The New America

Kids never drink alcohol without their parents finding out, or smoke without them finding out?

I was basically a drunk my Jr and Sr year and my parents did not find out as they were not engaged at all with me. They were getting an ugly divorce and my mom was very focused on herself after 20 years in a shitty marriage. I do not blame her, but it what it was.
This "new America" began when employment agencies popped up as the norm, and then continued when businesses no longer accepted walk-ins and started sending everyone to the Internet to even apply for a job.

^^^Cranky boomers don't like that newfangled interweb.
I was basically a drunk my Jr and Sr year and my parents did not find out as they were not engaged at all with me. They were getting an ugly divorce and my mom was very focused on herself after 20 years in a shitty marriage. I do not blame her, but it what it was.

engaged is a variably definable condition. When teachers and school admins take ACTIVE measures to thwart parents that is crossing the line, despite your apologist attempts.
If employers won’t give a damn about their employees, why would they expect their employees to give a damn about them?


engaged is a variably definable condition. When teachers and school admins take ACTIVE measures to thwart parents that is crossing the line, despite your apologist attempts.
Being engaged in not varied. Either you are or you are not. Try that wife a spouse: our being engaged is a variably definable condition,

You will be cooking and eating your dinner alone.

You are such a spaz when it comes to logic and sensibility.
We don't need corporations having an easy time finding workers. When they struggle that means a much healthier economy.
We don't need corporations having an easy time finding workers.
Preparation Is the Most Important Part of Production

You're being generic. Concentrate on the defective quality of the workers produced by the economic bullies' unmotivating education and training.
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Mostly true - and one can only blame their parents.
Which is exactly the same generation and group, that is laying blame onto today's youth and the younger generation.

And the generation of my parents - laid the same blame onto us.
Don't Fall for Answers Provided by the High and Mighty Lowlife

Does a coach blame his players' parents for not getting involved in their athletic development?
Being engaged in not varied. Either you are or you are not. Try that wife a spouse: our being engaged is a variably definable condition,

You will be cooking and eating your dinner alone.

You are such a spaz when it comes to logic and sensibility.

Yes it can be varied because it is a nebulous word and definition. It's not like a light switch being on or off.
A complete education to grade 12 is not a factor or a necessity for something like 2/3's of job requirements. Europe deals with this fact effectively.

Technological society leads to increasing numbers of people who cannot adapt to the inhuman rhythm of modern life with its emphasis on specialization. A class of people is growing up who are unexploitable because they are not worth employing even for the minimum wage. Technological progress makes whole categories of people useless without making it possible to support them with the wealth produced by the progress.

Jacques Ellul
Don't Fall for Answers Provided by the High and Mighty Lowlife

Does a coach blame his players' parents for not getting involved in their athletic development?
EXCEPT you use the plural and it does not apply

"Nearly a hundred years of the supposed “legacy of slavery” found most black children [78%] being raised in two-parent families in 1960. But thirty years after the liberal welfare state found the great majority of black children being raised by a single parent [66%]."
It seems that GenZ needs to have some support when going to a job interview in The New America.
What's up with that?

More than half of the employers said young recruits struggled to make eye contact during the interview, and 50% said they asked for unreasonable compensation. Almost half of the employers said a young job candidate showed up in inappropriate attire, and nearly 20% said a recent college grad had brought a parent to a job interview.
Of the employers who said they prefer to hire older job seekers, 60% said they would be willing to offer more benefits to attract them, 59% said they would offer higher salaries, 48% said they would allow remote or hybrid-working opportunities, and 46% said they would be willing to hire overqualified candidates.

Young professionals also appear to have a reputation for being difficult to work with. Nearly two-thirds of employers said it was "very true" or "somewhat true" that recent college grads are "entitled," while 58% said it was very or somewhat true that they "get offended too easily."

Nearly 60% of bosses said it was very or somewhat true that recent grads are unprepared for the workforce, with more than half agreeing that young professionals "don't respond well to feedback" and have "poor communication skills."
Many of these young folks can't handle constructive criticism. We are becoming a nation of sissies.

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