The National Archives smacks Donnie down again

We'll see which comes first ... charges ... or actual proof of election fraud.

The proof is there. There will be no charges until the DOJ and FBI are reformed. It should start in earnest after the Midterms. Watch Lake. And keep worrying.
Tell us where you disagree with the Democratic Party Platform.
I haven't read the DNC platform but I think I disagree with most democrats and liberals on the following: Here are the top four.

  1. Nuclear Power...the Navy has shown it can manage it in every conceivable environment for 60 years. We should expand it radically in the US, let the Navy run the plants with navy personnel.
  2. Electoral College...the only thing keeping the DNC relevant but currently it's not favoring DEM candidates so they want to get rid of it in some cases. If the question is to have it or go to a straight popular vote...I say keep it. But I would prefer it be strengthened to include the President elect also get a plurality of the Popular Vote.
  3. Armed Guards on every school campus...if your first call during a school shooting is to a cop who you hope shows up with a gun and friends with just makes more sense to have an armed guard already there--but I'm not for teachers with guns.
  4. Keep the filibuster... Some democrats want to get rid of it. I prefer we keep it if the question is to get rid of it or not. I'd prefer we have a REAL filibuster though...all Senate business stops until the filibuster is removed.

Your turn.

Tell us where you've disagreed with something Trump did.
The proof is there. There will be no charges until the DOJ and FBI are reformed. It should start in earnest after the Midterms. Watch Lake. And keep worrying.


If the proof was there, you'd be able to show and Trump would be taking it to court, demanding he be named the rightful president.
The proof is there. There will be no charges until the DOJ and FBI are reformed. It should start in earnest after the Midterms. Watch Lake. And keep worrying.
You want to reform the DoJ to get rid of all objectivity and turn them into a political body to persecute enemies and fix elections.

If the proof was there, you'd be able to show and Trump would be taking it to court, demanding he be named the rightful president.
You dumb fuck. The cases were dismissed. The corrupt courts made sure there was no evidentiary hearing. You have lost this argument.
You want to reform the DoJ to get rid of all objectivity and turn them into a political body to persecute enemies and fix elections.
That is what has already happened. Are you really as fucking dumb as you sound? For your sake, I hope not. But I guess that is your keepers problem.
The disaster of Joe Biden and his abuse of and gestapo-methods of destruction of this country and her people in two short years isn't gaslighting, asshole, it is a fact that every person knows and will be reflected directly in the upcoming election.
I didn't say all those perceived greivences you just whined about was gas lighting.

I said "Trump mixed up some stupid meaningless papers" is gaslighting.

Try to keep up.
You don't even know he had any papers. Your only source is an organization of thieves and liars.
If you are simply going to go into denial mode then debating with you is pointless.

Even Trump admitted he had the documents but don't let that pierce your echo chamber.
If you are simply going to go into denial mode then debating with you is pointless.
Yet here you are denying the obvious conflict of interest and long history of lying and corruption within our intel agencies, now weaponized further under Joe Biddum to attack his political enemies. I guess you believe that photo of a bunch of folders marked top secret spread out on a floor then given to the MSM to publish was legit too.

Even Trump admitted he had the documents
EVERY president takes home an archive of declassified documents and other things of interest to them. Obumma has MILLIONS of them stored in an old Sears warehouse! Were Trump's medical records, personal legal papers, and Melania's wardrobe and Barron's toys also on Biden's enemy watchlist for idiots like you to swallow?
If you are simply going to go into denial mode then debating with you is pointless.

Even Trump admitted he had the documents but don't let that pierce your echo chamber.
Where are the charges? You have been waiting almost 7 years.
That is what has already happened. Are you really as fucking dumb as you sound? For your sake, I hope not. But I guess that is your keepers problem.
I agree. Just look at how Durham launched prosecutions of Democrats with basically no evidence. One was already acquitted and the next one probably will be soon.
I agree. Just look at how Durham launched prosecutions of Democrats with basically no evidence. One was already acquitted and the next one probably will be soon.
Yeah, right. You are to stupid to waste my time on.
Yeah, right. You are to stupid to waste my time on.
Michael Sussmann was acquitted after only a few hours of jury deliberation.

Igor Danchenko’s trial is just starting. Durham was smacked down by the judge for trying to introduce wild and irrelevant conspiracy theories as evidence. Durham’s evidence boils down to a tweet. His best witness is absent and cannot be found.

Durham’s prosecutions are inappropriate and highly partisan. This is what you envision for the DoJ.
Yet here you are denying the obvious conflict of interest and long history of lying and corruption within our intel agencies, now weaponized further under Joe Biddum to attack his political enemies. I guess you believe that photo of a bunch of folders marked top secret spread out on a floor then given to the MSM to publish was legit too.

Their is no conflict of interest or weaponization in carrying out a legal warrant. Trump stole our documents. He wouldn't give them back. He was issued a grand jury subpoena for the documents that he ignored and then had a his lawyer lie about it on an official document.

Yeah. They were spread out. You have never seen the FBI take pics of documents seizure before? I would be more concerned if they hadn't taken pictures.
EVERY president takes home an archive of declassified documents and other things of interest to them.

No issue with that. Trump had these documents when he wasn't president though.

Obumma has MILLIONS of them stored in an old Sears warehouse!

Not he doesn't, NARA does.

Were Trump's medical records, personal legal papers, and Melania's wardrobe and Barron's toys also on Biden's enemy watchlist for idiots like you to swallow?
I don't know about watchlists but they were mixed in with the documents that Trump stole from us. He will get them back.

Did you expect the FBI to sit at Mar Lago for a week going through all the documents Trump stole and make sure Trump didn't mix personal stuff with the stuff he stole? That is silly.

Your post sounds like a right wing highlight reel of Trump apologist talking points. That stuff works on the weak minded but for people who follow the facts it makes your position look weak and outdated. Get some new material.
Their is no conflict of interest or weaponization in carrying out a legal warrant. Trump stole our documents. He wouldn't give them back. He was issued a grand jury subpoena for the documents that he ignored and then had a his lawyer lie about it on an official document.

Yeah. They were spread out. You have never seen the FBI take pics of documents seizure before? I would be more concerned if they hadn't taken pictures.

No issue with that. Trump had these documents when he wasn't president though.

Not he doesn't, NARA does.

I don't know about watchlists but they were mixed in with the documents that Trump stole from us. He will get them back.

Did you expect the FBI to sit at Mar Lago for a week going through all the documents Trump stole and make sure Trump didn't mix personal stuff with the stuff he stole? That is silly.

Your post sounds like a right wing highlight reel of Trump apologist talking points. That stuff works on the weak minded but for people who follow the facts it makes your position look weak and outdated. Get some new material.

Poor rationalizing fool. The raid was illegal from the start because the warrant was so broad they could have taken Trump's toothbrush.

It was a desperate sweep looking for anything they could use to charge Trump with a crime to try to keep him from running again.

BTW, what was the justification for steeling The Pillow Guy's cellphone in line buying a hamburger at Hardees?

Once again, you Stalinists support gestapo tactics to use against anyone you don't like until someone does it to YOU.

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