The myth about Lilith.

Because if both Adam and his wife were created in His Image, that would mean that God would have the female reproductive system also as well as the male's.
Why would God be a male figure instead of a female figure?


the female counterpart of Lord would be = Best Answer: Short answer: Lady.

Long answer: The term is Lady, but that can be applied to other statures as well.

For example, a Marchioness (wife of Marquess), Countess (wife of a Count), Viscountess (wife of a Viscount) or Baroness (wife of a Baron) could all be addressed by the title of "Lady", as can the wife of a knight or baronet.

Likewise with the wife of a Thane (for example, Lady Macbeth).

Royalty (princesses, etc) are often addressed with the prefix "The Lady" (for example, the Lady Elizabeth).

Females in certain Orders (for example, the Order of the Thistle) are also granted the title of Lady.

So it can have a lot of uses. If you're going for a more unique sound, I'd use one of the other terms for noblewomen.
Revelation 2:20

"But I have this against you: You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet and who teaches and leads my servants to practice immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols." ISV

Revelation 2:22

"So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways." NIV
Who in this world can be a female pretending to be a man and then a prophet of God Most High?

To be able to pull this off, the person would have to go through some serious surgical procedures so as to appear to be a man and not a woman. Balding hair, receding hair line, facial hair, body hair, genital surgery, eye nose throat surgery, hand surgery, all forms of surgical procedures so people will have no clue that he is actually a she.

Despite the fact that this woman has tons of $$$ to spend of surgical procedures, I wonder why she would feel such a strong need to spread lies about God?

This is what I might call, a very strong devil hold on that person. From birth until whenever, the devil has held her in his unloosening grip.

If this person should ever stop, do you think the devil is going to care that her whole life and identity can never be regained as original?
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Because if both Adam and his wife were created in His Image, that would mean that God would have the female reproductive system also as well as the male's.

angels were often seen as hermaphrodite, so why not god?

Why does sex need to be an aspect of creation? We now have science, perhaps in some way god might as well be able to create man without sex of any kind.

Obviously the choir of angels were created in some way. They might have been two at a time, both male and female in one being.

Hermaphrodite, gay, transsexual ............ why does it matter for angels or humans or god?

Why would angels be capable of sex and yet not allowed to engage in it?

God was not a singular, god of gods. Command was thou shalt have no other god before god, not there are no other gods. He/it was also supposed to have had a wife. Did god actually give birth to angels and man or just the semen.

Long before god was imagined as a male, it was seen as female. Even today we still use terms like mother earth or mother nature.
And so, what about for these people?

Transgender first-grader wins the right to use girls' restroom -


Transgender people experience pressure from society at large and even ...

Where will their lost identity be if they should ever stop?
Doesn't quite read like that.
1)Lilith(Night Spector) the first woman(bride) created with Adam (meaning man) is not the same as Liliam and another Lilith later in scripture seen as demonic.
The Mythical, new agers, or Demonic Lilith seems to me derived from another Lilith who came to
Solomon's judgement seat, disguised as one of the 2 harlots of Jerusalem.
His judgement on the two harlots is recorded in 1 Kings III:16.
According to Isaiah XXXIV:14-15, Lilith dwells among the desolate ruins in the Edomite Desert where satyrs ("se'ir"), reems {2}, pelicans, owls {3}, jackals, ostriches, arrow-snakes and kites {4} keep her company. Therefore Isaiah's Lilith is not to be confused with
the first woman Lilith in the creation story.

2) she is not given equal rights and
not given the same right of missionary position (proselytize).
So she is cast away by man (Adam) and perhaps ends up within demonic kingdoms as Lilith =Israel's hosts & Temple scattered amongst the pagan cultures, but RETURNS(HaShev) when Adam (mankind) asks for her Return(HaShev).
3)Eve was the 2nd bride, the one created out of a portion of man=the church.
This means:
man (Adam) was asked to partake of his second brides (Eve=the church) fruit (teachings) that she received from the false prophet (serpent) and from this mixing of good and evil doctrine as knowledge that mixed both helpful and harmful ideology mankind was no longer able to distinguish which concept and ideology was truly good or truly evil thus tainted it all by mixing it up.
Thus they truly died even though the false prophet said to believe in him to live forever, mankind has since seen thousands of wars and over 50 million murders with cemetaries and funeral homes in his name with no life in them.-oops we surely did die as it said we would. The fig leaves and the word for nudity in Genesis can be confused and written the same as covering up deceptions, just like the naked truth expression.
And surely adam (mankind)
and his bride (the church) did cover up the deceptions, until we see the iniquities in this son of perditions created image-Ezekiel 28:14-15, and we Return Lilith
(the Night Spector) to her rightful place as bride of man created as such by God. Lilith good or bad?

Adam, Lilith, Eve are not actual people, they represent what I discussed in the same way the serpent isn't a literal snake. In fact the word used means
"shining"(luciferous) viper.
Which is why the iconographs show Lucifer under foot of the Archangel with head being stomped on to match that of Genesis serpent being stomped on.
The commentary on creations Lilith is she is not evil, but she is cast among evil nations. Literal people Liliam and later Lilith in Isaiah are the ones considered bad.
You guys are missing the obvious:
Lilith the Night Spector=bride of Shalem.
which was cast away for seeking equality.
man then choses for his bride;
Eve the church=bride of Baal.
Until Lilith is "returned" which Israel and it's city to Shalem has, now all that's left is the Mikdash in the name of the head priest.

YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

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