The New Normal More Likely The Antibodies Tests--Even Now!

The OP is not about White House or Nationalist Supremacist, Supreme Leader Trump, new measures. It is about new testing available that can come into play to be organized into a Democratic Socialist response to the problem, long since rejected by even the lone Republican Senator Romney: Who voted Republican at the trial, to convict.

Anyone can infer that's a lot to suggest in so many words(?)!

The White House is not on-board with testing for Covid-19 antibodies, even today: April 4, 2020.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid!)
The infectious rate of any disease is quantified by its R0 or reproduction number. It depends on a number of variables. Some are inherent to disease itself, like how it transmits, how many people have immunity, how long they have immunity, mutations etc . Other factors we control, like social distancing measures. There's alot of moving parts, and two sides to the equation. So Covid-19 started out very infectious, but then we clamped down hard, so now it doesn't look like its as infectious as it otherwise would be, which gives false comparisons if you are trying to say compare it to Swine Flu, without factoring in all the ways we have fought to slow it down.
Folks, recall in the 1980's Tiny Tony Fauci tried to cause hysteria by claiming the HIV/AIDS illness would spread like wildfire into the heterosexual world! Obviously it did not, meanwhile Tiny Tony Fauci has been involved in billions of dollars (much of it taxpayer money) in "research" and after 30 years or whatever still has no vaccine for the medical condition that is essentially his life's work! He is a propaganda piece for the Deep State! I watched an interview from way back on C-Span, Tiny Tony is a delusion nutcase who considers himself equal to anyone in the highest level in the Executive Branch of the USA. The problem we face is how is President Trump going to deal with this parasite!

Where are the results of the anti-Malaria drug tests in NYC Cuomo was supposed to be supervising several weeks ago!
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Folks, recall in the 1980's Tiny Tony Fauci tried to cause hysteria by claiming the HIV/AIDS illness would spread like wildfire into the heterosexual world! Obviously it did not, meanwhile Tiny Tony Fauci has been involved in billions of dollars (much of it taxpayer money) in "research" and after 30 years or whatever still has no vaccine for the medical condition that is essentially his life's work! He is a propaganda piece for the Deep State! I watched an interview from way back on C-Span, Tiny Tony is a delusion nutcase who considers himself equal to anyone in the highest level in the Executive Branch of the USA. The problem we face is how is President Trump going to deal with this parasite!

Where are the results of the anti-Malaria drug tests in NYC Cuomo was supposed to be supervising several weeks ago!

All in the hopes of what??...salvaging the Presidency of Donald John Trump? Because he is your great white hope?
Yeah, stick a fork in him, he's cooked.
The OP is still not about anything other than people recovered from Covid-19, with suddenly a test out to find more of them: And how they fit it. It is widely kknown that Nationalist Supremacist swine like JackOfNoTrade, Supreme Leader Trump supporter: Fired or had shot anyone connected with Pandemic Control at the Federal Level.

Now, in just recent hours: There is a measure, (initiative) of hope.

Instead the slime appear to be envisioning prayer at Palm Sunday crowded indoor gatherings, even at Easter--and at services all week along.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Gather in the crowds, sneeze, cough, and spit(?), White House Plague Management(?). The Liberals don't even pretend that Deut 23: 19-20 is all about Foreign Aid!)
Folks, recall in the 1980's Tiny Tony Fauci tried to cause hysteria by claiming the HIV/AIDS illness would spread like wildfire into the heterosexual world! Obviously it did not, meanwhile Tiny Tony Fauci has been involved in billions of dollars (much of it taxpayer money) in "research" and after 30 years or whatever still has no vaccine for the medical condition that is essentially his life's work! He is a propaganda piece for the Deep State! I watched an interview from way back on C-Span, Tiny Tony is a delusion nutcase who considers himself equal to anyone in the highest level in the Executive Branch of the USA. The problem we face is how is President Trump going to deal with this parasite!

Where are the results of the anti-Malaria drug tests in NYC Cuomo was supposed to be supervising several weeks ago!

All in the hopes of what??...salvaging the Presidency of Donald John Trump? Because he is your great white hope?
Yeah, stick a fork in him, he's cooked.
So you actually believe that senile old fool Biden has a chance of winning?

My point is that this is a long track recovery. It won't be solved in the span of days or weeks. It will be months, maybe even years. Lots of data to be gathered and analyzed
And ISIS will be a generational problem (at least as long as we have a Democrat president)
Folks, recall in the 1980's Tiny Tony Fauci tried to cause hysteria by claiming the HIV/AIDS illness would spread like wildfire into the heterosexual world! Obviously it did not, meanwhile Tiny Tony Fauci has been involved in billions of dollars (much of it taxpayer money) in "research" and after 30 years or whatever still has no vaccine for the medical condition that is essentially his life's work! He is a propaganda piece for the Deep State! I watched an interview from way back on C-Span, Tiny Tony is a delusion nutcase who considers himself equal to anyone in the highest level in the Executive Branch of the USA. The problem we face is how is President Trump going to deal with this parasite!

Where are the results of the anti-Malaria drug tests in NYC Cuomo was supposed to be supervising several weeks ago!
That's why I'm not listening to predictions right now. But it DID spread into the heterosexual world. Fortunately, they came up with a treatment (though not a cure) so the wildfire was contained and people can live with it for many years.
Folks, recall in the 1980's Tiny Tony Fauci tried to cause hysteria by claiming the HIV/AIDS illness would spread like wildfire into the heterosexual world! Obviously it did not, meanwhile Tiny Tony Fauci has been involved in billions of dollars (much of it taxpayer money) in "research" and after 30 years or whatever still has no vaccine for the medical condition that is essentially his life's work! He is a propaganda piece for the Deep State! I watched an interview from way back on C-Span, Tiny Tony is a delusion nutcase who considers himself equal to anyone in the highest level in the Executive Branch of the USA. The problem we face is how is President Trump going to deal with this parasite!

Where are the results of the anti-Malaria drug tests in NYC Cuomo was supposed to be supervising several weeks ago!
That's why I'm not listening to predictions right now. But it DID spread into the heterosexual world. Fortunately, they came up with a treatment (though not a cure) so the wildfire was contained and people can live with it for many years.
Yeah, heterosexual IV drug users got it, and the permanent female sexual partners of the infected.

The chances of a male getting it through normal heterosexual sex were less than your chances of getting hit by a meteorite. The chances of a female getting it that way were only slightly greater.
If testing is required to go back to work expect to spend $50 for a test. Or $500 if you want a negative one.

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