The myth of the so called "southern strategy" brought about by leftist propagandists.

Empty threats will get you nowhere.

Let's talk about what Republicans are doing to blacks. Specifically poor blacks.

Republicans in Red states get federal dollars to help poor people. But Republicans treat the money like a slush fund. Very little federal welfare dollars in red states go to poor people. Especially poor blacks. So if that idiot wants to talk about what Republicans are doing to poor black people, let's have that conversation.

I don't think black people buy the argument that we give poor blacks welfare to "keep them on the plantation". I don't think the "free stuff" argument works on blacks. That argument only works on racist whites.

It's just so obvious that somewhere along the way, the Republican party stopped being the Civil Rights party or the party of Lincoln.

Today they worship Robert E Lee statues. A DEMOCRAT. Us Democrats are trying to take down those statues. Why are Republicans suddenly defending dead Democrats?

It's obvious. Republicans today would have been the people who were against civil rights. Like when I was growing up it was them who fought very hard to not have MLK be a holiday. Or not have February be Black History Month. For some reason Republicans today hate all things black. So it's a joke to say they gave us civil rights.

Today's republicans are like Democrats in the South in the 50's who made it hard for blacks to vote. Who pulled every trick and passed every law they could to make it harder for blacks to vote.

Sure you can have the right to vote. If you can recite the Declaration of Independence? Or if you have a valid ID.
This is why I don't care much about party labels.......I care more about ideology and policies.....

And the truth is, CONSERVATIVES have opposed every emancipation effort made by virtually every minority group in this country....not just black folks....but native Americans...gays....women....even handicap people had to fight tooth and nail against conservatives for things we all take for granted now....

When rightwingers today incessantly say "but but the KKK were Democrats" -- they are doing this to avoid talking about the track record of Conservative ideology and policies when it came to Civil Rights, Women's Rights and Labor Rights....
You're telling me that Republicans today are the same Republicans that passed Civil Rights and freed the slaves?

In the message, sent to one of his producers in the hours after violent Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Mr. Carlson described how he had recently watched a video of a group of men — Trump supporters, he said — violently attacking “an Antifa kid.”
It was “three against one, at least,” he wrote.
And then he expressed a sense of dismay that the attackers, like him, were white.

“Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously,” he wrote.
“It’s not how white men fight,” he said. But he said he found himself for a moment wanting the group to kill the person he had described as the Antifa kid.

Like the secretly taped conversation of Republicans and Cops in Oklahoma talking about missing the days they could lynch blacks, this is a peak into the minds of Republicans. They are certainly not the same people who passed Civil Rights or freed the slaves. It's laughable to even suggest it.

Full text

A couple of weeks ago, I was watching video of people fighting on the street in Washington. A group of Trump guys surrounded an Antifa kid and started pounding the living shit out of him. It was three against one, at least. Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously. It’s not how white men fight. Yet suddenly I found myself rooting for the mob against the man, hoping they’d hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it. Then somewhere deep in my brain, an alarm went off: this isn’t good for me. I’m becoming something I don’t want to be. The Antifa creep is a human being. Much as I despise what he says and does, much as I’m sure I’d hate him personally if I knew him, I shouldn’t gloat over his suffering. I should be bothered by it. I should remember that somewhere somebody probably loves this kid, and would be crushed if he was killed. If I don’t care about those things, if I reduce people to their politics, how am I better than he is?

You have one, maybe one, lone example.......I give you the leader of the democrat party.........and a caucus of that party...

Yes.......and the democrat party leadership are the same racists.......but they include racists of all skin obama showed when he and the congressional black caucus hosted louis farakhan, racist and anti-semite......and when obama hosted racist and anti-semite al sharpton, and when obama remained in a racist, and anti-semitic church for 20 years.
You have one, maybe one, lone example.......I give you the leader of the democrat party.........and a caucus of that party...

Yes.......and the democrat party leadership are the same racists.......but they include racists of all skin obama showed when he and the congressional black caucus hosted louis farakhan, racist and anti-semite......and when obama hosted racist and anti-semite al sharpton, and when obama remained in a racist, and anti-semitic church for 20 years.
How come you morons never answer the question?

Why did MLK say this about conservatives way back in 64??


Why did he say the radical right in the Republican Party were a bunch of racists? I thought MLK was a republican
How come you morons never answer the question?

Why did MLK say this about conservatives way back in 64??

View attachment 781850

Why did he say the radical right in the Republican Party were a bunch of racists? I thought MLK was a republican

Hey....moron......MLK sided with the racist LBJ over the Civil Rights hero idiot...He sold his children and the children of black americans to the party of slavery...the democrat party, and they have suffered ever since....

LBJ’s Democratic Plantation › American Greatness
there is a man who, according to a memo filed by FBI agent William Branigan, seems to have been in the Ku Klux Klan. This memo was only revealed in recent months, with the release of the JFK Files.

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

"He had been a congressman, beginning in 1937, for eleven years, and for eleven years he had voted against every civil rights bill –

against not only legislation aimed at ending the poll tax and segregation in the armed services but even against legislation aimed at ending lynching: a one hundred percent record," Caro wrote.

"Running for the Senate in 1948, he had assailed President" Harry "Truman’s entire civil rights program (‘an effort to set up a police state’)…Until 1957, in the Senate, as in the House, his record – by that time a twenty-year record – against civil rights had been consistent," Caro wrote.


The Party of Civil Rights | National Review

The Party of Civil Rights

The depth of Johnson’s prior opposition to civil-rights reform must be digested in some detail to be properly appreciated.

In the House, he did not represent a particularly segregationist constituency (it “made up for being less intensely segregationist than the rest of the South by being more intensely anti-Communist,” as the New York Times put it), but Johnson was practically antebellum in his views.

Never mind civil rights or voting rights: In Congress, Johnson had consistently and repeatedly voted against legislation to protect black Americans from lynching.

As a leader in the Senate, Johnson did his best to cripple the Civil Rights Act of 1957; not having votes sufficient to stop it, he managed to reduce it to an act of mere symbolism by excising the enforcement provisions before sending it to the desk of President Eisenhower.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill. The reformers came back in 1960 with an act to remedy the deficiencies of the 1957 act, and Johnson’s Senate Democrats again staged a record-setting filibuster.

In both cases, the “master of the Senate” petitioned the northeastern Kennedy liberals to credit him for having seen to the law’s passage while at the same time boasting to southern Democrats that he had taken the teeth out of the legislation.

Johnson would later explain his thinking thus: “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days, and that’s a problem for us, since they’ve got something now they never had before: the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this — we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights



Barry M. Goldwater: The Most Consequential Loser in American Politics

Goldwater treated all people the same. As a private citizen, he flew mercy missions to Navaho reservations, never asking for recognition or accepting payment. He felt that “the red man seemed as much—if not more—a part of Arizona and America as any white or black person.”[20] Moreover, a few weeks after Goldwater was discharged from the Army in November 1945, Democratic Arizona Governor Sidney Preston Osborn asked him to organize the Arizona Air National Guard. One of Goldwater’s first recommendations, soon approved, was to desegregate the unit. Goldwater’s integration of the state’s Air National Guard took place more than two years before President Harry Truman integrated the U.S. armed forces.

Goldwater was an early member of the Arizona chapters of both the NAACP and the National Urban League, even making up the latter’s operating deficit when it was getting started. Later as a Senator, he desegregated the Senate cafeteria in 1953, demanding that his black legislative assistant, Kathrine Maxwell, be served along with every other Senate employee after learning she had been denied service.

In the mid-1970s, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, investigating improper operations of the intelligence community in the United States, proposed that transcripts of the FBI tapes about Martin Luther King Jr.’s alleged indiscretions be published. An outraged Goldwater declared he would not be a party to destroying King’s reputation and strode out of the committee room. A fellow Senator recalled that Goldwater’s protest “injected some common sense into the proceedings,” and the electronic surveillance transcripts were not released.[21]

That his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was based on constitutional grounds and not political considerations was underscored in the final week of the fall campaign.

Speaking in Columbia, South Carolina, Goldwater condemned segregation and declared that government must treat “all men as equal in the arena of law and civil order.”[22] He pledged if elected President to implement all provisions of the act. His forthright pro-civil rights speech was televised on 87 stations throughout the South.


As for the Republican nominee's position on the Civil Rights Act, Goldwater had said he would vote for passage if Section II on public accommodations and Section VII on equal employment opportunity were removed. With his view reinforced by a detailed memorandum from Phoenix lawyer and future Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Goldwater felt these sections were unconstitutional, were unenforceable without a federal police force, and would lead to the creation of racial quotas and affirmative action.

"He was absolutely right about [the two sections of the Civil Rights Act] and they did lead to precisely what Goldwater and most conservatives were afraid of," said Tom Winter, then executive editor of Human Events, who would join Ryskind as its co-owner a year later. As for the "extremism in the defense of liberty" speech, Winter recalled watching it from a San Francisco restaurant "and cheering it because it was clearly about freedom and fighting communism. I certainly didn't think it had anything to do with race."

More specifically, Goldwater had problems with title II and title VII of the 1964 bill. He felt that constitutionally the federal government had no legal right to interfere in who people hired, fired; or to whom they sold their products, goods and services. He felt that “power” laid in the various states, and with the people. He was a strong advocate of the tenth amendment. Goldwater’s constitutional stance did not mean he agreed with the segregation and racial discrimination practiced in the South. To the contrary, he fought against these kinds of racial divides in his own state of Arizona. He supported the integration of the Arizona National guard and Phoenix public schools.[4] Goldwater was, also, a member of the NAACP and the Urban League.[5]
His personal feelings about discrimination are enshrined in the congressional record where he states, “I am unalterably opposed to discrimination or segregation on the basis of race, color, or creed or on any other basis; not only my words, but more importantly my actions through years have repeatedly demonstrated the sincerity of my feeling in this regard…”[6]. And, he would continued to holdfast to his strongly felt convictions that constitutionally the federal government was limited in what it could do, believing that the amoral actions of those perpetuating discrimination and segregation would have to be judged by those in that community. Eventually, the states government and local communities would come to pressure people to change their minds. Goldwater’s view was that the civil disobedience by private citizens against those business establishments was more preferable than intervention by the feds. He, optimistically, believed that racial intolerance would soon buckle under the economic and societal pressure.
Hey....moron......MLK sided with the racist LBJ over the Civil Rights hero idiot...He sold his children and the children of black americans to the party of slavery...the democrat party, and they have suffered ever since....

LBJ’s Democratic Plantation › American Greatness
LBJ’s Democratic Plantation › American Greatness
there is a man who, according to a memo filed by FBI agent William Branigan, seems to have been in the Ku Klux Klan. This memo was only revealed in recent months, with the release of the JFK Files.

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

"He had been a congressman, beginning in 1937, for eleven years, and for eleven years he had voted against every civil rights bill –

against not only legislation aimed at ending the poll tax and segregation in the armed services but even against legislation aimed at ending lynching: a one hundred percent record," Caro wrote.

"Running for the Senate in 1948, he had assailed President" Harry "Truman’s entire civil rights program (‘an effort to set up a police state’)…Until 1957, in the Senate, as in the House, his record – by that time a twenty-year record – against civil rights had been consistent," Caro wrote.


The Party of Civil Rights | National Review

The Party of Civil Rights

The depth of Johnson’s prior opposition to civil-rights reform must be digested in some detail to be properly appreciated.

In the House, he did not represent a particularly segregationist constituency (it “made up for being less intensely segregationist than the rest of the South by being more intensely anti-Communist,” as the New York Times put it), but Johnson was practically antebellum in his views.

Never mind civil rights or voting rights: In Congress, Johnson had consistently and repeatedly voted against legislation to protect black Americans from lynching.

As a leader in the Senate, Johnson did his best to cripple the Civil Rights Act of 1957; not having votes sufficient to stop it, he managed to reduce it to an act of mere symbolism by excising the enforcement provisions before sending it to the desk of President Eisenhower.

Johnson’s Democratic colleague Strom Thurmond nonetheless went to the trouble of staging the longest filibuster in history up to that point, speaking for 24 hours in a futile attempt to block the bill. The reformers came back in 1960 with an act to remedy the deficiencies of the 1957 act, and Johnson’s Senate Democrats again staged a record-setting filibuster.

In both cases, the “master of the Senate” petitioned the northeastern Kennedy liberals to credit him for having seen to the law’s passage while at the same time boasting to southern Democrats that he had taken the teeth out of the legislation.

Johnson would later explain his thinking thus: “These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days, and that’s a problem for us, since they’ve got something now they never had before: the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this — we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”

Read more at: The Party of Civil Rights



Barry M. Goldwater: The Most Consequential Loser in American Politics

Goldwater treated all people the same. As a private citizen, he flew mercy missions to Navaho reservations, never asking for recognition or accepting payment. He felt that “the red man seemed as much—if not more—a part of Arizona and America as any white or black person.”[20] Moreover, a few weeks after Goldwater was discharged from the Army in November 1945, Democratic Arizona Governor Sidney Preston Osborn asked him to organize the Arizona Air National Guard. One of Goldwater’s first recommendations, soon approved, was to desegregate the unit. Goldwater’s integration of the state’s Air National Guard took place more than two years before President Harry Truman integrated the U.S. armed forces.

Goldwater was an early member of the Arizona chapters of both the NAACP and the National Urban League, even making up the latter’s operating deficit when it was getting started. Later as a Senator, he desegregated the Senate cafeteria in 1953, demanding that his black legislative assistant, Kathrine Maxwell, be served along with every other Senate employee after learning she had been denied service.

In the mid-1970s, a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, investigating improper operations of the intelligence community in the United States, proposed that transcripts of the FBI tapes about Martin Luther King Jr.’s alleged indiscretions be published. An outraged Goldwater declared he would not be a party to destroying King’s reputation and strode out of the committee room. A fellow Senator recalled that Goldwater’s protest “injected some common sense into the proceedings,” and the electronic surveillance transcripts were not released.[21]

That his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was based on constitutional grounds and not political considerations was underscored in the final week of the fall campaign.

Speaking in Columbia, South Carolina, Goldwater condemned segregation and declared that government must treat “all men as equal in the arena of law and civil order.”[22] He pledged if elected President to implement all provisions of the act. His forthright pro-civil rights speech was televised on 87 stations throughout the South.


As for the Republican nominee's position on the Civil Rights Act, Goldwater had said he would vote for passage if Section II on public accommodations and Section VII on equal employment opportunity were removed. With his view reinforced by a detailed memorandum from Phoenix lawyer and future Chief Justice William Rehnquist, Goldwater felt these sections were unconstitutional, were unenforceable without a federal police force, and would lead to the creation of racial quotas and affirmative action.

"He was absolutely right about [the two sections of the Civil Rights Act] and they did lead to precisely what Goldwater and most conservatives were afraid of," said Tom Winter, then executive editor of Human Events, who would join Ryskind as its co-owner a year later. As for the "extremism in the defense of liberty" speech, Winter recalled watching it from a San Francisco restaurant "and cheering it because it was clearly about freedom and fighting communism. I certainly didn't think it had anything to do with race."

More specifically, Goldwater had problems with title II and title VII of the 1964 bill. He felt that constitutionally the federal government had no legal right to interfere in who people hired, fired; or to whom they sold their products, goods and services. He felt that “power” laid in the various states, and with the people. He was a strong advocate of the tenth amendment. Goldwater’s constitutional stance did not mean he agreed with the segregation and racial discrimination practiced in the South. To the contrary, he fought against these kinds of racial divides in his own state of Arizona. He supported the integration of the Arizona National guard and Phoenix public schools.[4] Goldwater was, also, a member of the NAACP and the Urban League.[5]
His personal feelings about discrimination are enshrined in the congressional record where he states, “I am unalterably opposed to discrimination or segregation on the basis of race, color, or creed or on any other basis; not only my words, but more importantly my actions through years have repeatedly demonstrated the sincerity of my feeling in this regard…”[6]. And, he would continued to holdfast to his strongly felt convictions that constitutionally the federal government was limited in what it could do, believing that the amoral actions of those perpetuating discrimination and segregation would have to be judged by those in that community. Eventually, the states government and local communities would come to pressure people to change their minds. Goldwater’s view was that the civil disobedience by private citizens against those business establishments was more preferable than intervention by the feds. He, optimistically, believed that racial intolerance would soon buckle under the economic and societal pressure.
So let me get this straight.....

The side who was pushing to get Civil Rights and Voting Rights passed were racist....

And the side who voted against Civil Rights and Voting Rights and basically any federal enforcement of constitutional rights for black people -- those are the heroes?


Guess that is why black voters all but abandoned the Republican Party after Goldwater was's almost like policies matter.....

At least you are admitting what most other of you right-wing morons try to deny.....that Conservatives HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST CIVIL RIGHTS.....
Last edited:
So let me get this straight.....

The side who was pushing to get Civil Rights and Voting Rights passed were racist....

And the side who voted against Civil Rights and Voting Rights and basically any federal enforcement of constitutional rights for black people -- those are the heroes?

View attachment 781866

Guess that is why black voters all but abandoned the Republican Party after Goldwater was's almost like policies matter.....

At least you are admitting what most other of you right-wing morons try to deny.....that Conservatives HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST CIVIL RIGHTS.....
So let me get this straight.....

The side who was pushing to get Civil Rights and Voting Rights passed were racist....

And the side who voted against Civil Rights and Voting Rights and basically any federal enforcement of constitutional rights for black people -- those are the heroes?

View attachment 781866

Guess that is why black voters all but abandoned the Republican Party after Goldwater was's almost like policies matter.....

At least you are admitting what most other of you right-wing morons try to deny.....that Conservatives HAVE ALWAYS BEEN AGAINST CIVIL RIGHTS.....

LBJ was an open racist and fought Civil Right a his whole career...till it was no longer viable for thw democrats...

Goldwatwr was a Civil Rights hero his entire life

MLK sold his people to the democrats and thy have suffered ever since.....twll is how great they are donig under democrat party love
You have one, maybe one, lone example.......I give you the leader of the democrat party.........and a caucus of that party...

Yes.......and the democrat party leadership are the same racists.......but they include racists of all skin obama showed when he and the congressional black caucus hosted louis farakhan, racist and anti-semite......and when obama hosted racist and anti-semite al sharpton, and when obama remained in a racist, and anti-semitic church for 20 years.
OMG you are such a right wing tool. Obama condemned Wright at least. Trump said there were good people on both sides of a KKK rally. That was the best he could do.
Again, you fail to address the actual racism of obama....his close personal friends louis farakhan, al sharpton and jeremiah wright....the democrat party has been the home of racism since it was founded by two slave owners......

You are a dumb ass trying to smear a black man because he won't obey you......

You guys are the guys will destroy as many blacks as you have to to keep power...just look at the cities you control. where your democrat party controlled schools refuse to educate black children, condemning them to a life of poverty, crime and hopelessness...

You are vile and disgusting.

Here is more evidence of Trump palling around with terrorists

“You were caught on tape just last month hugging a domestic terrorist ― a woman convicted for her role in the Jan. 6 riot,” he said. “Why should anyone who believes in law and order, who supports police ― who supports democracy ― vote for you given your open and deliberate support for convicted criminals?”


Yes, wonderful lesson and whenever these blowhards on the left repeat marxist cliches and utter BS about the democrats in the all of sudden switching parties, listen to the truth and counter it with facts.

Not that that would mean much to these contaminated thoroughly dd.moralized leftists around, you can at least have the actual facts.

Can you explain to us then how Republicans went from being the party that gave us civil rights and voting rights to doing this to black people in Alabama

In doing so, the court — which has a 6-3 conservative majority — turned away the state’s effort to make it harder to remedy concerns raised by civil rights advocates that the power of Black voters in states like Alabama is being diluted by dividing voters into districts where white voters dominate.

the map violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act by discriminating against Black voters.

The new map created one district out of seven in the state in which Black voters would likely be able to elect a candidate of their choosing. The challengers say that the state, which has a population that is more than a quarter Black, should have two such districts and provided evidence that such a district could be drawn.

A lower court agreed in a ruling last January, saying that under Supreme Court precedent, the plaintiffs had shown that Alabama’s Black population was both large enough and sufficiently compact for there to be a second majority-Black district. The court ordered a new map to be drawn

So the same white racists we see in the movies when they turn away black people from voting, are using other tactics to not give blacks fair representation in the government.

The case in Alabama illustrates the Southern Strategy is real. White Republicans in the south are to this day still fucking with black people. Stop it.

The Supreme Court only gave us liberals this because their image is very bad right now with Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crow, Clarence's wife, Roe V Wade, the EPA. This court is clearly a right wing court legislating from the bench. Something Republicans accused us of doing before Trump appointed 3 right wing nutjobs to the high court.
Can you explain to us then how Republicans went from being the party that gave us civil rights and voting rights to doing this to black people in Alabama

In doing so, the court — which has a 6-3 conservative majority — turned away the state’s effort to make it harder to remedy concerns raised by civil rights advocates that the power of Black voters in states like Alabama is being diluted by dividing voters into districts where white voters dominate.

the map violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act by discriminating against Black voters.

The new map created one district out of seven in the state in which Black voters would likely be able to elect a candidate of their choosing. The challengers say that the state, which has a population that is more than a quarter Black, should have two such districts and provided evidence that such a district could be drawn.

A lower court agreed in a ruling last January, saying that under Supreme Court precedent, the plaintiffs had shown that Alabama’s Black population was both large enough and sufficiently compact for there to be a second majority-Black district. The court ordered a new map to be drawn

So the same white racists we see in the movies when they turn away black people from voting, are using other tactics to not give blacks fair representation in the government.

The case in Alabama illustrates the Southern Strategy is real. White Republicans in the south are to this day still fucking with black people. Stop it.

The Supreme Court only gave us liberals this because their image is very bad right now with Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crow, Clarence's wife, Roe V Wade, the EPA. This court is clearly a right wing court legislating from the bench. Something Republicans accused us of doing before Trump appointed 3 right wing nutjobs to the high court.
No...they will not and can not....

I usually don't bother going back and forth with these folks but I do it anyway because I like to see them fail....

Conservatives have no choice but to gaslight the rest of us when it comes to this topic because conservatives know they have been on the wrong side of every civil rights fight in this country's history....
Can you explain to us then how Republicans went from being the party that gave us civil rights and voting rights to doing this to black people in Alabama

In doing so, the court — which has a 6-3 conservative majority — turned away the state’s effort to make it harder to remedy concerns raised by civil rights advocates that the power of Black voters in states like Alabama is being diluted by dividing voters into districts where white voters dominate.

the map violated Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act by discriminating against Black voters.

The new map created one district out of seven in the state in which Black voters would likely be able to elect a candidate of their choosing. The challengers say that the state, which has a population that is more than a quarter Black, should have two such districts and provided evidence that such a district could be drawn.

A lower court agreed in a ruling last January, saying that under Supreme Court precedent, the plaintiffs had shown that Alabama’s Black population was both large enough and sufficiently compact for there to be a second majority-Black district. The court ordered a new map to be drawn

So the same white racists we see in the movies when they turn away black people from voting, are using other tactics to not give blacks fair representation in the government.

The case in Alabama illustrates the Southern Strategy is real. White Republicans in the south are to this day still fucking with black people. Stop it.

The Supreme Court only gave us liberals this because their image is very bad right now with Clarence Thomas and Harlan Crow, Clarence's wife, Roe V Wade, the EPA. This court is clearly a right wing court legislating from the bench. Something Republicans accused us of doing before Trump appointed 3 right wing nutjobs to the high court.

Not to black democrats....just like democrats do it to twit.

Here in Illinois the democrats gerrymandered several republicans out of their seats....including useful idiot Adam doofus
No...they will not and can not....

I usually don't bother going back and forth with these folks but I do it anyway because I like to see them fail....

Conservatives have no choice but to gaslight the rest of us when it comes to this topic because conservatives know they have been on the wrong side of every civil rights fight in this country's history....

What a lying asshole you are....democrats fought every single Civil Rights act, including the anti-lynching laws up to the very end in 1964...when the racist LBJ realized the democrats had to finally get on board Civil Rights or lose wvery national election.....the civil war, started by democrats, ended in 1865.......they didnt support civil rights for blacks until lying asshole
No...they will not and can not....

I usually don't bother going back and forth with these folks but I do it anyway because I like to see them fail....

Conservatives have no choice but to gaslight the rest of us when it comes to this topic because conservatives know they have been on the wrong side of every civil rights fight in this country's history....

I'm starting to see how they try to pretend to be color blind and how they use color blind as a tactic to be racists. Like when they gerrymandered blacks in Alabama. They tried to say they didn't see color when they drew those lines.

And Republicans wouldn't do this to black people if black people would only come back to the GOP.

It's not about race. It's about who that demographic votes for. They are just as "racist" to college students, who tend to vote Democratic.
What a lying asshole you are....democrats fought every single Civil Rights act, including the anti-lynching laws up to the very end in 1964...when the racist LBJ realized the democrats had to finally get on board Civil Rights or lose wvery national election.....the civil war, started by democrats, ended in 1865.......they didnt support civil rights for blacks until lying asshole

Ever hear the saying "not your fathers republican party"?

You're talking about a long time ago. You're talking about southern Democrats. Southern Democrats had to be racist back then. To win election in the south you had to outdo your opponents level of racism. But today blacks in the south vote Democratic. Why? Is it because Democrats in Republican run red states give them free shit?
What a lying asshole you are....democrats fought every single Civil Rights act, including the anti-lynching laws up to the very end in 1964...when the racist LBJ realized the democrats had to finally get on board Civil Rights or lose wvery national election.....the civil war, started by democrats, ended in 1865.......they didnt support civil rights for blacks until lying asshole

I love it when Conservatives take credit for what the Liberal Wing of their party accomplished while condemning the actions of Conservative Democrats
What a lying asshole you are....democrats fought every single Civil Rights act, including the anti-lynching laws up to the very end in 1964...when the racist LBJ realized the democrats had to finally get on board Civil Rights or lose wvery national election.....the civil war, started by democrats, ended in 1865.......they didnt support civil rights for blacks until lying asshole
Notice how I never mentioned party in my comment?

I said CONSERVATIVE....dic suckers like you never want to talk about the CONSERVATIVE/RIGHT's record on Civil Rights because they have been you think throwing party names around means something to about you throw around POLICIES..

Policies like Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Labor Rights, Gay Rights, even the fucking rights of handicapped people....all of these policies have been opposed by CONSERVATIVES....why don't you talk about that pussy??

It is PRECISELY the reason why MLK said this about "CONSERVATIVES" in 1964.....and it is PRECISELY the reason why the folks who were most opposed to MLK were CONSERVATIVES...still to this day....

And each and every time I post MLK's own words about folks ignore shut yo bitch ass up

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