The Newest Liberal Lie About Trump . . .

The liberal media LIES, the sky is blue, the earth orbits the sun, and liberals lie. Hence why president Trump calls them out as Fake News.
The liberal media is one sided has been always

No they don't. You just don't like the reality what is being broadcast.
Yet you patronized Infowars, Breitbart, National Enquirer, Hannity and all other right wing alt right group media.

Your Fake News organizations are biased beyond belief. Fortunately we elected a president with the balls to call you people liars.

Where are your links?

In reality we have a clown puppet president. The whole world is laughing at us. Popularity both here and abroad are historically very low. He does not represent the whole USA. Sad.
The only thing people are laughing at, mainly in disbelief, is at the liberal fringe continuing to act on behalf of Russia as they take their marching orders and carry them out. Creating chaos in America was the goal and retarded liberal everywhere are doing their best to follow orders.

That is very funny mr. Bond.

Who created all these Russia scandals? Did the liberals created or Trump himself?
Who is creating all these chaos, or these self inflicted wounds? The liberals or Trump?

Maybe you are forgetting something. Any chaos in this country --------- the President is responsible. And his job is calm the country fuck down. Instead ------- continued display of arrogance, bullying, inciting violence and dividing this country bigly. Mucho Sad. This NOT Making America Great.

Lastly----- With or without collusions. You should ask yourself-------- Why is Trump support Putin against his own intelligence? Why is he keep kissing Putin ass? What is there to gain? Why is he acting like he owe Putin a favor?
The liberal media is one sided has been always

No they don't. You just don't like the reality what is being broadcast.
Yet you patronized Infowars, Breitbart, National Enquirer, Hannity and all other right wing alt right group media.

Your Fake News organizations are biased beyond belief. Fortunately we elected a president with the balls to call you people liars.

Where are your links?

In reality we have a clown puppet president. The whole world is laughing at us. Popularity both here and abroad are historically very low. He does not represent the whole USA. Sad.
The only thing people are laughing at, mainly in disbelief, is at the liberal fringe continuing to act on behalf of Russia as they take their marching orders and carry them out. Creating chaos in America was the goal and retarded liberal everywhere are doing their best to follow orders.

That is very funny mr. Bond.

Who created all these Russia scandals? Did the liberals created or Trump himself?
Who is creating all these chaos, or these self inflicted wounds? The liberals or Trump?

Maybe you are forgetting something. Any chaos in this country --------- the President is responsible. And his job is calm the country fuck down. Instead ------- continued display of arrogance, bullying, inciting violence and dividing this country bigly. Mucho Sad. This NOT Making America Great.

Lastly----- With or without collusions. You should ask yourself-------- Why is Trump support Putin against his own intelligence? Why is he keep kissing Putin ass? What is there to gain? Why is he acting like he owe Putin a favor?
did you really write this garbage? wow.

First off, the russia scandal is a witch hunt created by libturds.

the fking calm that is needed is from libturd representatives

collusion is a libturd dream/ nightmare.

have a nice day
The liberal media is one sided has been always

No they don't. You just don't like the reality what is being broadcast.
Yet you patronized Infowars, Breitbart, National Enquirer, Hannity and all other right wing alt right group media.

Your Fake News organizations are biased beyond belief. Fortunately we elected a president with the balls to call you people liars.

Where are your links?

In reality we have a clown puppet president. The whole world is laughing at us. Popularity both here and abroad are historically very low. He does not represent the whole USA. Sad.
The only thing people are laughing at, mainly in disbelief, is at the liberal fringe continuing to act on behalf of Russia as they take their marching orders and carry them out. Creating chaos in America was the goal and retarded liberal everywhere are doing their best to follow orders.

That is very funny mr. Bond.

Who created all these Russia scandals? Did the liberals created or Trump himself?
Who is creating all these chaos, or these self inflicted wounds? The liberals or Trump?

Maybe you are forgetting something. Any chaos in this country --------- the President is responsible. And his job is calm the country fuck down. Instead ------- continued display of arrogance, bullying, inciting violence and dividing this country bigly. Mucho Sad. This NOT Making America Great.

Lastly----- With or without collusions. You should ask yourself-------- Why is Trump support Putin against his own intelligence? Why is he keep kissing Putin ass? What is there to gain? Why is he acting like he owe Putin a favor?
Liberals purchased a dossier from Russian intelligence. That is when this BS started.

How exactly is Trump supporting Putin? Did he approve a massive Uranium sale to Russia?
When Trump builds the wall, deports the illegals and (hopefully) makes the ID required for voting, Dems will start losing all the elections. They BADLY need illegals in this country otherwise they don't have a future.
Show me proof 3,000 illegals voted. Trump couldn't do it and neither can you.

No American should want their vote cancelled out by someone without the right to vote. Dead voters still voting is also an issue. For whatever BS reason, the Dems refuse to verify voters. Voter ID combined with stricter requirements to register would be a start. States that hand out drivers licenses and state ID's like candy to illegals should face additional scrutiny. Similar to Federal oversight of Southern states voting requirements and changes to voter laws.

The world is not flat. Of the 50 states 44 states rejected Trump request. That includes Kansas where Kobach SOS and one republican SOS of Mississippi told Trump to jump in the Gulf of Mexico.
With mounting opposition from all over US and law suits---------- Trump finally back off ( chicken ).

At least 44 states have rejected the Trump voter fraud commission’s sweeping data request - Vox

Trump's election panel puts hold on voter data request
When Trump builds the wall, deports the illegals and (hopefully) makes the ID required for voting, Dems will start losing all the elections. They BADLY need illegals in this country otherwise they don't have a future.
Show me proof 3,000 illegals voted. Trump couldn't do it and neither can you.

No American should want their vote cancelled out by someone without the right to vote. Dead voters still voting is also an issue. For whatever BS reason, the Dems refuse to verify voters. Voter ID combined with stricter requirements to register would be a start. States that hand out drivers licenses and state ID's like candy to illegals should face additional scrutiny. Similar to Federal oversight of Southern states voting requirements and changes to voter laws.

The world is not flat. Of the 50 states 44 states rejected Trump request. That includes Kansas where Kobach SOS and one republican SOS of Mississippi told Trump to jump in the Gulf of Mexico.
With mounting opposition from all over US and law suits---------- Trump finally back off ( chicken ).

At least 44 states have rejected the Trump voter fraud commission’s sweeping data request - Vox

Trump's election panel puts hold on voter data request
Pretty sure he is not done investigating voter fraud. I understand the challenges states are having with releasing private info. There are multiple ways to go about tackling this issue.
No they don't. You just don't like the reality what is being broadcast.
Yet you patronized Infowars, Breitbart, National Enquirer, Hannity and all other right wing alt right group media.

Your Fake News organizations are biased beyond belief. Fortunately we elected a president with the balls to call you people liars.

Where are your links?

In reality we have a clown puppet president. The whole world is laughing at us. Popularity both here and abroad are historically very low. He does not represent the whole USA. Sad.
The only thing people are laughing at, mainly in disbelief, is at the liberal fringe continuing to act on behalf of Russia as they take their marching orders and carry them out. Creating chaos in America was the goal and retarded liberal everywhere are doing their best to follow orders.

That is very funny mr. Bond.

Who created all these Russia scandals? Did the liberals created or Trump himself?
Who is creating all these chaos, or these self inflicted wounds? The liberals or Trump?

Maybe you are forgetting something. Any chaos in this country --------- the President is responsible. And his job is calm the country fuck down. Instead ------- continued display of arrogance, bullying, inciting violence and dividing this country bigly. Mucho Sad. This NOT Making America Great.

Lastly----- With or without collusions. You should ask yourself-------- Why is Trump support Putin against his own intelligence? Why is he keep kissing Putin ass? What is there to gain? Why is he acting like he owe Putin a favor?
did you really write this garbage? wow.

First off, the russia scandal is a witch hunt created by libturds.

the fking calm that is needed is from libturd representatives

collusion is a libturd dream/ nightmare.

have a nice day
So what if it is a witch hunt? As Republicans proved with Clinton, witch hunts can pay off politically.
View attachment 138938
there will be a beautiful secure border wall combined as physical and high tech. some people thought Trump would never run for President. he did.
She could end up in prison.
Whenever I read your posts I always think," a mind is a terrible thing to waste."
Proving that the wacko lefts supports crime.
Another mind numbingly stupid comment, but what we've become accustomed with you. Plus it had NOTHING to do with what you responded to.
Are you senile like Agent orange?
The liberal media LIES, the sky is blue, the earth orbits the sun, and liberals lie. Hence why president Trump calls them out as Fake News.
Interesting how you ignore fact checkers have proven more lies in his first 5 months than all the presidents combined.
Facts are like kryptonite to you.
proven to whom ? you should back this up.
Pants on fire lies by the liar in Chief.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
I bet you still think he's an honest man. Lol
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All during the campaign last year, time and again Trump talked about building a full wall across the southern border, complete, with the caveat said repeatedly that this would not necessitate a contiguous wall from end to end, that in many places it was neither necessary or possible, but to complete the wall across the south everywhere possible that ic could be built and was NEEDED.

Jump forward one year and now that Trump is saying the same thing, the LA Times and countless others are claiming Trump is reneging, backing off from his promise, anything they can say and do to try to harm his efforts and presidency. Now, I know they followed this stuff closely, so had to have heard what he said last year many times. All the Left cares about is making his presidency one term, and it being four wasted years with all the citizens and taxpayers of this country left twisting in the wind is their desperate power grab to regain the office. And of course, now the bleating sheep of the democrats will pile in now to try to say they aren't doing anything, that it is all Trump doing it to himself! But of course we know that is not true, not when you have the arm of a hostile media working to advance your every story-line.
This is what they are doing.


Instead of building an expensive wall, Trump should just offer to by China's great wall....

Trumpbots are too stupid to know the difference anyway....

They'll be 'winning' again!
Read The DNC Oppo Research book and The Fake Dossier. The Democrat Party invented Thousands of Lies to attack Trump with.

All we are seeing now is their play book. The Oppo Research book was 300 plus pages so they have enough material to lob a fake accusation grenade about every day or week for about 4 years.

What we are discussing now was plotted out over two years ago.

Here’s the leaked opposition research document on Donald Trump that’s circulating the web


opposition research IS nothing new.

but willingly & wanting to accept it after knowing it's coming from a foreign adversarial state?... that is CONsidered a bozo no-no.

Says who?
View attachment 138938
there will be a beautiful secure border wall combined as physical and high tech. some people thought Trump would never run for President. he did.
She could end up in prison.
Whenever I read your posts I always think," a mind is a terrible thing to waste."
Proving that the wacko lefts supports crime.
Another mind numbingly stupid comment, but what we've become accustomed with you. Plus it had NOTHING to do with what you responded to.
Are you senile like Agent orange?
Trump is not senile and you support crime. You've proven it.
The liberal media LIES, the sky is blue, the earth orbits the sun, and liberals lie. Hence why president Trump calls them out as Fake News.
Interesting how you ignore fact checkers have proven more lies in his first 5 months than all the presidents combined.
Facts are like kryptonite to you.
proven to whom ? you should back this up.
Pants on fire lies by the liar in Chief.

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
I bet you still think he's an honest man. Lol

So, your side lies more you don't have a leg to stand on.
That's a great idea.

I think bringing back public hangings for rapists, child sex abuse, murderers, people who leak classified information, Jihadists and terrorists needs to happen.

Fun for the whole family!
I'll bring the popcorn.


BTW I am also for Zero Tolerance for drug dealers in shitholes like Chicago.

And I think people should be Mandated in places like Chicago to possess a firearm and be trained how to use it.

If a citizen guns down a drug dealer for any reason and it's proven they are a drug dealer NO CHARGES!

In fact give them a MEDAL and give the citizen with the most drug dealer kills in a year 10 Million dollars!

Dear Putin's Menstrual Pad:

Fusion GPS has Operatives in Foreign Countries so was the DNC allowed to receive any so called "research" from them?

Was James Comey allowed to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier created by Fusion GPS paid for by the Democrat Party and given to an Ex British Spy?

Was the DNC and The Clinton Campaign allowed to meet with Ukrainian Spies in The Ukrainian Embassy to get "information" on Trump and to plot ways to smear him?

Yah your DemFuck Party did that.

Information or attempts to acquire information are not illegal.

Here is some information for you. Get out of my country and go back to Libphuckistan and out yourself. Don't forget to pack a parachute!


opposition research IS nothing new.

but willingly wanting to accept it when it's coming from a foreign adversarial state?... that is CONsidered a bozo no-no.

^^^ :cuckoo:^^^

good for you sweety. why not have amerika adopt duterte's practice on how to eradicate the drug 'problem'. your tribbleheaded overlord certainly admires it.

lol. then you need move there, twiglet. we still have due process. you know.... from that thing called the CONSTITUTION.
Dear Stalin's Anal Vibrator.

Why even waste your breath arguing with the likes of Obama's Plaything or TyroneSlophead? You are not debating with a person where there is any hope of exchanging real ideas and information, you are dealing with 4th grade mentalities that merely respond like a dronebot kicking out insipid cartoons and venal invectives to everything they read.

They probably sit around in their massively free time coloring with crayons in some Donald Trump coloring book.

projection on your part. you are so freaking desperate in that diatribe, it's funny as hell.
Read The DNC Oppo Research book and The Fake Dossier. The Democrat Party invented Thousands of Lies to attack Trump with.

All we are seeing now is their play book. The Oppo Research book was 300 plus pages so they have enough material to lob a fake accusation grenade about every day or week for about 4 years.

What we are discussing now was plotted out over two years ago.

Here’s the leaked opposition research document on Donald Trump that’s circulating the web


opposition research IS nothing new.

but willingly & wanting to accept it after knowing it's coming from a foreign adversarial state?... that is CONsidered a bozo no-no.

Says who?

Watchdogs to DOJ: Trump Jr. meeting broke campaign finance laws
By Megan R. Wilson - 07/13/17 03:38 PM EDT

President Trump’s eldest son and top campaign aides violated campaign finance laws by accepting a meeting with a Russian lawyer who promised dirt on Hillary Clinton, according to a complaint filed by a trio of government watchdog groups.

In emails sent during the presidential campaign, Donald Trump Jr. was promised that a meeting with Kremlin-linked lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya would be able to provide “the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful.”

Trump Jr. took the meeting with Veselnitskaya, which was also attended by then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, who was also a top campaign aide.

In a complaint filed to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and the Justice Department, Common Cause, the Campaign Legal Center and Democracy 21 allege that accepting and attending the meeting amounted to soliciting an illegal campaign contribution from a foreign national.
The emails to Trump Jr. explicitly stated that the offer of information about Clinton, then the Democratic nominee for president, was “part of Russia and its governments’ support for Mr. Trump” and had been proffered by the “Crown prosecutor of Russia.”

Trump Jr. responded, “I love it especially later in the summer,” according to an email chain that was forwarded to Manafort and Kushner.

Both the meeting and the exchange violated the Federal Election Campaign Act, according to the groups.

The pretext for the meeting, providing negative information about Trump’s opponent, represents an in-kind campaign contribution, they say.

The law makes it illegal for a foreign national to directly or indirectly make a “contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation” relating to an election. An advisory opinion from the FEC states the “thing of value” does not have to come at an actual cost.

Trump Jr.’s willingness to accept the opposition research means that he, under the law, solicited that in-kind donation.
"a trio of government watchdog groups..."

Can you get any more pathetic?

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