The Newest Liberal Lie About Trump . . .

When Trump builds the wall, deports the illegals and (hopefully) makes the ID required for voting, Dems will start losing all the elections. They BADLY need illegals in this country otherwise they don't have a future.
Show me proof 3,000 illegals voted. Trump couldn't do it and neither can you.

He's trying to show us but some states don't want to show their rolls, I wonder why.

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You seriously nedd a REAL history lesson, or you need to ask some of the generation who lived through these years before the GREAT society destruction. DAMN fools shouldn't be allowed to touch a keyboard.
I remember those years

Great time to be white and male
When Trump builds the wall, deports the illegals and (hopefully) makes the ID required for voting, Dems will start losing all the elections. They BADLY need illegals in this country otherwise they don't have a future.

I've lived in 5 different states in the past 45 years and I had to show my Dl and voter id card every time I voted. So what states don't require it?
That's a great idea.

I think bringing back public hangings for rapists, child sex abuse, murderers, people who leak classified information, Jihadists and terrorists needs to happen.

Fun for the whole family!
I'll bring the popcorn.


BTW I am also for Zero Tolerance for drug dealers in shitholes like Chicago.

And I think people should be Mandated in places like Chicago to possess a firearm and be trained how to use it.

If a citizen guns down a drug dealer for any reason and it's proven they are a drug dealer NO CHARGES!

In fact give them a MEDAL and give the citizen with the most drug dealer kills in a year 10 Million dollars!

Dear Putin's Menstrual Pad:

Fusion GPS has Operatives in Foreign Countries so was the DNC allowed to receive any so called "research" from them?

Was James Comey allowed to pay $30,000 for a Fake Dossier created by Fusion GPS paid for by the Democrat Party and given to an Ex British Spy?

Was the DNC and The Clinton Campaign allowed to meet with Ukrainian Spies in The Ukrainian Embassy to get "information" on Trump and to plot ways to smear him?

Yah your DemFuck Party did that.

Information or attempts to acquire information are not illegal.

Here is some information for you. Get out of my country and go back to Libphuckistan and out yourself. Don't forget to pack a parachute!

Read The DNC Oppo Research book and The Fake Dossier. The Democrat Party invented Thousands of Lies to attack Trump with.

All we are seeing now is their play book. The Oppo Research book was 300 plus pages so they have enough material to lob a fake accusation grenade about every day or week for about 4 years.

What we are discussing now was plotted out over two years ago.

Here’s the leaked opposition research document on Donald Trump that’s circulating the web


opposition research IS nothing new.

but willingly wanting to accept it when it's coming from a foreign adversarial state?... that is CONsidered a bozo no-no.

^^^ :cuckoo:^^^

good for you sweety. why not have amerika adopt duterte's practice on how to eradicate the drug 'problem'. your tribbleheaded overlord certainly admires it.
Trump was never consistent on the length or even the height of the wall. That is how you could tell he was lying.
He also promised it would be built so quickly "it will make your head spin".

That is so dumb, I am embarrassed for you. Do you seriously want to proffer that crap as what you think? How can he tell you the exact specs on a wall that he has been steadily getting bids on and various designs from many people on? Every option is being considered. And in case you don't know, construction of the wall begins this January. Pretty good considering other politicians have talked about it for more than 60 years.

Oh and besides, even without the wall, last I heard, illegals coming in are down something like 70%.
The left doesn't want Trump to be a one term president. They want him dead. They want him dead, his entire family dead and everyone who voted for him dead.

That's why they have to be fought with brickbats in the streets if necessary.
Dear Stalin's Anal Vibrator.

Why even waste your breath arguing with the likes of Obama's Plaything or TyroneSlophead? You are not debating with a person where there is any hope of exchanging real ideas and information, you are dealing with 4th grade mentalities that merely respond like a dronebot kicking out insipid cartoons and venal invectives to everything they read.

They probably sit around in their massively free time coloring with crayons in some Donald Trump coloring book.
The only spec that The President needs to get right is Illegals and liberals on The Mexican side to stay once it's built!

Trump was never consistent on the length or even the height of the wall. That is how you could tell he was lying.
He also promised it would be built so quickly "it will make your head spin".

That is so dumb, I am embarrassed for you. Do you seriously want to proffer that crap as what you think? How can he tell you the exact specs on a wall that he has been steadily getting bids on and various designs from many people on? Every option is being considered. And in case you don't know, construction of the wall begins this January. Pretty good considering other politicians have talked about it for more than 60 years.

Oh and besides, even without the wall, last I heard, illegals coming in are down something like 70%.
The only spec that The President needs to get right is Illegals and liberals on The Mexican side to stay once it's built!

Mexico has a sweet deal. We take their people good and bad, mostly people who cannot or don't want to stay there, feed them, clothe them, deal with them, & give them jobs to send money back to Mexico!
When Trump builds the wall, deports the illegals and (hopefully) makes the ID required for voting, Dems will start losing all the elections. They BADLY need illegals in this country otherwise they don't have a future.

No dipstick. If you are right-------Then Hillary should be the president now. Don't you think?

If Putin stop killing his political opponents Putin will not win the election.
You should change your name to charmin. You are nothing more than a crappy ass wipe.

Is that best rebuttal you've got? You rebuttal proves you cannot discuss any kind of intellectual conversation.

I proved Stratford lied and obviously you have a problem.
How on Earth have you proved anything? Do you not know what proof is?

Yes I did. Your comrade lied.
Why don't you ask him to defend himself?
The liberal media LIES, the sky is blue, the earth orbits the sun, and liberals lie. Hence why president Trump calls them out as Fake News.
The liberal media is one sided has been always

No they don't. You just don't like the reality what is being broadcast.
Yet you patronized Infowars, Breitbart, National Enquirer, Hannity and all other right wing alt right group media.
The liberal media LIES, the sky is blue, the earth orbits the sun, and liberals lie. Hence why president Trump calls them out as Fake News.
The liberal media is one sided has been always

No they don't. You just don't like the reality what is being broadcast.
Yet you patronized Infowars, Breitbart, National Enquirer, Hannity and all other right wing alt right group media.

Your Fake News organizations are biased beyond belief. Fortunately we elected a president with the balls to call you people liars.
When Trump builds the wall, deports the illegals and (hopefully) makes the ID required for voting, Dems will start losing all the elections. They BADLY need illegals in this country otherwise they don't have a future.

No dipstick. If you are right-------Then Hillary should be the president now. Don't you think?

If Putin stop killing his political opponents Putin will not win the election.
You should change your name to charmin. You are nothing more than a crappy ass wipe.

Is that best rebuttal you've got? You rebuttal proves you cannot discuss any kind of intellectual conversation.

I proved Stratford lied and obviously you have a problem.
What I don't like about charmin ass wipe is it is just not strong enough to handle my proud American button.

What I do like is when an ass wipe like charmin does not satisfy my need I am free through the free market to choose an ass wipe that works better....for me.

You see, fucking communists hate COMPETITION, hate the free market, cannot stand loath opportunity for the poor and especially hate when the poor (especially if they are poor blacks) take advantage of that opportunity to improve their situation.

Charmin, you are an ass wipe. A loathsome crappy cheap pathetic ass wipe. A dumb fucking communist. That is all.

Look Dipstick you cannot even come in with an honest rebuttal yet you are talking nonsense. You are a weak and defective human being.

You are good example of a deplorable low class Trump supporter.
The liberal media LIES, the sky is blue, the earth orbits the sun, and liberals lie. Hence why president Trump calls them out as Fake News.
The liberal media is one sided has been always

No they don't. You just don't like the reality what is being broadcast.
Yet you patronized Infowars, Breitbart, National Enquirer, Hannity and all other right wing alt right group media.

Your Fake News organizations are biased beyond belief. Fortunately we elected a president with the balls to call you people liars.

Where are your links?

In reality we have a clown puppet president. The whole world is laughing at us. Popularity both here and abroad are historically very low. He does not represent the whole USA. Sad.
When Trump builds the wall, deports the illegals and (hopefully) makes the ID required for voting, Dems will start losing all the elections. They BADLY need illegals in this country otherwise they don't have a future.
Show me proof 3,000 illegals voted. Trump couldn't do it and neither can you.

No American should want their vote cancelled out by someone without the right to vote. Dead voters still voting is also an issue. For whatever BS reason, the Dems refuse to verify voters. Voter ID combined with stricter requirements to register would be a start. States that hand out drivers licenses and state ID's like candy to illegals should face additional scrutiny. Similar to Federal oversight of Southern states voting requirements and changes to voter laws.
The liberal media LIES, the sky is blue, the earth orbits the sun, and liberals lie. Hence why president Trump calls them out as Fake News.
The liberal media is one sided has been always

No they don't. You just don't like the reality what is being broadcast.
Yet you patronized Infowars, Breitbart, National Enquirer, Hannity and all other right wing alt right group media.

Your Fake News organizations are biased beyond belief. Fortunately we elected a president with the balls to call you people liars.

Where are your links?

In reality we have a clown puppet president. The whole world is laughing at us. Popularity both here and abroad are historically very low. He does not represent the whole USA. Sad.
The only thing people are laughing at, mainly in disbelief, is at the liberal fringe continuing to act on behalf of Russia as they take their marching orders and carry them out. Creating chaos in America was the goal and retarded liberal everywhere are doing their best to follow orders.
The liberal media LIES, the sky is blue, the earth orbits the sun, and liberals lie. Hence why president Trump calls them out as Fake News.
You mean Republicans FINALLY believe the earth is round and it orbits the sun? I thought they believed the universe orbits the earth.
When Trump builds the wall, deports the illegals and (hopefully) makes the ID required for voting, Dems will start losing all the elections. They BADLY need illegals in this country otherwise they don't have a future.
Show me proof 3,000 illegals voted. Trump couldn't do it and neither can you.

He's trying to show us but some states don't want to show their rolls, I wonder why.

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Kris asked for public information. There are legal concerns that varies from state to state. Verifying the name, address etc is easy. It's the last four of the SS number that most are worried about. So am I. The Feds have a horrific record regarding security of personnel information. Remember, under Obama people stole all of the information of every federal employee.

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