The New Politics of Bifurcation


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The New Politics of Bifurcation

The electorate tunes Biden out — and why it matters for November
27 Aug 2022 ~~ By Matthew Continetti

The 2022 election grows more mysterious by the day. Republicans enter this cycle with the wind at their backs: President Biden is unpopular, voters say we are in a recession, Democratic majorities are razor-thin, and midterms favor the opposition party. The issue set — inflation, border security, crime, and the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan — is well-suited for Republican candidates. Many Democrats are retiring. GOP voters are enthusiastic. And did I mention the president is unpopular?
Yet Democrats are increasingly bullish about their electoral prospects. They have closed the gap with Republicans on the congressional generic ballot and lead the GOP for the first time this year. They are even or tied with Republicans in (admittedly spotty) polling averages of seven marquee Senate races. Since June 24, when the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade and restored abortion law to the political sphere, Democrats have outperformed their expected margins in special elections. The reversal of Roe has mobilized an important Democratic constituency: voters, especially women, with high levels of educational attainment. On August 2, Kansans dealt pro-life forces a setback by defeating a referendum that would have forbidden state judges from reading abortion rights into the state constitution. On August 23, Democrat Pat Ryan defeated Republican Marc Molinaro in a closely watched congressional special election in New York. Ryan staked his campaign on preserving abortion rights. Molinaro focused on inflation. Voters had a clear-cut choice between the two parties’ messages. Abortion won.
Bifurcation works in paradoxical ways. The last two Democratic presidents had terrible midterms but rebounded in time for reelection. That might not happen with Biden. The electorate views him so poorly that it may be difficult for him to recover — and his job will be more difficult still if surprising Democratic strength in November deprives him of Republican foils in Congress. CNN’s July poll found that 75 percent of Democrats want someone other than Biden to run for president in 2024. The most important number in the Pew poll was 35 percent. It’s the percentage of voters who say Biden is “mentally sharp.” He’s not getting sharper.
The safe bet is that undecided voters will swing toward the opposition party in the closing days of the campaign. In this likely scenario, Biden’s dismal approval rating will bring down the Democratic congressional majorities. That, after all, is how the world works. And yet the world hasn’t been working as expected for the last six years.

When you have only one party, that party will use the state apparatus to persecute dissenters and cement its base.
The burning question: Who or what has neutered the Republican Party?
Meanwhile, Biden plays his role tagging Republicans as "almost semi-fascists"
Expect Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie campaigners to drop the 'Almost' tag.
Nonetheless, the actions of Biden and his handlers continued attack on Trump and his supporters sways the pendulum back to GOP.
The Republican Party went all in for Trump, but didn’t care that Trump was and is unpopular in a way that Biden isn’t.

Same with abortion. The strict anti abortion policies aren’t actually all that popular.

The Republican Party cant stop playing to their increasingly isolated base.
The Democrat Party's 2022 campaign theme is that the GOP are "evil", "fascist", "racists", and a "threat to democracy" and a "threat to America"
These some of the things that they have been saying lately.
The Democrat Party is a crazy political cult that is driven by hate and fueled by ignorance.
When you have only one party, that party will use the state apparatus to persecute dissenters and cement its base.
We are almost there as America sleeps away.

The burning question: Who or what has neutered the Republican Party?
Just look to see where their money comes from. Who is Mitch married to? A Chinese who has ties to China?

Meanwhile, Biden plays his role tagging Republicans as "almost semi-fascists"
Joe is the Great Uniter! Don't you feel really "united?"

Expect Maoist/DSA Democrat Commie campaigners to drop the 'Almost' tag.
Sure to happen any day now. An old Soviet trick to commit a crime while accusing those trying to expose you as the actual criminals. Then arrest them and make them disappear.
And yet the world hasn’t been working as expected for the last six years.
Thank Trump. He has rewritten the political playbook.

When you have only one party, that party will use the state apparatus to persecute dissenters and cement its base.
The burning question: Who or what has neutered the Republican Party?
They have hitched their wagon to Trump. He has turned the GOP into his personal cult. As unpopular as Biden may be, Trump, at least to those not in his cult, is way more scary. Probably the only GOP candidate Biden would beat in 2024 is Trump.
Thank Trump. He has rewritten the political playbook.
Pretty amazing feat considering he is far outside of the political domain barely in it for four years. Doesn't say much about career politicians like Biden and Pelosi. Have they rewritten anything?

They have hitched their wagon to Trump.
Of course. In Trump, people see hope finally in getting a government back working FOR the people instead of against them.

He has turned the GOP into his personal cult.
A lot of democrats voted for Trump. Trump has turned nothing though; people strongly align themselves so passionately to Trump automatically and naturally only because the pressed suits in DC otherwise offered by the DNC and the GOP have so greatly disappointed and dismayed the voter. Maybe if you guys weren't doing so bad a job, folks would have no need for Trump, so really, the success of Trump's "cult" is really an INDICTMENT ON THE HORRENDOUS STATE the federal government is otherwise in.

As unpopular as Biden may be, Trump is way more scary.
Only to the totally brainwashed and clueless like you. Literally every dire thing the left claimed of Trump when he ran in 2016 turned out to only be true of Joe Biden.

Probably the only GOP candidate Biden would beat in 2024 is Trump.
I wouldn't bet my life on that. Street polls taken of Biden voters show that many of them say that had they known then what they know now of Biden hidden from them by the leftwing media, they WOULDN'T HAVE VOTED FOR JOE.

Chances are good now that if run today, Joe couldn't win reelection against a box of old shoes. Even democrats are begging him to please not run again.
Pretty amazing feat considering he is far outside of the political domain barely in it for four years. Doesn't say much about career politicians like Biden and Pelosi. Have they rewritten anything?
Thankfully they have not. Rewriting a masterpiece is usually not a good thing.

Of course. In Trump, people see hope finally in getting a government back working FOR the people instead of against them.
That was Trump's promise, a promise still waiting to be kept. How do you like Trump's healthcare plan?

A lot of democrats voted for Trump. Trump has turned nothing though; people strongly align themselves so passionately to Trump automatically and naturally only because the pressed suits in DC otherwise offered by the DNC and the GOP have so greatly disappointed and dismayed the voter. Maybe if you guys weren't doing so bad a job, folks would have no need for Trump, so really, the success of Trump's "cult" is really an INDICTMENT ON THE HORRENDOUS STATE the federal government is otherwise in.
It is not the polices of Trump that make his so popular, there are plenty of other conservatives out there. It is the loyalty to the man himself that says to me he is a cult leader.

Only to the totally brainwashed and clueless like you. Literally every dire thing the left claimed of Trump when he ran in 2016 turned out to only be true of Joe Biden.
You may cling to the fantasy that the last election was fraudulent but I don't share that and the results say to me that people came out in records numbers to vote against Trump.

I wouldn't bet my life on that. Street polls taken of Biden voters show that many of them say that had they known then what they know now of Biden hidden from them by the leftwing media, they WOULDN'T HAVE VOTED FOR JOE.

Chances are good now that if run today, Joe couldn't win reelection against a box of old shoes. Even democrats are begging him to please not run again.
Is the GOP begging Trump to run again?
That was Trump's promise, a promise still waiting to be kept. How do you like Trump's healthcare plan?
A president is just one branch of the government with limited power; when McCain blocked his attempts at Obummacare reform, did you wan't Trump to overstep congress autocratically like a dictator?

It is not the polices of Trump that make his so popular, there are plenty of other conservatives out there.
His policies are what makes him popular with me, and the fact that he is willing to really fight for them in a way I haven't seen other republicans do. Sure, lots of conservatives, but so many of them end up just talking a lot and never getting anything done or even exposing themselves as RINOs more concerned with preserving party politics and compromise than anything else.

It is the loyalty to the man himself that says to me he is a cult leader.
It is the fact that he is the lone person to come along in at least 40 years who actually speaks to the minds and hearts of what real, patriotic, constitutional conservatives care about and want with a real intent to deliver. If Trump seems a little self-preoccupied, he deserves to be because unlike anyone else on the GOP side, he actually tackled the real issues they only talk about and really got stuff done.

You may cling to the fantasy that the last election was fraudulent
I don't need to when there is such overwhelming proof that it was, including the Left and about 50 leftwing organizations who ADMITTED to the steal in national print! But hey, whatever proof you have that this is all fantasy, I'll ask you again along with 50 other people here that I'm all ears! Lay it on me baby! I'm waiting!

but I don't share that and the results say to me that people came out in records numbers to vote against Trump.
That may possibly be true but that is just your OPINION, which means you don't really know whether the fraud claims are true or not, you just choose to believe so, meantime, Trump's popularity soared during his term and continues to grow to this day, which only ADDS to the confusion about how so many people could have voted against Trump while his being so popular all of the rest of the time! And what does it say for the voter if they were so against Trump (largely through four years of incessant attacks by the Left which is what everyone was really so sick of) that they would rather vote for a dirtball like Biden who has turned out a hundred times worse than Trump in his actual policies and handling of the nation and world?
Don’t overestimate the appeal of Trump. It has only shrunk since his time in office.
I don't. Just as you shouldn't underestimate the unpopularity of Biden. The only ones left in his camp are those far leftists with their hand out.
A president is just one branch of the government with limited power; when McCain blocked his attempts at Obummacare reform, did you wan't Trump to overstep congress autocratically like a dictator?
Trump didn't offer an alternative plan, it was just one of many GOP attempts to end Obamacare. Besides, Trump had a GOP House and Senate, if he couldn't put a plan together he was too lazy, incompetent, or disinterested to make something happen. Biden managed to get bills passed with only 50 Senators and one of them was Manchin.

His policies are what makes him popular with me, and the fact that he is willing to really fight for them in a way I haven't seen other republicans do. Sure, lots of conservatives, but so many of them end up just talking a lot and never getting anything done or even exposing themselves as RINOs more concerned with preserving party politics and compromise than anything else.
You certainly have a right to your opinion but every time I see the term RINO, like the bell in It's a Wonderful Life, another Dem gets elected.

It is the fact that he is the lone person to come along in at least 40 years who actually speaks to the minds and hearts of what real, patriotic, constitutional conservatives care about and want with a real intent to deliver. If Trump seems a little self-preoccupied, he deserves to be because unlike anyone else on the GOP side, he actually tackled the real issues they only talk about and really got stuff done.
Again, you're welcome to your opinion, in mine though he is just telling people what they want to hear: you want a wall? don't worry, Mexico will pay for it...

I don't need to when there is such overwhelming proof that it was, including the Left and about 50 leftwing organizations who ADMITTED to the steal in national print! But hey, whatever proof you have that this is all fantasy, I'll ask you again along with 50 other people here that I'm all ears! Lay it on me baby! I'm waiting!
Sorry but I can't prove a negative. However you can point me to the 50 leftwing organizations who ADMITTED to the steal in national print! Sounds like BS to me but I'd like to see it for myself.

That may possibly be true but that is just your OPINION, which means you don't really know whether the fraud claims are true or not, you just choose to believe so,
Not my opinion, the results of countless recounts, 'forensic' audits, investigations and court cases.

meantime, Trump's popularity soared during his term and continues to grow to this day, which only ADDS to the confusion about how so many people could have voted against Trump while his being so popular all of the rest of the time!
More delusion:

And what does it say for the voter if they were so against Trump (largely through four years of incessant attacks by the Left which is what everyone was really so sick of) that they would rather vote for a dirtball like Biden who has turned out a hundred times worse than Trump in his actual policies and handling of the nation and world?
More opinion. I for one am relieved that Trump is no longer President. I know many just like me.
Trump didn't offer an alternative plan, it was just one of many GOP attempts to end Obamacare.
It wasn't up to Trump! It was up to the GOP who for years said that if they just had the Senate and the House how they would reform it, then when voters gave them all that + the WH too, they balked, did nothing, with McCain flying back to DC with a tumor in his head just to shoot down Trump's efforts to remove one small aspect of it.

if he couldn't put a plan together he was too lazy, incompetent, or disinterested to make something happen.
Wrong again. Trump got absolutely no support from the democrats and precious little from the GOP.

Biden managed to get bills passed with only 50 Senators and one of them was Manchin.
Don't forget the RINOs who jump ship to help the Dems every time needed.

However you can point me to the 50 leftwing organizations who ADMITTED to the steal in national print!
I've posted the list many times.

Time Shadow Election Commission.png

Here are three random articles I pulled covering the event + links to the original spin offered by Time/Molly Ball. Read them all carefully.

I for one am relieved that Trump is no longer President. I know many just like me.
Then relish in $6.00 diesel, food shortages, three wars looming and gestapo-like methods being used against citizens as Joe blows a trillion dollars "stimulating" the economy by making taxpayers pay down school loan defaulters and another trillion spent "fighting inflation" by funding more leftwing causes as millions spill across our borders illegally and undocumented! At least you don't have wavy orange hair and mean tweets!!!! :smoke:
It wasn't up to Trump! It was up to the GOP who for years said that if they just had the Senate and the House how they would reform it, then when voters gave them all that + the WH too, they balked, did nothing, with McCain flying back to DC with a tumor in his head just to shoot down Trump's efforts to remove one small aspect of it.
But, but, but... Trump campaigned on HIS healthcare plan that we'd all love, he never said it was a GOP plan, it was HIS plan. I'm sure it was great but we're all still waiting to see it. Trump promised a plan that obviously never existed, you can't blame the GOP for Trump's failure.

Wrong again. Trump got absolutely no support from the democrats and precious little from the GOP.
How much GOP help did Biden get on his recent bill? Zero. Yet he got it passed. Whatever you think of Biden, he knows the Congress and how it works. Trump was clueless.

Don't forget the RINOs who jump ship to help the Dems every time needed.
Bi-partisan is a dirty word? Even if it is in the interest of the country?

Here are three random articles I pulled covering the event + links to the original spin offered by Time/Molly Ball. Read them all carefully.

They are all based on the Time report of the effort to SAVE the election, not rig it. Did you bother to read it? If not, here are some excerpts:
  • The handshake between business and labor was just one component of a vast, cross-partisan campaign to protect the election–an extraordinary shadow effort dedicated not to winning the vote but to ensuring it would be free and fair, credible and uncorrupted.
  • Though much of this activity took place on the left, it was separate from the Biden campaign and crossed ideological lines, with crucial contributions by nonpartisan and conservative actors.
  • The scenario the shadow campaigners were desperate to stop was not a Trump victory. It was an election so calamitous that no result could be discerned at all, a failure of the central act of democratic self-governance that has been a hallmark of America since its founding.
  • They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.

Then relish in $6.00 diesel, food shortages, three wars looming and gestapo-like methods being used against citizens as Joe blows a trillion dollars "stimulating" the economy by making taxpayers pay down school loan defaulters and another trillion spent "fighting inflation" by funding more leftwing causes as millions spill across our borders illegally and undocumented! At least you don't have wavy orange hair and mean tweets!!!! :smoke:
Sorry to tell you but I think the country is in fine shape. We've always had issues, Putin is to blame for some recent ones, but the state of the union is just fine without Trump.
But, but, but... Trump campaigned on HIS healthcare plan that we'd all love, he never said it was a GOP plan, it was HIS plan. I'm sure it was great but we're all still waiting to see it. Trump promised a plan that obviously never existed, you can't blame the GOP for Trump's failure.
Really can't say. Presidents don't make policy, so I'm sure whatever he had in mind was some plan he intended to float by Congress and best I can recall now, the assholes in the GOP were almost as bad as the Dems and had like 8 years they told us that they were going to fix everything in healthcare with a whole NEW approach if only they were given the chance then when Trump got in, they were standing there with their dicks in their hands-- -- part of the reason why I'm no longer a republican and can't stand the sight of the party for the most part, but I wouldn't blame Trump for something that maybe he thought that the GOP had or would do or even maybe promised to Trump then never delivered. But that is all just speculation.

How much GOP help did Biden get on his recent bill?
Joe's gotten a whole lot of help from the GOP the past 19 months on most everything he has passed; far more than the Dems ever gave Trump, which was ZILCH.

Whatever you think of Biden, he knows the Congress and how it works.
No, Joe knows the democrats and they are all buddies having spent nearly a half a century schmoozing with them and had both the House and the Senate totally on his side because remember, Biden is just a hood ornament for the DNC now, he isn't driving anything. Somebody else wants this stuff passed and is scripting nearly every word and action out of Joe's mouth, so naturally he's getting stuff passed because Obama and Susan Rice and others in both houses are behind his agenda so naturally he's getting stuff passed because all he needs is Kammy to punch the ticket for him then all he does is sign it.

Trump was clueless.
Trump is a businessman who, like the Founders wanted, stepped out from his regular job to serve his country for a few years and was depending on others in DC as his advisors and consultants to give him good info but instead, all he got was mostly a bunch of RINOS while others were spying, leaking, even wiretapping some of his operations constantly trying to obstruct and trip him up. So again, you can't really compare apples and oranges here when Biden is getting everything handed his way even the media covers for him while Trump was fighting a totally upstream battle. If I can fault Trump for anything, it was promising stuff over the top then not being able to deliver it because he either overestimated his support in Congress or underestimated the bureaucracy and corruption he would have to contend with there--- a condition for which he no longer suffers from having now spent 4 years dealing with DC, but which I see no way he won't have the same problem again or worse if he was reelected as Mitch is already trying to throw his own party under the bus hoping it will keep Trump out of office.

Just imagine how unsuccessful Joe would be right now if he had Nancy, Chuck and many others actually working to block his policies!

Bi-partisan is a dirty word? Even if it is in the interest of the country?
So what are you saying? That the ENDS justify the MEANS? But wait, isn't that what Trump is criticized for in hoping to offer alternate electors? Here you are trying to pride the DNC and Joe on the very thing Trump was IMPEACHED for! There's is that old elitist, progressive double standard again.

They are all based on the Time report of the effort to SAVE the election, not rig it.
Yes, SAVE the election FROM TRUMP WINNING IT. Obviously you didn't really read my links if you still don't consider it rigging, but if the GOP and Trump had done the same things to SAVE the 2012 election from Obumma winning it, it would have been a whole new Watergate and Mueller-Russia investigation all over again spending tens of millions of dollars and years sparing NO EXPENSE getting to the bottom again of "Trump's corruption." Gee, you just can't seem to avoid tripping over that double-standard again.

Sorry to tell you but I think the country is in fine shape.
The country is in the worst recession and stagflation in 40 years with the highest fuel, energy and housing costs ever, food and supply chain breakdowns, 1 in 6 close to getting their electricity shut off, soaring spending and debt, almost third-world-level crime in the big cities, at war with or nearly so with three countries, none of which directly benefit the USA, government agencies acting like a police state, while 2 million illegals from all around the world are pouring in each year, and you think we are doing fine--- WOW. Just WOW.
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