The "mystery" surrounding Flynn......

It's obstruction of justice if someone interferes with an on going investigation...even when the President does it. He can legally fire and hire for admin positions but he can not fire the head of the on going official investigation simply because he doesn't want the official investigation in to Russia or his campaign team to continue.

The administration can hire and fire with or without CAUSE.. Doesn't matter what might be going on..
NOPE! Not true. sure he can pick and choose who he wants, but at the same time it is AGAINST THE LAW to interfere with an official on going investigation. So, if the President fired Comey, the head of the official Russian investigation to get a monkey off his back, he obstructed justice. THAT'S THE LAW.....

And President Trump admitted and told Lester Holt, in his interview, he fired comey due to the Russian investigation....
And President Trump admitted and told Lester Holt, in his interview, he fired comey due to the Russian investigation....

Even better........

“I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job,” Mr. Trump said, according to the document, which was read to The New York Times by an American official. “I faced great pressure because of Russia. That’s taken off.”
It's obstruction of justice if someone interferes with an on going investigation...even when the President does it. He can legally fire and hire for admin positions but he can not fire the head of the on going official investigation simply because he doesn't want the official investigation in to Russia or his campaign team to continue.

Irrelevant unless you can show us where Trump did that.
And Mueller did it on Friday, where it can be talked endlessly about through the weekend.

Moron.........the best way to AVOID scrutiny is a Friday night dump.......This could be MUCH worse for the Trumpsters had it happened on a Monday....Ask a grown up to help you understand.......LOL

It's Mueller who is trying to avoid scrutiny idiot. Trump didn't release the info. How dense ARE you exactly?

Btw, I'm still waiting for you to show us where the obstruction is.
For the third time I ask you to show the obstruction. likely as not, for the third time you won't be able to.
You make shit up and call people who don't believe your delusions "stupid".

that, my dumb fucked up right winger, is Mueller's patient and chew your popcorn....LOL

No idiot. YOU claimed there was obstruction of justice. It is YOUR job to prove it. Or you're just a lying left wing blowhard (pardon the redundancy) as we all know you to be.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

You have it backwards. Republicans tried to take out Hillary Clinton for the bullshit email scandal, while Trump was making deals with a foreign power to undermine the democratic elections in exchange for lifting sanctions properly placed against that power.

Clinton used a private email account, as did Condi Tice, Collin Powell, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kuchner. Her private server was never hacked and no information vital to national security was compromised. That may have been a matter of good luck over good management but those are the facts.

Trump has given Russia a free hand in the Crimean Pennisula against a NATO ally. Trump has basically fractured the NATO alliance so that Russia is empowered in Europe. His deal with Putin helped Assad defeat the rebels and lead to more deaths of civilians in Syria.

None of this is “little bullshit”.
It's obstruction of justice if someone interferes with an on going investigation...even when the President does it. He can legally fire and hire for admin positions but he can not fire the head of the on going official investigation simply because he doesn't want the official investigation in to Russia or his campaign team to continue.

The administration can hire and fire with or without CAUSE.. Doesn't matter what might be going on..
NOPE! Not true. sure he can pick and choose who he wants, but at the same time it is AGAINST THE LAW to interfere with an official on going investigation. So, if the President fired Comey, the head of the official Russian investigation to get a monkey off his back, he obstructed justice. THAT'S THE LAW.....

And President Trump admitted and told Lester Holt, in his interview, he fired comey due to the Russian investigation....

Hey moron. Firing Comey does not end the investigation nor does it shut Comey up. You have no idea what you are talking about.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

You have it backwards. Republicans tried to take out Hillary Clinton for the bullshit email scandal, while Trump was making deals with a foreign power to undermine the democratic elections in exchange for lifting sanctions properly placed against that power.

Clinton used a private email account, as did Condi Tice, Collin Powell, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kuchner. Her private server was never hacked and no information vital to national security was compromised. That may have been a matter of good luck over good management but those are the facts.

Trump has given Russia a free hand in the Crimean Pennisula against a NATO ally. Trump has basically fractured the NATO alliance so that Russia is empowered in Europe. His deal with Putin helped Assad defeat the rebels and lead to more deaths of civilians in Syria.

None of this is “little bullshit”.

It's all big bull shit. Go back to sleep.
It's obstruction of justice if someone interferes with an on going investigation...even when the President does it. He can legally fire and hire for admin positions but he can not fire the head of the on going official investigation simply because he doesn't want the official investigation in to Russia or his campaign team to continue.

The administration can hire and fire with or without CAUSE.. Doesn't matter what might be going on..
NOPE! Not true. sure he can pick and choose who he wants, but at the same time it is AGAINST THE LAW to interfere with an official on going investigation. So, if the President fired Comey, the head of the official Russian investigation to get a monkey off his back, he obstructed justice. THAT'S THE LAW.....

And President Trump admitted and told Lester Holt, in his interview, he fired comey due to the Russian investigation....

Btw, I'm still waiting for you to show us where the obstruction is.

I already told you that the "evidence" is Mueller's job.....BUT,you're freeto hang by your testicles waiting for us to show you the evidence......Shouldn't be too long, though........LOL
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

You have it backwards. Republicans tried to take out Hillary Clinton for the bullshit email scandal, while Trump was making deals with a foreign power to undermine the democratic elections in exchange for lifting sanctions properly placed against that power.

Clinton used a private email account, as did Condi Tice, Collin Powell, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kuchner. Her private server was never hacked and no information vital to national security was compromised. That may have been a matter of good luck over good management but those are the facts.

Trump has given Russia a free hand in the Crimean Pennisula against a NATO ally. Trump has basically fractured the NATO alliance so that Russia is empowered in Europe. His deal with Putin helped Assad defeat the rebels and lead to more deaths of civilians in Syria.

None of this is “little bullshit”.
Your right.. Hillary committing TREASON is not little bullshit.. Its MAJOR BULLSHIT and I am going to laugh my ass off as they put her in cuffs..
Btw, I'm still waiting for you to show us where the obstruction is.

I already told you that the "evidence" is Mueller's job.....BUT,you're freeto hang by your testicles waiting for us to show you the evidence......Shouldn't be too long, though........LOL

I asked how dense you are, the answer is "pretty fucking dense". I explained to you the obvious fact that it is your job to back up your claim, but you can't fix stupid I suppose.

Carry on idiot.
[makes more popcorn.]
It's no mystery, the Mueller comedy team needed a chump and it turned out to be Flynn. Imagine charging someone with lying to the FBI. When the democrats went after Reagan about violating an amendment to a military appropriations bill with Iran/Contra they ended up getting Ollie North on some bull shit charge after all he did for his Country. The charge was later dismissed and Iran Contra turned out to be smoke and mirrors.
There are many ways to coerce someone, in this case the government is trying to bankrupt Flynn to coerce him into cooperating. Mueller has unlimited money to attack Flynn, meanwhile Flynn has already put his house up for sale to pay his legal bills. He folded due to the financial pressure.

This is true but this time he cannot lie. Because he's a known liar, a convicted liar, and his word cannot be taken alone as proof of anything. Mueller has something else to back it up or it's yet another ruse to keep the sheeple focused. The whole purpose of the witch hunt is to give the left something to counter Trump's successes in this next years election.

It's still a nothingburger.

Name another modern president that was held to the same standard the establishment has set for Trump. The Washington establishment is pissed the people dared to elect someone who is not an establishment hand picked hack, so they have been attacking Trump since day 1. They let Hillary off scott free for highly illegal shit that would have put any common citizen in prison and they are trying to take Trump out for little bullshit nonsense.

You have it backwards. Republicans tried to take out Hillary Clinton for the bullshit email scandal SNIP

BS email scandal?? You lie! An inspector general who has seen the emails on Clinton's server that were above top secret said, if he had done what Hillary did he would be in Leavenworth prison.
Btw, I'm still waiting for you to show us where the obstruction is.

I already told you that the "evidence" is Mueller's job.....BUT,you're freeto hang by your testicles waiting for us to show you the evidence......Shouldn't be too long, though........LOL
IF Mueller had ANYTHING he would have charged Flynn with it to coercer his compliance.. ALL he had was lying to the FBI. Nothing more...

Nothing indicating collusion is even present..
I really do have a question regarding Flynn....a question that goes beyond partisanship.....

Flynn was in military intelligence, once headed (and was later fired) the DIA with the Obama administration, and was tagged to be NSA chief under Trump......

With the above background, HOW could Flynn not know that his telephone conversations with the Russians would be monitored (and probably recorded)???

Further, the FBI employs a method that somewhat smacks of entrapment; that is, to ask a question whose answer the FBI already knows but is baiting the interviewee into lying......Such was the case with Flynn when the FBI asked him about the "nature" of his phone calls with the Russians.

Now, either Flynn is a complete idiot.....(which I doubt).....OR, Flynn opted for the relatively lesser culpability in lying to the FBI hoping that his boss, Trump, would get him off the hook.

The wily Mueller has shown us just a glimpse of what Flynn has divulged to his investigators, and the following weeks should slowly reveal a heck of a lot more of what went on in those campaign days and first few weeks from election to inauguration.

There is much "quid pro quo" between Russia and Trump and the obstruction of justice allegations to soon see the light of day.......Hang on to your hats, the rough ride will be bumpy.

"Now, either Flynn is a complete idiot.....(which I doubt).....OR, Flynn opted for the relatively lesser culpability in lying to the FBI hoping that his boss, Trump, would get him off the hook."

great point... this is what crossed my mind as well.

flynn and sessions, who should know better, were acting as if they are above the law.

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