The new Buffet Rule


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Why is Obama's buddy (Warren Buffett) saying that we should scrap Obamacare?
Buffett: Scrap Obamacare and Start All Over

Healthcare costs in the United States are like a tapeworm eating at our economic body.

Those words come from famed investor Warren Buffett, who said he would scrap Obamacare and start all over.

"We have a health system that, in terms of costs, is really out of control," he added. "And if you take this line and you project what has been happening into the future, we will get less and less competitive. So we need something else."

Buffett insists that without changes to Obamacare average citizens will suffer.

"What we have now is untenable over time," said Buffett, an early supporter of President Obama. "That kind of a cost compared to the rest of the world is really like a tapeworm eating, you know, at our economic body."

Buffett does not believe that providing insurance for everyone is the first step to take in correcting our nation's healthcare system.

"Attack the costs first, and then worry about expanding coverage," he said. "I would much rather see another plan that really attacks costs. And I think that's what the American public wants to see. I mean, the American public is not behind this bill."

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Old liar is very clearly worried about the impact HE will feel with implementation of this disaster.

Where were you Mr.buffet in 2010?
ObamaCare was a classic bait-and-switch con. It was hyped as necessary because we needed to bring health care costs down. Remember all the rubes posting data all over the internet about per capita spending on healthcare during the debates?

Yeah. So do I.

ObamaCare actually further entrenches things which bend the cost of healthcare up.

This was not about cutting costs. This was yet another attempt to immanentize the eschaton.
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"Look, national healthcare was proposed in Britain in 1943, 1944 so post war “British companies could compete” without the overhead of health insurance.

The same lie was put forth by obama, the libs and the rest of the sodomites.

It’s what I have said all along: healthcare should be like coffee at starbucks – posted on the menu.

I called multiple testing centers for an ultrasound cost several years ago and they all asked: “ What is your insurance company”

And then none of them could give me a price.

WHATS IT COST? HOW MUCH IS IT? where is your menu with prices?

Imagine a restaurant withOUT prices on their menu. That’s what our healthcare system is. The govt solution? We will set the prices and determine who gets what. Duh, those morons cant wipe their ass. The govt in this now makes me so angry.

A bunch of incompetents.

Look at the naval yard shooter: vetted by the govt, under govt care. Idiots."

Reprinted by permission of my son in law...a CPA.
And then what?

Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?

The GOP better figure out a fucking answer to that question.

Healthcare Cost Growth Steamrolls CPI
The average per capita cost of healthcare services grew at more than three times the rate of overall inflation for the 12-month period that ended in June, with the cost of services covered by commercial health plans growing four times faster than those of Medicare, new data shows.

Standard & Poor's Healthcare Economic Indices show that per capita cost growth covered by commercial insurance and Medicare programs increased by 5.78% over the 12-months ending June. In the larger economy inflation rose by 1.7% as measured by the Consumer Price Index for the same period, federal data show.

"Repeal ObamaCare". I'm right there with you.

Healthcare Cost Growth Steamrolls CPI
The average per capita cost of healthcare services grew at more than three times the rate of overall inflation for the 12-month period that ended in June, with the cost of services covered by commercial health plans growing four times faster than those of Medicare, new data shows.

Standard & Poor's Healthcare Economic Indices show that per capita cost growth covered by commercial insurance and Medicare programs increased by 5.78% over the 12-months ending June. In the larger economy inflation rose by 1.7% as measured by the Consumer Price Index for the same period, federal data show.

"Repeal ObamaCare". I'm right there with you.


Then we let the free market decide.

The bleeding hearts worry about the poor when the poor are already provided for, does Medicaid ring a bell?

If the poor needs more help then we can have a debate on how to ramp up Medicaid.

Also we should follow what Dr. Paul suggested and start denying free medical to illegal aliens.
And then what?

Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?

The GOP better figure out a fucking answer to that question.


Buffett and my son in law gave you a ain't rocket science...and it sure as shit ain't community organizing.
And then what?

Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?

The GOP better figure out a fucking answer to that question.


Buffett and my son in law gave you a ain't rocket science...and it sure as shit ain't community organizing.

The GOP is who needs a clue. They have no plan. Nada. Nothing. Status quo.

You dipshits are assuming I like ObamaCare or want more government involvement in health care just because I am pointing out the impotence of the GOP. Wrong!
And then what?

Repeal ObamaCare...and then what?

The GOP better figure out a fucking answer to that question.


Buffett and my son in law gave you a ain't rocket science...and it sure as shit ain't community organizing.

The GOP is who needs a clue. They have no plan. Nada. Nothing. Status quo.

You dipshits are assuming I like ObamaCare or want more government involvement in health care just because I am pointing out the impotence of the GOP. Wrong!

I agree. Despite my belief that simple repeal would be better than letting Obamacare proceed - we're going to need the support of those who believe that Obamacare does at least some net good for society. And they won't accept repeal without a solid plan to do something to clean up the health care market.

But we shouldn't acquiesce to the premise that government should ensure that everyone can get health care. That's a opportunistic socialist wedge - it might promise relief, temporarily, for some, but it doesn't address the cause. If health care prices keep rising, it won't matter whether we're paying for them ourselves, or through government induced cost sharing - we'll still be going broke just as fast.
ObamaCare was a classic bait-and-switch con. It was hyped as necessary because we needed to bring health care costs down. Remember all the rubes posting data all over the internet about per capita spending on healthcare during the debates?

Yeah. So do I.

ObamaCare actually further entrenches things which bend the cost of healthcare up.

This was not about cutting costs. This was yet another attempt to immanentize the eschaton.


The design all along was to force the collapse of the privates delivery system.
It is goingto work and we'll get the single payor system they want.

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