The Nanking Massacre and Iris Chang's Book The Rape of Nanking

Can’t fix stupid.

Nope.. and no one is stupider than the idiots who think the wrong side won World War II.

Oh! So just to be clear: You think it was a good thing that, thanks to FDR and Truman's handling of WW II, the Soviet Union gained control of Eastern Europe, raped tens of millions of women in the process, and maintained tyranny over Eastern Europe for decades thereafter? And you think it was a good thing that, thanks to FDR and Truman's handling of WW II, the Communists gained control over China and proceeded to kill over 30 million Chinese to consolidate their power? And you think it was a good thing that, thanks to FDR and Truman's handling of WW II, the Communists took over North Korea and North Vietnam?

LOL. No one stated that. LOL.

True, but then again facts don't seem to matter to him.

No, you and Mikey G have just spent 20 pages trying to excuse the Rape of Nanking as "no big deal".

This is the kind of dishonest nonsense that you produce when you're blinded by bigotry and refuse to read the other side. No rational person who reads my OP and the rest of this thread could conclude that I or any of those who have tried to educate you believe that the Nanking Massacre was "no big deal." Can you just not read English? Is that the problem?

The women who were raped considered it a big deal.

And the millions of Eastern European and German women who were raped by Soviet troops would find your bigoted focus on the Japanese army's wrongdoings to be downright immoral. Even one rape is a big deal, but you just do not seem to care that Japanese troops raped far fewer women than Soviet troops did, or that Japanese troops killed a fraction of the Chinese that the Communists killed, or that the Nationalists killed more Chinese than the Japanese did, etc., etc., etc. You just don't seem to care about these facts.
Oh! So just to be clear: You think it was a good thing that, thanks to FDR and Truman's handling of WW II, the Soviet Union gained control of Eastern Europe, raped tens of millions of women in the process, and maintained tyranny over Eastern Europe for decades thereafter?

Doesn't bother me, since most of Eastern Europe, as you say, were part of the Axis and collaborated with the Germans.

It's not like any of those countries were hotbeds of Democracy before the Soviets showed up, and a lot of them aren't after they left.

And you think it was a good thing that, thanks to FDR and Truman's handling of WW II, the Communists gained control over China and proceeded to kill over 30 million Chinese to consolidate their power?

1) I don't buy the John Bircher Mythology, and 2) The Communists won because the Nationalists and Warlords were corrupt, and the Japanese were murderous bastards. As awful as the Communists were, they were the lepers with themost fingers.

And you think it was a good thing that, thanks to FDR and Truman's handling of WW II, the Communists took over North Korea and North Vietnam?

It wasn't like we were in much of a position to stop them.

The Commies won in Vietnam because while we were propping up French and Japanese Quislings, they had a true hero who had fought for Vietnamese independence. If anything, our mistake was letting the French try to re-establish their empire in Asia and Africa after they had been made the Axis's bitch.
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This is the kind of dishonest nonsense that you produce when you're blinded by bigotry and refuse to read the other side.

No, I read your stuff, and then I categorize you somewhere between "Holocaust Deniers" and "Alien Conspiracy Theorists" on the scale of laughable crazy.

No rational person who reads my OP and the rest of this thread could conclude that I or any of those who have tried to educate you believe that the Nanking Massacre was "no big deal." Can you just not read English? Is that the problem?

You get on here and try to claim that someone breaking open some dams was an even worse crime... Let's see now.. Unforseen Consequences vs. the deliberate slaughter of men, women and children.

And the millions of Eastern European and German women who were raped by Soviet troops would find your bigoted focus on the Japanese army's wrongdoings to be downright immoral.

Again, of the six countries that the USSR occupied after WWII, Five of them (E. Germany, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia) were Axis members and had participated in the invasion of the USSR in 1941. I just can't work up a lot of sympathy that after 20 million Russians had been killed by the Axis, the Soviets weren't getting them some payback.

Even one rape is a big deal, but you just do not seem to care that Japanese troops raped far fewer women than Soviet troops did, or that Japanese troops killed a fraction of the Chinese that the Communists killed, or that the Nationalists killed more Chinese than the Japanese did, etc., etc., etc. You just don't seem to care about these facts.

1) They aren't "Facts", 2) Japan was the aggressor, not China or the USSR.

YOu get less sympathy from me if you start a fight.
Can’t fix stupid.

The Nazis and Imperial Japan were ruthless killers and deserved annihilation for their heinous actions. The Soviets and Chicoms were nice and wonderful deserving our praise.

Stupidity reigns supreme.
Can’t fix stupid.

The Nazis and Imperial Japan were ruthless killers and deserved annihilation for their heinous actions. The Soviets and Chicoms were nice and wonderful deserving our praise.

Stupidity reigns supreme.

Not at all. .They were bastards, to their own people. Who put up with it.

Funny thing... no government can exist without the tacit approval of most of it's people.
.....They were bastards, to their own people. Who put up with it. .......

And fdr threw innocent Americans into concentration camps.
Those Japs had it know that!

AMERICANS, you asshole.
Those were Japs...that is why they had to be sequestered. Their allegiance was to the emperor...this is why they were detained. Thank God APOLOGISTS like you were not in power then or we would all be making tatami mats in some sweatshop and living on rice balls.
.....They were bastards, to their own people. Who put up with it. .......

And fdr threw innocent Americans into concentration camps.
Those Japs had it know that!

AMERICANS, you asshole.
Those were .....

They were AMERICANS, and you never will be.

Go troll somewhere else.
You see troll...I see an anti-American apologist...noted

And fdr threw innocent Americans into concentration camps.
Those Japs had it know that!

AMERICANS, you asshole.
Those were .....

They were AMERICANS, and you never will be.

Go troll somewhere else.
You see troll...I see an anti-American apologist...

Some people are trying to discuss history. YOU are just a little douche bag racist troll.
And fdr threw innocent Americans into concentration camps.

Yeah, how many of them did he execute? Oh, wait, none. in fact, most of them were released within a year after the threat of an invasion of California subsided.

Wow. Under threat of a possible invasion, we relocated the people most likely to collaborate for a short period. And then we said we were really sorry and paid them a bunch of money.

And this was probably the worst thing we did.

AMERICANS, you asshole. Your liberal hero fdr threw innocent, loyal, brave AMERICANS into his concentration camps.

Except they weren't "brave" or "loyal". Here's the reality. In every country the Axis invaded, they found people who were happy to collaborate with them. People believed that, hey, if the war in the Pacific goes the wrong way and the Battleship Yamato showed up off San Francisco, these folks MIGHT collaborate. Yeah, easy to say they were wrong 80 years later. At the time, not so much.
Ever hear of the 442nd, stupid?

Sure... That accounts for 1000 guys. We locked up 110,000 of them because we rightfully didn't trust them NOT to start collaborating when the Yamato showed up.


Can’t fix stupid.

The Nazis and Imperial Japan were ruthless killers and deserved annihilation for their heinous actions. The Soviets and Chicoms were nice and wonderful deserving our praise.

Stupidity reigns supreme.

Not at all. .They were bastards, to their own people. Who put up with it.

Funny thing... no government can exist without the tacit approval of most of it's people.
So again, the Soviets and Chicoms were okay but the Imperial Japanese and Nazi Germans weren’t.

Damn that’s dumb.

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