The new novie noah

DON'T TRY TO MAKE THE GREATEST JUDGMENT EVER ON THIS EVIL WORLD INTO JUST FICTION!!!THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!
THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!

Did you see it?

Insert <No> here

I doubt he can see past the monitor with all that alcohol in him.
DON'T TRY TO MAKE THE GREATEST JUDGMENT EVER ON THIS EVIL WORLD INTO JUST FICTION!!!THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!

Your religion is fading away. Fewer people every generation go to church. In 50 years, Christians will be a minority in the US. In 100 years, that religion will be extinct.
I didn't know that Noah looked so much like Russell Crowe.

And some carpet kissing countries banned the movie for portraying a prophet. Finally, something musbombs and I can agree on! :D
Noah was running around saying the end is near and repent all ye sinners (sounds like GISMYS doesn't it?) He is building an ark in the middle of nowhere

You don't think everyone thought he was a psychopathic maniac? ( just like GISMYS)

Well we all know now that Noah wasn't a psychopathic maniac, he was right.

You trying to say GISMYS is also right?

Looks like it.
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THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!

I hear you. But it's just a freakin movie. Who cares. I have never and will never use Hollywood to help me understand anything about religion or history. It's nothing but pure entertainment to me. It's an escape for a few hours in a movie theater, not a classroom.
I wouldn't go see it if someone paid me to....what do you expect from what I hear is an atheist God hater director? And they try to compare this with other Christian movies like Passion of the Christ....really sad!

yea, they took a few liberties with the story for sure. kind of dissapointing
I wouldn't go see it if someone paid me to....what do you expect from what I hear is an atheist God hater director? And they try to compare this with other Christian movies like Passion of the Christ....really sad!

So there!

Guess you told them.

I won't see it either but neither of us will be missed. It was #1 this weekend because, apparently, a lot of people like bible-based fairy tales. :cuckoo:

Apparently there are a lot of people that are just plain stupid and know nothing about the Bible. This movie definately IS a fairy tale. What's said is there are probably people like you that think it's the truth!
I wouldn't go see it if someone paid me to....what do you expect from what I hear is an atheist God hater director? And they try to compare this with other Christian movies like Passion of the Christ....really sad!

yea, they took a few liberties with the story for sure. kind of dissapointing

A "few" liberties? It's not even close to the truth.......
I wouldn't go see it if someone paid me to....what do you expect from what I hear is an atheist God hater director? And they try to compare this with other Christian movies like Passion of the Christ....really sad!

yea, they took a few liberties with the story for sure. kind of dissapointing

A "few" liberties? It's not even close to the truth.......

you mean noah didn't have sons? lol
Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac. How would a movie about George Washington as a drunk, coward, sexual pervert do in today's movie market??

Noah was a drunk. Are you saying that he wasn't?

Genesis 9 20 Noah began to be a man of the soil, and he planted a vineyard.c 21He drank of the wine and became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent. 22And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers outside. 23Then Shem and Japheth took a garment, laid it on both their shoulders, and walked backward and covered the nakedness of their father. Their faces were turned backward, and they did not see their father’s nakedness.

So.........a person that has ever gotten drunk, maybe once in a while has gotten drunk, is known as just a "drunk". No.....Genesis told ONE story of him getting drunk and his sons found him. That doesn't mean he was KNOWN to be a drunk or was "a drunk" as you say. The director made him out to be a drunk.....another lie.
THE NEW NOVIE NOAH distorts the story of Noah so badly that it is virtually unrecognizable. And Americans are so dumbed down these days that MOST have no idea what the Bible actually says. In “Noah” the new movie, the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time, and during a scene where Noah explains to his family how the world was “created”, the film displays visuals depicting Darwinian evolution. MS. BEWARE!! IN THE LAST DAY MANY WILL SAY GOOD IS EVIL AND EVIL GOOD!!! THOSE DAYS ARE HERE!!!

I hear you. But it's just a freakin movie. Who cares. I have never and will never use Hollywood to help me understand anything about religion or history. It's nothing but pure entertainment to me. It's an escape for a few hours in a movie theater, not a classroom.

The evil is many people will believe the fallen angels are “good guys” that were kicked out of heaven because of their compassion for humanity, they help Noah build the ark, and they ascend to heaven when they die helping defend the ark against a band of marauding evil humans. Instead of a preacher of righteousness, Noah is depicted as a psychopathic maniac that hates humanity and wants to kill his unborn grandchild if it is a girl. The movie somehow finds a way to avoid using the word “God” the entire time. ====You may know the truth but how many others will believe the lies of satan in this movie????
You know what? As an Evangelical Christian, if I want to know about God, Jesus or the Bible, I go to church, talk to my pastor or I actually read the Bible myself. I went to see the movie and found it to be almost two hours of computer-animated graphics and a story line that barely followed the story line in the Bible. But I don't look to Hollywood OR Washington to tell me what or how to believe. I was entertained, barely, but not enlightened.

In Tulsa, there is a movie that is just out called, "God is not dead." We tried for three days to get tickets, but it has been sold out each and every time. We finally got a ticket for a matinee during a week day and went to see it. This movie didn't tell me anything about God, Jesus or the Bible either. But it WAS inspirational AND entertaining. I bought tickets for everyone in my Sunday school class. I had to buy them three weeks in advance.

If you look to Hollywood to provide you insight into your religion, you're looking in the wrong place. I mean Gwenyth Paltrow just said how much harder she has it because she has to be a movie star. And Tom Cruise is going around saying how his job is just as hard as some of the military has it.

Keep things in perspective folks. Hollywood creates fantasy and they have a hard time keeping an eye on which is fantasy and which is not...
I hear you. But it's just a freakin movie. Who cares. I have never and will never use Hollywood to help me understand anything about religion or history. It's nothing but pure entertainment to me. It's an escape for a few hours in a movie theater, not a classroom.

It is, you're right. I don't hold to the Christian religion, but I am far more put off by the leftist religion of environmentalism. I found it offensive that one religion was deliberately perverted to promote a different one. The idea that Noah was fucking Algore made me want to barf.

I should have enjoyed the movie - it had all the right ingredients, solid acting, lots of action, amazing special effects.. But I didn't enjoy it, because the perversion aspect gnawed at me.

For those who haven't seen it and plan to, I won't spoil it. But I can say this without giving anything away, in Noah, the ONLY sin is not being green. You must be a vegan whackjob to be "righteous" in the eyes of the films god - who is clearly Gaia - it sure the fuck ain't the goat herder from the Bible. It would be like a film about George Washington, where he spent the entire film spouting the Communist Manifesto - it just rubs you wrong.

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