The Most Famous Fakes In Science

And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
“The states are the entities primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of public schools. The states are also heavily involved in the establishment, selection, and regulation of curriculum, teaching methods, and instructional materials in their schools. “

The feds have a minor role in selecting curriculum.
The people who decide curriculum on a State level are politicians, not educators.
You couldn’t be farther from the truth. In government, panels made up of relevant parties are responsible for setting the curriculum recommendations. It’s ridiculous thinking a republican legislator with a degree in business knows anything about literally, anything * else. Even he’s not that stupid.

Bloviators don’t seem to get that the entire economics of a state is dependent upon supplying an educated workforce to local businesses, corporations and schools. Much money tax base comes from these big donors. Graduates of religious fanatics and those with out a serious education gets everyone pissed. including small business., Your little “ everyone is a politician “ answer for incompetence doesn’t hold water.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
I've already answered, I have no idea why schools teach what they teach. So where do all the different animals come from?
“ The states are the entities primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of public schools. The states are also heavily involved in the establishment, selection, and regulation of curriculum, teaching methods, and instructional materials in their schools. ”

The states have an obligation to prepare their students for institutes of higher learning and the corporations and businesses That hire these students. Not Teaching kids that evolution Theory and encouraginging other non science is not valid Would Bring a firestorm of protests from corporations and colleges toward state governments. Because corporations and colleges use real science, there would be a huge backlash teaching much of anything else. This goes on in state governments across the nation.
Tell that to Liberals like JoeB who insist that the American Education system is a total failure and that's why we need Indian Business Visas.
I tend to agree if your posts are any indication. How anyone can come out of public education so poorly informed is a shame.
Ad hominem
That wasn't ad hominem. In no way was my undermining of your racist tropes reliant on calling you a dummy. You shouldn't use terms, when you don't know what they mean. You embarrass yourself and expose yourself for the pseudo intellectual you are.
What racist tropes?
I work in 5 Towns and drive through 2 others.
You're the guy who's sitting on your ass all day posting your ideological bullshit.
Oh my! You drive through 5 towns?! Well that settles it!
Lots of hands on contact with people of all races and religions...while you sit on your ass at home posting bullshit.
Selling Amway isn't exactly doing scientific research dumbass. And if any of them are educated people, they would laugh you out of the room for your garbage.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
I've already answered, I have no idea why schools teach what they teach. So where do all the different animals come from?
“ The states are the entities primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of public schools. The states are also heavily involved in the establishment, selection, and regulation of curriculum, teaching methods, and instructional materials in their schools. ”

The states have an obligation to prepare their students for institutes of higher learning and the corporations and businesses That hire these students. Not Teaching kids that evolution Theory and encouraginging other non science is not valid Would Bring a firestorm of protests from corporations and colleges toward state governments. Because corporations and colleges use real science, there would be a huge backlash teaching much of anything else. This goes on in state governments across the nation.
Tell that to Liberals like JoeB who insist that the American Education system is a total failure and that's why we need Indian Business Visas.
I tend to agree if your posts are any indication. How anyone can come out of public education so poorly informed is a shame.
Considering the gist of your posts are that anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot, I can assume you would come to that conclusion.
Now if only you are willing to post something that can be discussed.

Perhaps how Reagan and both parties came together in 1981 to oust minorities from Wall Street and brought in Japanese and Chinese Business Visas to replace them.
But that would mean admitting that Democrats suck as much as Republicans.
Considering the gist of your posts are that anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot, I can assume you would come to that conclusion.
Now if only you are willing to post something that can be discussed.
Not everyone, just science deniers and Trump supporters. Commander and cheat is a liar and cheat.,. The only way one can believe in a liar and cheat and cover for him, is to be on that side if the fence.
Seriously. Which of the seven or eight gods is the real one.
Are you saying the Muslim

First, the believers of the one true God know that the science of atheism is fake and atheism is a wrong religion. Because God created the world in seven literal days as I posted in the graph above. We know because science backs up the Bible.

Moreover, you are an atheist, so you don't know while I can figure out the real one and real science. You might as well be Muslim if you decide to convert. You will never get the real science.

It’s so confusing, there are so many “ factual” versions of bibles and gods, we don’t know where to begin.

How about Catholics ? Are they really Christians ?

I think you're confused because you are atheist and atheists are usually wrong. In this case, you are wrong about the religions.

Catholics believe in Jesus so they are Christians. There are some who may be misled by their Pope so they may have to go through tribulation after death. The same as the atheists after they see the real Jesus. Even the greatest thing an atheist ever said won't prevent every eye will see. I don't exactly know how it works because the prophecies are allegorical, but we can get the gist of what happens. For example, the science of the atheists believe in the North and South poles reversing polarity, i.e. positive becomes negative and negative becomes positive, but I think the Earth flips upside down. That would be a scary event instead of what your scientists and you believe.
Your silly conspiracy theories are simply another attempt at an argument for the cowardice of fear and ignorance.

Nope. I have the scientific method to prove it such as with how easy it is to turn rocks to powder (and common sense) and space telescope evidence of galaxies, planets, and suns colliding. When it comes to evolution, common sense is not so common. I have Dr. Louis Pasteur's scientific method to show only life begats life, i.e. no abiogenesis, but genesis. I have 75+ years of searching for aliens by SETI and famous atheist scientists and billionaires and no aliens. I have the scientific method to show chickens came first. I have soft tissue still remaining is dinosaur fossils. I have the fine tuning facts. FACE IT. THE EARTH IS NOT BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD, BUT ONLY THOUSANDS!!! Your scientists are fooled by time dilation.

This isn't just conspiracy theories. You are the one with the conspiracy theories like abiogenesis and big bang. It comes from the atheists and cowardice of God and his punishment place for them called hell for eternity. Our life spirit is supernatural and goes on forever. The evidence is near death experiences.

I'm still waiting for ID'iot creationists to post their ''General Theory of Supernatural Creation'' as a counter to science.

I've posted it and you've seen it many times:


Your atheist religion and science prevents you from believing and seeing this is how the universe, Earth, and everything in it got here. It is seven literal 24-hour periods because God created it on Day 1.

Shirley, you must have some supportable evidence of magic and supernaturalism to support your claims to magic and supernaturalism.

God's Bible versus the Satan's Antibible of Evolution. God said it first and then Satan rebelled and contradicted everything God said. The Bible was written by different people in different walks of life over the course of hundreds of years. The same with the Antibible. It follows Satan wrote it as Darwinism led to social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler's ideas of white supremacy, the Holocaust, and genocide of blacks (it's still going on with Planned Parenthood today).

Why do you believe in abortion?

Thus, what God has prophecized is coming true. We are all headed for the end of the world and Armageddon. He even said people from the past, present, and future will see the end of the world with all eyes will see. Satan gave you the large asteroid collision, false global flooding (God said he will not global flood the Earth again), and AGW.
Your screeching, flat earth inspired tirades are as tedious as ever.

You still have feces in your ears that leaked from your brain. You have not heard one word that I've said. Maybe you will end up in flatland where you belong.
Seriously. Which of the seven or eight gods is the real one.
Are you saying the Muslim

First, the believers of the one true God know that the science of atheism is fake and atheism is a wrong religion. Because God created the world in seven literal days as I posted in the graph above. We know because science backs up the Bible.

Moreover, you are an atheist, so you don't know while I can figure out the real one and real science. You might as well be Muslim if you decide to convert. You will never get the real science.

It’s so confusing, there are so many “ factual” versions of bibles and gods, we don’t know where to begin.

How about Catholics ? Are they really Christians ?

I think you're confused because you are atheist and atheists are usually wrong. In this case, you are wrong about the religions.

Catholics believe in Jesus so they are Christians. There are some who may be misled by their Pope so they may have to go through tribulation after death. The same as the atheists after they see the real Jesus. Even the greatest thing an atheist ever said won't prevent every eye will see. I don't exactly know how it works because the prophecies are allegorical, but we can get the gist of what happens. For example, the science of the atheists believe in the North and South poles reversing polarity, i.e. positive becomes negative and negative becomes positive, but I think the Earth flips upside down. That would be a scary event instead of what your scientists and you believe.

You do understand that every food you eat and vaccine you’ve ever used was augmented by Evolution theory and knowledge from Darwin and others supplemented by work from Gregor Mendel a Christian and other others in genetics. You’re in total denial saying science is wrong while basking in the glow of a life expectancy that has double . Where do you get off claiming that what ? Jews are atheist and Catholics have been lead astray ? Because why ? They don’t beleive in the fairy god father ?
Your silly conspiracy theories are simply another attempt at an argument for the cowardice of fear and ignorance.

Nope. I have the scientific method to prove it such as with how easy it is to turn rocks to powder (and common sense) and space telescope evidence of galaxies, planets, and suns colliding. When it comes to evolution, common sense is not so common. I have Dr. Louis Pasteur's scientific method to show only life begats life, i.e. no abiogenesis, but genesis. I have 75+ years of searching for aliens by SETI and famous atheist scientists and billionaires and no aliens. I have the scientific method to show chickens came first. I have soft tissue still remaining is dinosaur fossils. I have the fine tuning facts. FACE IT. THE EARTH IS NOT BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD, BUT ONLY THOUSANDS!!! Your scientists are fooled by time dilation.

This isn't just conspiracy theories. You are the one with the conspiracy theories like abiogenesis and big bang. It comes from the atheists and cowardice of God and his punishment place for them called hell for eternity. Our life spirit is supernatural and goes on forever. The evidence is near death experiences.

I'm still waiting for ID'iot creationists to post their ''General Theory of Supernatural Creation'' as a counter to science.

I've posted it and you've seen it many times:


Your atheist religion and science prevents you from believing and seeing this is how the universe, Earth, and everything in it got here. It is seven literal 24-hour periods because God created it on Day 1.

Shirley, you must have some supportable evidence of magic and supernaturalism to support your claims to magic and supernaturalism.

God's Bible versus the Satan's Antibible of Evolution. God said it first and then Satan rebelled and contradicted everything God said. The Bible was written by different people in different walks of life over the course of hundreds of years. The same with the Antibible. It follows Satan wrote it as Darwinism led to social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler's ideas of white supremacy, the Holocaust, and genocide of blacks (it's still going on with Planned Parenthood today).

Why do you believe in abortion?

Thus, what God has prophecized is coming true. We are all headed for the end of the world and Armageddon. He even said people from the past, present, and future will see the end of the world with all eyes will see. Satan gave you the large asteroid collision, false global flooding (God said he will not global flood the Earth again), and AGW.
Your screeching, flat earth inspired tirades are as tedious as ever.

You still have feces in your ears that leaked from your brain. You have not heard one word that I've said. Maybe you will end up in flatland where you belong.

There's no reason to get angry and emotive. These emotional outbursts of yours serve no purpose.

That you can't make a supportable case for supernatural gods is your issue to resolve. Yes, I understand your reaction to those who don't share your fears and superstitions is to shower them with hate and revulsion.

I have no interest in sharing your loathing for science, learning and personal choice / responsibility.
Considering the gist of your posts are that anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot, I can assume you would come to that conclusion.
Now if only you are willing to post something that can be discussed.
Not everyone, just science deniers and Trump supporters. Commander and cheat is a liar and cheat.,. The only way one can believe in a liar and cheat and cover for him, is to be on that side if the fence.
My community probably has more hard science professionals than you’ll ever meet in your life and they approve of his legislation.
My community probably has more hard science professionals than you’ll ever meet in your life and they approve of his legislation.

Anyone can examine the very long list of Jews who were awarded Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, economics, medicine, you name it. There is a longer list of Christian Laureates simply because Christianity is the largest organization in the history of man.

Debate with atheists is impossible. They are bitter, condescending, and can't stick to the subject when it is science. They always regress to the Bible, which they deny but quote relentlessly. I critiqued several books by Richard Dawkins and he acts just like all the others, ignoring the points I made and attacking me personally. It's not about me. It's about his jejune ignorance and incoherence. He never wants to address those points.
My community probably has more hard science professionals than you’ll ever meet in your life and they approve of his legislation.

Anyone can examine the very long list of Jews who were awarded Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, economics, medicine, you name it. There is a longer list of Christian Laureates simply because Christianity is the largest organization in the history of man.

Debate with atheists is impossible. They are bitter, condescending, and can't stick to the subject when it is science. They always regress to the Bible, which they deny but quote relentlessly. I critiqued several books by Richard Dawkins and he acts just like all the others, ignoring the points I made and attacking me personally. It's not about me. It's about his jejune ignorance and incoherence. He never wants to address those points.
What's really fascinating about the Mentally Ill Atheist is that no matter how simple and well laid out you show them to be, they make believe they don't understand what you just presented.
What's scary is I think their brains actually are incapable with clear explanations that go against their ideology.

Richard Dawkins is a joke...he's constantly misquoting verses or making them up on the fly, and when it's pointed out to him, he says he'll check into it.
If he actually told the truth, he's go broke.
What's really fascinating about the Mentally Ill Atheist is that no matter how simple and well laid out you show them to be, they make believe they don't understand what you just presented.
What's scary is I think their brains actually are incapable with clear explanations that go against their ideology.

Richard Dawkins is a joke...he's constantly misquoting verses or making them up on the fly, and when it's pointed out to him, he says he'll check into it.
If he actually told the truth, he's go broke.

The Blind Watchmaker by Richard Dawkins

“Given infinite time or infinite opportunities, anything is possible.” - PAGE 139

No, that is not remotely true. Dawkins accepts that one chance in 10 to the 40th power is "impossible." There is NOT "infinite time" nor are there "infinite opportunities" so his inane claim is meaningless.

(“ . . .it is possible for a marble statue to wave at us. It could happen....It is theoretically possible for a cow to jump over the moon with something like the same improbability.”- PAGE 160

Marble statues waving and cows jumping over the moon. "Possible."

“A1>A2. B1>B2" - PAGE 171

How scientific Dawkins is not. I have worked countless chemical reactions and equations and never have I seen such meaningless simplicity, or rather ignorance, as this alphabeticization.

This hateful atheist now has the nickname of Elevator Man after propositioning a woman he met in an elevator. How embarrassing, particularly given his extremely bad teeth and bitter attitude.
You do understand that every food you eat and vaccine you’ve ever used was augmented by Evolution theory and knowledge from Darwin and others supplemented by work from Gregor Mendel a Christian and other others in genetics.

Charles Darwin is screaming his arse off in Hades being one of the burning dead and not sleeping dead. Father Gregor Mendel's work was for creation science. He was no Darwinian because Darwin needed over 4 billion years while Mendel needed "successive generations" and coined that phrase. As I stated atheists are usually wrong and Darwin was wrong with his pangenesis hypothesis of inheritance. You know very well Mendel was right because he followed and practiced real science.

Where do you get off claiming that what ? Jews are atheist and Catholics have been lead astray ? Because why ? They don’t beleive in the fairy god father ?

I have no idea what you are talking about as you are putting words in my mouth. Why don't you give some examples so I and others here know what Jewish statements from the Torah you are referring to? Let's see if you know anything?
There is no evidence whatsoever ever of that

I've given you plenty of evidence to support it during our discussion while all you could claim was Father Gregor Mendel, but now we know he supported creation science and not Darwin.

"And God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, on the earth.” And it was so. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:11-12
have no idea what you are talking about as you are putting words in my mouth. Why don't you give some examples so I and others here know what Jewish statements from the Torah you are referring to? Let's see if you know anything?
You do understand that every food you eat and vaccine you’ve ever used was augmented by Evolution theory and knowledge from Darwin and others supplemented by work from Gregor Mendel a Christian and other others in genetics.

Charles Darwin is screaming his arse off in Hades being one of the burning dead and not sleeping dead. Father Gregor Mendel's work was for creation science. He was no Darwinian because Darwin needed over 4 billion years while Mendel needed "successive generations" and coined that phrase. As I stated atheists are usually wrong and Darwin was wrong with his pangenesis hypothesis of inheritance. You know very well Mendel was right because he followed and practiced real science.

Where do you get off claiming that what ? Jews are atheist and Catholics have been lead astray ? Because why ? They don’t beleive in the fairy god father ?

I have no idea what you are talking about as you are putting words in my mouth.
Of course you don’t understand , you’re ignorant.
Genetics is the mechanism of evolution and Gregor Mendel work with pea pods became a foundation in the understanding of genetics.

Case closed. Don’t go out in the real world around educated people, they’ll laugh at you.
My community probably has more hard science professionals than you’ll ever meet in your life and they approve of his legislation.

Anyone can examine the very long list of Jews who were awarded Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, economics, medicine, you name it. There is a longer list of Christian Laureates simply because Christianity is the largest organization in the history of man.

Debate with atheists is impossible. They are bitter, condescending, and can't stick to the subject when it is science. They always regress to the Bible, which they deny but quote relentlessly. I critiqued several books by Richard Dawkins and he acts just like all the others, ignoring the points I made and attacking me personally. It's not about me. It's about his jejune ignorance and incoherence. He never wants to address those points.
More BS. You dont even know what an atheist is ?
Is a Muslim or Jew or a nudist an Athiest ? They don’t Bellevue in your God. But somehow, you’ve elevated everyone who believes in ghosts above these who want evidence.
My community probably has more hard science professionals than you’ll ever meet in your life and they approve of his legislation.

Anyone can examine the very long list of Jews who were awarded Nobel Prizes in physics, chemistry, economics, medicine, you name it. There is a longer list of Christian Laureates simply because Christianity is the largest organization in the history of man.

Debate with atheists is impossible. They are bitter, condescending, and can't stick to the subject when it is science. They always regress to the Bible, which they deny but quote relentlessly. I critiqued several books by Richard Dawkins and he acts just like all the others, ignoring the points I made and attacking me personally. It's not about me. It's about his jejune ignorance and incoherence. He never wants to address those points.
Such an angry fundie. Curious, though, For all your whining about debate with atheists being impossible, it is you who ran from debate. Like a petulant child, you got angry when your specious opinions were refuted which caused you to claim to put others on ignore.

Looks more like debate with religionists is impossible.

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