The most shameless liberal huffpo tripe posing as journalism ever

He Filmed The Death Of Eric Garner. Now He's Getting Ready To Spend 4 Years In Prison.

They're saying that the man who filmed eric garner's death is being jailed for filming it, not for the multiple crimes he pleaded guilty to. how low can liberals sink?

This Low. As Follows. It will be a lot of posts.


How low can a libturd go? I could to this all fuckin night..

Now I want to know how many people can name the leftist despots in these pictures.

I'd also like the bed wetters to post examples of "right wing" despots who took control of a country or group of people and ruthlessly murdered their own countrymen to gain political power and not establish a dynasty of statist oppression?

Dare me to open up the sores of South Africa? How about the genocide in Rhodesia?

Now Petey boy, you are obviously one dumb bastard to name them all as leftist. And President Roosevelt and Wilson do not belong in that bunch. That you include them demonstrates that you are a rightwingnutjob retard. One characteristic, whatever political philosophy they claim, that these dictators share is that they are "The Man".

And who represents what party presently claiming that he is "The Man"? The only person that can solve our problems? What party has people requiring their understudies to read the fascist literature of Ayn Rand?

No, Petey boy, you are the one that endorses these kinds of people. You lie about good men, and admire the scum of our political system.
Now Petey boy, you are obviously one dumb bastard to name them all as leftist. And President Roosevelt and Wilson do not belong in that bunch. That you include them demonstrates that you are a rightwingnutjob retard. One characteristic, whatever political philosophy they claim, that these dictators share is that they are "The Man".

And who represents what party presently claiming that he is "The Man"? The only person that can solve our problems? What party has people requiring their understudies to read the fascist literature of Ayn Rand?

No, Petey boy, you are the one that endorses these kinds of people. You lie about good men, and admire the scum of our political system.

Your asinine response illustrates why I have no respect for libturds.

ALL OF THOSE people pictured were leftists. Each and every one of them promoted a collectivist regressive government policy to one degree or another. They ALL centralized as much power to their own office as possible. They all are responsible for thousands of deaths either through intentional purges, genocide or by getting their country's embroiled in wars they had no business getting involved in.

Then you call Ayn Rand a fascist?

How stupid are you? I doubt it can be measured. The vast depth of your ignorance is enough to offset the gravity of the galaxy if it had it's own mass. Ayn Rand's books were about how regressive dipshits like you create massive bloated governments and hordes of dependents. Instead of just regurgitating libturd psycobabble, how about actually reading the books? Of course since you and most every sniveling pathetic bed wetter like you has no capacity to think for yourself, it's unlikely you would draw any other conclusion than the one you're programmed too.

After reading Orwell, and Heinlein I was cured of regressivism because I can think for myself. My political foundation has always been based on the welfare of the individual. It's quite clear that regressives value the welfare of the state over any interest of an individual. They have the exact sort of any colony you want to live in over in North Korea. Why you sniveling libturds can't just go there is beyond me.

What would you expect from a lefty fascist propaganda rag with an entire section devoted to people based on skin color?

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