The MSNBC Viewer Outreach Gap: 600,000 Viewers And 50 Million Independant Voters.

Feb 13, 2011

Could a Cable News Outlet be any more embarrassed? Even if you add on the viewers from the rest of the leftist networks, it's still a wasted effort as they all try to ridicule Mitt Romney & Michele Bachmann. MSNBC in particular is on a mission to make all the GOP candidates look much dumber than Obama(even though he's by far the dumbest candidate out there)

For those of you who check the cable news ratings sights on the web, FOX as usual is killing all of them,and now HLN has overtaken MSNBC. And all those MSNBC Cable Twits from 6pm to 10pm are gonna continue to Bash the GOP candidates with an average audience of 10,000 per state?

What makes the MSNBC even more laughable is that their viewing audience in the 10 or so crucial 2012 States is miniscule. Actually more gerbils,rats,goats and wart hogs are watching Hardball and Maddcow than humans in North Carolina.:eusa_eh:
I don't get how/why the suits put up with the extreme lefty bash-a-thon daily on MSNBC against all things Republican/conservative, be it policy or people. All they're doing is entertaining the choir and that does absolutely nothing towards increasing their meager audience. Yet the suits know a larger audience translates into increased ad revenue which should lead to increased profits, which is their chief responsibility to their share holders.

Perhaps the new owners will bring some sense to that place down the road. They got a good start kicking Olbermann to the curb, but not much else has transpired since.
and to this day I have never seen any of those dodo twirt cable anchors ever mention these words "Obama's Approval Ratings" HAVE TANKED !!!! or, if Obama doesn't create any jobs, he will lose by a landslide in 2012.
and remember after Obama got his ass whipped in 2010, did MSNBC ever blame Obama? Oh No,,,its none his fault, its because we are still in "The Bush Recession". and when Obama loses in 2012, it will be Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh's fault.
What I wonder is why you want to silence dissenting voices? Isn't that what FOXNEWS watchers cry about all the time?
What I wonder is why you want to silence dissenting voices? Isn't that what FOXNEWS watchers cry about all the time?

FOX ALLWAYS has someone from both sides in a discussion. MSNBC RARELY has both sides represented, it's usually the host and a fellow traveller yucking it up. That's why their ratings are in the toilet. People DO want both sides and so far FOX does a better job of doing that. They are far from perfect but compared to MSNBC they are Edward R. Murrow and MSNBC is William R. Hearst.

These palookas cry even when they are "winning!"

yah, who hasn't noticed that PMS NBC only wants comments/rebuttels from their Far Left guests? Can you imagine if they ever allowed a true conservative on their shows? No Way! Conservatives tell the truth,and MSNBC lies. i wonder if MSNBC ever corrected the "Video Error" of chopping off a black mans head who wear bearing arms.
yah, who hasn't noticed that PMS NBC only wants comments/rebuttels from their Far Left guests? Can you imagine if they ever allowed a true conservative on their shows? No Way! Conservatives tell the truth,and MSNBC lies. i wonder if MSNBC ever corrected the "Video Error" of chopping off a black mans head who wear bearing arms.

Hey...Chicken Little...

Why would msnbc hire RWer Michael Steel then?
Steele signs up with MSNBC - Jennifer Epstein -

And how about that rabid RWer Pat Buchanan, who's long been a hired staple at msnbc?
Patrick J. Buchanan - msnbc tv - Meet the faces of MSNBC -

Is lying your only recourse?
and what ever happened to Contessa Brewer? I haven't seen her in a while. anyone out there know where she went?

Could a Cable News Outlet be any more embarrassed? Even if you add on the viewers from the rest of the leftist networks, it's still a wasted effort as they all try to ridicule Mitt Romney & Michele Bachmann. MSNBC in particular is on a mission to make all the GOP candidates look much dumber than Obama(even though he's by far the dumbest candidate out there)

For those of you who check the cable news ratings sights on the web, FOX as usual is killing all of them,and now HLN has overtaken MSNBC. And all those MSNBC Cable Twits from 6pm to 10pm are gonna continue to Bash the GOP candidates with an average audience of 10,000 per state?

What makes the MSNBC even more laughable is that their viewing audience in the 10 or so crucial 2012 States is miniscule. Actually more gerbils,rats,goats and wart hogs are watching Hardball and Maddcow than humans in North Carolina.:eusa_eh:

MSNBC does fine for their market. Never should have gotten rid of Olbermann though

Luckily for Liberals, the hated Liberal Lamestream media destroys Fox News in the ratings
and where is Chris Matthews? is he on a three week vacation? have u seen his fill ins? Rev Al Sharpton? hmm, maybe next week the Cookie Monster will do Hardball.

Could a Cable News Outlet be any more embarrassed? Even if you add on the viewers from the rest of the leftist networks, it's still a wasted effort as they all try to ridicule Mitt Romney & Michele Bachmann. MSNBC in particular is on a mission to make all the GOP candidates look much dumber than Obama(even though he's by far the dumbest candidate out there)

For those of you who check the cable news ratings sights on the web, FOX as usual is killing all of them,and now HLN has overtaken MSNBC. And all those MSNBC Cable Twits from 6pm to 10pm are gonna continue to Bash the GOP candidates with an average audience of 10,000 per state?

What makes the MSNBC even more laughable is that their viewing audience in the 10 or so crucial 2012 States is miniscule. Actually more gerbils,rats,goats and wart hogs are watching Hardball and Maddcow than humans in North Carolina.:eusa_eh:

Well Ed Schultz was bragging that his show won the 10 PM time slot for this past Monday night.He spent a good deal of time on that.

Something is going on there however as it appears they pulled that guy that took over Fat head Ed's slot at 6 PM.

They are an embarrassment over there.I used to respect Chris Mathews for his passion about things but he has turned into a joke.
Oh God that dude in the 6pm MSNBC slot (with the oddest name,,,Svenk Grudnick?) I think he's part of that "Young Turks" organization. He sucks as a cable anchorman, and how did he get the prestigeous 6 pm spot? Bring Back Ed Schultz!!! I used to watch him when he was on at 6. {I actually found it humorous to watch him lie for the full one hour}
Sponge Bob Square Pants gets more viewers than Fox.

Democrats are a coalition party. The blacks are watching BET, the gays LOGO, and so one.

Republicans think their party is "diverse" because of few of their members are left handed.

Could a Cable News Outlet be any more embarrassed? Even if you add on the viewers from the rest of the leftist networks, it's still a wasted effort as they all try to ridicule Mitt Romney & Michele Bachmann. MSNBC in particular is on a mission to make all the GOP candidates look much dumber than Obama(even though he's by far the dumbest candidate out there)

For those of you who check the cable news ratings sights on the web, FOX as usual is killing all of them,and now HLN has overtaken MSNBC. And all those MSNBC Cable Twits from 6pm to 10pm are gonna continue to Bash the GOP candidates with an average audience of 10,000 per state?

What makes the MSNBC even more laughable is that their viewing audience in the 10 or so crucial 2012 States is miniscule. Actually more gerbils,rats,goats and wart hogs are watching Hardball and Maddcow than humans in North Carolina.:eusa_eh:

Well Ed Schultz was bragging that his show won the 10 PM time slot for this past Monday night.He spent a good deal of time on that.

Something is going on there however as it appears they pulled that guy that took over Fat head Ed's slot at 6 PM.

They are an embarrassment over there.I used to respect Chris Mathews for his passion about things but he has turned into a joke.

What fatboy didn't tell viewers was that overall he got creamed by Greta 2:1. He won one demo, so that's what he bragged about. But that's what one should expect from the lefty loons. It's in their playbook.
What I wonder is why you want to silence dissenting voices? Isn't that what FOXNEWS watchers cry about all the time?

FOX ALLWAYS has someone from both sides in a discussion. MSNBC RARELY has both sides represented, it's usually the host and a fellow traveller yucking it up. That's why their ratings are in the toilet. People DO want both sides and so far FOX does a better job of doing that. They are far from perfect but compared to MSNBC they are Edward R. Murrow and MSNBC is William R. Hearst.

You don't know what you're talking about.
I rarely have ever seen Ed Schultz talk to two guests on both sides of the issue, usually he goes from one Democratic Senator or Congressman to another, and its often the same ones all year,the ones he knows share the same views as his. Its like Ed Schultz has his own circle of commentators and could care less what the rest think about any current issues.
What I wonder is why you want to silence dissenting voices? Isn't that what FOXNEWS watchers cry about all the time?

FOX ALLWAYS has someone from both sides in a discussion. MSNBC RARELY has both sides represented, it's usually the host and a fellow traveller yucking it up. That's why their ratings are in the toilet. People DO want both sides and so far FOX does a better job of doing that. They are far from perfect but compared to MSNBC they are Edward R. Murrow and MSNBC is William R. Hearst.

You don't know what you're talking about.

:lol::lol::lol: You have less credibility then Newt Gingrich, best you keep your trap shut.
What I wonder is why you want to silence dissenting voices? Isn't that what FOXNEWS watchers cry about all the time?

FOX ALLWAYS has someone from both sides in a discussion. MSNBC RARELY has both sides represented, it's usually the host and a fellow traveller yucking it up. That's why their ratings are in the toilet. People DO want both sides and so far FOX does a better job of doing that. They are far from perfect but compared to MSNBC they are Edward R. Murrow and MSNBC is William R. Hearst.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Schultz, Maddow, and O'Donnell never debate anyone. Hannity and O'Reilly will have people with opposing views every day. Get real.

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