The most fucked in the head opinion piece I have ever read to justify criminals.

you follow an unjust law. i speak truth to power when i see an unjust law.

i see poor folk, i see their hustle, i know immigrants are not our foe!
You speak anti-Americanism.

The American people deserve to have their laws followed, not ignored by people that put Americans behind foreign criminals.
Every human being is precious and priceless and deserves our respect, at least!

Yes, we should respectfully find them and march them out of the nation that they illegally entered.
I respect everyone. that's why i'm a better human being than you

I follow the law. That's why I'm a more lawful human being than you.
you follow an unjust law. i speak truth to power when i see an unjust law.

i see poor folk, i see their hustle, i know immigrants are not our foe!

Of course legal immigrants are not the bad guy it's the illegals that jump ahead of the line that must be deported.
It’s far more complicated than that.

These people that are here are economically and politically imbedded in our society. It’s very easy for people like you to say deport deport........ But ignored their importance and contributions to the booming economy.

*** Do you understand how this come about? Let me explain. Ugly inhumane disgusting Americans called illegal border crossing are criminals.
Decent Americans with a good heart and human being totally disagree with you. We do not called them criminals. So we ( not you) are going to change that law.

They may not be criminals via technicality, but they should be. Congress should pass a law that if you are caught here illegally, it's a felony punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. Illegal immigration solved.
That would mean a person that overstayed their Visa including business travelers, students, and tourist as well as all DACA kids would be facing 5 years in prison for a minor violation.

I don't know what effect that might have on illegal immigrants crossing the border since many of them would consider a federal penitentiary better than where they came from.

However, there would certainly be retaliations against Americans traveling throughout the world. You know this is so outlandish and stupid your supreme leader just might consider it. I sure hope he does.

Not as much as I do. I would love to see such a law and end this problem once and for all. Yes, overstays, business travelers and tourists. Anybody that's not legally here gets charged and sentenced to prison.

Of course Trump could not do this on his own. It would have to be a law created and passed through Congress.

Would it work? It worked for Arizona when they created much less severe laws. Immigrants got the hell out of that state in 24 hours. Schools reporting over half the class not showing up; same for employers that hired these illegal workers. Gone. Of course, DumBama being a Democrat that hates success sued to have the laws rescinded.

I say let's try it for about six or seven years and examine the results. If successful, would you be on board to keep the law permanent?
It would not work for the US because we have 80 million American going abroad each year and we have 9 million living abroad plus we have 75 million foreign tourist entering the US every year.

For America to impose such an unjust penalty for minor violations of the law would bring retribution that would create far worse problems than people overstaying visas. Thankfully, no congress would approve such nonsense. Of course Trump could just declared another national emergency.

Your concerns carry no merit as your crystal ball is no different than mine. That's why I say we try it for a while to see the results which I know you on the left are scared to death of.
Try it?
The 11 to 12 million undocumented immigrants who are not being arrested now would still not be arrested. Creating unreasonable punishment for a minor violation would just make it much harder for ICE to make arrests.

However, the reason we would not try it, other than the fact that it violates the 8th amendment is because of the effect it would have on Americans traveling abroad.
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.

The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day.

I agree, we should deport these illegal aliens the day we pick them up.

Not a fan of having the Constitution are you?
They may not be criminals via technicality, but they should be. Congress should pass a law that if you are caught here illegally, it's a felony punishable by a minimum of five years in prison. Illegal immigration solved.
That would mean a person that overstayed their Visa including business travelers, students, and tourist as well as all DACA kids would be facing 5 years in prison for a minor violation.

I don't know what effect that might have on illegal immigrants crossing the border since many of them would consider a federal penitentiary better than where they came from.

However, there would certainly be retaliations against Americans traveling throughout the world. You know this is so outlandish and stupid your supreme leader just might consider it. I sure hope he does.

Not as much as I do. I would love to see such a law and end this problem once and for all. Yes, overstays, business travelers and tourists. Anybody that's not legally here gets charged and sentenced to prison.

Of course Trump could not do this on his own. It would have to be a law created and passed through Congress.

Would it work? It worked for Arizona when they created much less severe laws. Immigrants got the hell out of that state in 24 hours. Schools reporting over half the class not showing up; same for employers that hired these illegal workers. Gone. Of course, DumBama being a Democrat that hates success sued to have the laws rescinded.

I say let's try it for about six or seven years and examine the results. If successful, would you be on board to keep the law permanent?
It would not work for the US because we have 80 million American going abroad each year and we have 9 million living abroad plus we have 75 million foreign tourist entering the US every year.

For America to impose such an unjust penalty for minor violations of the law would bring retribution that would create far worse problems than people overstaying visas. Thankfully, no congress would approve such nonsense. Of course Trump could just declared another national emergency.

Your concerns carry no merit as your crystal ball is no different than mine. That's why I say we try it for a while to see the results which I know you on the left are scared to death of.
Try it?
The 11 to 12 million undocumented immigrants who are not being arrested now would still not be arrested. Creating unreasonable punishment for a minor violation would just make it much harder for ICE to make arrests.

However, the reason we would not try it, other than the fact that it violates the 8th amendment is because of the effect it would have on Americans traveling abroad.

Actually very few would be arrested because once it becomes law, everybody would be getting the hell out of this country as fast as they could. The reason they stay now is because even if they get caught, all they get is a slap on the hand and in most cases, released to go back into our society. Until that time, sanctuary cities protect them as much as possible, give them drivers licenses, and then they can get drunk and kill one of our American people.
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.

The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day.

I agree, we should deport these illegal aliens the day we pick them up.

Not a fan of having the Constitution are you?

Not a fan of an unsecured border and 20 million plus illegal aliens.
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.

The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day.

I agree, we should deport these illegal aliens the day we pick them up.

Not a fan of having the Constitution are you?

Not a fan of an unsecured border and 20 million plus illegal aliens.

And others are not fans of people with guns. Same position just with a different problem.
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.

The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day.

I agree, we should deport these illegal aliens the day we pick them up.

Not a fan of having the Constitution are you?

Not a fan of an unsecured border and 20 million plus illegal aliens.

And others are not fans of people with guns. Same position just with a different problem.

I have a right to keep and bear arms.
Illegal aliens have no right to live in the US.

Do you see the difference?
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.

The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day.

I agree, we should deport these illegal aliens the day we pick them up.

Not a fan of having the Constitution are you?

Not a fan of an unsecured border and 20 million plus illegal aliens.

And others are not fans of people with guns. Same position just with a different problem.

I have a right to keep and bear arms.
Illegal aliens have no right to live in the US.

Do you see the difference?

They have a right to due process.
The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day.

I agree, we should deport these illegal aliens the day we pick them up.

Not a fan of having the Constitution are you?

Not a fan of an unsecured border and 20 million plus illegal aliens.

And others are not fans of people with guns. Same position just with a different problem.

I have a right to keep and bear arms.
Illegal aliens have no right to live in the US.

Do you see the difference?

They have a right to due process.

Yup. No reason due process has to take more than 48 hours.
Not a fan of having the Constitution are you?

Not a fan of an unsecured border and 20 million plus illegal aliens.

And others are not fans of people with guns. Same position just with a different problem.

I have a right to keep and bear arms.
Illegal aliens have no right to live in the US.

Do you see the difference?

They have a right to due process.

Yup. No reason due process has to take more than 48 hours.

You haven't been paying attention. Immigration courts are backed up for months.
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.
well my advice is to change the policy at the border and make it cheap. it's simple.
Not a fan of an unsecured border and 20 million plus illegal aliens.

And others are not fans of people with guns. Same position just with a different problem.

I have a right to keep and bear arms.
Illegal aliens have no right to live in the US.

Do you see the difference?

They have a right to due process.

Yup. No reason due process has to take more than 48 hours.

You haven't been paying attention. Immigration courts are backed up for months.

I have been paying attention.
We can do these much faster with immediate deportations instead of ordering
these people to be deported and then releasing them.
And others are not fans of people with guns. Same position just with a different problem.

I have a right to keep and bear arms.
Illegal aliens have no right to live in the US.

Do you see the difference?

They have a right to due process.

Yup. No reason due process has to take more than 48 hours.

You haven't been paying attention. Immigration courts are backed up for months.

I have been paying attention.
We can do these much faster with immediate deportations instead of ordering
these people to be deported and then releasing them.

Pay for more courts.
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.

The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day.

I agree, we should deport these illegal aliens the day we pick them up.

Not a fan of having the Constitution are you?

Not a fan of an unsecured border and 20 million plus illegal aliens.
Millions cross the border on a daily basis for trade.
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.

The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day.

I agree, we should deport these illegal aliens the day we pick them up.

Not a fan of having the Constitution are you?

Not a fan of an unsecured border and 20 million plus illegal aliens.
Millions cross the border on a daily basis for trade.

The very definition of Free Trade.
I have a right to keep and bear arms.
Illegal aliens have no right to live in the US.

Do you see the difference?

They have a right to due process.

Yup. No reason due process has to take more than 48 hours.

You haven't been paying attention. Immigration courts are backed up for months.

I have been paying attention.
We can do these much faster with immediate deportations instead of ordering
these people to be deported and then releasing them.

Pay for more courts.

And end catch and release.
And streamline the rejection of phony asylum claims.
They have a right to due process.

Yup. No reason due process has to take more than 48 hours.

You haven't been paying attention. Immigration courts are backed up for months.

I have been paying attention.
We can do these much faster with immediate deportations instead of ordering
these people to be deported and then releasing them.

Pay for more courts.

And end catch and release.
And streamline the rejection of phony asylum claims.

Once again, due process. I understand you are no fan of that.
Yup. No reason due process has to take more than 48 hours.

You haven't been paying attention. Immigration courts are backed up for months.

I have been paying attention.
We can do these much faster with immediate deportations instead of ordering
these people to be deported and then releasing them.

Pay for more courts.

And end catch and release.
And streamline the rejection of phony asylum claims.

Once again, due process. I understand you are no fan of that.

Taking years to deport an illegal alien is not due process.
you follow an unjust law. i speak truth to power when i see an unjust law.

i see poor folk, i see their hustle, i know immigrants are not our foe!
God I hate clichés, but especially mouthed by dingbats.
i dedicate my life to it, this ain't no cliche. you have offended me, sir!

So you won't address my post unless you can divert and not have an actual conversation?
i dont have conversations with people who hate america!
so shut up

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