The myth of discrimination against “gays” and lesbians

The funny part is that even though every elected official swears up and down that these laws were not intended to discriminate against homosexuals- here on the boards, Conservatives have been defending these laws- because they believe that these laws would allow business's to be exempt from anti-discrimination laws, and thereby able to legally discriminate.
That sounds correct. So ?
But getting back to the threat and fear of discrimination, is it even conceivable that any gay person might be left without a possible wedding venue, or photographer, or wedding cake, or seat in a restaurant, or any desired product or service whatsoever, due to discrimination under this law?

Didn’t think so. It is all bullshit.

Is it even conceivable that this law is necessary to protect anyone's 'religious freedom's?

Didn't think so. It is all bullshit.
Dear Syriusly It was in response to the lawsuits where photography/bakery businesses
lost and/or were forced to pay fines.

Why are gays and transgender allowed to pass laws to protect themselves from backlash,
but Christians are not? What kind of political discrimination is that?

The very same laws that protect the LGBT community explicitly protect Christians and all other religious believers in exactly the same way.

Whether the business owner is Gay or Christian, Black or Jewish, female or handicapped- the law applies the same to all business's.

Whether the customer is Gay or Christian, Black or Jewish, female or handicapped- the law applies the same to every group covered by the law.

Hi Syriusly No, there is SERIOUS backlash going on, and has been going on against Christians.

More than one video has been released of MUSLIM bakeries turning away gays,
and there has been NO OUTCRY by the LGBT community over that!!!.

I haven't seen any account of Muslim bakeries turning away homosexuals- feel free to provide actual documented cases for me to look at.

In Colorado they would be just as guilty of violating the law as any other business that turned away someone for being black or Christian or handicapped or gay.
While the gay lobby and their drooling dogs all keep yammering on about how RFRA is going to cause loss of business to the states with RFRA laws, It would seem that businesses who don't want to serve gays just might be inclined to pack up and move to another state. Likewise, businesses thinking of locating in Colorado, just might now decide otherwise. Looks like a loss of business due to gays being defended from discrimination (that they bring on themselves for being the looneytunes that they are).
But getting back to the threat and fear of discrimination, is it even conceivable that any gay person might be left without a possible wedding venue, or photographer, or wedding cake, or seat in a restaurant, or any desired product or service whatsoever, due to discrimination under this law?

Didn’t think so. It is all bullshit.

Is it even conceivable that this law is necessary to protect anyone's 'religious freedom's?

Didn't think so. It is all bullshit.
Dear Syriusly It was in response to the lawsuits where photography/bakery businesses
lost and/or were forced to pay fines.

Why are gays and transgender allowed to pass laws to protect themselves from backlash,
but Christians are not? What kind of political discrimination is that?

The very same laws that protect the LGBT community explicitly protect Christians and all other religious believers in exactly the same way.

Whether the business owner is Gay or Christian, Black or Jewish, female or handicapped- the law applies the same to all business's.

Whether the customer is Gay or Christian, Black or Jewish, female or handicapped- the law applies the same to every group covered by the law.

Guess you didn't hear about the homo bakers refusing to do a cake where they disliked what was on it and nothing happening.
Thanks for clearing all that up. Someone needs to explain it to all those corporate CEO's. Sounds like they really got snookered.
They are gay, didn't you know ? When Tim Cook, CEO of Apple (who came out of the closet last October), is upset about all the places that he does business with, because of the way they treat gays and women, he needs to withdraw from 90% of the markets that he’s in, including China and Saudi Arabia,. But we don’t hear Tim Hypocrite Cook being upset about that, now do we ? LOL.
I know. The limp wristed faggots like to call America *extremist Christian*.

I tell you, it's time to cull the worthless losers of this country.

Yeah- nothing says 'Proud American' like a bigot calling for the murder of other Americans.
Oh. just putting all the sex-freak loonies in mental institutions where they belong would be good enough. Then, if they want to have at it with each other, so be it. As long as they're away from the rest of us, and especially our kids.
But getting back to the threat and fear of discrimination, is it even conceivable that any gay person might be left without a possible wedding venue, or photographer, or wedding cake, or seat in a restaurant, or any desired product or service whatsoever, due to discrimination under this law?

Didn’t think so. It is all bullshit.

Is it even conceivable that this law is necessary to protect anyone's 'religious freedom's?

Didn't think so. It is all bullshit.
Of course it's conceiveable . Christians ar eunder attack all ofver the world right now. Mostly by Muslim lunatics overseas, and by sex degenerate lunatics here in the US.
I know. The limp wristed faggots like to call America *extremist Christian*.

I tell you, it's time to cull the worthless losers of this country.

Well get off your ass do it then. You're going to do exactly two things to "cull" these "worthless losers" out of the country...jack and shit.
Allie is nothing beyond talk talk talk.
But getting back to the threat and fear of discrimination, is it even conceivable that any gay person might be left without a possible wedding venue, or photographer, or wedding cake, or seat in a restaurant, or any desired product or service whatsoever, due to discrimination under this law?

Didn’t think so. It is all bullshit.

Is it even conceivable that this law is necessary to protect anyone's 'religious freedom's?

Didn't think so. It is all bullshit.
Dear Syriusly It was in response to the lawsuits where photography/bakery businesses
lost and/or were forced to pay fines.

Why are gays and transgender allowed to pass laws to protect themselves from backlash,
but Christians are not? What kind of political discrimination is that?

The very same laws that protect the LGBT community explicitly protect Christians and all other religious believers in exactly the same way.

Whether the business owner is Gay or Christian, Black or Jewish, female or handicapped- the law applies the same to all business's.

Whether the customer is Gay or Christian, Black or Jewish, female or handicapped- the law applies the same to every group covered by the law.
You have to wonder why it is now...after those laws have been around for decades....that they start crying.
But getting back to the threat and fear of discrimination, is it even conceivable that any gay person might be left without a possible wedding venue, or photographer, or wedding cake, or seat in a restaurant, or any desired product or service whatsoever, due to discrimination under this law?

Didn’t think so. It is all bullshit.

Is it even conceivable that this law is necessary to protect anyone's 'religious freedom's?

Didn't think so. It is all bullshit.
Dear Syriusly It was in response to the lawsuits where photography/bakery businesses
lost and/or were forced to pay fines.

Why are gays and transgender allowed to pass laws to protect themselves from backlash,
but Christians are not? What kind of political discrimination is that?

The very same laws that protect the LGBT community explicitly protect Christians and all other religious believers in exactly the same way.

Whether the business owner is Gay or Christian, Black or Jewish, female or handicapped- the law applies the same to all business's.

Whether the customer is Gay or Christian, Black or Jewish, female or handicapped- the law applies the same to every group covered by the law.

Guess you didn't hear about the homo bakers refusing to do a cake where they disliked what was on it and nothing happening.
You will have to tell us more about it.
I sense that America's queer lobby has awakened a sleeping giant (80% of Americans -Christians), and filled him with a terrible resolve.
I know. The limp wristed faggots like to call America *extremist Christian*.

I tell you, it's time to cull the worthless losers of this country.

Koshergrl does such a great job representing Christians
I know. The limp wristed faggots like to call America *extremist Christian*.

I tell you, it's time to cull the worthless losers of this country.

There is that good Christian love, shining for all to see, right?
The new Indiana law allows businesses to decline to sell products or to perform objectionable services for potential clients and customers, if the objection is based on legitimate religious beliefs. The is intended to address various rare situations where, for example, a religious-affiliated event venue might turn down a request for rental for a bachelor party where porn films are going to be shown.

So, if somebody refused to cater a pornographic event, what would happen without the Indiana law?
The new Indiana law allows businesses to decline to sell products or to perform objectionable services for potential clients and customers, if the objection is based on legitimate religious beliefs. The is intended to address various rare situations where, for example, a religious-affiliated event venue might turn down a request for rental for a bachelor party where porn films are going to be shown.

So, if somebody refused to cater a pornographic event, what would happen without the Indiana law?
Why do you ask ? Just curious. :biggrin:
I know. The limp wristed faggots like to call America *extremist Christian*.

I tell you, it's time to cull the worthless losers of this country.

There is that good Christian love, shining for all to see, right?
Love and self-defense are fully compatible. :biggrin:

Well let's see what Christian scriptures say about the matter:

"but I say unto you, resist not him that is evil: but whosoever smiteth thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."
-- Jesus; as quoted Mt 5:39

"it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing."
-- Romans 13:5-6
The new Indiana law allows businesses to decline to sell products or to perform objectionable services for potential clients and customers, if the objection is based on legitimate religious beliefs. The is intended to address various rare situations where, for example, a religious-affiliated event venue might turn down a request for rental for a bachelor party where porn films are going to be shown.

So, if somebody refused to cater a pornographic event, what would happen without the Indiana law?
Why do you ask ? Just curious. :biggrin:

Rhetorical question. Because of course it violated no law to do so.
I know. The limp wristed faggots like to call America *extremist Christian*.

I tell you, it's time to cull the worthless losers of this country.

There is that good Christian love, shining for all to see, right?
Love and self-defense are fully compatible. :biggrin:

Well let's see what Christian scriptures say about the matter:

"but I say unto you, resist not him that is evil: but whosoever smiteth thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also."
-- Jesus; as quoted Mt 5:39

"it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God’s servants, who give their full time to governing."
-- Romans 13:5-6
So you're saying that Christians should not resist evil, and simply allow it to abuse them ?
The new Indiana law allows businesses to decline to sell products or to perform objectionable services for potential clients and customers, if the objection is based on legitimate religious beliefs. The is intended to address various rare situations where, for example, a religious-affiliated event venue might turn down a request for rental for a bachelor party where porn films are going to be shown.

So, if somebody refused to cater a pornographic event, what would happen without the Indiana law?
Why do you ask ? Just curious. :biggrin:

Rhetorical question. Because of course it violated no law to do so.
The question is whether the Chrisitian would be violating his Christain law.

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