The "mystery" surrounding Flynn......

ultimately trump is in big trouble for obstruction of justice.

I have asked repeatedly where the obstruction is, only one lefty attempted, though it's a failure. You want to try backing up your claim? Where was the obstruction?

only a complete moron would expect and demand mueller's ONGOING case would or could ever be fully drawn out in a reply to you on usmb.

way to go moron! :eusa_clap:
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.
Oh, poor baby! What did he do with all those millions the Russians and Turks gave him?
This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

You have it backwards. Republicans tried to take out Hillary Clinton for the bullshit email scandal SNIP

BS email scandal?? You lie! An inspector general who has seen the emails on Clinton's server that were above top secret said, if he had done what Hillary did he would be in Leavenworth prison.

In order for her to be in prison, she would have had to knowingly disseminate those emails to parties without security clearance. That never happened. Those emails did not get into the hands on anyone who shouldn’t have had access to them.

Furthermore, this “inspector general” didn’t see the evidence, wasn’t part of the investigation, and is really in no position to judge. He’s just another partisan with an opinion.
Your a ignorant of the law liberal..

The fact it was on a private server, unprotected are felonies in and of themselves..

Let me guess, you have never handled classified information in your life..

psssssst "the law" determined there was no there there.

and just about the ONLY server that demonstrated zero evidence of hacking was hillary's!

^ facts! :eusa_shhh:
This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

You have it backwards. Republicans tried to take out Hillary Clinton for the bullshit email scandal SNIP

BS email scandal?? You lie! An inspector general who has seen the emails on Clinton's server that were above top secret said, if he had done what Hillary did he would be in Leavenworth prison.

In order for her to be in prison, she would have had to knowingly disseminate those emails to parties without security clearance. That never happened. Those emails did not get into the hands on anyone who shouldn’t have had access to them.

Furthermore, this “inspector general” didn’t see the evidence, wasn’t part of the investigation, and is really in no position to judge. He’s just another partisan with an opinion.
Your a ignorant of the law liberal..

The fact it was on a private server, unprotected are felonies in and of themselves..

Let me guess, you have never handled classified information in your life..

This fool is parroting Hillary's own talking points.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Of course that's correct. Obama and Hillary would be in jail if they were Republicans.
And the Republicans wasted almost 80 million tax payer dollars and 4 1/2 years trying to put them there, to no avail. The fact is, despite the fact they are Democrats whom the Republicans went after with intense ferver and our money for over four years, they are not in jail because they haven't done anything illegal.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Of course that's correct. Obama and Hillary would be in jail if they were Republicans.
And the Republicans wasted almost 80 million tax payer dollars and 4 1/2 years trying to put them there, to no avail. The fact is, despite the fact they are Democrats whom the Republicans went after with intense ferver and our money for over four years, they are not in jail because they haven't done anything illegal.

Obama's inspector general disagrees with you, he said Hillary should be in prison.
It's obstruction of justice if someone interferes with an on going investigation...even when the President does it. He can legally fire and hire for admin positions but he can not fire the head of the on going official investigation simply because he doesn't want the official investigation in to Russia or his campaign team to continue.

Irrelevant unless you can show us where Trump did that.

of course Mueller would need to prove such, and that's precisely what Mueller's team is working on and what Flynn copped a deal for....more than likely....

Trump's statements ALONE regarding comey's firing is enough,,,,everything else they come up with is frosting on the cake
The question that lingers..........

For Mueller, what could make it worth allowing Michael Flynn to skate away with a slap on the wrist despite a grocery list of potential charges, including from acting as an unregistered foreign agent, to a kidnap plot?

....and the answer is..............................??? (lol)
I really do have a question regarding Flynn....a question that goes beyond partisanship.....

Flynn was in military intelligence, once headed (and was later fired) the DIA with the Obama administration, and was tagged to be NSA chief under Trump......

With the above background, HOW could Flynn not know that his telephone conversations with the Russians would be monitored (and probably recorded)???

Further, the FBI employs a method that somewhat smacks of entrapment; that is, to ask a question whose answer the FBI already knows but is baiting the interviewee into lying......Such was the case with Flynn when the FBI asked him about the "nature" of his phone calls with the Russians.

Now, either Flynn is a complete idiot.....(which I doubt).....OR, Flynn opted for the relatively lesser culpability in lying to the FBI hoping that his boss, Trump, would get him off the hook.

The wily Mueller has shown us just a glimpse of what Flynn has divulged to his investigators, and the following weeks should slowly reveal a heck of a lot more of what went on in those campaign days and first few weeks from election to inauguration.

There is much "quid pro quo" between Russia and Trump and the obstruction of justice allegations to soon see the light of day.......Hang on to your hats, the rough ride will be bumpy.
Same "mystery" as you reaching for your dick and not being able to locate what you dreamed you had.
Same "mystery" as you reaching for your dick and not being able to locate what you dreamed you had.

WOW......the above idiot is what passes for right wing "intelligentsia".....
What a "brilliant" contribution, there.....

But, fear not, other right wing moron will praise you for your erudition.....LOL
You know, one of the things that makes me go "hmmm" is the fact that Flynn when he was working for Obama warned the government about Kaspersky internet security software, because he said it could be used by Russia to spy on the US, but after he was fired, he ended up going to them to give a speech, as well as got money from other Russian interests, and THEN after that, he ended up working for Trump's campaign through the whole election, and then was DIA for 24 days under Trump.

But why?

Michael Flynn Was Paid by Russian-Linked Firms, Letter Shows

WASHINGTON — Michael T. Flynn, President Trump’s former national security adviser, was paid over $65,000 by companies linked to Russia in 2015, according to a letter released on Thursday by congressional investigators.

Among the companies was a cargo airline implicated in a bribery scheme involving Russian officials at the United Nations, an American branch of a cybersecurity firm believed to have ties to Russia’s intelligence services, and RT, the Russian government’s English language TV channel, according to the letter, which was sent to Mr. Trump on Thursday by Representative Elijah E. Cummings, a Maryland Democrat. Mr. Cummings is the ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
ultimately trump is in big trouble for obstruction of justice.

I have asked repeatedly where the obstruction is, only one lefty attempted, though it's a failure. You want to try backing up your claim? Where was the obstruction?

only a complete moron would expect and demand mueller's ONGOING case would or could ever be fully drawn out in a reply to you on usmb.

way to go moron! :eusa_clap:

Ironic that you would call me a moron yet you cannot tell the difference between me demanding that posters here back up their claims and what Mueller is doing. is it that you cannot read? Is it that you are just stupid? Is it that you are a stubborn partisan hack? I'm betting it's all of the above.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

Of course that's correct. Obama and Hillary would be in jail if they were Republicans.
And the Republicans wasted almost 80 million tax payer dollars and 4 1/2 years trying to put them there, to no avail. The fact is, despite the fact they are Democrats whom the Republicans went after with intense ferver and our money for over four years, they are not in jail because they haven't done anything illegal.

It's obstruction of justice if someone interferes with an on going investigation...even when the President does it. He can legally fire and hire for admin positions but he can not fire the head of the on going official investigation simply because he doesn't want the official investigation in to Russia or his campaign team to continue.

Irrelevant unless you can show us where Trump did that.

of course Mueller would need to prove such, and that's precisely what Mueller's team is working on and what Flynn copped a deal for....more than likely....

Trump's statements ALONE regarding comey's firing is enough,,,,everything else they come up with is frosting on the cake

Oh so Trump's statements supercede facts now? that's a first from you. The point that you all seem to be ignoring now is that I'm not talking about Mueller, I'm talking about the claims that YOU and others here made. You made the claim, YOU need to prove it.
It's obstruction of justice if someone interferes with an on going investigation...even when the President does it. He can legally fire and hire for admin positions but he can not fire the head of the on going official investigation simply because he doesn't want the official investigation in to Russia or his campaign team to continue.

He fired comey because he was a Clinton shill and was engaged in a cover up of her violations of federal law.

I know you desperately want Trump brought down by Russia, but its not going to happen. Your disappointment will continue for at least 7 more years.

Hillary lost, get over it and move on with your pathetic little life.

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