The most important news of the day

Well, I failed to see where they are "defeating" the Taliban and as the article stated .........

"The town is not of any significance, but the mountainous area around is important,"

Please understand, this very small victory is good, but, it is hardly what you are proclaiming it to be!

This is the most important news of the day? The fact that the President declared a national emergency for no reason isn't important?
Your headline would have been much better if it had said.. " Obama Finally Realizes That He Doesn't Have Any Military Experience And Defers To His Handpicked General's Opinion In Afghanistan. "
I think it's an encouraging first step if they can keep the momentum.
I think it's an encouraging first step if they can keep the momentum.

They have the momentum.

The Taliban no longer have the support of the people.

It's not about having broad popular support. It's about having enough to enforce your will. Also, you assume that the Pakistani government is more popular than the Taliban. In certain areas of Pakistan, that's a questionable assumption.
I think it's an encouraging first step if they can keep the momentum.

They have the momentum.

The Taliban no longer have the support of the people.

It's not about having broad popular support. It's about having enough to enforce your will. Also, you assume that the Pakistani government is more popular than the Taliban. In certain areas of Pakistan, that's a questionable assumption.


Support for the Taliban in Pakistan has fallen from 41% in 2005 to 5% today.

They have lost the people.
The assault continues....

The army assault in the ethnic Pashtun tribal region of South Waziristan on the Afghan border is seen as a test of the government's determination to tackle Islamists responsible for a string of attacks against government and other targets.

The United States and other powers embroiled in neighbouring Afghanistan's growing conflict want Pakistan to eliminate militant sanctuaries in its lawless northwest.

The latest bombardment in the week-old offensive was against militant bases in the three villages of Sam, Badr and Ladha, government and security officials said.

"It was intense bombing and later helicopter gunships attacked," said an intelligence agency official who declined to be identified.

Several militant hideouts had been destroyed in the bombing, said a government official, adding he had no information about casualties. Military spokesman were not available for comment.

South Waziristan, a rugged land of rocky mountains and patchy forest, is a global hub of Islamist militancy. Foreign fighters including Uzbeks and Arab al Qaeda supporters are fighting alongside the Taliban.

Soldiers are advancing on the militants' main stronghold area from three directions.

Pakistan forces bomb Taliban in South Waziristan | Reuters
Again, positive steps by the Pakistani military are most needed and indeed a welcome development, however, you are grossly over estimating the real progress which has been made, if any.

I'm not sure you truly appreciate the geographical and demographical problems which are faced in the border regions and how the can shift daily at times.

As I share your desire for Pakistan to not just become more aggressive, but successful, I understand that we must be prepared to do our own work if we want to have real success as a goal and yes, that means inconveniencing the Pakistan government and people with our smiling faces!

Today reports claimed that the White House is still considering using some of Biden's hands off approach as part of the new approach. Unbelievable. As those assets certainly are needed in the theater of operations, they can hardly be considered as part of the foundation for some real concrete battle plans.

As a tool available whenever needed, they are wonderful. Point being, we are still getting no positive signs from Washington and Obama!

Again, positive steps by the Pakistani military are most needed and indeed a welcome development, however, you are grossly over estimating the real progress which has been made, if any.

I'm not sure you truly appreciate the geographical and demographical problems which are faced in the border regions and how the can shift daily at times.

As I share your desire for Pakistan to not just become more aggressive, but successful, I understand that we must be prepared to do our own work if we want to have real success as a goal and yes, that means inconveniencing the Pakistan government and people with our smiling faces!

Today reports claimed that the White House is still considering using some of Biden's hands off approach as part of the new approach. Unbelievable. As those assets certainly are needed in the theater of operations, they can hardly be considered as part of the foundation for some real concrete battle plans.

As a tool available whenever needed, they are wonderful. Point being, we are still getting no positive signs from Washington and Obama!


There are 1 BILLION Muslims in the world.

Only the Muslims can defeat terrorism.

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