The "Neo-No" party.


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Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
Tim Kaine Cites Importance of Senate Democrats as Check on Trump

A democrook political whore said:
“Because of the role of a Senate minority, you know, we have the ability to cast a very clear spotlight on things. We have the ability in some instances to slow things down that should have been slowed down and even the ability to stop things,” Kaine told reporters.

So the democrooks are going to take the reigns as the "Party of No" from the republicrats obviously, but I wonder how many times we'll hear criminally insane leftist sociopaths in government, the retards who vote for them, or the sycophants in the media lament the government's inability to accomplish things because of obstinate senate democrooks?

Recall the pissing and moaning for 8 years because the adults in DC wouldn't give obozo a blank check like GWB did give to Ted Kennedy?
(And they still loathed GWB even though they got their way the whole time)


Yeah, I member.

Once again, if they can't win they automatically turn to Obstructionist Politics.

Even when thry win it's 'My way or NO way' - Barry said after his win, ' Republicans can come along, but they have to get in the back of the bus.'

'Liberals' are like a drug-resistant can't kill it, it hangs around, and it keeps causing problems.

Once again, if they can't win theically turn to Obstructionist Politics.

Even when thry win it's 'My way or NO way' - Barry said after his win, ' Republicans can come along, but they have to get in the back of the bus.'

'Liberals' are like a drug-resistant can't kill it, it hangs around, and it keeps causing problems.

Yes...D pols and their voters NEVER consider themselves obstructionist, but Rs are always obstructionist when Ds are in power.

Obama's hateful divisive words after winning in '08 are really not hateful divisive words...but if an R uses similar words, he/she is hateful and divisive.
Once again, if they can't win they automatically turn to Obstructionist Politics.

Even when thry win it's 'My way or NO way' - Barry said after his win, ' Republicans can come along, but they have to get in the back of the bus.'

'Liberals' are like a drug-resistant can't kill it, it hangs around, and it keeps causing problems.

Obamas pen and phone, once surrendered to Trump, will be like a big motherfucking can of raid..,,:lol:
So let me get this straight...

After obstructing the Obama Administration for the last 6 years, the Republicans are going to bitch about the Democrats being obstructionists now that the Donald is going to be in the White Hosue? We don't have two major political parties vying for political power in this country, we have two wings of a massive lunatic asylum vying for which side can out crazy the other.

"What a Country!" -- Yakov Smirnoff
So let me get this straight...

After obstructing the Obama Administration for the last 6 years, the Republicans are going to bitch about the Democrats being obstructionists now that the Donald is going to be in the White Hosue? We don't have two major political parties vying for political power in this country, we have two wings of a massive lunatic asylum vying for which side can out crazy the other.

"What a Country!" -- Yakov Smirnoff
What did the Rs obstruct? Can you please be specific?
So let me get this straight...

After obstructing the Obama Administration for the last 6 years, the Republicans are going to bitch about the Democrats being obstructionists now that the Donald is going to be in the White Hosue? We don't have two major political parties vying for political power in this country, we have two wings of a massive lunatic asylum vying for which side can out crazy the other.

"What a Country!" -- Yakov Smirnoff
What did the Rs obstruct? Can you please be specific?
They pretty much nixed everything (or tried to) that Obama said he wanted to do since they took the House in 2010....

Gun Control
Immigration Reform
His Climate Change nonsense

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for obstructing the Federal Government from any fuckin' thing that the miscreants from either party want to do, but you can't bitch about it when the party you're not a member of does what your party has been doing for years.
The Republicans have been emasculated by Donald Trump so Congress will be a rubber stamp on his wishes. He will name and shame any Republican in Congress who wants to be a check on him so, in fear of losing their seats, they will have to get out of the habit of not cooperating with the President.
So let me get this straight...

After obstructing the Obama Administration for the last 6 years, the Republicans are going to bitch about the Democrats being obstructionists now that the Donald is going to be in the White Hosue? We don't have two major political parties vying for political power in this country, we have two wings of a massive lunatic asylum vying for which side can out crazy the other.

"What a Country!" -- Yakov Smirnoff
LOL! I love how Liberals always try to re-write history. As I have posted on this board several times (with links)....

The last time the GOP controlled Congress Libs engaged in MASSIVE Obstructionist Politics, grinding everything in Congress to a halt. If they could not have their way, nothing for the good of this country would be acted upon. The Liberal strategy worked - they made Americans so frustrated at the gridlock - while blaming the GOP for THEIR actions - that Americans blindly embraced the Liberal BS of 'Change'.

Pelosi actually bragged in a Time magazine how they had used Obstructionist Politics and propaganda to retake Congress. (Yes, the POS wannabe-ruler

Liberals, as proven, have a better record for manipulating the public:
- To retake Congress they obstructed everything, blamed the GOP, and were voted back in, despite THEM being the problem to begin with.

When Libs demand such things as pork tucked inside of bills or some other demand and the GOP pushes back, LIBERALS shut down the government and blame the GOP...and dumbass people buy it. The last time the LIBERALS shut down the government:
- An Obama memo was leaked showing he was directing his agencies to make the shutdown AS PAINFUL AS POSSIBLE FOR THE AMERICAN PEOPLE so the impact of blaming the GOP for the shutdown would make a much bigger impact
- Obama tried to shutdown historical sites that were not even owned by the Federal Govt

.....but stupid Americans STILL believed it was the GOP causing the 'hardship'

The Democrats have repeatedly demonstrated that what they want - what is best fot them and their party - in their minds, completely takes priority over anything good being done for the country.

As we have seen in the past, if they do not get their way they shut down Congress, shut down the government, and make the situation as painful as they can for the American people - as if the American people are the 'enemy' - until they get their way. (They know that without fear-mongering and generating anger/hate/fear from the American people behind their demands they have no power.)

As we see NOW, when they do not get their way they incite riots and violence. They engage in, encourage, and even fund seditious treasonous, and racially criminal acts such as burning the American Flag, calling for the murders of whites, calling for the overthrow of the government, and calling for the assassination of the newly elected President.

This not just 'what they do', as seen for decades - THIS IS WHO THEY ARE!
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Tim Kaine Cites Importance of Senate Democrats as Check on Trump

A democrook political whore said:
“Because of the role of a Senate minority, you know, we have the ability to cast a very clear spotlight on things. We have the ability in some instances to slow things down that should have been slowed down and even the ability to stop things,” Kaine told reporters.

So the democrooks are going to take the reigns as the "Party of No" from the republicrats obviously, but I wonder how many times we'll hear criminally insane leftist sociopaths in government, the retards who vote for them, or the sycophants in the media lament the government's inability to accomplish things because of obstinate senate democrooks?

Recall the pissing and moaning for 8 years because the adults in DC wouldn't give obozo a blank check like GWB did give to Ted Kennedy?
(And they still loathed GWB even though they got their way the whole time)


Yeah, I member.

well in a couple of more election cycles

the dummycrats will be pretty much eliminated

they will become even more rare should they decide

to put elllison as the dnc chair

So let me get this straight...

After obstructing the Obama Administration for the last 6 years, the Republicans are going to bitch about the Democrats being obstructionists now that the Donald is going to be in the White Hosue? We don't have two major political parties vying for political power in this country, we have two wings of a massive lunatic asylum vying for which side can out crazy the other.

"What a Country!" -- Yakov Smirnoff
LOL! I love how Liberals always try to re-write history. !

Yeah me too, it's just as entertaining as when "conservatives" try to do it ....

"Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them." -- George Orwell, 1984
So let me get this straight...

After obstructing the Obama Administration for the last 6 years, the Republicans are going to bitch about the Democrats being obstructionists now that the Donald is going to be in the White Hosue? We don't have two major political parties vying for political power in this country, we have two wings of a massive lunatic asylum vying for which side can out crazy the other.

"What a Country!" -- Yakov Smirnoff
What did the Rs obstruct? Can you please be specific?
They pretty much nixed everything (or tried to) that Obama said he wanted to do since they took the House in 2010....

Gun Control
Immigration Reform
His Climate Change nonsense

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for obstructing the Federal Government from any fuckin' thing that the miscreants from either party want to do, but you can't bitch about it when the party you're not a member of does what your party has been doing for years.
I do not think the Rs obstructed very much, but it makes a good talking point for the left media and leftists everywhere.

Obama got his worthless healthcare plan, very damaging stimulus plan that helped to double the national debt in 8 years and enriched the rich and connected, but did nothing for the American people, no control of spending at all, numerous foriegn entanglements without limitation, illegal immigration run amok for which he could and should have been impeached and removed from office, cut Social Security with the help of Rs, stupid and corrupt Iran Deal, got Dodd-Frank that only makes matters worse but does enrich the rich further...saved GM and Chrysler but screwed GM bond holders, don't ask don't tell, federalized student loans, greatly impacted coal generating energy plants, got two unqualified Neolibs on the SC, invested heavily in renewable energy which was nothing but wasteful, and a few other things.

He pretty much did whatever he wanted, with a few exceptions.
Yeah me too, it's just as entertaining as when "conservatives" try to do it ....
Perhaps sometimes, but those are the exceptions to the 'Rule'. For example, when Barry stood up in his press conference the other day and actually declared that he has not had any scandals throughout his 8-year THAT SHIT was 'entertaining'. I had to remind myself that this was an actual press conference and not Saturday Night Live skit. I kept waiting for his to look into the cameras and say, 'Live from New York, It's Saturday Night!' :p
Yeah me too, it's just as entertaining as when "conservatives" try to do it ....
Perhaps sometimes, but those are the exceptions to the 'Rule'. For example, when Barry stood up in his press conference the other day and actually declared that he has not had any scandals throughout his 8-year Presidency....

Yeah well in the Big "O"'s defense, he started his "I'm finally getting the fuck out of this nuthouse" celebrations a bit early, apparently an EO legalizing heroin for the CIC was just the thing he needed to help improve his self image.
In 2014 Liberals continued to ignore the American people, kept holding on to their elitist Oligarchist attitude of how the American people simply haven't 'gotten it yet' that THEY - the Liberals were in charge...and how their 'sheep' were simply supposed to follow. Barry piled on, ignoring the massive poll numbers that showed the majority of Americans believed the country was heading in the wrong direction, by telling the American people that the 2014 election was all about HIM, all about his policies, his agenda, the direction he was taking this country....which the majority of Americans opposed.

As a result, Liberals suffered an 'historic, record-setting' ass kicking.

They did not learn. They did not abandon that stubborn, elitist, Oligarchist ruling attitude - they were still sure that it wasn't them - it was the American people, and the AMERICAN PEOPLE would learn their lesson, return to the fold, and accept them as their 'rulers' as they had for the last 8 years..... So they ran a candidate that epitomized EVERYTHING the American people had begun to hate, who espoused everything they rejected in 2014: Hillary Clinton.

As a result, Liberals suffered another historic, record-setting ass kicking...all the way across the board at almost every level.

And once again, instead of LISTENING to the people and analyzing the results, these same Liberals - who are leading their party into extinction - are attacking / blaming the GOP, are attacking / blaming Trump-supporters, are blaming the American people. They are pulling a 'Hillary' - blaming everyone except those who are to blame - THEMSELVES.

IMO the Democratic Party / Liberals have reached a critical point: They need to decide if they are going to truly represent and stand up for the people again or continue to let the extreme Left Wing of the party, that wants to 'rule' rather than represent, run the party. They have gone with option 'B' now the last 2 elections....and have gotten their asses kicked. If they stay with Option 'B' it may be the Democrats, not the GOP, that may be facing extinction.
So let me get this straight...

After obstructing the Obama Administration for the last 6 years, the Republicans are going to bitch about the Democrats being obstructionists now that the Donald is going to be in the White Hosue? We don't have two major political parties vying for political power in this country, we have two wings of a massive lunatic asylum vying for which side can out crazy the other.

"What a Country!" -- Yakov Smirnoff
What did the Rs obstruct? Can you please be specific?
They pretty much nixed everything (or tried to) that Obama said he wanted to do since they took the House in 2010....

Gun Control
Immigration Reform
His Climate Change nonsense

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for obstructing the Federal Government from any fuckin' thing that the miscreants from either party want to do, but you can't bitch about it when the party you're not a member of does what your party has been doing for years.
I do not think the Rs obstructed very much, but it makes a good talking point for the left media and leftists everywhere.

Obama got his worthless healthcare plan, very damaging stimulus plan that helped to double the national debt in 8 years and enriched the rich and connected, but did nothing for the American people, no control of spending at all, numerous foriegn entanglements without limitation, illegal immigration run amok for which he could and should have been impeached and removed from office, cut Social Security with the help of Rs, stupid and corrupt Iran Deal, got Dodd-Frank that only makes matters worse but does enrich the rich further...saved GM and Chrysler but screwed GM bond holders, don't ask don't tell, federalized student loans, greatly impacted coal generating energy plants, got two unqualified Neolibs on the SC, invested heavily in renewable energy which was nothing but wasteful, and a few other things.

He pretty much did whatever he wanted, with a few exceptions.
Er... um... he got Obamacare and Dodd-Frank through before 2010 (when he had a lock on Congress), most of what he got "accomplished" after that was done via Executive Fiat because the Republicrats in Congress made it clear they weren't about to pass anything of significance that he wanted to do......

Heck they even blocked his SCOTUS nominee from even getting a hearing (good job on that one GOP).

The only thing they ever really went along with him on in a even small way (3 Republicans in the house and the senate) was the fuckin' stupid ass stimulus package and do the Republicrats really want to take credit for that colossal "bi-partisan" tax payer money wasting?

Face it the GOP played obstructionists very well, now it's the Democrats turn to attempt to do the same, of course Democrats being the dumb ass, gub'mint worshipping, progressives that they are will probably fuck that up too.
well in a couple of more election cycles

the dummycrats will be pretty much eliminated

they will become even more rare should they decide

to put elllison as the dnc chair


The moonbats still have the more powerful ministry of propaganda within the media. The sane voices are the ones you actually have to seek, but leftist insanity is everywhere. It's trendy.

That may change however if things do get so much better in the US that most people can actually tell the difference, that coupled with Trumps manipulative skills with the media and the highest fuckin podium in the world, libturds can be ridiculed back under the rocks from whence they came.

No more gender "confusion", no more obstinate enviroturds who refuse to allow people to build shit on their own property, no more coddling violent sociopaths and demanding disarmed population, no more fuckin retards running around wasting paper fliers on "global climate warming change rally" in the snow that no one ever shows up for.

When you can be mocked, ridiculed and marginalized once again for being a bed wetting know it all douchebag you'll see a lot of these libturd freaks skulk away like golem and a bunch more just put their clothes on properly, take the metal out of their face and act like decent human being who aren't entitled to shit. They'll earn it and finally understand what pride, dignity and freedom really feels like.

And that would make America great again, and I bet a lot of the world would follow. Hence the obvious night terrors the moonbats are having. Serta Mattress company stock has probably doubled.

Er... um... he got Obamacare and Dodd-Frank through before 2010 (when he had a lock on Congress), most of what he got "accomplished" after that was done via Executive Fiat because the Republicrats in Congress made it clear they weren't about to pass anything of significance that he wanted to do......

"I won." "Elections have consequences." "Republicans can come along, but they have to get in the back of the bus."

Obama entered the WH already with the attitude that he was going to get whatever he wanted because he won, whether the GOP would give it to him or he would take it.

'He got the ACA'
- Yes he LIED HIS ASS OFF, DECEIVED the American people, and eventually rammed the minority-supported piece of unwanted Liberal Socialist agenda-driven legislation into law against the MAJORITY opposition of the American people.

Thanks for admitting Obama violated both Constitution and Law by ignoring the Separation of Powers and ramming whatever he wanted into law while he had the numbers to do so, even when it meant the majority of Americans in this country DID NOT WANT IT!

What Obama, and evidently YOU, do not understand is that no where in the Constitution does it say a President gets to ignore / refuse to enforce a law simply because THEY personally like it, as he did with the DOMA.

No where in the Constitution does it say if a President does not like what Congress is doing, if the process is going too slow for the President he can simply by-pass Congress and act on his own to enact / create law...which is what Barry ILLEGALLY, UN-CONSTITUTIONALL did. The SOB even publicly declared 'I will violate the Constitution and create / impose laws on my own: "If Congress does not act in a timely manner to enact legislation ('If Congress does not give me what I want and do so quickly I will act")!



He even appointed Czars that had the ILLEGAL authority to by-pass Congress to create and impose their own laws (such as was done by the EPA)!

This was the most lawless administration in US history...and he has done so OPENLY, ARROGANTLY, while making it clear he personally believed he had the authority to by-bass Congress, to ignore the Constitution, and to violate the Rule of Law because 'I Won'!

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