The Murder of Ahmaud Arbery

Why the moral dilemma? Why would you be looking for a way to support this piece of shit and his piece of shit son? Why would you be looking for a justification?
In his defense, there has been so much wolf-crying in an effort to prove racism, can you blame him for initially calling bullshit?

Tell the race hustlers to use a modicum of caution before they start screaming. It makes reasonable people immediately think it’s bullshit.

Does it really matter if the retards killed a black or white man?


Leroy is waiting in the pen either way
This case it looks like a white person murdered an innocent black. The justice system needs to act accordingly. But the only reason why the National media is covering this case is it’s white on black murder. What about all the other murders that don’t get the same coverage? The rabble rousers, politicians, and the media are doing their best to divide us, as usual.
There are so many murders in the US it is hard to cover everyone of them. I am for justice and I want people paid to enforce justice to be incorruptible.

Yeah but my point was the sole reason this is being covered is it’s white or black killing. The motivation for this being publicized the way it’s being is to promote an agenda of division.
It was covered because it is a heinous crime that was being ignored by the people in charge of protecting citizens, I don't care if they were yellow and purple.

The alleged perp isn’t an officer of the law. Furthermore police kill whites more often than blacks, and I’m sure in a tiny fraction of the cases of those killings are unjustified, yet we never have the national media covering the case. The media has narratives they want to promote. For them racial division pays monetarily. Same for some so called activists. Politicians are motivated by votes and ultimately power. The bottom line is you would have never heard about this case had it not been a white on black killing. You may not want to recognize that, but it’s the reality.

Far be it from me to pile on to what usually are leftists pissing and moaning issues regarding ordinary citizens getting involved with law enforcement, but I can not find a way to support Former cop Gregory McMichael.

You're NOT A COP ANYMORE. Unless you SAW, that means actually observed the incident, you do not chase down and attempt to arrest anyone.


That is what the law reads.

You can not question, apprehend or detain anyone you did not actually observe as part of an incident.

EVEN IF Arbery was actually running from a crime scene, but you did not see him engaged in criminal behavior other than running, you have no right to stop that man, let alone threaten him with a weapon.

Arbery may have been a scumbag with a petty criminal background, but he might have also been just a guy taking a jog with a petty criminal background. He might have turned his life around and been in pursuit of a job as a cop. We don't know any of that.

What I do know is that this will be exploited by leftists, and there may be racial issues involved.

Lefties are wise to the abuses of citizens by cops that is why you hear so much from them. Case after case we see abuse by those hired to protect and serve citizens and the communist. Us lefties see constantly how the police state exist and do not like it. And, to add insult to injury the judiciary branch is corrupt and part of the problem when they turn a blind eye to crimes committed by their fellow sty of pigs to include politicians...

I dont think the ol lefties do. Right now the police state is giving a thorough beat down on its citizens and dragging them out of buses, body slamming women at wal mart, running down people on the beach. Nope, lefties are along for the ride and cowering in fear in a lot of these blue states. They love this corona beat down.
Why the moral dilemma? Why would you be looking for a way to support this piece of shit and his piece of shit son? Why would you be looking for a justification?
In his defense, there has been so much wolf-crying in an effort to prove racism, can you blame him for initially calling bullshit?

Tell the race hustlers to use a modicum of caution before they start screaming. It makes reasonable people immediately think it’s bullshit.


There does't appear to be much of a defense. The guy and his son should have been arrested after anyone in law enforcement saw the video.
This case it looks like a white person murdered an innocent black. The justice system needs to act accordingly. But the only reason why the National media is covering this case is it’s white on black murder. What about all the other murders that don’t get the same coverage? The rabble rousers, politicians, and the media are doing their best to divide us, as usual.
There are so many murders in the US it is hard to cover everyone of them. I am for justice and I want people paid to enforce justice to be incorruptible.

Yeah but my point was the sole reason this is being covered is it’s white or black killing. The motivation for this being publicized the way it’s being is to promote an agenda of division.
It was covered because it is a heinous crime that was being ignored by the people in charge of protecting citizens, I don't care if they were yellow and purple.

The alleged perp isn’t an officer of the law. Furthermore police kill whites more often than blacks, and I’m sure in a tiny fraction of the cases of those killings are unjustified, yet we never have the national media covering the case. The media has narratives they want to promote. For them racial division pays monetarily. Same for some so called activists. Politicians are motivated by votes and ultimately power. The bottom line is you would have never heard about this case had it not been a white on black killing. You may not want to recognize that, but it’s the reality.

How come it took so long for him to be arrested? I can't believe the police for this guys action, I can blame the police for their own inaction.
This case it looks like a white person murdered an innocent black. The justice system needs to act accordingly. But the only reason why the National media is covering this case is it’s white on black murder. What about all the other murders that don’t get the same coverage? The rabble rousers, politicians, and the media are doing their best to divide us, as usual.
There are so many murders in the US it is hard to cover everyone of them. I am for justice and I want people paid to enforce justice to be incorruptible.

Yeah but my point was the sole reason this is being covered is it’s white or black killing. The motivation for this being publicized the way it’s being is to promote an agenda of division.
It was covered because it is a heinous crime that was being ignored by the people in charge of protecting citizens, I don't care if they were yellow and purple.

The alleged perp isn’t an officer of the law. Furthermore police kill whites more often than blacks, and I’m sure in a tiny fraction of the cases of those killings are unjustified, yet we never have the national media covering the case. The media has narratives they want to promote. For them racial division pays monetarily. Same for some so called activists. Politicians are motivated by votes and ultimately power. The bottom line is you would have never heard about this case had it not been a white on black killing. You may not want to recognize that, but it’s the reality.

How come it took so long for him to be arrested? I can't believe the police for this guys action, I can blame the police for their own inaction.

You can argue your feelings about this case and that’s fine. It doesn’t change the fact that the only reason why it has garnered so much attention is it’s white on black crime. If all parties were of the same race we wouldn’t be having this discussion
ITT we see the racism of the left.
It takes time to get evidence in real life. Contrary to what you may have picked up from watching Barnaby Jones or Charlie's Angels, these cases aren't wrapped up in an hour. 3 months is really nothing. Its been 4 years in the case of the Whacking of Seth Rich, and still the cops have bupkis.

Actually, doing a little research, Abery did have a very minor criminal record, but that really doesn't excuse what these two Bubba Rednecks did to him.
It takes time to get evidence in real life. Contrary to what you may have picked up from watching Barnaby Jones or Charlie's Angels, these cases aren't wrapped up in an hour. 3 months is really nothing. Its been 4 years in the case of the Whacking of Seth Rich, and still the cops have bupkis.

Actually, doing a little research, Abery did have a very minor criminal record, but that really doesn't excuse what these two Bubba Rednecks did to him.

ALLEGEDLY did to him. We really haven't heard anything from the gentlemen who are the defendants in this case, so I don't see the point in rushing to judgments. BTW, how do you know they were "rednecks" or even what their motivation was.

That's the thing here, libs like yourself rush immediately to judge these men figuring they are "rednecks" or conservatives or honkies, but you don't even know that yet. You just fit this case into your narrative that honkies are walking around the ghetto looking for innocent homeboys to attack and kill.

Like I said, I don't know what happened here. If this Abery guy owed them money, looked at them wrong, or some other mitigating factor.
Dont steal then don’t get killed but of course liberals do not want any responsibility on the deceased
It was wrong for the two guys to kill the guy.

It is also very wrong for the pathetic weak minded White Guilt pukes and the sorry ass victim mentality Blacks to get all huffy and their panties in wad when there is so much Black on White and Black on Black crime in this country. That is where the real problem lies.

What the hell is wrong with these assholes?
It was wrong for the two guys to kill the guy.

It is also very wrong for the pathetic weak minded White Guilt pukes and the sorry ass victim mentality Blacks to get all huffy and their panties in wad when there is so much Black on White and Black on Black crime in this country. That is where the real problem lies.

What the hell is wrong with these assholes?

When there is black on white crime, it gets investigated and prosecuted. If there is black on black crime, it gets investigated and prosecuted provided the cops can put down their fucking donuts long enough to do their jobs.

If there is a case where a white cop or ex-cop or wannabe cop shoots an unarmed black man, then we hear the excuses come out about how he might have done something bad 10 years ago and stand your ground and all the other nonsense we hear.
Ben Shapiro has a good vid I just happen to be watching right now.

They are definitely guilty of something. You can't do that type of thing here. You don't just go chasing people down the road with guns.
What evidence do you have that Arbery had any criminal record at all? He was just a guy out for a jog.

It shouldn't have taken three months to arrest these guys.

It takes time to get evidence in real life. Contrary to what you may have picked up from watching Barnaby Jones or Charlie's Angels, these cases aren't wrapped up in an hour. 3 months is really nothing. Its been 4 years in the case of the Whacking of Seth Rich, and still the cops have bupkis.
The men were arrested and charged a day after the Georgia Bureau of Investigation took over.

It wasn’t because they were “collecting evidence”, it’s because the original prosecutor had a poor understanding of the law. Their statement about why they’re not pressing charges is riddled with inaccuracies.

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