The Most Disgusting Song of All Time

Left Wing and Right Wing aside... Rap music and many newer incarnations of 'country pop' need to be outlawed in the name of good taste.
Chic------I am responding to your OP-----I am into this thread very late.

My comment-----I had my doubts about this song very early on....
like decades ago. It seems to me to be a commerical for every
IDIOTIC totalitarian utopian ideology-------like the ones that
inevitably lead to bloody genocide. The UTOPIAN STATE is the promise
of NAZISM, COMMUNISM, ISLAMICISM and a whole bunch of
other dangerous UNIVERSAL ISMS -------imagine---no countries----
imagine ---everyone wanting, doing and believing the same thing

OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!

Lol. See I always took the song in a more positive light. There are a lot of "universalisms" between humans such as we all want to be happy, we all want the best for our kids, nobody really wants war, etc, and felt like that song just sort of highlighted those things and said "hey, at the end of the day we're all remarkably similar".

But like I said you're free to have your opinion, but probably need to lighten up a bit..
Left Wing and Right Wing aside... Rap music and many newer incarnations of 'country pop' need to be outlawed in the name of good taste.

[ame=]Verdi: Nabucco (Pons, Guleghina, Ramey, Jones)(2002) - YouTube[/ame]
What’s disgusting is the right’s opposition to forms of free expression it perceives in conflict with conservative dogma, and to seek to demonize those expressing a dissenting viewpoint, as conservatives indeed fear diversity and dissent – the OP is proof of that.
What’s disgusting is the right’s opposition to forms of free expression it perceives in conflict with conservative dogma, and to seek to demonize those expressing a dissenting viewpoint, as conservatives indeed fear diversity and dissent – the OP is proof of that.

"What’s disgusting is the right’s opposition to forms of free expression it perceives in conflict with conservative dogma,...."

I realize that you are a dope, but, believe me, it isn't necessary for you to put this much effort into proving it.

1. Where did you find any "opposition to forms of free expression" in the OP....or, in fact,from any in this thread?
If you cannot point to same, well, that marks you pretty much as an imbeciile (you're not smart enough to be a liar).

Should I wait?
Of course not, as the point is a total absurdity.

As it is already stipulated that you are a dolt, it is hardly necessary to provide evidence of propaganda being used by the Left to influence the masses. goes:

2. Arnold Hauser, "The Social History of Art"
a. When the work appeared in English in the 1950s, it stirred up great controversy because of its ideological orientation. It was not until the 1960s and 1970s that a Marxist approach was accepted as a natural or fashionable part of academic research in Western Europe.
Arnold Hauser

b. From Hauser, a critical theory perspective: “It depicts people and relationships in situations which arise once and only once and addresses itself to individuals who judge the depictions from a specific historical standpoint and a particular social position." (p. 77)

"Imagine" is exactly that type of work.

3. Although a dolt like C_Chamber_Pot fails to see the import of art in political discourse, Barack Obama certainly does.
He co-opted the National Endowment for the Arts for political purpose early on.

a. “At first glance, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) conference call of August 10th, 2009 sounds innocent enough because it’s supposedly been organized by Michael Skolnik, political director for Russell Simmons and someone not officially associated with any government agency. Skolnik appears to be acting independently as a concerned citizen and to have taken it upon himself to gather together a group of artists and art organizations hoping to move them towards “national service.”

b. … the conference call was a ruse, a front for a White House using Skolnik as a kind of beard in order to put an innocent spin on their abuse of the NEA and two non-partisan volunteer organizations (United We Serve – an initiative overseen by The Corporation for National and Community Service – a federal agency, and the White House’ Office of Public Engagement).

c. Skolnik states openly that the White House and NEA asked him to round everyone up…
I have been asked by folks in the White House and folks in the NEA about a month ago in a conversation that was had. We had the idea that I would help bring together the independent artists community around the country. “ Breitbart News: Big Hollywood

And so, once again, C_Chamber_Pot serves as an example of the result of indoctrination over education.
sorry, you folks will have to accept that "The Star-Spangled Banner" will be replaced by "Imagine". anthem reform is on the list after patent law reform, health care reform, and immigration reform.
Chic------I am responding to your OP-----I am into this thread very late.

My comment-----I had my doubts about this song very early on....
like decades ago. It seems to me to be a commerical for every
IDIOTIC totalitarian utopian ideology-------like the ones that
inevitably lead to bloody genocide. The UTOPIAN STATE is the promise
of NAZISM, COMMUNISM, ISLAMICISM and a whole bunch of
other dangerous UNIVERSAL ISMS -------imagine---no countries----
imagine ---everyone wanting, doing and believing the same thing

OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!

Lol. See I always took the song in a more positive light. There are a lot of "universalisms" between humans such as we all want to be happy, we all want the best for our kids, nobody really wants war, etc, and felt like that song just sort of highlighted those things and

said "hey, at the end of the day we're all remarkably similar".

But like I said you're free to have your opinion, but probably need to lighten up a bit..

yes yes----ALL THE THINGS WE ALL WANT........all true------but all the things
we all want ---is the very thing potentially dangerous people EXPLOIT-----
the song is not the problem---------its the people who exploit that which
ALL PEOPLE WANT and can convince them --------to be the followers of
that person------he just sang a pretty song.
Lol, sort of a major buzzkill PoliticalChic.

Political divide, disputes between countries, wars of religion, etc are examples of some of the day to day stresses that consume people and prevent them from doing things they'd "like" to do. I agree with you in that this is reality and the best we got at the moment, however the song simply asks us to take a moment out of our day and imagine if we didn't have to worry about all those things. Like most art, it asks the listeners to relax and drift away for about 3 minutes.

Think you need to chill out.

" however the song simply asks us to take a moment out of our day and imagine if we didn't have to worry about all those things."

No it doesn't.

Don't, be afraid to look closely at the meaning.
Perhaps you need to concentrate harder.

Your argument boils down to you being the one who will tell everyone else what an author is feeling or saying. Your interpretation is the only one that is right. People are not capable of evaluating works of art, poetry and witten works without your quidence and extreme wisdom. You are more intelligent than everyone else, even the creators of the art, poetry or written works. Oddly, you profess to be in favor of freedom. That doesn't seem to include freedom of thought.

:clap2: exactly. It's her entire perpetual M.O. Narcissism complex.

IOU rep for this one, Camp. Board says I've given out "too much" :rofl:
Ann Coulter is just a pot stirrer. She's a tool for the useful idiots and their confirmation bias, gets them nice and fired up and gets paid handsomely for doing so. Being divisive FOR A LIVING is going leave a great karma debt on the heads of those who make a living by being evil & spiteful.
Anyone who has an Ann Coulter quote in their sig should be the last to call anyone a dope.

Why do you liberas hate smart women so much ?

tapatalk post
Ann Coulter is not smart. I feel sorry for you as your perception has been blinded by political idealogy. Next you will be telling me Palin is a genius.

Only to a misogynist liberal would you consider a strong woman who speaks her mind stupid.

tapatalk post
Not Hippies..."Imagine" ought to be the anthem of the LIBERTARIAN MOVEMENT.

No religion, no government, no wars?

Sounds like the Utopia LIBERTARIANS talk about all the time.
Not Hippies..."Imagine" ought to be the anthem of the LIBERTARIAN MOVEMENT.

No religion, no government, no wars?

Sounds like the Utopia LIBERTARIANS talk about all the time.

That is what happens since most of them are young and came out of liberal indoctrinating schools

tapatalk post
Ann Coulter is just a pot stirrer. She's a tool for the useful idiots and their confirmation bias, gets them nice and fired up and gets paid handsomely for doing so. Being divisive FOR A LIVING is going leave a great karma debt on the heads of those who make a living by being evil & spiteful.

OK, expert....let's see how simple it is to prove you are simple....

I believe Coulter has had 10 best sellers.

How many have you read?

More to the point....have you ever read a book? Any book?

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