The New GOP House announces their agenda!!!!

You are an idiot. If cutting taxes for the rich was supposed to create jobs we would already have them. Bush's tax cuts were passed in may of 2006. It's been over four years. Where are all the jobs? The rich haven't been hit hard by this reccession ..interest rates are at rock bottom. What's stopping the rich from creating jobs. Nothing. They never intended to invest their windfall into job creation. That is just another lie you assholes tell like its some economic fact. I'll grant you that it's worked for you so far. Many Americans have fallen for that line of bullshit. When your lies and propaganda finally wear out and the public wakes up from their stupor they are going to be very angry at those that have been leading the charge to give all the wealth to those that need it least and have no desire or need for "opportunity". Many already get it. More are waking up every day. When it reaches critical mass you wont be able to hide behind your fear mongering of gays, god, abortion, guns and fear of a black man in the white house.

Did I mention how much I hate you people?

Well spoken Huggy!!! Out of one side of their mouth they say government tax cuts creates jobs, and the other side is saying government cannot create jobs........tsk! LOL! And I recall the article I laid down the other day where the corporations are holding back over 1 Trillion dollars instead of investing in Americans.

These aren't tax cuts.

They are forgoing increases.

It's like talking to a brick wall, the evil rich white man is to blame.....

Where did they go to school?

How in the hell do you forget our founders fought to get away from being over taxed......
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The first contract with America did not turn out so great.

Sure it did. Clinton got impeached.

Just you wait. Obama will be next. And any Democratic President after that.

There will be impeachment parties.

A new slogan will emerge..elect a Republicans impeach.

My 401K lost 60,000 dollars as a result of Bush.

Now I know this is going to piss you off, but for the same amount of taxes, a German worker needs no 401K or investment scheme or pissed on SS, he gets a full wage retirement, annual vacations, full Health Care, a tax free home, free tv, best transportation system with some of it free. Eventually American workers will wake up and wonder why they are getting shit on? LOL!!! Sorry................:eusa_angel:

Are you free if you have to give most of your income to government to support such a plan? Are you secure, since it's insolvent?

Do you people ever even try to be honest? Most of your money? We had the most stable and industrious economy with the most investment in our infrastructure under Eisenhower and the wealthy paid 90% income tax. You bullshit works on morons. I'm not dumb enough for you to convince me of anything. The tax rate is the lowest in modern history and it isn't helping unemployment. I wouldn't fault you for your opinion if you were just wealthy and greedy but I doubt you are wealthy. Hey moron..the wealthy do not need your help. They aren't going to give you an award for your efforts. What they will do is laugh at you for being such a tool that does what they do not do which is promote policy that does not benefit them.
Employement won't improve until Obamacare is repealed, and the rest of his anti-business regulatory agenda is stopped cold.

See, when you had those tax rates nobody paid, you did not have rocks around the necks of the job creation class as you do now, either.
Bush's tax cuts began in 2003 when the country was in recession that began in the last year of the Clinton admin topped off by 9/11. After the tax cuts millions of jobs were added and the unemployment rate hovered around 5% for most of his 8 years.

Your black Muslim man has ruined the country and now we intend to ruin him.

What recession?

Sallow said:
It was basically over when President Bush got in. He saw a surplus and justified the Tax cuts that way.

If you consider late 2003 basically over, Bush was sworn in 1/20/01, plus the 9/11 effects, I love how 9/11 seems to disappear from the equation.....

Sallow said:
And in 8 years..the Bush administration had a net gain of 3 million jobs.

This is the sick part, in '04 he made it clear Fannie & Freddie where going down the tubes and what did the Dem's say......


Here is our buddy Barney Frank....


Sallow said:
That's terrible no matter how you slice it. Especially given the record profits and incomes of the top 3% of Americans..when 97% of the rest stayed flat and/or went down.

My 401K lost 60,000 dollars as a result of Bush.

Wrong, try Clinton, Frank, Waters, etc......

Oh and BTW, Frank now says Freddie & Fannie are a disaster.....

Now tell us all who is to blame again?!?!?!?!
Employement won't improve until Obamacare is repealed, and the rest of his anti-business regulatory agenda is stopped cold.

See, when you had those tax rates nobody paid, you did not have rocks around the necks of the job creation class as you do now, either.

Really? What is "Obamacare" costing business today? When the cost of health care rose 300% in the last ten years what exactly did that have to do with "Obamacare"? The trouble with being a dumb ass like yourself is that you have no way of understanding what it is like to have a developed brain. You go through life having to take others words for everything. Smart people know how you think. We get drunk occasionally or smoke some killer pot and we get stupid like we know..we get it. But then the booze or pot wears off and your kinda stupid isn't as entertaining as it was in the bar or when we were with the chick that needed drugs to relax for sex. Its really too bad that there isn't a magic pill you could take for a few minutes so you could temporarily be intelligent and see how pathetic you are in our eyes. It's probably better that you don't know. The shock would probably destroy what little you have to work with.

You should thank your lucky stars that smart people are usually nicer than dumb people. We could just think up ways to keep you pre-occupied with stupid ideas and useless crap so you wouldn't get in our way. bad..some smart people aren't very nice and have altready thought of that.
Now I know this is going to piss you off, but for the same amount of taxes, a German worker needs no 401K or investment scheme or pissed on SS, he gets a full wage retirement, annual vacations, full Health Care, a tax free home, free tv, best transportation system with some of it free. Eventually American workers will wake up and wonder why they are getting shit on? LOL!!! Sorry................:eusa_angel:

Are you free if you have to give most of your income to government to support such a plan? Are you secure, since it's insolvent?

Do you people ever even try to be honest? Most of your money? We had the most stable and industrious economy with the most investment in our infrastructure under Eisenhower and the wealthy paid 90% income tax. You bullshit works on morons. I'm not dumb enough for you to convince me of anything. The tax rate is the lowest in modern history and it isn't helping unemployment. I wouldn't fault you for your opinion if you were just wealthy and greedy but I doubt you are wealthy. Hey moron..the wealthy do not need your help. They aren't going to give you an award for your efforts. What they will do is laugh at you for being such a tool that does what they do not do which is promote policy that does not benefit them.

Did you know only a moron would believe someone paid 90% in income taxes and remained wealthy, just saying.....

Yes the current tax rate is the lowest in history, the deductions are to.....
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You are lost and you have no clue what I want.

My expectation is that you have no idea what you want either.

Confined to explosions of emotion fanned by the flames of rhetoric and shallow slogans your heroes now have to deliver on their promises.

Should they fail to do so, or piss Americans off even moreso by trying you will be next to reap the wrath of an anti-incumbency populist wave.

You can sport soundbites. Can your rag tag team of partisans govern? Or will they get absorbed into the same business as usual climate that corrupts and pollutes DC?

Government does not give you programs to make you prosperous.

Then why do you expect government to install policies to grow the economy? Like tax cuts or tax cut extensions? Budget cuts? Etc.

Please restrict your response to serious answers. I haven't seen a credible post from you in 3 days.

Find your A game.

You do not get it he's working with the bull shit thread you started. You might want to bring your A game while rever is in the major leagues you are playing short shop for the pee wee leagues.
Blue dogs who got rolled by the progressives by Obamacare sealed their own fate. They became no different than the progressives at that point.

Only a couple of progressives lost. The Blue Dogs saw their numbers cut in half.

Horse shit look at all the seats lost by the democrats in the house. most were not blue dogs
What are the Republicans going to cut?

American jobs. They have plans to move even more to China.

From 2001 to 2008, Republicans moved 2.4 million jobs to China and set up subsidies and tax breaks to help move millions more. But the jobs not done. There's still some left.

Dean just keep thinking like that I hope more democrats are just like you. 2012 is not that far away.:clap2:
Government does not give you programs to make you prosperous.

Then why do you expect government to install policies to grow the economy? Like tax cuts or tax cut extensions? Budget cuts? Etc.

Please restrict your response to serious answers. I haven't seen a credible post from you in 3 days.

Find your A game.

You do not get it he's working with the bull shit thread you started. You might want to bring your A game while rever is in the major leagues you are playing short shop for the pee wee leagues.

Revere is a halfwit. Since you look up to him for ideas that must make you a quarter wit. I never took that talk about hillbillys and inbreeding seriously. Reading your posts I can see how some believe it.
When a Conservative says "freedom" he means money. When a Liberal says "freedom", he means freedom.

You may be right, or not.

I suspect the vast majority of today's conservatives are just brainwashed no nothings from backwater nowhere USA.

Just keep thinking the way you think democrat 2010 will seem like a cake walk when 2012 gets here. Pitty to be so close to just have everything striped right from your finger tips.
The economy grows itself. It always has, in the absence of government interference.

An absolute myth proven false by 97 years of overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I asked for a serious "A" game answer and that is all you have? Do you even have an "A" game?

So will the teaparty congress keep their vows, die trying or piss off American's in the process?

The economy grows by consumer demand. The government can restrict the demand with tax hikes.
My 401K lost 60,000 dollars as a result of Bush.

And how much more did it lose because of Odumbo?

Speaking of 401K's, are you aware that Obama wants to take away the tax benefits from 401K's and wants to eliminate the tax deduction on home mortgages? So nice to have a Commie bastard POS in the WH, isn't it?
When a Conservative says "freedom" he means money. When a Liberal says "freedom", he means freedom.

You may be right, or not.

I suspect the vast majority of today's conservatives are just brainwashed no nothings from backwater nowhere USA.

Just keep thinking the way you think democrat 2010 will seem like a cake walk when 2012 gets here. Pitty to be so close to just have everything striped right from your finger tips.

What a strange delusion. Everything in your fingertips "striped"? Is that supposed to make your fingers look thinner? What if everything in your fingertips was checkerboard pattern.. would you feel better about it than if they were striped? They would appear fatter with everything checkerboard.
How can you be free if government takes 50% of your money?

OK, try to be free without a government protecting you.

Are you a clown, a serial liar or an idiot?

BTW the government OWNS 'your" money. It belongs to them, they just allow you to use it.

Your money, in all legal reality, belongs to me every bit as much as it belongs to you.

Your property is more secure in your person, but still not entirely.

In the end you are born with nothing, die with nothing and no government can or will ever change that. It violates their monopoly on power.

OK, try to be free without a government protecting you.
Sure it's call being personally responsible

Are you a clown, a serial liar or an idiot?
I will ask you the same thing,
Are you a clown, a serial liar or an idiot?

BTW the government OWNS 'your" money. It belongs to them, they just allow you to use it.
Then what you are saying is that all are slaves because they do not own anything. A slave has no liberty or freedom.
Again, I will ask,
Are you a clown, a serial liar or an idiot?

Your money, in all legal reality, belongs to me every bit as much as it belongs to you.

You are for slavery if you think like that. A slave owns nothing but wehat his master allows him to own, but can take it away at any time the masters wishes to do so.
Republicans unveil their 'Pledge to America'


Republicans on the campaign trail to retake Congress have a new roadmap.

The GOP unveiled its plan to fix the country Thursday, in a document titled "Pledge to America."

Speaking outside a hardware store in a suburb outside Washington, D.C., Republicans vowed to make the country better.

"The land of opportunity has become the land of shrinking prosperity ... Our government has failed us," Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) said. "We will take back our country. We will restore for a better future. This is our pledge to you."

The 21-page manifesto gathers familiar talking points for Republicans, such as cutting taxes and slashing government spending.

"A number of people are very cynical about the reliability and the sincerity of either party," Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), the head of the Republicans’ House campaign committee, said.

"We've put things on a sheet of paper."

and here is that piece of paper: A Pledge to America - A New Republican Governing Agenda -

America is more than a country.

America is an idea – an idea that free people can govern themselves, that government’s powers are derived from the consent of the governed, that each of us is endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. America is the belief that any man or woman can – given economic, political, and religious liberty – advance themselves, their families, and the common good.

America is an inspiration to those who yearn to be free and have the ability and the dignity to determine their own destiny.

Whenever the agenda of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to institute a new governing agenda and set a different course.

These first principles were proclaimed in the Declaration of Independence, enshrined in the Constitution, and have endured through hard sacrifice and commitment by generations of Americans.

In a self-governing society, the only bulwark against the power of the state is the consent of the governed, and regarding the policies of the current government, the governed do not consent.

An unchecked executive, a compliant legislature, and an overreaching judiciary have combined to thwart the will of the people and overturn their votes and their values, striking down longstanding laws and institutions and scorning the deepest beliefs of the American people.

An arrogant and out-of-touch government of self-appointed elites makes decisions, issues mandates, and enacts laws without accepting or requesting the input of the many.

Rising joblessness, crushing debt, and a polarizing political environment are fraying the bonds among our people and blurring our sense of national purpose.

Like free peoples of the past, our citizens refuse to accommodate a government that believes it can replace the will of the people with its own. The American people are speaking out, demanding that we realign our country’s compass with its founding principles and apply those principles to solve our common problems for the common good.

The need for urgent action to repair our economy and reclaim our government for the people cannot be overstated.

With this document, we pledge to dedicate ourselves to the task of reconnecting our highest aspirations to the permanent truths of our founding by keeping faith with the values our nation was founded on, the principles we stand for, and the priorities of our people. This is our Pledge to America.

We pledge to honor the Constitution as constructed by its framers and honor the original intent of those precepts that have been consistently ignored – particularly the Tenth Amendment, which grants that all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

We pledge to advance policies that promote greater liberty, wider opportunity, a robust defense, and national economic prosperity.

We pledge to honor families, traditional marriage, life, and the private and faith-based organizations that form the core of our American values.

We pledge to make government more transparent in its actions, careful in its stewardship, and honest in its dealings.

We pledge to uphold the purpose and promise of a better America, knowing that to whom much is given, much is expected and that the blessings of our liberty buoy the hopes of mankind.

We make this pledge bearing true faith and allegiance to the people we represent, and we invite fellow citizens and patriots to join us in forming a new governing agenda for America.

The next two years should be bitchin fun! Let's see if the new GOP can keep their promises!

If they don't attempt to keep to the standards of those who elected them the republicans will lose in 2012.

The problem for the democrats is to not obstruct legislation this new house tries to pass. If the dems make it so the republicans can't do what the people elected them to do then the democrats instead will lose more in 2012.

No matter how much spin you hear this is truly how it is. The people are awake!

No matter how much spin you hear this is truly how it is. The people are awake!
Sure they will spin it thats what they do best. Lets hope they will keep doing what they are doing.

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