we hear 9-11 we will think about it. Jewish joke.

Now what company brought you bomb sniffing doggies in???? Name company in charge of security at WTC buildings at time of 9-11.
Actually we have facts, that line up, and we are not the conspirators.
The obvious problem with your that your facts don't line up. For example, your bomb theory of WTC 7:

1) First, there were no sound of explosions immediately preceding the collapse of the building.

thats bullshit there was a large explosion, sounded like it was underground though and that is not relevant in the first place since [B]thermetic cutters DO NOT EXPLODE[/B].

another debunker FAIL

Nor do they wait 7 hours in a fire before they burn up...........And yes i have used thermite....Grenades, plates, and powder....
No the fire dept, the people who wired the building. or should I say buildings. Oh yes they are also criminals to the fire men that got killed and the ones now suffering from asbestos. So you have no idea what or who was renting WTC 7, who the renters were?

Larry Silverstein told the FDNY to 'pull it'. So who other than the FDNY could you be accusing of following his 'order' if 'pull it' meant to explosively demolish the building?

Now if 'pull it' meant to pull their fire fighting effort, as Silverstein says, then it makes perfect sense that he'd be talking to the FDNY. As they use 'pull' to refer to ending their fire fighting effort again and again:

Finally they pulled us out. They said all right,
get out of that building because that 7, they were really
worried about. They pulled us out of there and then they
regrouped everybody on Vesey Street, between the water and
West Street. They put everybody back in there.


So either Silverstein was referring to the fire fighting effort when telling the FDNY what he wanted them to do. Or you're accusing the FDNY of demolishing WTC 7 themselves, lying about it, and acting as accessories to the murder of 343 of their own.

As there were only two parties to that conversation: Silverstein and the FDNY.

Pick which.

Who said he said pull it to the NY fireman. Larry made big money. Larry every morning went to the towers restaurant and just lucky for Larry his wife made him go to a dr. appoint that morning and lucky for his kids who both worked there were running late.

Coincidence, hardly. 9-11 was picked because every time we hear 9-11 we will think about it. Jewish joke.

Now what company brought you bomb sniffing doggies in???? Name company in charge of security at WTC buildings at time of 9-11.

I'm sorry but since when is coincidence considered fact?

Before we start on whether or not a 'thermetic cutter' would have been detectable by bomb sniffing dogs, lets define what a 'thermetic cutters' actually is.

Show us a picture of a 'thermetic cutter'. Not a drawing. Since you claim its a real thing with real properties it will be remarkably easy for you to do so. If its just made up, it will likely be harder for you to do.

How large is a 'thermetic cutter'? How much does it weight? How is it ignited? What is it made of? How long does it take to work? What would it look like while operating? How many have been used to demolish buildings?

You say that there would be nothing left of a 'thermetic cutters' once do you know?

And of course, how does the 'thermetic cutters' match with your animated gif from photobucket? Per you the anonymous and unverified 'forensic analysis' says that the 'sequences of explosives' happened quite quickly. Within fractions of a second.

Does a 'thermetic cutter' explode? If so, does it explode that quickly? If not, then it doesn't match your last explanation. So which is it?

And of course, why were none of the girders cut? I mean, per your theory thousands upon thousands of girders would have had to have been cut using this method. So...where are the cut girders? There were no reports of such on the WTC plaza until the salvage crews began cutting the girders themselves. Before that, nothing.

And what 'theretic matieral' are you referring to? Are you referring to thermate? Thermite? Nano-thermite? Gunpowder?

Are you expecting us to accept you as an expert on the use of ' thermetic cutters', ' thermetic materials', their use, composition and effects?

are you fucking kidding me?

you are in a demolition debate and you do not know about thermetic cutters? I mean you dont even fucking know they 1930's technolgy exists and its the 21st century?

who gives a shit? stop trolling.

they can cut a column in milliseconds.

I said no, they do not work if they explode.

there are any number of vatiants that can be used, dont ask me which one they chose.
fuck no, do your own damn homework.




shit loads more where that came from, clearly you came to a gunfight with a toothpick!

The only problem you have with evidence is:

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Actually we have facts, that line up, and we are not the conspirators.
The obvious problem with your that your facts don't line up. For example, your bomb theory of WTC 7:

1) First, there were no sound of explosions immediately preceding the collapse of the building.

thats bullshit there was a large explosion, sounded like it was underground though and that is not relevant in the first place since thermetic cutters DO NOT EXPLODE.

another debunker FAIL

No it doesn't. Here's a video of the collapse.

The collapse initiates so quietly that it didn't even interrupt the conversation of the people near the camera. The FDNY reports nothing of the kind, no massive 'explosions' before the collapse. But instead, a collapse due to fire and structural damage.

That's the kind of thing they'd notice. But.....nothing.

Worse, your 'animated gif'.....that's of the top of the building where you say a 'kool sequence of explosions' occured. Exactly the opposite of 'underground'. So why no sound? Here's actual controlled demolition:

Which is ludicrously loud. But your 'explosives' made no sound at all. Not explosions, no explosives. You claim that explosions are irrelevant because 'thermetic cutters', whatever they are don't explode. Okay....then what 'kool demolition sequence' were you referring to here?

"well thrn lets start with the kool demolition sequence we can see through the windows when forensic analysis is applied to wtc7."


08/07/14 06:17 PM

You just changed your entire conspiracy, first claiming it was a demolition sequence near the top of the claiming its 'thermetic cutters' that don't apparently underground.

Which is it?
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What are you showing us? Girders? From where? When were the pics taken? The picture itself proves nothing....
Lots of testimonies of explosions. Possibly explosives and nano thermite.

No child, there are zero reports of explosives seconds before WTC7 fell.

So all the testimonies on you tube are false, I see. The planes that the towers enveloped downed the buildings , right. No planes hit #7, now these dumb Muslims what were they thinking. They sure could fly hey.

Being a female of small built, I could of taken one of those box cutting Muslims myself I bet. A good kick in the nut and that would of been it. Or unless a box cutter is going for the carotid , I doubt it'd slow some down that much. What was wrong with the men on those flights? What whimps.
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What are you showing us? Girders? From where? When were the pics taken? The picture itself proves nothing....

when the camera went click ollie.

Oh so you have no clue what you are looking at? thanks for admitting you are clueless.
sure it does ollie, from a foia request, you know 911 iron DUH
The obvious problem with your that your facts don't line up. For example, your bomb theory of WTC 7:

1) First, there were no sound of explosions immediately preceding the collapse of the building.

thats bullshit there was a large explosion, sounded like it was underground though and that is not relevant in the first place since thermetic cutters DO NOT EXPLODE.

another debunker FAIL

No it doesn't. Here's a video of the collapse.

The collapse initiates so quietly that it didn't even interrupt the conversation of the people near the camera. The FDNY reports nothing of the kind, no massive 'explosions' before the collapse. But instead, a collapse due to fire and structural damage.

That's the kind of thing they'd notice. But.....nothing.

Worse, your 'animated gif'.....that's of the top of the building where you say a 'kool sequence of explosions' occured. Exactly the opposite of 'underground'. So why no sound? Here's actual controlled demolition:

Which is ludicrously loud. But your 'explosives' made no sound at all. Not explosions, no explosives. You claim that explosions are irrelevant because 'thermetic cutters', whatever they are don't explode. Okay....then what 'kool demolition sequence' were you referring to here?

"well thrn lets start with the kool demolition sequence we can see through the windows when forensic analysis is applied to wtc7."


08/07/14 06:17 PM

You just changed your entire conspiracy, first claiming it was a demolition sequence near the top of the claiming its 'thermetic cutters' that don't apparently underground.

Which is it?

Yep that was wtc 7 , answer my question who was in charge of security of those building on 9-11????
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Lots of testimonies of explosions. Possibly explosives and nano thermite.

No child, there are zero reports of explosives seconds before WTC7 fell.

So all the testimonies on you tube are false, I see. The planes that the tower enveloped downed the buildings , right. No planes hit #7, now these dumb Muslims what were they thinking. They sure could fly hey.

Being a female of small built, I could of taken one of those box cutting Muslims myself I bet. A good kick in the nut and that would of been it. Or unless a box cutter is going for the carotid , I doubt it'd slow some down that much. What was wrong with the men on those flights? What whimps.

there had to be a 757 first LOL

debunkers cant prove anything just huff and puff beer farts and belches.
are you fucking kidding me?

you are in a demolition debate and you do not know about thermetic cutters? I mean you dont even fucking know they 1930's technolgy exists and its the 21st century?

Then it will be remarkably easy for you to show us a picture of one. And since you're saying this is a demolition technology in use since the 1930s, show a few examples of its use in controlled demolition before 911. Or after, for that matter.

Given how commonly used and how old the technology is....according to you.....this should be child's play. Yet I strongly suspect that you'll just give us insults while failing spectacularly to back up anything you've said.

who gives a shit? stop trolling.
Anyone who is interested in answering your question about how easily it would have been found by bomb sniffing dogs. Or the bomb squads. If each is the size of a small car, that would make it *much* easier to find that if it were say, the size of a paper back book. What's in it will immediately impact a bomb sniffing dog's ability to find it. So its contents are immediately relevant.

You claim they work in 'milliseconds'. But you've never been able to back that up. Or that your 'thermetic cutters' even exist. Or existing, were in the WTC 7. These are all assumptions without evidence......just you saying it must be so. And that's not evidence.

So, lets try again:

How large is a 'thermetic cutter'? Specifically one used in controlled demolition. Given how many decades you claim the technology has been in use for demolition, just reference a jobHow much does it weight? How is it ignited? What is it made of? How long does it take to work? What would it look like while operating? How many have been used to demolish buildings?

You say that there would be nothing left of a 'thermetic cutters' once do you know? What's your evidence? Again, we're still waiting for you to factually establish the *existence* of 'thermetic cutters'. Which you've never done.

Please do so now.

they can cut a column in milliseconds.

Says who? Can you verify anything you're saying? Show us your evidence. If 'thermetic cutters' are used in demolition as commonly as you seem to be insinuating, then it will be a cake walk to back up your claims.

If you're pulling your claims out of your may slightly more difficult.

I said no, they do not work if they explode.

Then the 'kool demolition sequence' you were referring to wasn't actually demolition? And of course, you've never been able to back up your claims regarding the 'forensic analysis' you're basing your entire argument on. You simply said it was so....and then ran when challenged.

In short, you've got a mountain of accusations. And a shot glass of evidence. An empty shot glass. Back up your claims with verifiable evidence or retract them.

Neither of those are cut. They're twisted. That's the end of the I-beam in the lower photograph. So where are the cut girders? Per your new theory, there should be thousands and thousands of them.

Yet there were none.

shit loads more where that came from, clearly you came to a gunfight with a toothpick![/B]

I hope you've got more than that. Because so far it doesn't look like you have the slightest clue what you're talking about. You can't even factually establish that a 'thermetic cutter' exists, nor tell me anything about its properties. You can't even tell me what's in it. You were saying something about ''tards who call themselves experts''.

Since you're clueless, could you link to a source that isn't?
The obvious problem with your that your facts don't line up. For example, your bomb theory of WTC 7:

1) First, there were no sound of explosions immediately preceding the collapse of the building.

thats bullshit there was a large explosion, sounded like it was underground though and that is not relevant in the first place since thermetic cutters DO NOT EXPLODE.

another debunker FAIL

No it doesn't. Here's a video of the collapse.

The collapse initiates so quietly that it didn't even interrupt the conversation of the people near the camera. The FDNY reports nothing of the kind, no massive 'explosions' before the collapse. But instead, a collapse due to fire and structural damage.

That's the kind of thing they'd notice. But.....nothing.

Worse, your 'animated gif'.....that's of the top of the building where you say a 'kool sequence of explosions' occured. Exactly the opposite of 'underground'. So why no sound? Here's actual controlled demolition:

Which is ludicrously loud. But your 'explosives' made no sound at all. Not explosions, no explosives. You claim that explosions are irrelevant because 'thermetic cutters', whatever they are don't explode. Okay....then what 'kool demolition sequence' were you referring to here?

"well thrn lets start with the kool demolition sequence we can see through the windows when forensic analysis is applied to wtc7."


08/07/14 06:17 PM
You just changed your entire conspiracy, first claiming it was a demolition sequence near the top of the claiming its 'thermetic cutters' that don't apparently underground.

Which is it?

thermate cutters have to be set in a sequence just like rdx fucking DUH damn you people need to go to jref in here, at least they have a few people with 2 digit iq's.

MY EXPLOSIVES? YOU ARE LOONY, I just told you that thermetic cutters DO NOT EXPLODE get a fucking clue, go back to knidergarten or something.

So you cant imagine walking and chewing bubble gum at the same time is that it?

you are only capable of understanding walking or chewing,

that is not a photo of the foundation its a photo of the top of the building DUH

yeh except for the explosion that started the sequence going

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thats bullshit there was a large explosion, sounded like it was underground though and that is not relevant in the first place since thermetic cutters DO NOT EXPLODE.

another debunker FAIL

No it doesn't. Here's a video of the collapse.

The collapse initiates so quietly that it didn't even interrupt the conversation of the people near the camera. The FDNY reports nothing of the kind, no massive 'explosions' before the collapse. But instead, a collapse due to fire and structural damage.

That's the kind of thing they'd notice. But.....nothing.

Worse, your 'animated gif'.....that's of the top of the building where you say a 'kool sequence of explosions' occured. Exactly the opposite of 'underground'. So why no sound? Here's actual controlled demolition:

Which is ludicrously loud. But your 'explosives' made no sound at all. Not explosions, no explosives. You claim that explosions are irrelevant because 'thermetic cutters', whatever they are don't explode. Okay....then what 'kool demolition sequence' were you referring to here?

"well thrn lets start with the kool demolition sequence we can see through the windows when forensic analysis is applied to wtc7."


08/07/14 06:17 PM

You just changed your entire conspiracy, first claiming it was a demolition sequence near the top of the claiming its 'thermetic cutters' that don't apparently underground.

Which is it?

Yep that was wtc 7 , answer my question who was in charge of security of those building on 9-11????

So we've eliminated explosive demolition as the cause of the collapse of WTC 7. Excellent. I don't expect to ever hear you make any claims regarding it ever again. If you do, I'll redirect you to this thread and your claim that it wasn't explosives.

But you still have a problem: you just totally changed your story. You cited 'kool demolition sequence' at the top of the building. And now your arguing for mythic 'thermetic cutters' underground.

Which is it? And of course, you still need to factually establish the existence of these 'thermetic cutters', and define their properites verifiably. Otherwise, they are just another Deux Ex Machina.

As for who was doing security for WTC 7, if you have an argument to make, make it. Though I'll save you some time: it wasn't Securacom/Stratesec.

Show us your evidence. But if all you have is you citing yourself, you've got nothing.
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No it doesn't. Here's a video of the collapse.

The collapse initiates so quietly that it didn't even interrupt the conversation of the people near the camera. The FDNY reports nothing of the kind, no massive 'explosions' before the collapse. But instead, a collapse due to fire and structural damage.

That's the kind of thing they'd notice. But.....nothing.

Worse, your 'animated gif'.....that's of the top of the building where you say a 'kool sequence of explosions' occured. Exactly the opposite of 'underground'. So why no sound? Here's actual controlled demolition:

Which is ludicrously loud. But your 'explosives' made no sound at all. Not explosions, no explosives. You claim that explosions are irrelevant because 'thermetic cutters', whatever they are don't explode. Okay....then what 'kool demolition sequence' were you referring to here?

You just changed your entire conspiracy, first claiming it was a demolition sequence near the top of the claiming its 'thermetic cutters' that don't apparently underground.

Which is it?

Yep that was wtc 7 , answer my question who was in charge of security of those building on 9-11????

So we've eliminated explosive demolition as the cause of the collapse of WTC 7. Excellent. I don't expect to ever hear you make any claims regarding it ever again. If you do, I'll redirect you to this thread and your claim that it wasn't explosives.

But you still have a problem: you just totally changed your story. You cited 'kool demolition sequence' at the top of the building. And now your arguing for mythic 'thermetic cutters' underground.

Which is it? And of course, you still need to factually establish the existence of these 'thermetic cutters', and define their properites verifiably. Otherwise, they are just another Deux Ex Machina.

As for who was doing security for WTC 7, if you have an argument to make, make it. Though I'll save you some time: it wasn't Securacom/Stratesec.

Show us your evidence. But if all you have is you citing yourself, you've got nothing.

I'm waiting for an answer, now show us your evidence of planes flying into the towers. A quickie video would do. Oh those controlled demolitions just reinforced that is what happened to #7.

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