The most powerful 911 truther in the known universe!!!!!!

Oh shit, Ahmedinnerjacket says it's so. OK I'm convinced. LOL!

Well.........The Zionist/Israeli's are again "caught red handed" trying to start another world war.

It's the colossal evidence that's convincing.
You're a religious whack job. Shut the fuck up, asshole.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Here's the edomite trash folks.

Stay in your toilet.....everyone understands where you belong.

Pathetic Turd.
Well.........The Zionist/Israeli's are again "caught red handed" trying to start another world war.

It's the colossal evidence that's convincing.
You're a religious whack job. Shut the fuck up, asshole.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Here's the edomite trash folks.

Stay in your toilet.....everyone understands where you belong.

Pathetic Turd.
religious shit stain. It is ignorant fucks like you that will be the end of civilization. Fuck you and your kind.
And the president of Iran is still the most powerful twoofer in the world. After all these months, nothing has changed except the names of the treasonous twoofers.
It is a established and indistputable fact tat the president of Iran is the most powerful twoofer in the known universe. He has an entire army at his disposal. I have been asking how the twoofers on here feel about that, but it appears I should write abjernutjob a letter and ask him how he feels about the fact that his followers in this country are a bunch of treasonous wanna-be revolutionaries and anarchists who can't come out in the daylight long enough to get a full grip on reality.
How pathetic you are Slackass,just like your hero Candyfag,your life is so pathetic and sad you feel the need to resurrect an old dead thread of yours like that other troll shill always does despite the fact NOBODY is replying to your pathetic thread.way to go attention seeker.proof of like him,you desperatly seek attention.Dont expect me to read your next post since I am already giving you the attention you seek enough as it is right now.
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How pathetic you are Slackass,just like your hero Candyfag,your life is so pathetic and sad you feel the need to resurrect an old dead thread of yours like that other troll shill always does despite the fact NOBODY is replying to your pathetic thread.way to go attention seeker.proof of like him,you desperatly seek attention.Dont expect me to read your next post since I am already giving you the attention you seek enough as it is right now.

Since your not reading this you won't know what it says will you?

How does it feel to be such a pathetic excuse for a human that you hold the same lunatic beliefs as the president of Iran?
Come on you bunch of treasonous low-brow clods!
I simply stated a known fact, ie; The president of Iran is the most powerful truther in the known universe.

Any other issue you can come up with will not change that FACT.

Now, if you wanted to tell everyone "how that makes you feel", go ahead.
How pathetic you are Slackass,just like your hero Candyfag,your life is so pathetic and sad you feel the need to resurrect an old dead thread of yours like that other troll shill always does despite the fact NOBODY is replying to your pathetic thread.way to go attention seeker.proof of like him,you desperatly seek attention.Dont expect me to read your next post since I am already giving you the attention you seek enough as it is right now.
Thanks for proving YET AGAIN what a stupid fucking moron you really are.:lol::lol::lol:
And still no actual opinion on the fact that the president of iran, a known enemy of the US of A is the most powerful twoofer in the known universe. (he has his own army, navy, air force, ect)
Iranian president questions Holocaust, 9/11 - Israel News, Ynetnews

"Speaking at an international conference on terrorism in Tehran, Ahmadinejad said: "If the black box of the 9/11 incident and Holocaust were opened, then some of the truth would be exposed, but the United States does not allow this."

He further added: "There are those who believe that the goal of 9/11 was to revive the Zionist regime, reinforce stability in the region, divert US public opinion from the poor economic state. In terms of reference and benefits, 9/11 is very similar to the Holocaust."

Now the above excerpt sounds like more than a few twoofers around here.

Wouldn't a patriotic citizen reconsider their opinion based on the fact that a known enemy of their country is spreading this as propaganda?
wassa matta guys? don't want to talk about what a great brain your leader is?
wassa matta guys? don't want to talk about what a great brain your leader is?
Anyone can tell what you are trying to do with this nonsense. You try to create an atmosphere in which you want people who rightfully question, or believe that the 9-11 OCT is BS, to stop their questioning or beliefs, simply because someone who is not friendly to the USA might have the same opinions.
It is a common ploy Fascists loving traitors like yourself engage in, (poison the well) in hopes the uneducated, easily duped and gullible will disassociate from "9-11 Truth", because someone who you are told is your enemy, adheres to, and points out the actual truth about our governments lies.
It is sadly a juvenile attempt at peer pressure, that only the most stupid of idiots will comply with, or attempt to do to others.

Truth is not distorted into a lie, simply because someone you don't like also knows the truth.

Are the other USA based professionals, and academics also enemies of the US, because they dare to bring to light the glaring discrepancies and lies our government has told us about things like 9-11, the economy, and other glaring and obvious facts and truths that are desperately being hidden from us, the citizens of America?

Still Mr. Ahmadinejad was mocked by most mainstream American news organizations, but not everyone accepts the “crackpot idea” characterization. Many believe a full and complete investigation of 9-11 is still needed.

“The truth is the truth regardless of the messenger; and the truth of the matter is that what really happened on September 11, 2001 is an issue that people cannot run away from,” said Ramsey Clark, a former U.S. attorney general and co-founder of the International Action Center and founder of

“I don't think you can reject the issue because of the messenger,” Mr. Clark added. “History does require that the facts have a proper review.”

However, Mr. Clark believes the United Nations is too “fragile” an institution to conduct such an investigation. “It's not noted for its boldness” due to American domination, he noted.

“The only public figures that are vilified by the press at the UN for raising controversial questions—the alleged enemies of the empire—are Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and Iran's Ahmadinejad,” said Mike Berger, a spokesman for

Mr. Berger said doubts” about the official explanation of the events of Sept. 11 are “increasing.”

“The speculations that surfaced on the Internet directly after the attacks were considered theories until recently,” added Mr. Berger.

“But now, nine years later people are saying that the story we have been told just isn't true; and more and more people seem to be asking who is capable of a real investigation into what happened on 9-11—people say they don't believe the U.S. is capable—it would take an organization such as the UN,” he said.

His organization sponsored a 2007 Zogby International poll that showed 51 percent of Americans wanted Congress to probe then President George W. Bush and his Vice President Dick Cheney and over 30 percent wanted an immediate impeachment for war crimes.

Questions should be asked, say activists

David Slesinger, congressional team leader for Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, told The Final Call the way the Iranian president phrased his argument was excellent.

“He is simply saying that it is not inappropriate for the nations of the world to ask for an international investigation. There is clearly a suppression of the facts,” Mr. David Slesinger said.

“We want to address the evidence about what caused the fall of the three towers, not conspiracy theories.”

“The media has dismissed anyone who raises questions concerning 9-11 by saying that these people are simply ‘conspiracy theorists;' and we are responding saying, ‘if you stick to the evidence it is worthy of investigation,' ” Mr. Slesinger said.

....The Council on Foreign Relations in Aug. 2004 said that the 9-11 Commission report lacked specifics. Many 9-11 survivors and many 9-11 victim family members have expressed significant criticism of the 9-11 Commission Report.

“The metaphysical significance of the speech given by President Ahmadinejad is that it represents the sentiment around the world,” Mr. Holmes said.

Ramsey Clark, a former high ranking law enforcement official, said Americans have to demand the truth and justice. “It is the imperative responsibility of the American people to relentlessly pursue investigation, indictment and prosecution of those responsible for 9-11 inside of the U.S.,” said Mr. Clark.

President Ahmadinejad, like all leaders, can be legitimately criticized for all sorts of things. However on 9-11 he is correct in demanding a proper scientific inquiry into who did 9-11. Those like war criminal Obama who condemn Ahmadinejad’s call for a proper inquiry into 9-11 are in effect calling for an ongoing cover-up and can thus be seen to be witting or unwitting accessories after the fact of the 9-11 atrocity.

Further, the deaths associated with the 9-11 atrocity (3,000) are dwarfed by the 8 million violent deaths and non-violent avoidable deaths in the post-9-11, US-led War on Terror, the breakdown being 2.5 million (Iraq), 4.5 million (Afghanistan) and 0.8 million global opiate drug-related deaths linked to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (from 6% of world market share in 2001 to over 90% today).

A sensible way to publicly get to the truth about 9-11 as advocated by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be war crimes trials before the International Criminal Court (ICC) of US Alliance leaders associated with the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and with charges including, as appropriate, complicity in 9-11 or being accessories after the fact of 9-11. George Bush, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Stephen Harper, Angela Merkel, John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, their “we were just obeying orders” subordinates and their Mainstream media collaborators should all be arraigned before the International Criminal Court.

Along with treasonous scum who post on political message boards, and try to advance the OCT cover up, by persuading others that questioning the 9-11 OCT, is akin to being an enemy of the US, because the Iranian president also questions it.

It must be understood that fact is fact, regardless of the source. Truth is truth, regardless of the source.


Has truth been told about 9-11?
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wassa matta guys? don't want to talk about what a great brain your leader is?
Anyone can tell what you are trying to do with this nonsense. You try to create an atmosphere in which you want people who rightfully question, or believe that the 9-11 OCT is BS, to stop their questioning or beliefs, simply because someone who is not friendly to the USA might have the same opinions.
It is a common ploy Fascists loving traitors like yourself engage in, (poison the well) in hopes the uneducated, easily duped and gullible will disassociate from "9-11 Truth", because someone who you are told is your enemy, adheres to, and points out the actual truth about our governments lies.
It is sadly a juvenile attempt at peer pressure, that only the most stupid of idiots will comply with, or attempt to do to others.

Truth is not distorted into a lie, simply because someone you don't like also knows the truth.

Are the other USA based professionals, and academics also enemies of the US, because they dare to bring to light the glaring discrepancies and lies our government has told us about things like 9-11, the economy, and other glaring and obvious facts and truths that are desperately being hidden from us, the citizens of America?

Still Mr. Ahmadinejad was mocked by most mainstream American news organizations, but not everyone accepts the “crackpot idea” characterization. Many believe a full and complete investigation of 9-11 is still needed.

“The truth is the truth regardless of the messenger; and the truth of the matter is that what really happened on September 11, 2001 is an issue that people cannot run away from,” said Ramsey Clark, a former U.S. attorney general and co-founder of the International Action Center and founder of

“I don't think you can reject the issue because of the messenger,” Mr. Clark added. “History does require that the facts have a proper review.”

However, Mr. Clark believes the United Nations is too “fragile” an institution to conduct such an investigation. “It's not noted for its boldness” due to American domination, he noted.

“The only public figures that are vilified by the press at the UN for raising controversial questions—the alleged enemies of the empire—are Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and Iran's Ahmadinejad,” said Mike Berger, a spokesman for

Mr. Berger said doubts” about the official explanation of the events of Sept. 11 are “increasing.”

“The speculations that surfaced on the Internet directly after the attacks were considered theories until recently,” added Mr. Berger.

“But now, nine years later people are saying that the story we have been told just isn't true; and more and more people seem to be asking who is capable of a real investigation into what happened on 9-11—people say they don't believe the U.S. is capable—it would take an organization such as the UN,” he said.

His organization sponsored a 2007 Zogby International poll that showed 51 percent of Americans wanted Congress to probe then President George W. Bush and his Vice President Dick Cheney and over 30 percent wanted an immediate impeachment for war crimes.

Questions should be asked, say activists

David Slesinger, congressional team leader for Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, told The Final Call the way the Iranian president phrased his argument was excellent.

“He is simply saying that it is not inappropriate for the nations of the world to ask for an international investigation. There is clearly a suppression of the facts,” Mr. David Slesinger said.

“We want to address the evidence about what caused the fall of the three towers, not conspiracy theories.”

“The media has dismissed anyone who raises questions concerning 9-11 by saying that these people are simply ‘conspiracy theorists;' and we are responding saying, ‘if you stick to the evidence it is worthy of investigation,' ” Mr. Slesinger said.

....The Council on Foreign Relations in Aug. 2004 said that the 9-11 Commission report lacked specifics. Many 9-11 survivors and many 9-11 victim family members have expressed significant criticism of the 9-11 Commission Report.

“The metaphysical significance of the speech given by President Ahmadinejad is that it represents the sentiment around the world,” Mr. Holmes said.

Ramsey Clark, a former high ranking law enforcement official, said Americans have to demand the truth and justice. “It is the imperative responsibility of the American people to relentlessly pursue investigation, indictment and prosecution of those responsible for 9-11 inside of the U.S.,” said Mr. Clark.

President Ahmadinejad, like all leaders, can be legitimately criticized for all sorts of things. However on 9-11 he is correct in demanding a proper scientific inquiry into who did 9-11. Those like war criminal Obama who condemn Ahmadinejad’s call for a proper inquiry into 9-11 are in effect calling for an ongoing cover-up and can thus be seen to be witting or unwitting accessories after the fact of the 9-11 atrocity.

Further, the deaths associated with the 9-11 atrocity (3,000) are dwarfed by the 8 million violent deaths and non-violent avoidable deaths in the post-9-11, US-led War on Terror, the breakdown being 2.5 million (Iraq), 4.5 million (Afghanistan) and 0.8 million global opiate drug-related deaths linked to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (from 6% of world market share in 2001 to over 90% today).

A sensible way to publicly get to the truth about 9-11 as advocated by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be war crimes trials before the International Criminal Court (ICC) of US Alliance leaders associated with the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and with charges including, as appropriate, complicity in 9-11 or being accessories after the fact of 9-11. George Bush, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Stephen Harper, Angela Merkel, John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, their “we were just obeying orders” subordinates and their Mainstream media collaborators should all be arraigned before the International Criminal Court.

Along with treasonous scum who post on political message boards, and try to advance the OCT cover up, by persuading others that questioning the 9-11 OCT, is akin to being an enemy of the US, because the Iranian president also questions it.

It must be understood that fact is fact, regardless of the source. Truth is truth, regardless of the source.


Has truth been told about 9-11?

So in a nutshell (pun intended) you appreciate having such a powerful leader and don't give a flying f**k if it is a treasonous position or not.

got it!
wassa matta guys? don't want to talk about what a great brain your leader is?
Anyone can tell what you are trying to do with this nonsense. You try to create an atmosphere in which you want people who rightfully question, or believe that the 9-11 OCT is BS, to stop their questioning or beliefs, simply because someone who is not friendly to the USA might have the same opinions.
It is a common ploy Fascists loving traitors like yourself engage in, (poison the well) in hopes the uneducated, easily duped and gullible will disassociate from "9-11 Truth", because someone who you are told is your enemy, adheres to, and points out the actual truth about our governments lies.
It is sadly a juvenile attempt at peer pressure, that only the most stupid of idiots will comply with, or attempt to do to others.

Truth is not distorted into a lie, simply because someone you don't like also knows the truth.

Are the other USA based professionals, and academics also enemies of the US, because they dare to bring to light the glaring discrepancies and lies our government has told us about things like 9-11, the economy, and other glaring and obvious facts and truths that are desperately being hidden from us, the citizens of America?

Still Mr. Ahmadinejad was mocked by most mainstream American news organizations, but not everyone accepts the “crackpot idea” characterization. Many believe a full and complete investigation of 9-11 is still needed.

“The truth is the truth regardless of the messenger; and the truth of the matter is that what really happened on September 11, 2001 is an issue that people cannot run away from,” said Ramsey Clark, a former U.S. attorney general and co-founder of the International Action Center and founder of

“I don't think you can reject the issue because of the messenger,” Mr. Clark added. “History does require that the facts have a proper review.”

However, Mr. Clark believes the United Nations is too “fragile” an institution to conduct such an investigation. “It's not noted for its boldness” due to American domination, he noted.

“The only public figures that are vilified by the press at the UN for raising controversial questions—the alleged enemies of the empire—are Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez and Iran's Ahmadinejad,” said Mike Berger, a spokesman for

Mr. Berger said doubts” about the official explanation of the events of Sept. 11 are “increasing.”

“The speculations that surfaced on the Internet directly after the attacks were considered theories until recently,” added Mr. Berger.

“But now, nine years later people are saying that the story we have been told just isn't true; and more and more people seem to be asking who is capable of a real investigation into what happened on 9-11—people say they don't believe the U.S. is capable—it would take an organization such as the UN,” he said.

His organization sponsored a 2007 Zogby International poll that showed 51 percent of Americans wanted Congress to probe then President George W. Bush and his Vice President Dick Cheney and over 30 percent wanted an immediate impeachment for war crimes.

Questions should be asked, say activists

David Slesinger, congressional team leader for Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth, told The Final Call the way the Iranian president phrased his argument was excellent.

“He is simply saying that it is not inappropriate for the nations of the world to ask for an international investigation. There is clearly a suppression of the facts,” Mr. David Slesinger said.

“We want to address the evidence about what caused the fall of the three towers, not conspiracy theories.”

“The media has dismissed anyone who raises questions concerning 9-11 by saying that these people are simply ‘conspiracy theorists;' and we are responding saying, ‘if you stick to the evidence it is worthy of investigation,' ” Mr. Slesinger said.

....The Council on Foreign Relations in Aug. 2004 said that the 9-11 Commission report lacked specifics. Many 9-11 survivors and many 9-11 victim family members have expressed significant criticism of the 9-11 Commission Report.

“The metaphysical significance of the speech given by President Ahmadinejad is that it represents the sentiment around the world,” Mr. Holmes said.

Ramsey Clark, a former high ranking law enforcement official, said Americans have to demand the truth and justice. “It is the imperative responsibility of the American people to relentlessly pursue investigation, indictment and prosecution of those responsible for 9-11 inside of the U.S.,” said Mr. Clark.

President Ahmadinejad, like all leaders, can be legitimately criticized for all sorts of things. However on 9-11 he is correct in demanding a proper scientific inquiry into who did 9-11. Those like war criminal Obama who condemn Ahmadinejad’s call for a proper inquiry into 9-11 are in effect calling for an ongoing cover-up and can thus be seen to be witting or unwitting accessories after the fact of the 9-11 atrocity.

Further, the deaths associated with the 9-11 atrocity (3,000) are dwarfed by the 8 million violent deaths and non-violent avoidable deaths in the post-9-11, US-led War on Terror, the breakdown being 2.5 million (Iraq), 4.5 million (Afghanistan) and 0.8 million global opiate drug-related deaths linked to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry (from 6% of world market share in 2001 to over 90% today).

A sensible way to publicly get to the truth about 9-11 as advocated by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would be war crimes trials before the International Criminal Court (ICC) of US Alliance leaders associated with the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and with charges including, as appropriate, complicity in 9-11 or being accessories after the fact of 9-11. George Bush, Tony Blair, Barack Obama, Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Nicolas Sarkozy, Stephen Harper, Angela Merkel, John Howard, Kevin Rudd, Julia Gillard, their “we were just obeying orders” subordinates and their Mainstream media collaborators should all be arraigned before the International Criminal Court.

Along with treasonous scum who post on political message boards, and try to advance the OCT cover up, by persuading others that questioning the 9-11 OCT, is akin to being an enemy of the US, because the Iranian president also questions it.

It must be understood that fact is fact, regardless of the source. Truth is truth, regardless of the source.


Has truth been told about 9-11?
this troll is as pathetic as Candyfag-aka obamerica.His life is so patheitc and sad that the truthers ignore this sad trolls posts so much,he feels the need to resurrect an old dead thread long buried.cant get any more pathetic than that resurrecting an old dead thread you make.what a sad life he leads having to do that.:lol::lol::lol::lol: notice that only his fellow agent trolls are addressing him since he brought back his pathetic thread? that hurts his feelings that none of the truthers are taking his bait.:lol:
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Good ol' slack has crafted an EXCELLENT thread which is making the 9/11 twoofahs go all moonbatshit cwazy!
“I can think of no faster way to unite the American people behind George W. Bush than a terrorist attack on an American target overseas. And I believe George W. Bush will quickly unite the American people through his foreign policy.”
—Henry Kissinger, appearing on CNBC, 13th Dec 2000
“I can think of no faster way to unite the American people behind George W. Bush than a terrorist attack on an American target overseas. And I believe George W. Bush will quickly unite the American people through his foreign policy.”
—Henry Kissinger, appearing on CNBC, 13th Dec 2000

9/11 Rimjob has planted the conspiratorial seeds deeply into you.


But you and Henry K. seem to need some remedial geography. For if somebody inside the U.S. government had plotted and committed the 9/11 atrocities, you need to learn that NYC, Washington D.C ., Boston and even a field in Pennsylvania are all IN the United States, not "overseas."

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