The Most Famous Fakes In Science

We find Genesis is not a science chapter, but that science backs up Genesis. For example, we find that the chicken came before the egg due to proteins on the eggshell that are only produced by the ovaries of a chicken. The evolutionists have nothing, but made up theory and still do not believe the chicken came before the egg despite the irrefutable and testable evidence. They still have to have the egg come before the chicken or else evolution is dead.
This is you talking, not Johns Hopkins

Haha. You are wrong. It was university professors and their supercomputer. All you have are a wrong wired brain. Useless in science or driving through a green light.

So you’re smarter then the AAAS ?

It's not real science they believe in such as what I mentioned already -- abiogenesis, big bang, long time of billions of years old universe and Earth, multiverses, multiple dimensions such as ten or eleven, aliens, and other stupid shat. We know the Earth and our galaxy can't last that long because we see planets, stars, and galaxies being destroyed by collision. I suppose they can be sucked into a black hole, too. Billions of years old Earth defies common sense as rocks would turn to dust. Here's the experiment -- How Does a Rock Crusher Work?. These atheist scientists who believe it have rocks in their heads haha.
It doesn’t matter what the theories are, we’re only here for a short time compared to the life of the earth let alone the universe. The only science that’s meaningful is that around our species. That’s all pretty much solid evidence wise. AGW is real and we need to do something about it. There are no smart people I associated with climate science that disagree. Discussing what happened millions of years ago or will happen millions in the future , is pretty useless and is only relevant in our understanding of the rest of the universe and the development of science used here and now. Albert Einstein observations of the universe was only relavent because it lead to science we can use here and now. It is not compared to the time it takes for us to achieve parody with the rest of the universe.

Dagosa, why are you posting in the S&T forum? It may be better you go to R&E because that's what you believe in. Satan has pulled the wool over your eyes so you cannot see that atheism is a religion. Not only that, there is the science of atheism which many, many, many people believe today because that is what they were taught. They were taught lies and false science. That's why you believe silliness such as AGW. You think those people are smart? They know climate science? Your theories have all been wrong and false and you could not figure it out. I was hoping you would come to your senses about billions of years old Earth. We know nothing lasts that long except your life spirit. That is the supernatural part of life that keeps going.

Anyway, I think we've come to an impasse because you'll believe what your believe with your religion. Science and religion are two sides of the same coin. They both deal with the truth, but it depends on what truth you believe. Like I said you believe up is down and down is up. When you are that confused, then a lot can happen in a short amount of time.
Why don’t you go back to school, if you ever did.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?
It's all in the Book you refuse to read so why should I waste my time on you?
The first Chapter of Genesis is hardly complicated.
You would want to believe you are the result of an accident rather than the result of a plan.
That is your prerogative; I disagree.
So basically you think that god pooped everything into being?
Compared to God, we are poop.
You think what no professional atheist states explicitly...we just appeared out of nowhere.
Perhaps you did evolve from poop.
To be honest, when we die, we rot and become poop and that becomes fertilizer which produces what we eat.
So yes, we come from poop.
Your silly conspiracy theories are simply another attempt at an argument for the cowardice of fear and ignorance.

Nope. I have the scientific method to prove it such as with how easy it is to turn rocks to powder (and common sense) and space telescope evidence of galaxies, planets, and suns colliding. When it comes to evolution, common sense is not so common. I have Dr. Louis Pasteur's scientific method to show only life begats life, i.e. no abiogenesis, but genesis. I have 75+ years of searching for aliens by SETI and famous atheist scientists and billionaires and no aliens. I have the scientific method to show chickens came first. I have soft tissue still remaining is dinosaur fossils. I have the fine tuning facts. FACE IT. THE EARTH IS NOT BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD, BUT ONLY THOUSANDS!!! Your scientists are fooled by time dilation.

This isn't just conspiracy theories. You are the one with the conspiracy theories like abiogenesis and big bang. It comes from the atheists and cowardice of God and his punishment place for them called hell for eternity. Our life spirit is supernatural and goes on forever. The evidence is near death experiences.

I'm still waiting for ID'iot creationists to post their ''General Theory of Supernatural Creation'' as a counter to science.

I've posted it and you've seen it many times:


Your atheist religion and science prevents you from believing and seeing this is how the universe, Earth, and everything in it got here. It is seven literal 24-hour periods because God created it on Day 1.

Shirley, you must have some supportable evidence of magic and supernaturalism to support your claims to magic and supernaturalism.

God's Bible versus the Satan's Antibible of Evolution. God said it first and then Satan rebelled and contradicted everything God said. The Bible was written by different people in different walks of life over the course of hundreds of years. The same with the Antibible. It follows Satan wrote it as Darwinism led to social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler's ideas of white supremacy, the Holocaust, and genocide of blacks (it's still going on with Planned Parenthood today).

Why do you believe in abortion?

Thus, what God has prophecized is coming true. We are all headed for the end of the world and Armageddon. He even said people from the past, present, and future will see the end of the world with all eyes will see. Satan gave you the large asteroid collision, false global flooding (God said he will not global flood the Earth again), and AGW.
Your silly conspiracy theories are simply another attempt at an argument for the cowardice of fear and ignorance.

Nope. I have the scientific method to prove it such as with how easy it is to turn rocks to powder (and common sense) and space telescope evidence of galaxies, planets, and suns colliding. When it comes to evolution, common sense is not so common. I have Dr. Louis Pasteur's scientific method to show only life begats life, i.e. no abiogenesis, but genesis. I have 75+ years of searching for aliens by SETI and famous atheist scientists and billionaires and no aliens. I have the scientific method to show chickens came first. I have soft tissue still remaining is dinosaur fossils. I have the fine tuning facts. FACE IT. THE EARTH IS NOT BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD, BUT ONLY THOUSANDS!!! Your scientists are fooled by time dilation.

This isn't just conspiracy theories. You are the one with the conspiracy theories like abiogenesis and big bang. It comes from the atheists and cowardice of God and his punishment place for them called hell for eternity. Our life spirit is supernatural and goes on forever. The evidence is near death experiences.

I'm still waiting for ID'iot creationists to post their ''General Theory of Supernatural Creation'' as a counter to science.

I've posted it and you've seen it many times:


Your atheist religion and science prevents you from believing and seeing this is how the universe, Earth, and everything in it got here. It is seven literal 24-hour periods because God created it on Day 1.

Shirley, you must have some supportable evidence of magic and supernaturalism to support your claims to magic and supernaturalism.

God's Bible versus the Satan's Antibible of Evolution. God said it first and then Satan rebelled and contradicted everything God said. The Bible was written by different people in different walks of life over the course of hundreds of years. The same with the Antibible. It follows Satan wrote it as Darwinism led to social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler's ideas of white supremacy, the Holocaust, and genocide of blacks (it's still going on with Planned Parenthood today).

Why do you believe in abortion?

Thus, what God has prophecized is coming true. We are all headed for the end of the world and Armageddon. He even said people from the past, present, and future will see the end of the world with all eyes will see. Satan gave you the large asteroid collision, false global flooding (God said he will not global flood the Earth again), and AGW.
Seriously. Which of the seven or eight gods is the real one.
Are you saying the Muslim

It’s so confusing, there are so many “ factual” versions of bibles and gods, we don’t know where to begin.

How about Catholics ? Are they really Christians ?
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?
It's all in the Book you refuse to read so why should I waste my time on you?
The first Chapter of Genesis is hardly complicated.
You would want to believe you are the result of an accident rather than the result of a plan.
That is your prerogative; I disagree.
So basically you think that god pooped everything into being?
Compared to God, we are poop.
You think what no professional atheist states explicitly...we just appeared out of nowhere.
Perhaps you did evolve from poop.
To be honest, when we die, we rot and become poop and that becomes fertilizer which produces what we eat.
So yes, we come from poop.
So where did all the different animals come from? God made them magical appear?
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
Speaking if crosses, which god are we talking about n order to be a non atheist ?
Are Jews, Muslims etc atheist because they don’t belive in the Christian God ?
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
You're much more entertaining when cutting and pasting ''quotes'' from Disco'tute charlatans.
Your silly conspiracy theories are simply another attempt at an argument for the cowardice of fear and ignorance.

Nope. I have the scientific method to prove it such as with how easy it is to turn rocks to powder (and common sense) and space telescope evidence of galaxies, planets, and suns colliding. When it comes to evolution, common sense is not so common. I have Dr. Louis Pasteur's scientific method to show only life begats life, i.e. no abiogenesis, but genesis. I have 75+ years of searching for aliens by SETI and famous atheist scientists and billionaires and no aliens. I have the scientific method to show chickens came first. I have soft tissue still remaining is dinosaur fossils. I have the fine tuning facts. FACE IT. THE EARTH IS NOT BILLIONS OF YEARS OLD, BUT ONLY THOUSANDS!!! Your scientists are fooled by time dilation.

This isn't just conspiracy theories. You are the one with the conspiracy theories like abiogenesis and big bang. It comes from the atheists and cowardice of God and his punishment place for them called hell for eternity. Our life spirit is supernatural and goes on forever. The evidence is near death experiences.

I'm still waiting for ID'iot creationists to post their ''General Theory of Supernatural Creation'' as a counter to science.

I've posted it and you've seen it many times:


Your atheist religion and science prevents you from believing and seeing this is how the universe, Earth, and everything in it got here. It is seven literal 24-hour periods because God created it on Day 1.

Shirley, you must have some supportable evidence of magic and supernaturalism to support your claims to magic and supernaturalism.

God's Bible versus the Satan's Antibible of Evolution. God said it first and then Satan rebelled and contradicted everything God said. The Bible was written by different people in different walks of life over the course of hundreds of years. The same with the Antibible. It follows Satan wrote it as Darwinism led to social Darwinism, eugenics, Hitler's ideas of white supremacy, the Holocaust, and genocide of blacks (it's still going on with Planned Parenthood today).

Why do you believe in abortion?

Thus, what God has prophecized is coming true. We are all headed for the end of the world and Armageddon. He even said people from the past, present, and future will see the end of the world with all eyes will see. Satan gave you the large asteroid collision, false global flooding (God said he will not global flood the Earth again), and AGW.
Your screeching, flat earth inspired tirades are as tedious as ever.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
I've already answered, I have no idea why schools teach what they teach. So where do all the different animals come from?
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
“The states are the entities primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of public schools. The states are also heavily involved in the establishment, selection, and regulation of curriculum, teaching methods, and instructional materials in their schools. “

The feds have a minor role in selecting curriculum.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
I've already answered, I have no idea why schools teach what they teach. So where do all the different animals come from?
“ The states are the entities primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of public schools. The states are also heavily involved in the establishment, selection, and regulation of curriculum, teaching methods, and instructional materials in their schools. ”

The states have an obligation to prepare their students for institutes of higher learning and the corporations and businesses That hire these students. Not Teaching kids that evolution Theory and encouraginging other non science is not valid Would Bring a firestorm of protests from corporations and colleges toward state governments. Because corporations and colleges use real science, there would be a huge backlash teaching much of anything else. This goes on in state governments across the nation.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
I've already answered, I have no idea why schools teach what they teach. So where do all the different animals come from?
“ The states are the entities primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of public schools. The states are also heavily involved in the establishment, selection, and regulation of curriculum, teaching methods, and instructional materials in their schools. ”

The states have an obligation to prepare their students for institutes of higher learning and the corporations and businesses That hire these students. Not Teaching kids that evolution Theory and encouraginging other non science is not valid Would Bring a firestorm of protests from corporations and colleges toward state governments. Because corporations and colleges use real science, there would be a huge backlash teaching much of anything else. This goes on in state governments across the nation.
Tell that to Liberals like JoeB who insist that the American Education system is a total failure and that's why we need Indian Business Visas.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?

Why do schools claim we know the answer, i.e., that Darwin is a proven fact?
IDK. Why do you refuse to answer my question? Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?

My question is the only pertinent one, yet you run from it like a vampire from a cross.

Why> Too embarrassed of your own beliefs?
“The states are the entities primarily responsible for the maintenance and operation of public schools. The states are also heavily involved in the establishment, selection, and regulation of curriculum, teaching methods, and instructional materials in their schools. “

The feds have a minor role in selecting curriculum.
The people who decide curriculum on a State level are politicians, not educators.

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