The Most Obvious Political Gaslighting Effort in Modern History


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Most Obvious Political Gaslighting Effort in Modern History - The Last Refuge
5 Jun 2024

There are not even enough words to describe this level of manipulative lying and trying to reframe reality. Any person who tries to support this insufferable effort should be ridiculed and shamed immediately.
Joe Biden’s first day in office he reversed all of the border security measures President Trump had put into place – specifically, the remain in Mexico policy. Now, with massive backlash starting to permeate the American electorate as the consequences of lawlessness are hitting hard, Joe Biden pretends he is not to blame for an unsecured border.
This is the biggest attempt at political gaslighting in modern history.


Biden just announced what Congress refused to pass which is nothing but a Bogus attempt to look like he is doing something!
This does not FORCE Biden to do anything! He will only do something if enough come over to quickly, which means he will do nothing.
It is smoke and mirrors to “say” he is doing something for the election and in particular any debates.
Joe;s first act as presidnt to to rescind all of Trumps Executive orders and opem the border.
Now after three and a half years he speaks of putting restrictions on the norfer that do nothing to stop illegal aliens coming across.
Youhave to wonder if the Cartels are kicking nack 10% to the Big guy for eery illegal entering the U.S.

Biden’s faux border crackdown

President Joe Biden announced an executive order this week that he claims will “help us to gain control of our border, restore order to the process” by banning migrants from seeking asylum if they cross the border illegally. At first glance, this seems like a welcome move to reduce a major pull factor for illegal crossings, even if it flies in the face of Biden’s claim in January that he had “done all I can do” on the border.
As always, though, the devil is in the details. First, the limitations on asylum seekers only kick in once illegal crossings exceed 2,500 per day, which is nearly one million per year. As Ammon Blair, a senior fellow at the Texas Public Policy Foundation told me, Biden is going to “meter the invasion.”
Finally, the DHS secretary may override the asylum restrictions laid out because the memo specifies that he can allow any illegal to enter for “humanitarian” reasons.
This is all not withstanding the fact that asylum restrictions have nothing to do with the 30,000 people per month let in via Biden’s parole program, nor the thousands weekly who enter the US through the CBP One app program, which merely gives migrants a later date for an asylum screening and gives them the opportunity to get a work permit.

It appears that Joey and his Neo-Marxist handlers actually think they are tricking everyone with this flimsy BS.
Once again the screeching of indignation will be firehosed out from the Democrat Neo-Marxist shill Snake oil salesmen of the Quisling Media the instant someone points out the flimsy BS.
The STASI FBI and DOJ will assign 261 agents to each American Citizen rumored to have actually ACTUALLY DISCUSSED the issue in private (thus proving they are hiding something).
There will be 4,235,954,852 charges brought against each American Citizen and all court proceedings will be confidential, no witnesses allowed and when found guilty they will sentence them to a concrete box until the sun goes super-nova.
Biden's border proposal won't do a damn thing but make it worse. The dead-end donkeys have intentionally destroyed border security as a step toward remaking our country. But why remake America when most of the world's population are willing to risk their lives to get here. If the DEDs retain power, we will see a reverse exodus during Biden's second term. Dump the DEDs. MAGA

The Most Obvious Political Gaslighting Effort in Modern History - The Last Refuge
5 Jun 2024

There are not even enough words to describe this level of manipulative lying and trying to reframe reality. Any person who tries to support this insufferable effort should be ridiculed and shamed immediately.
Joe Biden’s first day in office he reversed all of the border security measures President Trump had put into place – specifically, the remain in Mexico policy. Now, with massive backlash starting to permeate the American electorate as the consequences of lawlessness are hitting hard, Joe Biden pretends he is not to blame for an unsecured border.
This is the biggest attempt at political gaslighting in modern history.

Biden just announced what Congress refused to pass which is nothing but a Bogus attempt to look like he is doing something!
This does not FORCE Biden to do anything! He will only do something if enough come over to quickly, which means he will do nothing.
It is smoke and mirrors to “say” he is doing something for the election and in particular any debates.
Joe;s first act as presidnt to to rescind all of Trumps Executive orders and opem the border.
Now after three and a half years he speaks of putting restrictions on the norfer that do nothing to stop illegal aliens coming across.
Youhave to wonder if the Cartels are kicking nack 10% to the Big guy for eery illegal entering the U.S.
Sorry. Republicans own this problem lock, stock, and barrel.
Spin it anyway you'd like.

The Most Obvious Political Gaslighting Effort in Modern History - The Last Refuge
5 Jun 2024

There are not even enough words to describe this level of manipulative lying and trying to reframe reality. Any person who tries to support this insufferable effort should be ridiculed and shamed immediately.
Joe Biden’s first day in office he reversed all of the border security measures President Trump had put into place – specifically, the remain in Mexico policy. Now, with massive backlash starting to permeate the American electorate as the consequences of lawlessness are hitting hard, Joe Biden pretends he is not to blame for an unsecured border.
This is the biggest attempt at political gaslighting in modern history.

Biden just announced what Congress refused to pass which is nothing but a Bogus attempt to look like he is doing something!
This does not FORCE Biden to do anything! He will only do something if enough come over to quickly, which means he will do nothing.
It is smoke and mirrors to “say” he is doing something for the election and in particular any debates.
Joe;s first act as presidnt to to rescind all of Trumps Executive orders and opem the border.
Now after three and a half years he speaks of putting restrictions on the norfer that do nothing to stop illegal aliens coming across.
Youhave to wonder if the Cartels are kicking nack 10% to the Big guy for eery illegal entering the U.S.

Every day, day after day people come on here and attack Biden, attack Trump. The system is ridiculous, led to ridiculous presidents.

And nobody, except me, talks about changing the electoral system.
Every day, day after day people come on here and attack Biden, attack Trump. The system is ridiculous, led to ridiculous presidents.

And nobody, except me, talks about changing the electoral system.
Sorry, there's no changing the system. Not in our lifetime anyway. The Baby Boomers and first run Gen-X will all have to go before that happens.
Every day, day after day people come on here and attack Biden, attack Trump. The system is ridiculous, led to ridiculous presidents.

And nobody, except me, talks about changing the electoral system.

How on earth do you change the situation when the world is totally ruled by Deep State , the 1% -- choose your own preferred label ?
They play with party politics using it to deflect from themselves and from all basic problems .
Can you not see that ?
Sorry, there's no changing the system. Not in our lifetime anyway. The Baby Boomers and first run Gen-X will all have to go before that happens.

With that attitude, of course there isn't.

Everyone acts like you can't change the electoral system.

Mostly it's because I think a lot of people who are involved in politics, like people who come on here, actually ENJOY the retard mess that is US politics. They don't want change.

And why would baby boomers and Gen-X have to go before that happens?

Germany managed to change their system, in fact everyone with PR changed their system at some point. It can be done. It just requires someone to manipulate the people enough.
All of it. They had their chance to do something. Even get some nuggets they could campaign on in November. But..nope, gotta bow and kiss the ring of the savior. :)
Oh well, they own it.

Deal with it.
Oh look, even more.

This clown is pounding his round block of emotional narrative into a square of reality it refuses to comprehend, or just flat out deny.
Sure Jack, you've got it ALL figured out. :itsok:

With that attitude, of course there isn't.

Everyone acts like you can't change the electoral system.

Mostly it's because I think a lot of people who are involved in politics, like people who come on here, actually ENJOY the retard mess that is US politics. They don't want change.

And why would baby boomers and Gen-X have to go before that happens?

Germany managed to change their system, in fact everyone with PR changed their system at some point. It can be done. It just requires someone to manipulate the people enough.
Ok, I'll play.

What steps do you believe can be taken (given our current political environment) to change the electoral system?
Ok, I'll play.

What steps do you believe can be taken (given our current political environment) to change the electoral system?

Take a look at Brexit. How did Brexit happen?

First it started with people using the media, especially newspapers. Posting things that were critical of the EU, paving the way for people to understand that they didn't like the EU because of what they were being told.

People don't think for themselves for the most part.

In the modern era with social media, it doesn't take much. Look at Trump, he's getting people believing all kinds of ridiculous nonsense.

So what you need are people who are willing to go out there, spread the word, get people interested in it, get people believing in it.

The rich don't want it. PR is already anti-establishment. It's about taking back control, it goes back to the Tea Party and the revolution. Have a second revolution, paint it in those terms. Paint the rich who control things like the British, people will suddenly want to know that PR is better for them.
Take a look at Brexit. How did Brexit happen?

First it started with people using the media, especially newspapers. Posting things that were critical of the EU, paving the way for people to understand that they didn't like the EU because of what they were being told.

People don't think for themselves for the most part.

In the modern era with social media, it doesn't take much. Look at Trump, he's getting people believing all kinds of ridiculous nonsense.

So what you need are people who are willing to go out there, spread the word, get people interested in it, get people believing in it.

The rich don't want it. PR is already anti-establishment. It's about taking back control, it goes back to the Tea Party and the revolution. Have a second revolution, paint it in those terms. Paint the rich who control things like the British, people will suddenly want to know that PR is better for them.
In our current political and media environment, it won't happen. Maybe our children and grandchildren can do better.
And Brexit...has largely been a mixed bag that's resulted in a lot of headaches. :)
In our current political and media environment, it won't happen. Maybe our children and grandchildren can do better.
And Brexit...has largely been a mixed bag that's resulted in a lot of headaches. :)

But it could happen.

But it can't happen if everyone says "it can't happen".

Yes, Brexit's achievements are almost none. That's not the point. The point is people got something to happen when the forces that be didn't want it to happen.

And no, your kids and grandkids won't do better if their parents and grandparents have the attitude of "we can't change anything, we're useless"

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