The Muzzling Of Free Speech In America


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Interesting article worth the read.

Its a marathon for the communist Not a sprint


“If the freedom of speech be taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”—George Washington

If it were just the courts suppressing free speech, that would be one thing to worry about, but First Amendment activities are being pummeled, punched, kicked, choked, chained and generally gagged all across the country.

The reasons for such censorship vary widely from political correctness, safety concerns and bullying to national security and hate crimes but the end result remains the same: the complete eradication of what Benjamin Franklin referred to as the “principal pillar of a free government.”

Officials at the University of Tennessee, for instance, recently introduced an Orwellian policy that would prohibit students from using gender specific pronouns and be more inclusive by using gender “neutral” pronouns such as ze, hir, zir, xe, xem and xyr, rather than he, she, him or her.

On many college campuses, declaring that “America is the land of opportunity” or asking someone “Where were you born?” are now considered microaggressions, “small actions or word choices that seem on their face to have no malicious intent but that are thought of as a kind of violence nonetheless.” Trigger warnings are also being used to alert students to any material or ideas they might read, see or hear that might upset them.

More than 50 percent of the nation’s colleges, including Boston University, Harvard University, Columbia University and Georgetown University, subscribe to “red light” speech policies that restrict or ban so-called offensive speech, or limit speakers to designated areas on campus. The campus climate has become so hypersensitive that comedians such as Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld refuse to perform stand-up routines to college crowds anymore.

What we are witnessing is an environment in which political correctness has given rise to “vindictive protectiveness,” a term coined by social psychologist Jonathan Haidt and educational First Amendment activist Greg Lukianoff. It refers to a society in which “everyone must think twice before speaking up, lest they face charges of insensitivity, aggression or worse.”
So, which part of your free speech was muzzled this morning, Geaux?

Was that before or after the black helicopters circled your abode?

So, which part of your free speech was muzzled this morning, Geaux?

Was that before or after the black helicopters circled your abode?


I thought you were more concerned about the collective, not the individual?

There may be hope for you yet

Liberals have been busy for years demonizing anyone who disagrees with their views of the world.
Today most people are simply too afraid to engage publicly about many topics, for fear their lives and careers will be shattered when the finger pointing and witch hunt begins.
Liberals have been busy for years demonizing anyone who disagrees with their views of the world.
Today most people are simply too afraid to engage publicly about many topics, for fear their lives and careers will be shattered when the finger pointing and witch hunt begins.
If your view is this?

You're toast, as you should be.
it started with Christmas. Ah, can't call it Christmas..... but instead..... 'The Holidays'

We were screwed at that very juncture.

But wait, then came trophy's for our t-ballers and little pony league tots. Can't have an MVP anymore..... Everyone gets a trophy. Even the kids who are just completely terrible are to be included in 'awards' for excellence

This is life we need to teach our kids. Not everyone in life excel above others, but they should be noted for the success. Instead the future Mickey Mantle is bogged down in a bell curve type of judgement, where his strengths are overshadowed and or marginalized. We need to start recognizing success again. It's an important ingredient for life sustainment


The University of Tenesseee has not introduced a new policy prohibiting the use of gender specific pronouns.

As I noted yesterday, your reading comprehension is poor.

Correct, UT has not introduced a 'new' policy prohibiting the use of gender specific pronouns, but they have introduced an Orwellian policy that would prohibit students from using gender specific pronouns


The University of Tenesseee has not introduced a new policy prohibiting the use of gender specific pronouns.

As I noted yesterday, your reading comprehension is poor.

Correct, UT has not introduced a 'new' policy prohibiting the use of gender specific pronouns, but they have introduced an Orwellian policy that would prohibit students from using gender specific pronouns


Have students at the University of Tenessee been prohibited from using gender specific pronouns?

The answer is no. Therefore, your use of it as an example of how free speech is being "muzzled" is without merit. UT has not introduced any policy related to use of gender specific pronouns.

Describing a non-existent policy as "Orwellian" doesn't make it a reality. You might think "Orwellian" means something that it doesn't mean.
Maybe you should elaborate.

The University of Tenesseee has not introduced a new policy prohibiting the use of gender specific pronouns.

As I noted yesterday, your reading comprehension is poor.

Correct, UT has not introduced a 'new' policy prohibiting the use of gender specific pronouns, but they have introduced an Orwellian policy that would prohibit students from using gender specific pronouns


Have students at the University of Tenessee been prohibited from using gender specific pronouns?

The answer is no. Therefore, your use of it as an example of how free speech is being "muzzled" is without merit.

Describing a non-existent policy as "Orwellian" doesn't make it a reality. You might think "Orwellian" means something that it doesn't mean.
Maybe you should elaborate.

I agree with the article, you don't


Geaux4it , The Right continues to mistake this as a Free Speech issue.

It isn't. It's a cultural issue. It's about a group of people who have constitutionally used our own freedoms against us.

They know they have "the right" to intimidate, punish and control people enough so that they can control the conversation.

It's nasty, it's cowardly, it's dishonest, it's terribly destructive, it certainly does spit in the face of the spirit of free speech, but I'm afraid it's perfectly constitutional.
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Liberals have been busy for years demonizing anyone who disagrees with their views of the world.
Today most people are simply too afraid to engage publicly about many topics, for fear their lives and careers will be shattered when the finger pointing and witch hunt begins.
If your view is this?

You're toast, as you should be.


Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly.

When they break a law, take them in.

Same with these guys


Or these guys.


Just because you don't like what they say, they still have their rights
Geaux4it , The Right continues to mistake this as a Free Speech issue.

It isn't. It's a cultural issue. It's about a group of people who have constitutionally used our own freedoms against us.

They know they have "the right" to intimidate, punish and control people enough so that they can control the conversation.

It's nasty, it's cowardly, it's dishonest, it's terribly destructive, it certainly does spit in the face of the spirit of free speech, but I'm afraid it's perfectly constitutional.

The left discovered they had a huge hammer using these methods.

Say anything negative regardless what it is regarding a person of color, they scream you're a "racist".
Don't agree with gay marriage, you're a "bigot" and "homophobe".

The list goes on and on, and today most people simply wish to avoid discussing certain issues out of fear.
Geaux4it , The Right continues to mistake this as a Free Speech issue.

It isn't. It's a cultural issue. It's about a group of people who have constitutionally used our own freedoms against us.

They know they have "the right" to intimidate, punish and control people enough so that they can control the conversation.

It's nasty, it's cowardly, it's dishonest, it's terribly destructive, it certainly does spit in the face of the spirit of free speech, but I'm afraid it's perfectly constitutional.

The left discovered they had a huge hammer using these methods.

Say anything negative regardless what it is regarding a person of color, they scream you're a "racist".
Don't agree with gay marriage, you're a "bigot" and "homophobe".

The list goes on and on, and today most people simply wish to avoid discussing certain issues out of fear.

Yeah.....nobody ever talks about race or gay marriage any more. You have nailed it.

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