The Most Famous Fakes In Science

What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
Okay, you've convinced me.

Now, what is your personal theory on how we got here? Precisely?

Screen Shot 2020-07-26 at 4.27.10 PM.png

You can read the rest at:
What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
Okay, you've convinced me.

Now, what is your personal theory on how we got here? Precisely?

View attachment 367603

You can read the rest at:
I don't know if that's her personal theory. She refuses to say. Which seems strange.
Ad hominem
That wasn't ad hominem. In no way was my undermining of your racist tropes reliant on calling you a dummy. You shouldn't use terms, when you don't know what they mean. You embarrass yourself and expose yourself for the pseudo intellectual you are.
What racist tropes?
I work in 5 Towns and drive through 2 others.
You're the guy who's sitting on your ass all day posting your ideological bullshit.
Quesadilla now 0-for-5
1. No answer to me gutting you on Darwin. WHIFF

2. You're too stupid to even Google abu afak. (not Muslim)

3. Going, indeed Winning, for the seemingly impossible dumbest creationist here.

Have you ever gutted a still living fish before packing it on ice?

They die faster that way which is more humane
Actually, you are supposed to stun them first and then cut the gills, dumbass.
Ad hominem
That wasn't ad hominem. In no way was my undermining of your racist tropes reliant on calling you a dummy. You shouldn't use terms, when you don't know what they mean. You embarrass yourself and expose yourself for the pseudo intellectual you are.
What racist tropes?
I work in 5 Towns and drive through 2 others.
You're the guy who's sitting on your ass all day posting your ideological bullshit.
Oh my! You drive through 5 towns?! Well that settles it!
Ad hominem
That wasn't ad hominem. In no way was my undermining of your racist tropes reliant on calling you a dummy. You shouldn't use terms, when you don't know what they mean. You embarrass yourself and expose yourself for the pseudo intellectual you are.
What racist tropes?
I work in 5 Towns and drive through 2 others.
You're the guy who's sitting on your ass all day posting your ideological bullshit.
Oh my! You drive through 5 towns?! Well that settles it!
Lots of hands on contact with people of all races and religions...while you sit on your ass at home posting bullshit.
We find Genesis is not a science chapter, but that science backs up Genesis. For example, we find that the chicken came before the egg due to proteins on the eggshell that are only produced by the ovaries of a chicken. The evolutionists have nothing, but made up theory and still do not believe the chicken came before the egg despite the irrefutable and testable evidence. They still have to have the egg come before the chicken or else evolution is dead.
This is you talking, not Johns Hopkins

Haha. You are wrong. It was university professors and their supercomputer. All you have are a wrong wired brain. Useless in science or driving through a green light.

So you’re smarter then the AAAS ?

It's not real science they believe in such as what I mentioned already -- abiogenesis, big bang, long time of billions of years old universe and Earth, multiverses, multiple dimensions such as ten or eleven, aliens, and other stupid shat. We know the Earth and our galaxy can't last that long because we see planets, stars, and galaxies being destroyed by collision. I suppose they can be sucked into a black hole, too. Billions of years old Earth defies common sense as rocks would turn to dust. Here's the experiment -- How Does a Rock Crusher Work?. These atheist scientists who believe it have rocks in their heads haha.
We find Genesis is not a science chapter, but that science backs up Genesis. For example, we find that the chicken came before the egg due to proteins on the eggshell that are only produced by the ovaries of a chicken. The evolutionists have nothing, but made up theory and still do not believe the chicken came before the egg despite the irrefutable and testable evidence. They still have to have the egg come before the chicken or else evolution is dead.
This is you talking, not Johns Hopkins

Haha. You are wrong. It was university professors and their supercomputer. All you have are a wrong wired brain. Useless in science or driving through a green light.

So you’re smarter then the AAAS ?

It's not real science they believe in such as what I mentioned already -- abiogenesis, big bang, long time of billions of years old universe and Earth, multiverses, multiple dimensions such as ten or eleven, aliens, and other stupid shat. We know the Earth and our galaxy can't last that long because we see planets, stars, and galaxies being destroyed by collision. I suppose they can be sucked into a black hole, too. Billions of years old Earth defies common sense as rocks would turn to dust. Here's the experiment -- How Does a Rock Crusher Work?. These atheist scientists who believe it have rocks in their heads haha.
It doesn’t matter what the theories are, we’re only here for a short time compared to the life of the earth let alone the universe. The only science that’s meaningful is that around our species. That’s all pretty much solid evidence wise. AGW is real and we need to do something about it. There are no smart people I associated with climate science that disagree. Discussing what happened millions of years ago or will happen millions in the future , is pretty useless and is only relevant in our understanding of the rest of the universe and the development of science used here and now. Albert Einstein observations of the universe was only relavent because it lead to science we can use here and now. It is not compared to the time it takes for us to achieve parody with the rest of the universe.
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What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
I'll prove evolution to you. Look at houses and clothes from 200 years ado. People were a lot smaller back then, meaning that over time, we're evolving to be taller humans. It's a fact.
It's called nutrition; that's why Brown people from South of the Border are still as short as ever.
Blacks have benefited, nutrition wise, from Honky.
Over time humans are getting taller, that’s evolution. Doesn’t matter what causes it, something is always causing us to evolve.
Nope...not all humans are getting taller; Asians and Hispanics are not getting taller because their nutrition is limited.
Face it, Europeans have always eaten better than everyone else.
We're all getting taller, that's evolution, doesn't matter the reason.
"How should I know why they teach what they do? "

The question should be posed this way: Why is it so important for certain forces that Darwin's theory be accepted as fact?
Darwin's theory is provably false......but that question is the most important revelation
A pity you've never gotten to that realization.
It's called a theory for a reason.

So where do all the different animals come from? Or have I stumped you again? :biggrin:

It's taught as though it's a proven fact.

Answer the question: why is it so important that you believe Darwin's theory is a fact?
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. So your turn, what's your theory to why there are so many different kinds of animals, where do they all come from?

"I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. "

It's presented as a fact. You may claim, now, that it is only a theory, but your posts imply the very opposite.

Now.....why is it so important that it be accepted as the truth?
It's the most plausible theory. What's your theory? Ashamed to say? Because even you think it's kinda dumb?

"It's the most plausible theory."

It wasn't even when he offered it a century and a half ago.

You're simply too easily led.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”ch.6

. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.”

Darwin, "On The Origin of Speices," chapter nine

The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

“Although Darwin’s theory is often compared favorably to the great theories of mathematical physics on the grounds that evolution is as well established as gravity, very few physicists have been heard observing that gravity is as well established as evolution.” Philip Zaleski
Ok, but what's your explanation to all the different species? This copy&paste is all about Darwin, whom you dismiss.

Scientists dismiss Darwin.

“He [Darwin] prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search….It has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction was wrong.” (Eldridge, Niles, The Myths of Human Evolution, 1984, pp.45-46.)
Ok, Let's dismiss Darwin. What's your theory for all the species? How did they come about?

What's the reason that Darwinism is applied to schoolchildren as fact?
Is applied ? How does that happen ? Natural selection is a theory. If you have a problem with a teacher using the word fact, go complain to the principal. .

Why is it taught as a fact?
"How should I know why they teach what they do? "

The question should be posed this way: Why is it so important for certain forces that Darwin's theory be accepted as fact?
Darwin's theory is provably false......but that question is the most important revelation
A pity you've never gotten to that realization.
It's called a theory for a reason.

So where do all the different animals come from? Or have I stumped you again? :biggrin:

It's taught as though it's a proven fact.

Answer the question: why is it so important that you believe Darwin's theory is a fact?
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. So your turn, what's your theory to why there are so many different kinds of animals, where do they all come from?

"I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. "

It's presented as a fact. You may claim, now, that it is only a theory, but your posts imply the very opposite.

Now.....why is it so important that it be accepted as the truth?
It's the most plausible theory. What's your theory? Ashamed to say? Because even you think it's kinda dumb?

"It's the most plausible theory."

It wasn't even when he offered it a century and a half ago.

You're simply too easily led.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”ch.6

. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.”

Darwin, "On The Origin of Speices," chapter nine

The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

“Although Darwin’s theory is often compared favorably to the great theories of mathematical physics on the grounds that evolution is as well established as gravity, very few physicists have been heard observing that gravity is as well established as evolution.” Philip Zaleski
Ok, but what's your explanation to all the different species? This copy&paste is all about Darwin, whom you dismiss.

Scientists dismiss Darwin.

“He [Darwin] prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search….It has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction was wrong.” (Eldridge, Niles, The Myths of Human Evolution, 1984, pp.45-46.)
Ok, Let's dismiss Darwin. What's your theory for all the species? How did they come about?

What's the reason that Darwinism is applied to schoolchildren as fact?
Is applied ? How does that happen ? Natural selection is a theory. If you have a problem with a teacher using the word fact, go complain to the principal. .

Why is it taught as a fact?
Show just one text book used in public schools that doesn’t refer to natural Selection as a theory....just one.

Sure thing, liar.

Haeckel’s embryo diagram.They were faked to prove Darwin's common ancestor theory.
You'll find them in every textbook, and every classroom.

".... Haeckel's drawings of embryonic similarities were not correct. British embryologist Michael Richardson and his colleages published an important paper in the August 1997 issue of Anatomy & Embryology showing that Haeckel had fudged his drawings to make the early stages of embryos appear more alike than they actually are! As it turns out, Haeckel's contemporaries had spotted the fraud during his lifetime, and got him to admit it. However, his drawings nonetheless became the source material for diagrams of comparative embryology in nearly every biology textbook, including ours!"
Haeckel s Embryos

"How should I know why they teach what they do? "

The question should be posed this way: Why is it so important for certain forces that Darwin's theory be accepted as fact?
Darwin's theory is provably false......but that question is the most important revelation
A pity you've never gotten to that realization.
It's called a theory for a reason.

So where do all the different animals come from? Or have I stumped you again? :biggrin:

It's taught as though it's a proven fact.

Answer the question: why is it so important that you believe Darwin's theory is a fact?
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. So your turn, what's your theory to why there are so many different kinds of animals, where do they all come from?

"I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. "

It's presented as a fact. You may claim, now, that it is only a theory, but your posts imply the very opposite.

Now.....why is it so important that it be accepted as the truth?
It's the most plausible theory. What's your theory? Ashamed to say? Because even you think it's kinda dumb?

"It's the most plausible theory."

It wasn't even when he offered it a century and a half ago.

You're simply too easily led.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”ch.6

. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.”

Darwin, "On The Origin of Speices," chapter nine

The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

“Although Darwin’s theory is often compared favorably to the great theories of mathematical physics on the grounds that evolution is as well established as gravity, very few physicists have been heard observing that gravity is as well established as evolution.” Philip Zaleski
Ok, but what's your explanation to all the different species? This copy&paste is all about Darwin, whom you dismiss.

Scientists dismiss Darwin.

“He [Darwin] prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search….It has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction was wrong.” (Eldridge, Niles, The Myths of Human Evolution, 1984, pp.45-46.)
Ok, Let's dismiss Darwin. What's your theory for all the species? How did they come about?

What's the reason that Darwinism is applied to schoolchildren as fact?
Is applied ? How does that happen ? Natural selection is a theory. If you have a problem with a teacher using the word fact, go complain to the principal. .

Why is it taught as a fact?
"How should I know why they teach what they do? "

The question should be posed this way: Why is it so important for certain forces that Darwin's theory be accepted as fact?
Darwin's theory is provably false......but that question is the most important revelation
A pity you've never gotten to that realization.
It's called a theory for a reason.

So where do all the different animals come from? Or have I stumped you again? :biggrin:

It's taught as though it's a proven fact.

Answer the question: why is it so important that you believe Darwin's theory is a fact?
I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. So your turn, what's your theory to why there are so many different kinds of animals, where do they all come from?

"I never said it was a fact, it's a theory. "

It's presented as a fact. You may claim, now, that it is only a theory, but your posts imply the very opposite.

Now.....why is it so important that it be accepted as the truth?
It's the most plausible theory. What's your theory? Ashamed to say? Because even you think it's kinda dumb?

"It's the most plausible theory."

It wasn't even when he offered it a century and a half ago.

You're simply too easily led.

"THE ABRUPT manner in which whole groups of species suddenly appear in certain formations, has been urged by several palæontologists—for instance, by Agassiz, Pictet, and Sedgwick—as a fatal objection to the belief in the transmutation of species. If numerous species, belonging to the same genera or families, have really started into life at once, the fact would be fatal to the theory of evolution through natural selection." Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p.302

“Why, if species have descended from other species by insensibly fine gradations, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms.”ch.6

. To the question why we do not find records of these vast primordial periods, I can give no satisfactory answer.”

Darwin, "On The Origin of Speices," chapter nine

The case at present must remain inexplicable; and may be truly urged as a valid argument against the views here entertained.”

“Although Darwin’s theory is often compared favorably to the great theories of mathematical physics on the grounds that evolution is as well established as gravity, very few physicists have been heard observing that gravity is as well established as evolution.” Philip Zaleski
Ok, but what's your explanation to all the different species? This copy&paste is all about Darwin, whom you dismiss.

Scientists dismiss Darwin.

“He [Darwin] prophesied that future generations of paleontologists would fill in these gaps by diligent search….It has become abundantly clear that the fossil record will not confirm this part of Darwin’s predictions. Nor is the problem a miserably poor record. The fossil record simply shows that this prediction was wrong.” (Eldridge, Niles, The Myths of Human Evolution, 1984, pp.45-46.)
Ok, Let's dismiss Darwin. What's your theory for all the species? How did they come about?

What's the reason that Darwinism is applied to schoolchildren as fact?
Is applied ? How does that happen ? Natural selection is a theory. If you have a problem with a teacher using the word fact, go complain to the principal. .

Why is it taught as a fact?
Show just one text book used in public schools that doesn’t refer to natural Selection as a theory....just one.

Sure thing, liar.

Haeckel’s embryo diagram.They were faked to prove Darwin's common ancestor theory.
You'll find them in every textbook, and every classroom.

".... Haeckel's drawings of embryonic similarities were not correct. British embryologist Michael Richardson and his colleages published an important paper in the August 1997 issue of Anatomy & Embryology showing that Haeckel had fudged his drawings to make the early stages of embryos appear more alike than they actually are! As it turns out, Haeckel's contemporaries had spotted the fraud during his lifetime, and got him to admit it. However, his drawings nonetheless became the source material for diagrams of comparative embryology in nearly every biology textbook, including ours!"
Haeckel s Embryos

So, this drawing is all you can come up with ?
You’re right, I can see the resemblance . The conservative fetus’s all have sphincter mouths.

You can run, but you can't hide.
So saith the Brown Bomber

but that science backs up Genesis.
Your delusional as there is no natural science named Genesis. Nor, is there any scientific research facility devoted to studying the Bible. Religion and science are not connected in anyway.

There is a natural and very real science called Genesis. What has happened is the science of atheism's atheist scientists have removed their opposition from taking part in peer reviews. Thus, we get fake science by consensus and the fake science of atheism has taken over. It's in our higher education system. You are a perfect example of someone who believes in fake science or the science of atheism. There is no life from non-life as being promoted by the evolutionists. You believe in lies.

You are also wrong as creation science or real science as science that used to be done in the past before the 1850s was based on people believing in God and his creation. This included the Bible. We have many famous scientists from the past and current -- Creationist scientist contributions - Sir Francis Bacon invented the scientific method. Creation scientists -

Who do the evos have? What have they accomplished?

Thus, Genesis is the real science while abiogenesis is the fake one. The latter was based on spontaneous generation and that was proven false by creation scientist Dr. Louis Pasteur. Today's liberals, atheists, and their atheist scientists believe in the biggest dumb things ever. Certainly the atheist scientists should be held to a higher standard and those who have died probably are suffering incredibly in Hades.

Thus, it is YOU who is delusional and has had the wool pulled over your eyes by Satan, the god of the world and prince of the power of the air. The libs, atheists, and atheist scientists don't believe in Satan either when there is direct evidence.

Satan, you mean Trump. Seriously, you know physics ? You guys who profess religious relevance sure know how to talk woo woo.

It was and still is Barack Obama who is controlled by Satan. It could be Joe Biden next, his former partner in crime. Since you think it's Trump, we can see that Satan has scrambled your brain and now you think up is down and down is up.
In the absence reason, a platitude is a failed substitute.

I can see I will have to construct another thread revealing your cowardice, your refusal to embrace the truth.

No problem.

Oh, my. Is it time for yet another thread of the same, tired, tedious cut and paste ''quotes'' you dump into your other threads?

Has it been 24 hours already since the last one?
We find Genesis is not a science chapter, but that science backs up Genesis. For example, we find that the chicken came before the egg due to proteins on the eggshell that are only produced by the ovaries of a chicken. The evolutionists have nothing, but made up theory and still do not believe the chicken came before the egg despite the irrefutable and testable evidence. They still have to have the egg come before the chicken or else evolution is dead.
This is you talking, not Johns Hopkins

Haha. You are wrong. It was university professors and their supercomputer. All you have are a wrong wired brain. Useless in science or driving through a green light.

So you’re smarter then the AAAS ?

It's not real science they believe in such as what I mentioned already -- abiogenesis, big bang, long time of billions of years old universe and Earth, multiverses, multiple dimensions such as ten or eleven, aliens, and other stupid shat. We know the Earth and our galaxy can't last that long because we see planets, stars, and galaxies being destroyed by collision. I suppose they can be sucked into a black hole, too. Billions of years old Earth defies common sense as rocks would turn to dust. Here's the experiment -- How Does a Rock Crusher Work?. These atheist scientists who believe it have rocks in their heads haha.

Your silly conspiracy theories are simply another attempt at an argument for the cowardice of fear and ignorance.

I'm still waiting for ID'iot creationists to post their ''General Theory of Supernatural Creation'' as a counter to science.

Shirley, you must have some supportable evidence of magic and supernaturalism to support your claims to magic and supernaturalism.
What if you believed in a scientific principle....and became aware that it is only supported with lies and fabrications.
Would you continue to believe it?
It is....and you do. I'll prove it in this thread.

1.It would be amusing if it weren’t so tragic: the lies that have been perpetrated in government school. Like this...

“Evolution is a fact.” Science Believers

And this…

“Evolution [Darwin’s Theory] is a fact and is the basis of all of biology. The theory of evolution is the most robust, well supported scientific theory in the history of mankind.” The Pretense Called Evolution

2. The ’proof’ offered by a number of those fooled is the fossil record, and the mechanism of mutations, both of which have been proven false. Proof can be found here:

The Pretense Called Evolution


The Biology Term For History

Both scrupulously documented and supported.

3. The reason this thread should be in Politics, not Science, is because Darwin’s plan, colloquially referred to as evolution, is that it, like the hallmark of politics, is based on lies.
In fact, that alone should make every person of integrity furious! And curious….’why would lies be necessary whether the theory is true or not?’ What makes advancing it so important?

4. One example is this, from the textbook currently used in NYC high schools, and probably throughout the nation:

“By examining fossils from sequential layers of rock, one could view how a species had changed and produced different species over time.” Kenneth R. Miller and Joseph S. Levine, Prentice Hall Biology (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, 2002), 382.

The actual fossil record shows the opposite of Darwin’s beliefs: " A few of the gaps (which are systematic in the fossil record) they claim to fill, but there’s another deposit in the region that throws the whole evolutionary story into disrepute: the Chengyiang bed in southern China. Here, the Cambrian Explosion has been documented in fine detail; all the major animal phyla appear in the early Cambrian without precursors."
Chinese Fossil Beds Astound Paleontologists (

Entirely new lines simply materialize without the myriad failed changes that Darwin predicted.

And, why is it acceptable, or necessary, to lie to make the point?
But there is an even greater fabrication used to advance Darwinian learned it....and believed it….I’ll get to it…
I'll prove evolution to you. Look at houses and clothes from 200 years ado. People were a lot smaller back then, meaning that over time, we're evolving to be taller humans. It's a fact.
It's called nutrition; that's why Brown people from South of the Border are still as short as ever.
Blacks have benefited, nutrition wise, from Honky.
Over time humans are getting taller, that’s evolution. Doesn’t matter what causes it, something is always causing us to evolve.
Nope...not all humans are getting taller; Asians and Hispanics are not getting taller because their nutrition is limited.
Face it, Europeans have always eaten better than everyone else.
We're all getting taller, that's evolution, doesn't matter the reason.
Of course it makes a difference; despite all of his promises since 2001, Bill Gates has not solved global hunger, but he's ready to inoculate with an untested drug to prevent COVID.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?
It's all in the Book you refuse to read so why should I waste my time on you?
The first Chapter of Genesis is hardly complicated.
You would want to believe you are the result of an accident rather than the result of a plan.
That is your prerogative; I disagree.
We find Genesis is not a science chapter, but that science backs up Genesis. For example, we find that the chicken came before the egg due to proteins on the eggshell that are only produced by the ovaries of a chicken. The evolutionists have nothing, but made up theory and still do not believe the chicken came before the egg despite the irrefutable and testable evidence. They still have to have the egg come before the chicken or else evolution is dead.
This is you talking, not Johns Hopkins

Haha. You are wrong. It was university professors and their supercomputer. All you have are a wrong wired brain. Useless in science or driving through a green light.

So you’re smarter then the AAAS ?

It's not real science they believe in such as what I mentioned already -- abiogenesis, big bang, long time of billions of years old universe and Earth, multiverses, multiple dimensions such as ten or eleven, aliens, and other stupid shat. We know the Earth and our galaxy can't last that long because we see planets, stars, and galaxies being destroyed by collision. I suppose they can be sucked into a black hole, too. Billions of years old Earth defies common sense as rocks would turn to dust. Here's the experiment -- How Does a Rock Crusher Work?. These atheist scientists who believe it have rocks in their heads haha.
It doesn’t matter what the theories are, we’re only here for a short time compared to the life of the earth let alone the universe. The only science that’s meaningful is that around our species. That’s all pretty much solid evidence wise. AGW is real and we need to do something about it. There are no smart people I associated with climate science that disagree. Discussing what happened millions of years ago or will happen millions in the future , is pretty useless and is only relevant in our understanding of the rest of the universe and the development of science used here and now. Albert Einstein observations of the universe was only relavent because it lead to science we can use here and now. It is not compared to the time it takes for us to achieve parody with the rest of the universe.

Dagosa, why are you posting in the S&T forum? It may be better you go to R&E because that's what you believe in. Satan has pulled the wool over your eyes so you cannot see that atheism is a religion. Not only that, there is the science of atheism which many, many, many people believe today because that is what they were taught. They were taught lies and false science. That's why you believe silliness such as AGW. You think those people are smart? They know climate science? Your theories have all been wrong and false and you could not figure it out. I was hoping you would come to your senses about billions of years old Earth. We know nothing lasts that long except your life spirit. That is the supernatural part of life that keeps going.

Anyway, I think we've come to an impasse because you'll believe what your believe with your religion. Science and religion are two sides of the same coin. They both deal with the truth, but it depends on what truth you believe. Like I said you believe up is down and down is up. When you are that confused, then a lot can happen in a short amount of time.
And.....why are you so gullible?
Says the numpty that believes that an invisible magician poofed all the animals into being. :lmao:
The difference is that you need to insult people who are telling you to mind your own business.
So how do YOU think all the different animals came about?
God is the greatest scientist.
Yes, I know...there was a flood that killed innocent children.
I'm glad you think man has evolved on his own to the point where you think it's cool for Muslims to train their 2 year olds to commit murder.
You mean innocent children are not always innocent!?
No...they' not always innocent; they're parents spent hundreds of years screwing up their point of view of non-Tribe members.
So where do all the different animals come from?
It's all in the Book you refuse to read so why should I waste my time on you?
The first Chapter of Genesis is hardly complicated.
You would want to believe you are the result of an accident rather than the result of a plan.
That is your prerogative; I disagree.
So basically you think that god pooped everything into being?

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