The new novie noah

THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!

I hear you. But it's just a freakin movie. Who cares. I have never and will never use Hollywood to help me understand anything about religion or history. It's nothing but pure entertainment to me. It's an escape for a few hours in a movie theater, not a classroom.

The evil is many people will believe the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time. ====You may know the truth but how many others will believe the lies of satan in this movie????

If someone goes to this movie and some how finds religion of any kind, then wouldn't you agree that person was already lost and needs some serious help? Hollywood is about $$$$$, entertainment and more $$$$$. That's it. Nothing more.

I'm more pissed at JJ Abrams for lacking any kind of originality and ripping of Wrath Of Khan. But I digress...
I hear you. But it's just a freakin movie. Who cares. I have never and will never use Hollywood to help me understand anything about religion or history. It's nothing but pure entertainment to me. It's an escape for a few hours in a movie theater, not a classroom.

The evil is many people will believe the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time. ====You may know the truth but how many others will believe the lies of satan in this movie????

If someone goes to this movie and some how finds religion of any kind, then wouldn't you agree that person was already lost and needs some serious help? Hollywood is about $$$$$, entertainment and more $$$$$. That's it. Nothing more.

I'm more pissed at JJ Abrams for lacking any kind of originality and ripping of Wrath Of Khan. But I digress...

BOTTOMLINE= Making the fallen,evil angels the good guys and the Godly man Noah the bad guy, A NUT CASE,WACKO is no accident!!!
I wouldn't go see it if someone paid me to....what do you expect from what I hear is an atheist God hater director? And they try to compare this with other Christian movies like Passion of the Christ....really sad!

So there!

Guess you told them.

I won't see it either but neither of us will be missed. It was #1 this weekend because, apparently, a lot of people like bible-based fairy tales. :cuckoo:

Apparently there are a lot of people that are just plain stupid and know nothing about the Bible. This movie definately IS a fairy tale. What's said is there are probably people like you that think it's the truth!

I agree that the movie is certainly based on a fairy tale.
Stories of a massive flood exist in more than Hebrew mythology. In my own research on
American Indian myths and legends, I discovered that most tribes in Canada, the USA, and Mexico had stories about a world-covering flood long before the arrival of Europeans.
Stories of a massive flood exist in more than Hebrew mythology. In my own research on
American Indian myths and legends, I discovered that most tribes in Canada, the USA, and Mexico had stories about a world-covering flood long before the arrival of Europeans.

Science says.

"Massive ice sheets covered parts of North America, northern Europe, and several other regions during the last ice age. This huge volume of ice lowered global sea level by around 120 meters as compared to today. After the ice sheets began to melt and retreat, sea level rose rapidly, with several periods of even faster spurts. The first such spurt may have started about 19,000 years ago......."
Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac. How would a movie about George Washington as a drunk, coward, sexual pervert do in today's movie market??

Noah was a drunk. Are you saying that he wasn't?

Genesis 9 20 Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he planted a vineyard.c 21He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent. 22And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside. 23Then Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned backward, and they did not see their father’s nakedness.

So.........a person that has ever gotten drunk, maybe once in a while has gotten drunk, is known as just a "drunk". No.....Genesis told ONE story of him getting drunk and his sons found him. That doesn't mean he was KNOWN to be a drunk or was "a drunk" as you say. The director made him out to be a drunk.....another lie.

To say that I cannot know, means that YOU know. How is it possible that you know, but impossible that I know?

Problem with the story of Noah, is that if you only stuck to the facts of the bible, the movie would be all of fifteen minutes long. The way I see it, all they did was to try and fill in the blanks.
I wouldn't go see it if someone paid me to....what do you expect from what I hear is an atheist God hater director? And they try to compare this with other Christian movies like Passion of the Christ....really sad!

So there!

Guess you told them.

I won't see it either but neither of us will be missed. It was #1 this weekend because, apparently, a lot of people like bible-based fairy tales. :cuckoo:

Apparently there are a lot of people that are just plain stupid and know nothing about the Bible. This movie definately IS a fairy tale. What's said is there are probably people like you that think it's the truth!

I actually find everything about this story to be quite preposterous.

Flooding the entire earth? And no fresh or saltwater fish died? All the animals fit into the Arc? Dinos included? Come on man, Noah being a drunk is least problematic side-bar to this whole mess.
This movie has pretty good reviews and not all Christian groups hate it:

Christian reaction

Producer Scott Franklin told Entertainment Weekly, "Noah is a very short section of the Bible with a lot of gaps, so we definitely had to take some creative expression in it. But I think we stayed very true to the story and didn't really deviate from the Bible, despite the six-armed angels."[52] Several Christian organizations have expressed support for the Noah film, "including Leaders from organizations like the American Bible Society, National Catholic Register, The King's College, Q Ideas, Hollywood Prayer Network, and Focus on the Family".[53] Focus on the Family president Jim Daly stated that: "[Noah] is a creative interpretation of the scriptural account that allows us to imagine the deep struggles Noah may have wrestled with as he answered God’s call on his life. This cinematic vision of Noah’s story gives Christians a great opportunity to engage our culture with the biblical Noah, and to have conversations with friends and family about matters of eternal significance."[54]
"Noah" has been the subject of controversy with some religious groups claiming the story has been inaccurately portrayed. The director, Darren Aronofsky, a self-professed atheist, made waves by touting his rendition of "Noah" as the "least biblical biblical film ever made."[55] The movie was reported by one early reviewer to have no mention of God. The director’s description of Noah as the “first environmentalist” also did not sit well with Jerry Johnson, president of the National Religious Broadcasters, who called the film’s “insertion of the extremist environmental agenda” a major concern.[56] The push back from some religious groups prompted Paramount Pictures in February 2014 to add a disclaimer to marketing materials, saying:
"The film is inspired by the story of Noah. While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide. The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis.

I would withhold judgement until I saw it.

Noah (A MAN OF GOD) is depicted as a psychopathic maniac. How would a movie about George Washington as a drunk, coward, sexual pervert do in today's movie market??

you wouldn't know... you haven't seen it.

some wackos were even whining that it isn't in the "original english of the bible"

ijits don't even know your own book.
Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac. How would a movie about George Washington as a drunk, coward, sexual pervert do in today's movie market??

IMHO, religious topics are a difficult subject to produce a movie around. Someone is bound to be offended by what is put out there. Unless the movie was publicized as being "fact based, or intended to mirror events that are in the bible(depending on the version) it is nothing more than entertainment.

And as far as George Washington goes, all that we know of him is written in history books. No one really knows what he was like behind closed doors leaving a lot open to speculation.
Who told you it was absurd? Your ignorance does not excuse you not finding out for yourself before calling it absurd. I know the difference between nonsense and reality. Yes color does define me. I said it does. I'm a Black guy and proud of that.

I am a man who happens to be white. I have no need to make up fantastical tales about white people long ago, in order to have pride. My own achievements are the source of my pride. Albert Einstein was a white man from Germany, but I have zero claim to his achievements. Similar skin tone and a shared language do nothing to make his work mine.

That sounds great for your belief system. Thankfully I don't think like you about everything. I dont have a need to make up fantastical tales about Black people either in order to have pride in my own accomplishments. However I also have more pride in the accomplishments of my people as I am not focused on just myself. Big difference in being self oriented and group oriented. Patting your own back makes you a selfish, arrogant, prick. Patting the back of others makes you appreciative and civilized.

Actually it just makes you a herd animal. Try thinking for yourself
CaféAuLait;8862513 said:
THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!

LOL rightwing fundamentalist Christians (note: I didn't say all Christians as some know this is only story ) would have everyone believe the mythological story of noah's arc is a historical fact, anything and anyone that contradicts this cartoonish like understanding of the world and its history is labeled is attacking their beliefs . Now the rightwing religious leaders have another thing to whine about, and whip their base up into a frenzy,just like their war on christmas junk.

I really could give a crap less about the movie, but wasn't a crazy movie with false depictions of the Koran the reason given for the uprising in the ME? And weren't non Muslims damning the movie maker for making such a piece of garbage taking the Koran and saying bad things about the profit Mohammad and uploading it on YouTube?

I recall many a person here saying he was wrong... What's the difference, really? I can't see one, if Christians are saying this movie is offensive and Muslims thought the other movie was offensive there is no difference.

One thing you can't argue with is that the movie does not hold true to the story in the Bible. To me it just comes off as some weird science fiction movie.
At the time of JESUS'S return==The world will be at ease—banquets and parties and weddings—just as it was in Noah’s time before the sudden coming of the Flood; 39 people wouldn’t believe what was going to happen until the Flood actually arrived and took them all away. So shall my coming be. MATTHEW 24:38-39 JESUS says==Blessings on you if I return and find you faithfully doing your work. 47 I will put such faithful ones in charge of everything I own!

48 “But if you are evil and say to yourself, ‘My Lord won’t be coming for a while,’ 49 and begin oppressing your fellow servants, partying and getting drunk, 50 your Lord will arrive unannounced and unexpected, 51 and severely whip you and send you off to the judgment of the hypocrites; there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
matthew 24:46-51
At the time of JESUS'S return==The world will be at ease—banquets and parties and weddings—just as it was in Noah’s time before the sudden coming of the Flood {blah blah blah}

So, he's not just Jesus. He's JESUS!!!!!


Groovy. Just give me real butter and maple syrup with my pancakes at this banquet thing. And Jeezie, baby, it's cool that you turned the water into wine for us. Now STFU and let us chow down.

Oh yeah, "Praise Jesus" and all that shit.
At the time of JESUS'S return==The world will be at ease—banquets and parties and weddings—just as it was in Noah’s time before the sudden coming of the Flood {blah blah blah}

So, he's not just Jesus. He's JESUS!!!!!


Groovy. Just give me real butter and maple syrup with my pancakes at this banquet thing. And Jeezie, baby, it's cool that you turned the water into wine for us. Now STFU and let us chow down.

Oh yeah, "Praise Jesus" and all that shit.

Satanand demons hate and mock and scoff at GOD'S HOLYWORD too!!! and you???
CaféAuLait;8862513 said:
LOL rightwing fundamentalist Christians (note: I didn't say all Christians as some know this is only story ) would have everyone believe the mythological story of noah's arc is a historical fact, anything and anyone that contradicts this cartoonish like understanding of the world and its history is labeled is attacking their beliefs . Now the rightwing religious leaders have another thing to whine about, and whip their base up into a frenzy,just like their war on christmas junk.

I really could give a crap less about the movie, but wasn't a crazy movie with false depictions of the Koran the reason given for the uprising in the ME? And weren't non Muslims damning the movie maker for making such a piece of garbage taking the Koran and saying bad things about the profit Mohammad and uploading it on YouTube?

I recall many a person here saying he was wrong... What's the difference, really? I can't see one, if Christians are saying this movie is offensive and Muslims thought the other movie was offensive there is no difference.

One thing you can't argue with is that the movie does not hold true to the story in the Bible. To me it just comes off as some weird science fiction movie.

Its funny you say that, because that's how I feel about the bible.
At the time of JESUS'S return==The world will be at ease—banquets and parties and weddings—just as it was in Noah’s time before the sudden coming of the Flood {blah blah blah}

So, he's not just Jesus. He's JESUS!!!!!


Groovy. Just give me real butter and maple syrup with my pancakes at this banquet thing. And Jeezie, baby, it's cool that you turned the water into wine for us. Now STFU and let us chow down.

Oh yeah, "Praise Jesus" and all that shit.

Satanand demons hate and mock and scoff at GOD'S HOLYWORD too!!! and you???
Nah, they just mock YOU. We all do. Even god thinks youre an annoying shit heel.
At the time of JESUS'S return==The world will be at ease—banquets and parties and weddings—just as it was in Noah’s time before the sudden coming of the Flood {blah blah blah}

So, he's not just Jesus. He's JESUS!!!!!


Groovy. Just give me real butter and maple syrup with my pancakes at this banquet thing. And Jeezie, baby, it's cool that you turned the water into wine for us. Now STFU and let us chow down.

Oh yeah, "Praise Jesus" and all that shit.

Satanand demons hate and mock and scoff at GOD'S HOLYWORD too!!! and you???

Me? I'm just wondering how the fuck you got to 225 rep.
1 The Ark was about 500 feet long. That would make it approximately the size of a World War II aircraft carrier.

#2 It has been estimated that the Ark had an internal volume of more than 1.5 million cubic feet.

#3 According to brand new research conducted by scientists the University of Leicester, Noah’s Ark could have carried at least 70,000 animals without sinking…

Noah’s Ark would have floated even with two of every animal in the world packed inside, scientists have calculated.

Although researchers are unsure if all the creatures could have squeezed into the huge boat, they are confident it would have handled the weight of 70,000 creatures without sinking.

#4 Of course the Ark would not have needed to hold 70,000 animals. One conservative estimate puts the number of animals on the Ark at about 16,000. This would have allowed for more than enough room for food, supplies and lots of empty space.

#5 We have discovered at least 250 different ancient cultures that have a story of a massive, cataclysmic flood. Most of those stories have striking similarities to the Genesis account.

#6 If there really was a global flood, we would expect to find billions of dead things laid down in rock layers all over the globe. And that is precisely what we find.

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