The "mystery" surrounding Flynn......

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Name one modern president that is a low-life scum sucking piece of shit like The Orange Buffoon? He sets a new low. As for going after him, you can go back on this VERY board - go on, do it - to November 2008 when Obama was elected. He didn't even have to get sworn in and they were going after him. So please, save your 'poor Trumpie' shit...

Barack Hussein Obama’s is the lowest scum sucking piece of shit that ever LIVED let alone became POTUS. Bill Clinton was next.

Neither of them are in the top 20 worst. The Orange Buffoon is number 1 fucktard president ever. Maybe he always will be. Mind you, I said that when Dumbya was in office, too... and then the neocon whackos doubled down with the Comb Over Con Artist....
Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Name one modern president that is a low-life scum sucking piece of shit like The Orange Buffoon? He sets a new low. As for going after him, you can go back on this VERY board - go on, do it - to November 2008 when Obama was elected. He didn't even have to get sworn in and they were going after him. So please, save your 'poor Trumpie' shit...

Barack Hussein Obama’s is the lowest scum sucking piece of shit that ever LIVED let alone became POTUS. Bill Clinton was next.

This is like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton “Crooked Hillary” as he settles the Trump University lawsuits for $25 million and had his Trump Foundation shut down for illegal fundraising.
Suspended for embarrassing the network for the Flynn story
Ben Shapiro

Notice how real news networks FIRE people for making serious errors in their stories. Sean Hannity is still working for FOX despite getting the network sued for putting out a fake news report on Seth Rich.

He was suspended, he's not fired.
Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Name one modern president that is a low-life scum sucking piece of shit like The Orange Buffoon? He sets a new low. As for going after him, you can go back on this VERY board - go on, do it - to November 2008 when Obama was elected. He didn't even have to get sworn in and they were going after him. So please, save your 'poor Trumpie' shit...

Barack Hussein Obama’s is the lowest scum sucking piece of shit that ever LIVED let alone became POTUS. Bill Clinton was next.

Neither of them are in the top 20 worst. The Orange Buffoon is number 1 fucktard president ever. Maybe he always will be. Mind you, I said that when Dumbya was in office, too... and then the neocon whackos doubled down with the Comb Over Con Artist....

Barack Hussein 0bama is number one. You know it, I know it, the world knows it. You just are too stubborn to admit it.
Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Name one modern president that is a low-life scum sucking piece of shit like The Orange Buffoon? He sets a new low. As for going after him, you can go back on this VERY board - go on, do it - to November 2008 when Obama was elected. He didn't even have to get sworn in and they were going after him. So please, save your 'poor Trumpie' shit...

Barack Hussein Obama’s is the lowest scum sucking piece of shit that ever LIVED let alone became POTUS. Bill Clinton was next.

This is like Donald Trump calling Hillary Clinton “Crooked Hillary” as he settles the Trump University lawsuits for $25 million and had his Trump Foundation shut down for illegal fundraising.

Irrelevant. 0bama is still by far the worst.
I really do have a question regarding Flynn....a question that goes beyond partisanship.....

Flynn was in military intelligence, once headed (and was later fired) the DIA with the Obama administration, and was tagged to be NSA chief under Trump......

With the above background, HOW could Flynn not know that his telephone conversations with the Russians would be monitored (and probably recorded)???

Further, the FBI employs a method that somewhat smacks of entrapment; that is, to ask a question whose answer the FBI already knows but is baiting the interviewee into lying......Such was the case with Flynn when the FBI asked him about the "nature" of his phone calls with the Russians.

Now, either Flynn is a complete idiot.....(which I doubt).....OR, Flynn opted for the relatively lesser culpability in lying to the FBI hoping that his boss, Trump, would get him off the hook.

The wily Mueller has shown us just a glimpse of what Flynn has divulged to his investigators, and the following weeks should slowly reveal a heck of a lot more of what went on in those campaign days and first few weeks from election to inauguration.

There is much "quid pro quo" between Russia and Trump and the obstruction of justice allegations to soon see the light of day.......Hang on to your hats, the rough ride will be bumpy.

It will be interesting to see who gets caught when Flynn talks. I’m eagerly look8ng forward to it. My bet is that both sides will lose bodies.

BTW- asking questions you already know the answer to is nothing like entrapment. It is a common practice during interrogations to ask questions for which you already know the answer. Entrapment is luring someone to commit a crime they wouldn’t otherwise commit.
BTW- asking questions you already know the answer to is nothing like entrapment. It is a common practice during interrogations to ask questions for which you already know the answer. Entrapment is luring someone to commit a crime they wouldn’t otherwise commit.

You're mistake.....I just couldn't come up with a better term.
But, again, what baffles me is the fact that, Flynn,supposedly an intelligence expert, would NOT have known that he was telling the FBI the opposite of what they already knew.......

Since i don't think that he's an idiot, there must be another reason why he would lie, knowing that the lie was easily confirmed.
With the above background, HOW could Flynn not know that his telephone conversations with the Russians would be monitored (and probably recorded)???

Dumbfounding, isn't it? Is it just that he was just that reckless? He just stopped giving a shit? I think so.
With the above background, HOW could Flynn not know that his telephone conversations with the Russians would be monitored (and probably recorded)???

Dumbfounding, isn't it? Is it just that he was just that reckless? He just stopped giving a shit? I think so.

Or sheer ARROGANCE that his fat, orangy boss would protect him?
With the above background, HOW could Flynn not know that his telephone conversations with the Russians would be monitored (and probably recorded)???

Dumbfounding, isn't it? Is it just that he was just that reckless? He just stopped giving a shit? I think so.

Or sheer ARROGANCE that his fat, orangy boss would protect him?

I would say mostly no, as he was neck deep in Russian influence before he met Trump. I think he thought of himself as untouchable. He just got touched.
I really do have a question regarding Flynn....a question that goes beyond partisanship.....

Flynn was in military intelligence, once headed (and was later fired) the DIA with the Obama administration, and was tagged to be NSA chief under Trump......

With the above background, HOW could Flynn not know that his telephone conversations with the Russians would be monitored (and probably recorded)???

Further, the FBI employs a method that somewhat smacks of entrapment; that is, to ask a question whose answer the FBI already knows but is baiting the interviewee into lying......Such was the case with Flynn when the FBI asked him about the "nature" of his phone calls with the Russians.

Now, either Flynn is a complete idiot.....(which I doubt).....OR, Flynn opted for the relatively lesser culpability in lying to the FBI hoping that his boss, Trump, would get him off the hook.

The wily Mueller has shown us just a glimpse of what Flynn has divulged to his investigators, and the following weeks should slowly reveal a heck of a lot more of what went on in those campaign days and first few weeks from election to inauguration.

There is much "quid pro quo" between Russia and Trump and the obstruction of justice allegations to soon see the light of day.......Hang on to your hats, the rough ride will be bumpy.

I agree--I think about any average person on the street would know that if they're calling Russians and Russians are calling them--that they're probably being wiretaped. That's definitely the case here. Trump accused Obama of wiretapping the Trump tower where Flynn made this call, but it wasn't U.S. Intelligence that did it.

It was foreign intelligence who had been monitoring and watching Trump surrogates since 2015.

"GCHQ-- first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said. The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

And that's what they never saw coming.
What we've got here, by my observation, is a bunch of failed Americans who put up for sale their power and influence to the highest bidder. Then they capitulated to the only bidder, Russia. Then, they weaseled their way into Trump's orbit. Trump, naturally, was willfully oblivious (Do I come out looking good? Yes? Okay,then, sounds good!) to the maneuverings of these people, who were and are much smarter than is he. Trump is a reckless old man caught in a net of something bigger than he can comprehend. Nevertheless, his own incuriosity and ambivalence towards the actions of those around him (whom he chose) is a crime in itself.
What we've got here, by my observation, is a bunch of failed Americans who put up for sale their power and influence to the highest bidder. Then they capitulated to the only bidder, Russia. Then, they weaseled their way into Trump's orbit. Trump, naturally, was willfully oblivious (Do I come out looking good? Yes? Okay,then, sounds good!) to the maneuverings of these people, who were and are much smarter than is he. Trump is a reckless old man caught in a net of something bigger than he can comprehend. Nevertheless, his own incuriosity and ambivalence towards the actions of those around him (whom he chose) is a crime in itself.

Trump keeps outsmarting and winning and Democrats/Fake Media keeps losing but continues humping dry holes, character assassinations and looking generally ridiculous, I'm fine with that, it's amusing...

Good luck with being taken seriously... :wink_2:
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Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Name one modern president that is a low-life scum sucking piece of shit like The Orange Buffoon? He sets a new low. As for going after him, you can go back on this VERY board - go on, do it - to November 2008 when Obama was elected. He didn't even have to get sworn in and they were going after him. So please, save your 'poor Trumpie' shit...

Barack Hussein Obama’s is the lowest scum sucking piece of shit that ever LIVED let alone became POTUS. Bill Clinton was next.

Neither of them are in the top 20 worst. The Orange Buffoon is number 1 fucktard president ever. Maybe he always will be. Mind you, I said that when Dumbya was in office, too... and then the neocon whackos doubled down with the Comb Over Con Artist....

Barack Hussein 0bama is number one. You know it, I know it, the world knows it. You just are too stubborn to admit it.

No. The world does not know that. Only Obama-deranged imbeciles think that.

President Obama has a 63% approval rating. The orange sociopath has a 30ish% approval rating. Your guy is a joke to everyone but the grumpiest of trumptards
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Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Name one modern president that is a low-life scum sucking piece of shit like The Orange Buffoon? He sets a new low. As for going after him, you can go back on this VERY board - go on, do it - to November 2008 when Obama was elected. He didn't even have to get sworn in and they were going after him. So please, save your 'poor Trumpie' shit...

Barack Hussein Obama’s is the lowest scum sucking piece of shit that ever LIVED let alone became POTUS. Bill Clinton was next.

Neither of them are in the top 20 worst. The Orange Buffoon is number 1 fucktard president ever. Maybe he always will be. Mind you, I said that when Dumbya was in office, too... and then the neocon whackos doubled down with the Comb Over Con Artist....

Barack Hussein 0bama is number one. You know it, I know it, the world knows it. You just are too stubborn to admit it.

No. The world does not know that. Only Obama-deranged imbeciles think that.

Democrats have epic + derangement syndrome when it comes to Trump. There's really nothing left to do but laugh at them at this point. Sooo ... :lol:
Suspended for embarrassing the network for the Flynn story
Ben Shapiro

Notice how real news networks FIRE people for making serious errors in their stories. Sean Hannity is still working for FOX despite getting the network sued for putting out a fake news report on Seth Rich.

He was suspended, he's not fired.

Exactly. A real news outlet would have fired his ass for lying.

Lol, you seem to be confused.
Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Name one modern president that is a low-life scum sucking piece of shit like The Orange Buffoon? He sets a new low. As for going after him, you can go back on this VERY board - go on, do it - to November 2008 when Obama was elected. He didn't even have to get sworn in and they were going after him. So please, save your 'poor Trumpie' shit...

Barack Hussein Obama’s is the lowest scum sucking piece of shit that ever LIVED let alone became POTUS. Bill Clinton was next.

Neither of them are in the top 20 worst. The Orange Buffoon is number 1 fucktard president ever. Maybe he always will be. Mind you, I said that when Dumbya was in office, too... and then the neocon whackos doubled down with the Comb Over Con Artist....

Barack Hussein 0bama is number one. You know it, I know it, the world knows it. You just are too stubborn to admit it.

No. The world does not know that. Only Obama-deranged imbeciles think that.

President Obama has a 63% approval rating. The orange sociopath has a 30ish% approval rating. Your guy is a joke to everyone but the grumpiest of trumptards

Yes the world does know it. The reason YOU believe otherwise is because the Globalists, who make up nearly 100% of the politicians in most of the developed world hate Trump, but the rank and file people of those countries do not.

Polls moron? You are quoting me polls? you never learn do you?

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