The new novie noah


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!
THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!

Bill O`Reilly is going to do a segment about this film, on The Factor, tonight at 8:00 Eastern.

I may watch. I'd like to hear all the scuttlebutt....
THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!

Did you see it?

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I wouldn't go see it if someone paid me to....what do you expect from what I hear is an atheist God hater director? And they try to compare this with other Christian movies like Passion of the Christ....really sad!
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THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!

LOL rightwing fundamentalist Christians (note: I didn't say all Christians as some know this is only story ) would have everyone believe the mythological story of noah's arc is a historical fact, anything and anyone that contradicts this cartoonish like understanding of the world and its history is labeled is attacking their beliefs . Now the rightwing religious leaders have another thing to whine about, and whip their base up into a frenzy,just like their war on christmas junk.
Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac. How would a movie about George Washington as a drunk, coward, sexual pervert do in today's movie market??
Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac. How would a movie about George Washington as a drunk, coward, sexual pervert do in today's movie market??

Did you see the movie? Millions of people saw it over the weekend
This movie has pretty good reviews and not all Christian groups hate it:

Christian reaction

Producer Scott Franklin told Entertainment Weekly, "Noah is a very short section of the Bible with a lot of gaps, so we definitely had to take some creative expression in it. But I think we stayed very true to the story and didn't really deviate from the Bible, despite the six-armed angels."[52] Several Christian organizations have expressed support for the Noah film, "including Leaders from organizations like the American Bible Society, National Catholic Register, The King's College, Q Ideas, Hollywood Prayer Network, and Focus on the Family".[53] Focus on the Family president Jim Daly stated that: "[Noah] is a creative interpretation of the scriptural account that allows us to imagine the deep struggles Noah may have wrestled with as he answered God&#8217;s call on his life. This cinematic vision of Noah&#8217;s story gives Christians a great opportunity to engage our culture with the biblical Noah, and to have conversations with friends and family about matters of eternal significance."[54]
"Noah" has been the subject of controversy with some religious groups claiming the story has been inaccurately portrayed. The director, Darren Aronofsky, a self-professed atheist, made waves by touting his rendition of "Noah" as the "least biblical biblical film ever made."[55] The movie was reported by one early reviewer to have no mention of God. The director&#8217;s description of Noah as the &#8220;first environmentalist&#8221; also did not sit well with Jerry Johnson, president of the National Religious Broadcasters, who called the film&#8217;s &#8220;insertion of the extremist environmental agenda&#8221; a major concern.[56] The push back from some religious groups prompted Paramount Pictures in February 2014 to add a disclaimer to marketing materials, saying:
"The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis.

I would withhold judgement until I saw it.
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This movie has pretty good reviews and not all Christian groups hate it:

Christian reaction

Producer Scott Franklin told Entertainment Weekly, "Noah is a very short section of the Bible with a lot of gaps, so we definitely had to take some creative expression in it. But I think we stayed very true to the story and didn't really deviate from the Bible, despite the six-armed angels."[52] Several Christian organizations have expressed support for the Noah film, "including Leaders from organizations like the American Bible Society, National Catholic Register, The King's College, Q Ideas, Hollywood Prayer Network, and Focus on the Family".[53] Focus on the Family president Jim Daly stated that: "[Noah] is a creative interpretation of the scriptural account that allows us to imagine the deep struggles Noah may have wrestled with as he answered God’s call on his life. This cinematic vision of Noah’s story gives Christians a great opportunity to engage our culture with the biblical Noah, and to have conversations with friends and family about matters of eternal significance."[54]
"Noah" has been the subject of controversy with some religious groups claiming the story has been inaccurately portrayed. The director, Darren Aronofsky, a self-professed atheist, made waves by touting his rendition of "Noah" as the "least biblical biblical film ever made."[55] The movie was reported by one early reviewer to have no mention of God. The director’s description of Noah as the “first environmentalist” also did not sit well with Jerry Johnson, president of the National Religious Broadcasters, who called the film’s “insertion of the extremist environmental agenda” a major concern.[56] The push back from some religious groups prompted Paramount Pictures in February 2014 to add a disclaimer to marketing materials, saying:
"The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis.

I would withhold judgement until I saw it.

Noah (A MAN OF GOD) is depicted as a psychopathic maniac. How would a movie about George Washington as a drunk, coward, sexual pervert do in today's movie market??
Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac. How would a movie about George Washington as a drunk, coward, sexual pervert do in today's movie market??

Noah was a drunk. Are you saying that he wasn't?

Genesis 9 20 Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he planted a vineyard.c 21He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent. 22And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside. 23Then Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned backward, and they did not see their father’s nakedness.
This movie has pretty good reviews and not all Christian groups hate it:

Christian reaction

Producer Scott Franklin told Entertainment Weekly, "Noah is a very short section of the Bible with a lot of gaps, so we definitely had to take some creative expression in it. But I think we stayed very true to the story and didn't really deviate from the Bible, despite the six-armed angels."[52] Several Christian organizations have expressed support for the Noah film, "including Leaders from organizations like the American Bible Society, National Catholic Register, The King's College, Q Ideas, Hollywood Prayer Network, and Focus on the Family".[53] Focus on the Family president Jim Daly stated that: "[Noah] is a creative interpretation of the scriptural account that allows us to imagine the deep struggles Noah may have wrestled with as he answered God’s call on his life. This cinematic vision of Noah’s story gives Christians a great opportunity to engage our culture with the biblical Noah, and to have conversations with friends and family about matters of eternal significance."[54]
"Noah" has been the subject of controversy with some religious groups claiming the story has been inaccurately portrayed. The director, Darren Aronofsky, a self-professed atheist, made waves by touting his rendition of "Noah" as the "least biblical biblical film ever made."[55] The movie was reported by one early reviewer to have no mention of God. The director’s description of Noah as the “first environmentalist” also did not sit well with Jerry Johnson, president of the National Religious Broadcasters, who called the film’s “insertion of the extremist environmental agenda” a major concern.[56] The push back from some religious groups prompted Paramount Pictures in February 2014 to add a disclaimer to marketing materials, saying:
"The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis.

I would withhold judgement until I saw it.

Noah (A MAN OF GOD) is depicted as a psychopathic maniac. How would a movie about George Washington as a drunk, coward, sexual pervert do in today's movie market??

How do you know how he was depicted?

The guy was hearing voices telling him to build an ark. You don't think psychopathic came into play?
once we, too, were foolish and disobedient; we were misled by others and became slaves to many evil pleasures and wicked desires. Our lives were full of resentment and envy. We hated others and they hated us.

4 but when the time came for the kindness and love of god our savior to appear, 5 then he saved us—not because we were good enough to be saved but because of his kindness and pity—by washing away our sins and giving us the new joy of the indwelling holy spirit, 6 whom he poured out upon us with wonderful fullness—and all because of what jesus christ our savior did 7 so that he could declare us good in god’s eyes—all because of his great kindness; and now we can share in the wealth of the eternal life he gives us, and we are eagerly looking forward to receiving it. 8 these things i have told you are all true. Insist on them so that christians will be careful to do good deeds all the time, for this is not only right, but it brings results.

9 don’t get involved in arguing over unanswerable questions and controversial theological ideas; keep out of arguments and quarrels about obedience to jewish laws, for this kind of thing isn’t worthwhile; it only does harm. 10 if anyone is causing divisions among you, he should be given a first and second warning. After that have nothing more to do with him, 11 for such a person has a wrong sense of values. He is sinning, and he knows it.
Titus 3:2-11
once we, too, were foolish and disobedient; we were misled by others and became slaves to many evil pleasures and wicked desires. Our lives were full of resentment and envy. We hated others and they hated us.

4 but when the time came for the kindness and love of god our savior to appear, 5 then he saved us—not because we were good enough to be saved but because of his kindness and pity—by washing away our sins and giving us the new joy of the indwelling holy spirit, 6 whom he poured out upon us with wonderful fullness—and all because of what jesus christ our savior did 7 so that he could declare us good in god’s eyes—all because of his great kindness; and now we can share in the wealth of the eternal life he gives us, and we are eagerly looking forward to receiving it. 8 these things i have told you are all true. Insist on them so that christians will be careful to do good deeds all the time, for this is not only right, but it brings results.

9 don’t get involved in arguing over unanswerable questions and controversial theological ideas; keep out of arguments and quarrels about obedience to jewish laws, for this kind of thing isn’t worthwhile; it only does harm. 10 if anyone is causing divisions among you, he should be given a first and second warning. After that have nothing more to do with him, 11 for such a person has a wrong sense of values. He is sinning, and he knows it.
Titus 3:2-11

I hate when you do that. This thread was pretty good till now....
Noah was running around saying the end is near and repent all ye sinners (sounds like GISMYS doesn't it?) He is building an ark in the middle of nowhere

You don't think everyone thought he was a psychopathic maniac? ( just like GISMYS)
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