The Most Profound Insult

So this topic is just about you crying then. Thanks for clarifying. Even shameless political poop flingers have got to know their limitations.


You just truly stupid Liberals are.

Where's any Crying?

I simply proved what dunces your side is numbered by.

The Most Profound Insult

1. We on the right insult and debase the Democrats/Liberals in all sorts of ways, each and every day.

And the explanation is really simple: most of those insults are true.
After all, it has been proven over and over again that those on the Left simply follow orders....they are unable to explain, much less defend, the policies and doctrines of their elites.

2. But the most deeply hurtful insults are those that the Left inadvertently applies to it's own side.
No matter who the Republican candidate is, he or she is pronounce as dummmmm.....stooopid......ignorant!!
This tells you what the Left is most sensitive about: intelligence.

Yup....there may not be 57 states, but their guys are not just brilliant, but they are god, Jesus and the messiah.
And their voters are all Mensa members......

3. But sometimes they let the cat out of the bag.....

4. Yup......that's the truth. They tell their pporters what to think- Democrat voters aren't able to form thoughts, ideas, ....the correct opinions...unless the masters tell them what those ideas should be.

"This is what we in the political community call a "Freudian slip." Actually, that's what the scientific community calls it. The political community calls it "oh ****, did I say that out loud?" It's what leftists really think. It's what leftists in the media really think. Their job is to tell us what to think because we're too chuckleheaded to form thoughts and opinions on our own. We see you Mika and Joe."

5. And they've spilled the beans again. "Gone With The Wind" has been exiled until they can put an 'instructive' statement to tell views what to think when they view this classic.
"It’s now widely accepted that despite being a beloved classic, “Gone With the Wind” needs an explanation of its context when it’s screened on TV or in theaters. HBO Max says it will eventually restore the Oscar-winning film to the service, but with “context and framing.” It’s a start, but Hollywood’s vaults are filled with movies that could benefit from an explainer or disclaimer about outdated depictions of race, sexuality, disabilities and more. "

Now.....what was that about how smart, how intuitive, Liberals are????
Let's continue showing how dumb the Leftists know their supporters are.

8. Pop quiz: why was Forrest Gump named ‘Forrest’?

Variety is demanding this warning for viewers:

“Forrest Gump” was made by intelligent people, …. the film is condescending to anyone with a disability, Vietnam vets and people with AIDS, among others, it’s actually hostile to protesters, activists and the counterculture.
… “lovable” title character Nathan Bedford Forrest was named after his grandfather, the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.”
10 Problematic Films That Could Use Warning Labels

There are no accidents in films….the Liberals/Democrats who made the film must have been laughing at the rubes who vote Democrat, by honoring the creator of the Knights of the Invisible Empire.

More proof that the elites know how dumb their voters are.
1. We on the right insult and debase the Democrats/Liberals in all sorts of ways, each and every day.
And the explanation is really simple: most of those insults are true.
After all, it has been proven over and over again that those on the Left simply follow orders....they are unable to explain, much less defend, the policies and doctrines of their elites.
Not an indication of intellect, is it.

2. But the most deeply hurtful insults are those that the Left inadvertently applies to it's own side.
No matter who the Republican candidate is, he or she is proclaimed as dummmmm.....stooopid......ignorant!!
This tells you what the Left is most sensitive about: intelligence.

Yup....there may not be 57 states, but their guys are not just brilliant, but they are god, Jesus and the messiah.
And their voters are all Mensa members......

3. But sometimes they let the cat out of the bag.....

View attachment 353093

4. Yup......that's the truth. They tell their supporters what to think- Democrat voters aren't able to form thoughts, ideas, ....the correct opinions...unless the masters tell them what those ideas should be.

"This is what we in the political community call a "Freudian slip." Actually, that's what the scientific community calls it. The political community calls it "oh ****, did I say that out loud?" It's what leftists really think. It's what leftists in the media really think. Their job is to tell us what to think because we're too chuckleheaded to form thoughts and opinions on our own. We see you Mika and Joe."

5. And they've spilled the beans again. "Gone With The Wind" has been exiled until they can put an 'instructive' statement to tell views what to think when they view this classic.
"It’s now widely accepted that despite being a beloved classic, “Gone With the Windneeds an explanation of its context when it’s screened on TV or in theaters. HBO Max says it will eventually restore the Oscar-winning film to the service, but with “context and framing.” It’s a start, but Hollywood’s vaults are filled with movies that could benefit from an explainer or disclaimer about outdated depictions of race, sexuality, disabilities and more. "

Now.....what was that about how smart, how intuitive, Liberals are????

If Mika's IQ improved 10 points it would still be in single digits.
The democrat party thrives on emotion and hatred. A democrat can't get elected during the good times and the party would ruin the fabric of society if that's what it took. It could be argued that the economic collapse of '08 was engineered by the democrat majority in congress just in time for the upcoming election. Democrats are so predictable that they think they can get away with it again.
Funny thing is, Leftist morons on this board routinely come here and post things the blithering idiot Mika tells them to think.
The democrat party thrives on emotion and hatred. A democrat can't get elected during the good times and the party would ruin the fabric of society if that's what it took. It could be argued that the economic collapse of '08 was engineered by the democrat majority in congress just in time for the upcoming election. Democrats are so predictable that they think they can get away with it again.

"The democrat party thrives on emotion and hatred. "

....and deep and interminable ignorance.

After all, it has been proven over and over again that those on the Left simply follow orders....they are unable to explain, much less defend, the policies and doctrines of their elites.
1. We on the right insult and debase the Democrats/Liberals in all sorts of ways, each and every day.
Great. I'm neither. Cry about Democrats and Liberals till your blue in the face.
And the explanation is really simple:
You clearly have way too much idle time and can think of nothing better to do. So some spoiled brats are gonna spew divisive crap all day.. Truly shocking! zzzZZZ...

Happy Father's Day!
Great. I'm neither. Cry about Democrats and Liberals till your blue in the face.

You clearly have way too much idle time and can think of nothing better to do. So some spoiled brats are gonna spew divisive crap all day.. Truly shocking! zzzZZZ...

Happy Father's Day!

You're still lying, something Liberals see as their birthright.

Obviously you lied in labeling my post in any way 'crying.'

Since you don't have any qualms about lying, you might want to respond to this indictment of Liberals:

Discussing the 'beliefs' necessary to being Liberal:

1. To begin with, I'd have to support, or at least acquiesce, to domestic terrorists, thugs, rioters, destroying the businesses built up by hard working entrepreneurs....of every color.

2. I'd have to ignore the lesson of this insurrection vis-a-vis the arguments of Liberals against the second amendment. The riots pretty much ends any validity of Democrat/liberal anti-gun debates.

3. I'd have to pay tribute to some sort of oppression related to slavery, when slavery was ended by Republicans some eight generations ago.

4. I'd have to believe that innocent black folks were regularly singled out by racist police for assassination, in the face of videos showing a thug punching an officer, shooting at the officer with a deadly weapon....and facing the logical consequences.

5. I'd have to find some way to explain the education gap based on racism, specifically in light of these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.
9. The essence of this thread is how absurd it is to ban classic films, and add explanatory instructions about what to think, and by doing so the Left reveals how stupid they find their supporters.

The LATimes and I agree as frequently as one finds snow snakes…..but this is from a recent article:

“I’m not the first to point out that WarnerMedia’s decision to remove the film — like more than a few corporate-issued statements in support of Black Lives Matter — feels both performative and ineffectual, expressed in simplistic language (“‘Gone With the Wind’ is a product of its time and depicts some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that have, unfortunately, been commonplace in American society”) that doesn’t express much faith in the audience’s base knowledge or intellectual curiosity. It also feels like selective scapegoating, further inflating “Gone With the Wind’s” reputation as some sort of comprehensive monument to Hollywood bigotry, as if you could take it down and convince yourself you’d done your part to take down racism.” What ‘The Help’ and ‘Gone With the Wind’ (don't) tell us about Hollywood's racial progress

"...doesn’t express much faith in the audience’s base knowledge or intellectual curiosity."

Exactly what I've said about Democrats/Liberals.

Thanks, LATimes.
1. We on the right insult and debase the Democrats/Liberals in all sorts of ways, each and every day.
And the explanation is really simple: most of those insults are true.
After all, it has been proven over and over again that those on the Left simply follow orders....they are unable to explain, much less defend, the policies and doctrines of their elites.
Not an indication of intellect, is it.

2. But the most deeply hurtful insults are those that the Left inadvertently applies to it's own side.
No matter who the Republican candidate is, he or she is proclaimed as dummmmm.....stooopid......ignorant!!
This tells you what the Left is most sensitive about: intelligence.

Yup....there may not be 57 states, but their guys are not just brilliant, but they are god, Jesus and the messiah.
And their voters are all Mensa members......

3. But sometimes they let the cat out of the bag.....

View attachment 353093

4. Yup......that's the truth. They tell their supporters what to think- Democrat voters aren't able to form thoughts, ideas, ....the correct opinions...unless the masters tell them what those ideas should be.

"This is what we in the political community call a "Freudian slip." Actually, that's what the scientific community calls it. The political community calls it "oh ****, did I say that out loud?" It's what leftists really think. It's what leftists in the media really think. Their job is to tell us what to think because we're too chuckleheaded to form thoughts and opinions on our own. We see you Mika and Joe."

5. And they've spilled the beans again. "Gone With The Wind" has been exiled until they can put an 'instructive' statement to tell views what to think when they view this classic.
"It’s now widely accepted that despite being a beloved classic, “Gone With the Windneeds an explanation of its context when it’s screened on TV or in theaters. HBO Max says it will eventually restore the Oscar-winning film to the service, but with “context and framing.” It’s a start, but Hollywood’s vaults are filled with movies that could benefit from an explainer or disclaimer about outdated depictions of race, sexuality, disabilities and more. "

Now.....what was that about how smart, how intuitive, Liberals are????

I’m sorry, I wasn’t listening. What?
10. . Here’s another film that must go because it offends the latest Liberal sensibilities.

“Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”

…the “exotic” villains are portrayed as primitive and bloodthirsty foreigners, resulting in negative and stereotypical depictions of India and of Hindu customs.” 10 Problematic Films That Could Use Warning Labels

Gee…..did that ever happen?

Were there a bunch of deportation of Indians of the Hindu persuasion???

And, in full disclosure…..I may be ‘exotic’ and a bloodthirsty foreigner….but I am definitely not primitive.
1. We on the right insult and debase the Democrats/Liberals in all sorts of ways, each and every day.
And the explanation is really simple: most of those insults are true.
After all, it has been proven over and over again that those on the Left simply follow orders....they are unable to explain, much less defend, the policies and doctrines of their elites.
Not an indication of intellect, is it.

2. But the most deeply hurtful insults are those that the Left inadvertently applies to it's own side.
No matter who the Republican candidate is, he or she is proclaimed as dummmmm.....stooopid......ignorant!!
This tells you what the Left is most sensitive about: intelligence.

Yup....there may not be 57 states, but their guys are not just brilliant, but they are god, Jesus and the messiah.
And their voters are all Mensa members......

3. But sometimes they let the cat out of the bag.....

View attachment 353093

4. Yup......that's the truth. They tell their supporters what to think- Democrat voters aren't able to form thoughts, ideas, ....the correct opinions...unless the masters tell them what those ideas should be.

"This is what we in the political community call a "Freudian slip." Actually, that's what the scientific community calls it. The political community calls it "oh ****, did I say that out loud?" It's what leftists really think. It's what leftists in the media really think. Their job is to tell us what to think because we're too chuckleheaded to form thoughts and opinions on our own. We see you Mika and Joe."

5. And they've spilled the beans again. "Gone With The Wind" has been exiled until they can put an 'instructive' statement to tell views what to think when they view this classic.
"It’s now widely accepted that despite being a beloved classic, “Gone With the Windneeds an explanation of its context when it’s screened on TV or in theaters. HBO Max says it will eventually restore the Oscar-winning film to the service, but with “context and framing.” It’s a start, but Hollywood’s vaults are filled with movies that could benefit from an explainer or disclaimer about outdated depictions of race, sexuality, disabilities and more. "

Now.....what was that about how smart, how intuitive, Liberals are????

"5. And they've spilled the beans again. "Gone With The Wind" has been exiled until they can put an 'instructive' statement to tell views what to think when they view this classic.
"It’s now widely accepted that despite being a beloved classic, “Gone With the Windneeds an explanation of its context ...."

On this date, June 30th, of 1936....


American author Margaret Mitchell published Gone with the Wind, a sweeping romance set during the Civil War; the novel later won a Pulitzer Prize and was adapted into a hugely successful film.

How lucky we are to have the Democrats and all of the allies they inspire, to let us know how terrible and racist our history is.

If Ms. Mitchell were still with us, to doubt she would find 'protesters' at her door screaming "kill whitey."

Would she have any protectors saying, "frankly, BLM....I don't give a damn!"


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