The most glaring proof of a fraudulent election....

The court never looked at the evidence. They dismissed the case based on procedural grounds. They had no intention of giving the case a fair hearing.

No evidence was submitted ... the case was based on "there could be evidence" ... not that there is evidence ...

This is why conservatives don't go to university ... they're not smart enough ...

no evidence was submitted because the court did not hear the cases. dismissal for lack of standing does not equal no evidence------------are you ignorant or a liar? its one or the other.

The Supreme court shot down Trump's fake claims of fraud. They wouldn't even hear the case, indicating no evidence at all. There is nothing more to say. Crying won't change anything at all.
The Roberts led court wouldn't even hear the case so claims that there was no evidence of fraud are self evidently stupid as hell!
Good job!
"The State of Texas's motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot."

The claim that Texas (and twenty-two other states supporting Texas claims) had no interest in the outcome of the presidential election, and how four key swing states disenfranchised over 73 million plus voters and nullified equal protection under the law (by improperly changing election laws and using Dominion vote changing machines, among other illegalities) is absurd and dishonest.

You can't handle that.

Like I said, at least lose with dignity.

You can't handle the big boy world, it is too tough for you.

Trump lost and the US Supreme court AND Barr have validated that fact.
Simple minded trolling wins no arguments. It only makes the troll a despised obstacle
to rational discussion.
Clearly you know nothing about the courts. Let me teach you, that's what I do, I teach the under educated.

Lawyers for Trump, tried to present the PA and TX cases to be heard by the US Supreme court. The US Supreme court takes a brief look at the cases, the evidence, and a motion filed by the lawyers for Trump/GOP.

They immediately rejected both cases. When this happens it indicates that there is no evidence at all, in any way what-so-ever.

In a case this serious, if there was even a shred of credible evidence they would hear the case - like they did in 2000. Seeing how the case was immediately dismissed without dissent, it indicates that there is not even the slightest shred of evidence at all.

I'm glad I could clear this up for you...

It is over, and there is no factual evidence to suggest fraud and that is just reality. At least lose with dignity.

the SC rejected those cases for lack of standing (if you are as brilliant as you claim, you know what that means) but you probably don't, so what it means is that the plaintiffs did not demonstrate that they were directly harmed by the actions of the cheating states. Thats a stretch but thats what they ruled. Not one case was dismissed on its merits because the cases were never presented.

you are obviously an ignorant victim of the lying media and the lying democrats.
Quite pathetic.

Of course Texas did have standing, as did all of the other states that joined the suit.

Proof that Justices lie.

yes, of course. But Roberts is scared shitless that his involvement with Epstein will be revealed if these cases are ruled on in Trump's favor. The dem deep state has him by the testicles.
Another record for Trump. No one else has ever lost the same election 60 times. "never been done before" as he likes to tell his legion of mouth breathing cretins.

With minimal effort I proved you can't think or defend your simply follow orders.

So far, the USSC, the State Supreme Courts, Republican governors, Republican election officials and the Attorney General disagree.

Maybe the "proof" is (a) fabricated, (b) distorted, or (c) bullshit.

The size of the conspiracy the Trumpsters are buying into is massive. They haven't proven it.
Douchebags cling to any argument that offers a hope of discrediting the fraud, but it just doesn't hold water.
So you're better informed than the USSC, the State Supreme Courts, Republican governors, Republican election officials and the Attorney General.

Okay, got it.

NO, I'm just more honest, and I have a spine.
Sure you are. Sure you do.

You're just a better source than the USSC, the State Supreme Courts, Republican governors, Republican election officials and the Attorney General.

Or, you've been conned by a buffoon. One of the two.

You have no ability to understand the obvious corruption in our Federal Government, that doesn't mean the rest of us are as blind as you chose to be...

DC is a cesspool of career politicians, their able to lead you around by your nose, it's embarrassing to watch but it is entertaining to see how easily they manipulate the weak to follow them....

The truth is hard to hide, always has been, they day will come and you will eat that "Humble Pie" soon enough...
I know, I know. Trumpsters know Da Troof, and are super smart 'n stuff.

I know, I know.
It doesn’t take much to question this election, there is more than enough to make a case. In the 2000 Presidential Election, the USSC reviewed the case over hanging chads and made a ruling, yet today we have eyewitnesses, video evidence, not a couple of dead people voting, we have thousands of DEAD PEOPLE VOTING, we have State Legislation being usurped by the state courts and the most convenient of timing we have a virus that hasn’t changed our YOY Death Totals, but if we listen to you, the LMSM, it’s just all make believe...
If your wife tried to tell you the guy going out the back door every time you came home was fixing the shower, I guess you would believe her based on your behavior...
Well, so far, the USSC, state supreme courts, the Justice Department, the FBI, Republican governors, Republican election officials and the Attorney General disagree with you.

I know, they're all part of the massive conspiracy that only you guys see. They're all in cahoots with George Soros and the commies and Hillary and the Deep State and the LMSM and the Swamp to bring down The Greatest President in the History of Historical Histories.

I'm aware of the story. Only you guys know The Truth, I know, I know.
Appeal to authority. Also lying.
And still another one.
Wanna chat now?
I doubt there is anything to discuss and never will be since Corrupt Joe Biden's presidency is an illegitimate one.
Biden is corrupt because his dog bit someone? :laughing0301:
No because of these pedophilic photos! Note even FB considered the photos "sexual activity" by banning these photos.
Truly disgusting behavior...documented!
And still another one.
Wanna chat now?
I doubt there is anything to discuss and never will be since Corrupt Joe Biden's presidency is an illegitimate one.
Biden is corrupt because his dog bit someone? :laughing0301:
No because of these pedophilic photos! Note even FB considered the photos "sexual activity" by banning these photos.
Truly disgusting behavior...documented!
View attachment 466159
Yes indeed those are real photos. Do you have any pictures of the Jewish space lasers starting wildfires in California? You dumbfucks are easily played.
And still another one.
Wanna chat now?
I doubt there is anything to discuss and never will be since Corrupt Joe Biden's presidency is an illegitimate one.
Biden is corrupt because his dog bit someone? :laughing0301:
No because of these pedophilic photos! Note even FB considered the photos "sexual activity" by banning these photos.
Truly disgusting behavior...documented!
View attachment 466159
Yes indeed those are real photos. Do you have any pictures of the Jewish space lasers starting wildfires in California? You dumbfucks are easily played.

Wow... you really have drunk the "Bidenade"! So as far as your siblings, children, grandchildren you'd have no problem with Biden doing this?
And why should a fellow kisser on the lips of little kids have a problem.

Now for what the "SCIENCE" says and remember I provide your personal subjective and often erroneous opinion!

Psychological affects:
The lips and the mouth are the personal boundaries of a kid’s body, as psychologist Charlotte Reznick explains. When you kiss a child on the lips, you show them that their body border is open and that someone can intrude into their territory with no problem.
This also includes tight swaddling, force-feeding, and aggressive tickling. Thus, invasive parents can increase the risk of their child developing a “victim syndrome” with the inability to say “no” and manage their own personal boundaries.

Physical affects:
Doctors, and especially dentists, warn that there are a huge number of microbes in our mouths that may not infect adults, but can be transmitted to children and harm them greatly. And since the child has a weaker immune system, Charlotte Reznick clarifies, some dangerous infections can enter their body through saliva.
Yes indeed those are real photos. Do you have any pictures of the Jewish space lasers starting wildfires in California? You dumbfucks are easily played.
It's so easy to just pretend what you don't want to face isn't real.
It's the coward's way out. It's how the Holocaust Deniers deal with real events.
I doubt you will feel like chatting.
Wanna chat now?

I'LL CHAT JACK. Just look at what the far left democrats have done in a year:
  1. Divided the nation on what was really a national crisis blaming President Trump for a virus we now see was mishandled far more by the democrats who are doing no better with it.
  2. Used racism as a lie about a punk hood dead by his own hands to launch 8,700 riots in 69 cities in a false narrative about blaming police for other's criminal behavior!
  3. Organized a 'Steal the Vote' campaign of massive fraud and cheating to ensure beating Trump even if it meant putting a dottering old fool in the WH.
  4. Said action above provoked a citizen revolt at the Capitol resulting in several dead and much damage.
  5. Turned our nation's capitol into an armed fortress where no one can even look in much less visit now.
  6. Conducted another half-baked arcane "impeachment" with no fact-finding done first, which is now being revealed the whole premise was totally flawed.
  7. Crashed our energy sector, spiraling costs, out of control spending, and now on the brink of war with two countries.

I'm late to this discussion. just registered. 2 cents. it should be easy to prove fraud. we all know that many states in the united states made it law that illegals can receive drivers license. we also know that in many of these same states, people who receive drivers license are automatically registered to vote. so, as I see it, why doesn't anyone just make a list of illegals who received drivers license that voted? correct me if I'm wrong, but if an illegal with a drivers license votes, that's fraud. right?
I'm late to this discussion. just registered. 2 cents. it should be easy to prove fraud. we all know that many states in the united states made it law that illegals can receive drivers license. we also know that in many of these same states, people who receive drivers license are automatically registered to vote. so, as I see it, why doesn't anyone just make a list of illegals who received drivers license that voted? correct me if I'm wrong, but if an illegal with a drivers license votes, that's fraud. right?
Why would an illegal want to risk jail or deportation just to vote?
Welcome to the board!
I'm late to this discussion. just registered. 2 cents. it should be easy to prove fraud. we all know that many states in the united states made it law that illegals can receive drivers license. we also know that in many of these same states, people who receive drivers license are automatically registered to vote. so, as I see it, why doesn't anyone just make a list of illegals who received drivers license that voted? correct me if I'm wrong, but if an illegal with a drivers license votes, that's fraud. right?

an illegal who does get a driver's license has a different one than the general population that distinguishes between the two types.

States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Immigration -
I'm late to this discussion. just registered. 2 cents. it should be easy to prove fraud. we all know that many states in the united states made it law that illegals can receive drivers license. we also know that in many of these same states, people who receive drivers license are automatically registered to vote. so, as I see it, why doesn't anyone just make a list of illegals who received drivers license that voted? correct me if I'm wrong, but if an illegal with a drivers license votes, that's fraud. right?
Why would an illegal want to risk jail or deportation just to vote?
Welcome to the board!
for the same reason they came to the usa ILLEGALLY.. because they think they can get away with it.
I'm late to this discussion. just registered. 2 cents. it should be easy to prove fraud. we all know that many states in the united states made it law that illegals can receive drivers license. we also know that in many of these same states, people who receive drivers license are automatically registered to vote. so, as I see it, why doesn't anyone just make a list of illegals who received drivers license that voted? correct me if I'm wrong, but if an illegal with a drivers license votes, that's fraud. right?

an illegal who does get a driver's license has a different one than the general population that distinguishes between the two types.

States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Immigration -
why automatically register them to vote then?

google it. here is one article discussing it.
I'm late to this discussion. just registered. 2 cents. it should be easy to prove fraud. we all know that many states in the united states made it law that illegals can receive drivers license. we also know that in many of these same states, people who receive drivers license are automatically registered to vote. so, as I see it, why doesn't anyone just make a list of illegals who received drivers license that voted? correct me if I'm wrong, but if an illegal with a drivers license votes, that's fraud. right?
Why would an illegal want to risk jail or deportation just to vote?
Welcome to the board!
for the same reason they came to the usa ILLEGALLY.. because they think they can get away with it.
Illegals don't register to vote and do not vote.

We do have a few legal immigrants that have registered to vote, people here legally on green cards sometimes register to vote because they believed, wrongly, that this is part of them becoming citizens...

most legal citizens that are Hispanic do not vote....Hispanic citizens vote LESS than any other demographic of citizens. Democrats don't need illegals to vote as right wingers claim...Democrats just need Hispanic CITIZENS to vote their way and they'd win every election!!! But they just can't get Hispanic CITIZENS to come out and vote...!!! It's weird....who knows with Hispanics, why they don't get off their tushes and go out to vote, at the level of participation as whites, or blacks, or Asians, is beyond me?

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